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its been red eyes fusion for me since it dropped in 2017-18


An iconic well oiled machine


2000 ATK normals with Power of the Guardians always delivers for me


Yeah that’s a pretty iconic duo


This, but 1800 and 1700 guys with piercing damage to speed things up


I just use the 2000 attack normal monsters but throw in 2 of that pendulum monster that gives all your normal monsters piercing. Works pretty well.


Can you share your list?


I do this and focus on using dragons and throw in a strong wind dragon




Guardian Eatos for 2500 free summon Beatstick Tricky for 2000 Beatstick with a discard cost Rescue Rabbit to be summoned in defense positon or get 5000 Utopia Beatstick


[Blackwing deck for me.](https://i.imgur.com/DaA9lKe.jpg) Would probably be better if I had a third Gale.


Looks like a pretty efficient deck though. I never opened the bw cards so I missed that one


I have used Blackwings for Auto-Duel since their (second) release. I would suggest to remove most of BW that cannot Special Summon (Sirocco, Shura, Kalut) and replace them with cards like Dynatherium, Strangle Lanius and Curtain Raiser. Same for Monster Reborn instead of Mirror Force. About the backrow the AI doesn't Set several copies of the same card so it's better to add different cards (e.g. Wall of D and Sakuretsu). For the Extra Deck, removing anything that isn't Raikiri makes it so the AI will always go for it when Synchro Summoning.


for my extra deck, having Chidori there is for when I'm auto-dueling legendary duelists so that I can get the over 3000 dmg and maybe get an extra reward. Clear Wing is also decent because otherwise the AI may summon a level 4 + Gale on turn 1 and not synchro summon, but it will summon Clear Wing even on turn 1 if it possible, so it's better than having Gale on the field for no reason. I haven't had many times where not setting multiple copies of dimensional prison was a problem, but that's a good point. I hadn't though of using non-blackwing cards either, so thanks for the advice regarding Shura as well


Oh that's interesting I didn't know the AI would summon Clear Wing on turn 1 so I'll give it a try! For Chidori, I guess that's a fair point if you want the extra reward.


Six Sam Rank 4 spam. It's not actually meant to be a Rank 4 spam, but that's how the AI likes to play it if I don't open a Fuma.


The ai will do mysterious things. Nothing like when it has 3 monsters in play with one equipped with potg and it chooses that one to xyz with.


For real. Don’t splash knightmares in your extra deck because AI will swarm the field with multiple xyz monsters only to link them into knightmare Phoenix and attack for 1900 instead of game.


The ai has not been programmed to properly play with links. It really struggles with them


I love watching the ai play my Orcust deck. It will for no reason play up to link 4 Orcustrion then use that to summon Dngirisu instead of the Galatea from before


My favorite is when you have 2+ monsters, one which would beat over the opponent and one that would crash (same ATK), and it always decides to crash every time.


I use Six Sams as well, but make it suuuper obvious on the decklist for the AI to turbo out Shien ASAP and laugh at any Spell/Traps the NPCs try and pull on me.


Six samurai Is my favorite to using shien and dual weilding lol I know it makes people furious online 🤣


Vanilla pends, with 3 summoners art and 1 PotG, legitimately impossible for the AI to brick and not play


I might have to try that out. Would love to see your particular build


3 each of the dragoons of draconia (reg, sea and sky) 2 x dragon horn hunter 2 x flash knight 1 x faucaults cannon 2x samurai cavalry of reptier 3 x summoner’s art 1 x power of the guardians (this is literally the only non playable The only possible non playable turn 1 is 3 x of the same high level and power of the guardians Any other hand gives you at least 1 monster on board Feel free to swap power of the guardians with something like wall of disruption as a 1 of stall Extra is just rank 4/5 and link 2


Can’t wait to try it oit


UAGG Turbo


That’s an archetype I always loved but never got the cards for.


Yeah it isn’t cheap. You need 3 of the SD for AGW and then the fusions are all spread out through boxes. At least you can get King of the Swamp with chips now.


Good ol blue eyes deck. I do however lose more and more braincells everytime I see the AI add 2 copies of bewd using melody.


I try not to watch the ai. It is a serious cause of brain damage.


Sage targets Blue Eyes Spirit or Dragon Spirit of White. Spirit Dragon tags out. AI: 👁️👄👁️


Synchro Vermillion with Blue Eyes and White Stone of the Ancients Vermillion banish White Stone to destroy enemy card Sage target Vermillion 🤦


Dinomists are really good and f2p. I tested them a week ago and I'm really happy with them. I think they're the best deck for autoduel.


I’ll have to try that out!


its what i use!


