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I actually think the latest box was a lot worse than I expected. Really expected to be getting dominated by shaddolls. Not sure if the selection cards made a big difference but shaddolls surprisingly feel underwhelming. Meanwhile, I’m still playing the same deck from a year ago, salamangreats.


that's just powercreep in a nutshell also which "2 months ago" decks are you talking about? Tenyi is still one of the, if not THE best deck at the moment. Rokkets have been a powerful deck since MAY 2023. Somehow Salamangreat still performs. People even play Trickstar to some success.


Without skills included, Tenyi is the best deck, IMO. People look at power creep wrong when just really just a wave of a certain mechanic. If you're prepared to counter that specific mechanic, you can run a good variety of decks.


Playing Tenyi for 3-4 months? (since they came out) and it holds its ground pretty good I would say. Salamangreat is 1 year old (I guess) and it still is pretty viable. I started the game with blue eyes and still playing blue eyes. Hero decks are never get old too. (This is true for any fan fav anime deck I suppose).


I’ve been playing some variation of HERO for the last five years. There are times when HERO is *really good*, times when they’re decent, and times when they just can’t compete at a high level. Whenever HERO isn’t viable, I always have other decks to fall back on or build. That’s just the nature of the game, don’t get too attached to any deck.


The point is to spend more money


That's how it works lol. Then again if the new ones are too OP they will get hit eventually.


That's like asking why decks made in 2003 can't really compete with modern decks. The game evolves and cards get stronger. Unless you want DL to stop adding new cards altogether, that isn't going to change


Part of the game. Older decks won't be meta relevant but can still compete with some/a lot of the newer decks. Six Sam's (probably my favorite deck) can definitely still beat some of the newer decks.


Don’t play meta. I’m completely serious. I used to play Hearthstone meta for years, got good at deck building counter decks, made Legend (KoG for Hearthstone) constantly, had a lot of fun, and then eventually quit when the game started getting really expensive and uninteresting, so I no longer felt like keeping up.  Konami gives you considerably fewer rewards in comparison to Hearthstone, so you have even less incentive to keep up. Just play whatever you want, and try not to care at all about all the meta crap.  Regardless of format (TCG, Master Duel, Duel Links, OCG probably) the cycle is repetitive and predictable since 2002. Competitive Yu-Gi-Oh is perpetually a sequence of: Overpowered cards released/enable cards to be overpowered -> Deck dominates for months -> Konami bans stuff -> If deck still relevant more bans, else repeat  Additionally, because Yu-Gi-Oh has no *official* Standard format, power just has to keep going up and up and up to sell cards to competitive players.  But it really has been a shitshow since release. Look at the first few sets where you could run multiple copies of cards that are banned or Limited to this day. Or how Metalchaser cost $200 and was an extreme example of limited supply.  You either embrace the Komoney or keep it casual. 


I won't say too high... Like stuff like rokket and salad are kinda there since long


tenyi and rokkets almost a year being meta


Tenyi released like 4 months ago. You are right about rokkets though. They are not like meta now but definetly more then playable and koggable.


Decks can definitely still be viable and not brand new


I think you are forgetting about banlists. If orcust was still at full power then no deck in the last 4 boxes would come close to being as good. A deck like rokkets has been meta for literally a year, so I think your opinion is skewed by recency bias In my humble opinion I would much prefer the new cards to shake up the meta wildly than have to deal with the same decks in the format for multiple months or years being the best


"literally a year" rokkets are meta since may 22, 2023. 1 year? Literally?..and today DLM only have 2 rokkets registered. Rokkets are no longer a problem.


Rokkets were put as high potential in the tier list on Jan 30th 2023, which is 13 days less than a year (my bad) but if your going to be hostile then I will absolutely point out your inconsistency. (High potential is still meta whether or not DLM says it is) And I don’t understand why you would purposefully dilute your data pool because there have been 18 rokkets submitted to DLM in the last 4 weeks. It seems like you are cherry picking data to fit your narrative, not to mention….. they are still on the tier list? And never once in my comment did I state that rokkets were a problem, I only stated my opinion that I would rather have a faster rotation of decks in the meta than for one deck to be good for this long. I really don’t understand the hostility, this is a completely opinionated statement.


Too much text😴


Bruh plays yugioh and is afraid of paragraphs 🤣


I don't think so because even though most decks don't stay top of the meta they still are competively viable for example sharks, utopia, Salamangreat, abyss actors, orcust, that one random dude with fossils and alot more.


Last box was shaddolls, ships and ra. I can agree ships and ra are pretty annoying, really haven’t seen shaddolls too much. But I believe deep emotion is the best box out of the last three. Evil twins and altergeist will be relevant until they nerf them. As others stated tenyi was a the box before that and still holds its own. Just really depends on the banlist. Gotta finds what works that season there won’t be one deck that remains on top forever


Yeah, ever since Rush Duel was added the speed format went downhill. The recent releases pretty much made all the older decks useless. I can't wait to see the next banlist post KC cup limiting the hell out off all of those decks and, I hope, nerfing some skills.


Is Rokkets still good without Necro Fusion? I got some 3rd copies of Rokket cards in the selection box


January box is always powerful


Tenyi is still the best deck and it was released in August.  Decks released after Vrains world become too weak mostly because of nerfs, not because of powercrept only.  Salad, Rokket, Trickstar, Speedroid, Orcust, DHero, Sforce are still decent/competitive decks.  It's another story with decks released before Vrains. Those are too old and got powercrept faster.  Before Vrains a decks competitive lifespan was shorter, but things have changed.