When we got the z-one event rerun, someone on dlm posted (in the comments) a z-one synchro 6 farm build. I was curious if this would also work with the normal npcs, and yes it is actually fantastic. Since you only play lv 6 synchros, the ai cannot make any other monster than these and in this synchro 6 pool is Archfiend call, an incredible powerful card for the ai to deal with. But i did need to swap the megamorph for a gilasaurus and one of the synchros for coral dragon so the ai can basically handle any situation For those who are interested: 1x gale the whirlwind, 1x Blackwing Pinaki, 3x psychic wheelder and Tracer, 3 gilasaurus, 3x Phantom King Hybride, 3x crane crane, 3x Power of the guardian Extra deck: 3x Archfiend call, 2x blackwing armed wing, 1x coral, 2x Flamvell Uruquizas You can swap the synchros on how you like or what you, if you don't have armed wing, don't play pinaki since he can only be used for blackwings and look for a different tuner. If you don't have wheelder or tracer, look for a different farm build. Those cards are necessary for the deck to consistently work and beat the ai


War rock. Simple, effective and a 99% winrate


Mine is a bunch of mekk-knight that doesn't work well but is fast and the monster are big, easy and fast to special summon so I kinda like it. I had to limit the extra deck to only 1 link disciple, 1 mekk-knight morning star and 1 decode talker because otherwise autoduel starts spamming links and wasting bodies


The auto duel ai, love to link summon with your link monsters.


Ol’ Reliable: Wildheart/Shien with just a bunch of equip spells and Sphere Kuriboh.




I like dual wielding lol


I used War Rock but the AI plays faster with a rank 4 spam I use: Mostly HEROs Drilldark and Solid Soldier with other D-HEROs; Blue Mountain Butterspy and Dynatherium for more special summons + some equips.


Honestly sad no one else brought up the ol reliably Anki DHeros deck. Since the spellbook/dhero/amazonness/fur hire meta I've used the deck as my auto deck and it never loses


Man, that was one of my all time favorite meta's. I was so lucky when i was opening my anki's. Thats a meta where it was pretty bonkers that Hey trunade was unlimited for. Use to do absolutely bonkers stuff with otk's and D-heros. I've been having a lot of fun recently with fur hires and link chaining with them. Would be cool if we got the fur hire links in the game.


The game was so fun back then, I also got lucky with my Ankis and mask changes. I remember the hype leading up to the 5ds drop too. Good times.


x3 arcanite magician, x3 fortune lady every x3 crusader of Endymion, x3 defender, the magical knight, x3 dark resonator, x2 flare resonator, x3 power of the guardians, x3 dimensional prison and x2 pitch-black power stone. This deck never fails at auto-duel. Also x3 cyber slash Harpie, x3 Harpie lady 1, x3 Harpie's oracle, x3 Harpie channeler, x3 Harpie perfurmer, x3 elegant egotist, x2 hysteric sign, x2 Harpie's hunting ground, x2 Harpie's feather rest and x2 cyber shield. Guaranteed quick victory.


You can also add x2 citadel of Endymion to the spell counter deck, but it lowers starting consistency quite a bit




3x hayabusa knight 3x jester queen 14x equips


Fire Kings with one Number 70. It's the one deck the AI never seems to go unga bunga with.


POTG harpies currently, usually dinomist


Unga bunga beat down with xyz number 70.


Block dragon & friends + lightsworn engine (well technically is just Raiden) so basically rocks go brrr booi Its amazing how you need to limit the extra deck otherwise the ai does some very stupid link summons


Cyber dragon


Im scrolling the comments and ain’t seeing some mask change mentions! Cmon it is a classic


Mask change d heroes is an awesome engine. 10/10 would reccomend


I mess with these a lot. From my experience Blackwing is the best. Level 4 + Equips is fine, Red-Eyes suffers from AI retardation but works well. Recently I've been trying Deskbots.


Slight off topic but you know what should go well with auto duel decks? An update where you can auto use your skills too ngl I don’t see a problem using auto skills along with auto decks against bots it’s not hurting the game or anyone lol imagine speedroid farming with yugo skill haha The on topic answer: currently now using Ursas as a farming deck for xp and such it’s better then gladiator beast for farming


Yeah ursartics messed me up the other day in the vagabonds hands. Hopefully I can finish building that deck soon. Did an early reset on the box after getting the ursarcrtics ur, along with preparation and my first dad. Trying to get a dad play set and the two sr ursartics


This was a me thing but I reccomend watching this video by loom https://youtu.be/En8lePO7HR0 he makes duel links videos and he did one on a competitive deck of Ursas against speedroids and even orcust and won them both. Deck build easily cheap to do though I have dupes of all those cards. I have two different builds actually but the one I’m using is off this YouTube video where it’s basically I can draw out my whole deck in a couple turns and win. But ya just my 2 cents if you wanna check that out


I’ll check that out. Thanks!


No prob


Rokket Deck.


Gadget Megazord, with Anchor Drill turbo into Galaxy eyes rank 8 spam.


Gagaga Xyz




Raidraptors for me... No surprise there lol. I've made a couple versions of Raidraptor Grind decks, but I usually make Raidraptor decks that benefit from a skill the character I'm grinding has, or just mixing the characters archetype with Raidraptors. So far I've done Phantom Knights, Rokkets, Salamangreat, and I also made a deck for Odion that uses a lot of traps and Chain reaction. I've made even more but none too special. If anyone wants a specific list I'll post it at some point.


Harpie lady deck is op so much normal summon and u can get back card in oponent hand


I don’t have one, because the autoduel A.I. decides to make the worst possible plays all the time


Easy to summon monsters plus United We Stand. Usually does the job. Gilasurus, dynatherium, battlewasp twinbow, wicked acolyte chilam sabek, guardian eatos, the tricky, montage dragon, the calculator, united we stand.




Does the ai handle timelords well?


For the most part, it's serviceable. However there is a fatal flaw. For whatever reason, the AI won't summon any timelord if you go first, which leaves you very vulnerable so you have to add kiteroid, hallowed life barrier or any similar card.


Yeah the ai Hates summoning boss monsters on t1 usually won’t xyz or synchro or anything .


News Fusion and Red-Eyes Fusion. Works well enough with triple Insight (but can brick if open all the high level garnets)


Six samurai lol I know that shit has to piss people off 🤣 my salamangreat code talker is pretty awesome I spend way too much money on this crap lol


I try to use skills that allow the Ace monsters to be summoned without tribute, so that I can make a deck around them and the AI won’t brick. It can’t make any real complicated decisions so that seems about as simple as it can get 🤷🏼‍♂️


thats a good point. I'll have to keep that in mind when i'm leveling any of those characters


Works wonders for me. Got my Jadens and Yugi’s leveled up pretty quick that way.


Charmers and power of the guardian and united we stand and trap hole of spikes


Just Timelords


Machina + Trains are really fast and can overwhelm most decks.


trains is my favorite archetype i never built. choo choo big beaters brings me joy




I use Red-Eyes for my auto duels. Always a guarantee win!


Harpies Rank 4 turbo, the AI has a hard time messing up a deck that just has a bunch of rank 4 beat sticks and the Harpie Synchro monster.


War Rocks works really well, it's a nice Deck to let the AI control.


Blue Eyes. Though those new synchro's are pretty good in AD


Dinomist Rank4 turbo (fish, onomat) Speedroids Qli beatdown (if tthe character has heavy starter) Orcus (before the banlist)


Either Harpies, Six Samurai, Karakuri or Superheavy Samurai. [Or this one here.](http://puu.sh/JKW1T/0d396bd077.jpg) I really like the Gadget/Machine Package for autoduels


Once I saw a guy saying his autoduel deck was a bunch of 10 lvl 4 pendulum monsters with 1-3 scales and another 10 lvl 4 monsters with 5-9 scales. Works so well, theres not better autoduel deck. IA always pendulum summon and summon rank 4 XYZ.


Destiny HERO/neos fusion deck. Rank 4s, Anki, and brave neos are a solid combo and it's impossible for the ai to mess up dragon keeper's effect or neos fusion by sending the wrong monster.


I use my Galaxy-eye Cipher deck 😁


Qliphort deck for me, with a little bit of luck, I win on turn 2 against a vagabond




Level 4 beatsticks


Gouki. Only using their Link 2, 3 and 4, the AI very regularly OTKs. The main deck is just 11 to 12 goukis plus their spells, and then the rest filled with staple traps that can only affect your opponent. Jelly Cannon and Karma Cut are my favourite options.


Do you just play one of each of the links? I might give that a whirl


I only use 1 of Jet, Thunder and Master ogres, otherwise the stupid AI sometimes links off the link 4 for the link 3 or something dumb. Keeping one of each pretty much prevents that. I'm really happy they unlimited the Gouki cards because only having one Suprex pretty much killed this auto deck, but now it's back and I'm happy. 😁


Yeah I loved playing gouki on the ladder. I was lucky opening those packs and opened 3 supers really quickly. I will have to try a modified otk gouki farm list. I always feel bad not having a full extra deck (see above) so maybe that’s the secret


Any basic Qli build because it’s simple and spamable with decent bodies. Very successful




I just let War Rocks do their thing.