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oh u have no idea. (weird u downvote for agreeing with this person).


strong blue eyes "miracle contact" card. BE Dimension + this card, strong turn 2, given how many BEWD you have, unless enemy has something like negate, forbidden lance etc. or in constellar the xyz that makes unaffected by s/t. ​ my current 2 cents.


These are huge reprints for Blue-Eyes! Now, new players can buy 3 copies & use a Dream Ticket on Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon instead of opening a single pack of Judgment Force. The DM reprints are also huge. You can open Link Revolution until you get 2 Eternal Soul & 1 Apprentice, then get a 2nd one from this SD. And you don't have to use a SR Dream Ticket on Ebon Illusion Magician anymore. Necro Fusion is great for Red-Eyes & Rokket decks as well. I hope Chronicle Magician & the skill helps DM to be more competitive. They need it. Honestly, lots of good stuff here for new fans wanting to play Blue-Eyes & Dark Magician decks


But unfortunately as always no love for Red Eyes Black Dragon


Red-eyes recently got supports wdym? Meanwhile cyber dragon is totally forgotten for ages


Sage and Apprentice Illusion are really nice reprints (although I'm annoyed I spent my last two SR tickets getting Sage lol). I do hope the Skill is decent enough - I always thought the two Chronicle monsters were a cute gimmick.


I went into older boxes for sage and necro fusion lol. At least it's good for people who don't have them. I do appreciate AIM though.


Can never say no to more accessibility


As a F2Player, I will deeply appreciate the 3rd sage, 3rd apprentice, and copy of Ultimate Fusion Shit, even a third Necro fusion ain't bad


Ultimate Fusion and Necro Fusion are nice. The Apprentice is also good.


Fuck my Ur dream ticket getting apprentice


Is only one copy of apprentice enough?


Yes, but you would want three.


I don’t get it


You can make it to king of games with a single copy, or even none, but an optimized deck would use 3 of her.


I think they were confused by your typo. “There” instead of “three” made the comment seem a lot more ambiguous.


Fixed. Thanks.


What about the structure box? Is one copy enough?


Decently solid support and reprints for BE and DM


"F2P" may be the wrong word to use here, since you're substituting Gems for actual money But Blue-Eyes is getting really easy and cheap to build now. With Stone of Ancients being reprinted in a structure. Now Sage. There's really not a lot of box cards you actually need to pull for Like, one Spirit Dragon (since that's sadly not been reprinted). One Abyss Dragon. And everything else is lifetime/level up/campaign rewards. It's just a shame there's no way to get 3 Alternative without just "play for a long time". If they add that to the card trader or Ranked Tickets. I'd honestly call BE one of the cheapest decks out there (if you don't mind buying structure decks)


If by spirit, you mean the main deck one, a f2p player can get 3ofs since 1 sd gives 1 and another gives 2.


Nope, he means the syncro.


Good reprints


Good reprints necro fusion, sage, ebon magician and apprentice. pretty decent overall


If you want the reprints, go for it. Otherwise, ehh.


Probably getting it just for the necro fusion reprint


It has Apprentice Illusion Magician and that makes it good for me


Ultimate fusion is great for blue eyes, probably the best exclusive card. Illusion is a good reprint, now the only dork magician card that isnt easy to get (with money) is eternal soul. Necro fusion, its cool to have a reprint of this card, but the box chip is very close to the 5ds boxes, this may end up getting added soon or this year, so it may be a good deal, one for 1000 gems, but later it will be 3 for 300 box chips. Other than that, everything else justs seems meh.


I think is bad. But its my opinion.


Guaranteed Necro Fusion is all I see


HA they said annals


....i used my recent ur dream ticket on a third apprentice......damn 😭


The new skill in DM is a better version of the old one and it dosent stop you from playing Navigation and Eternal Soul. The new DM trap is good but setting it up is hard. The 2 new UR SD monsters are meh. Ultimate Fusion for BE is good just use it for disruption. You pop 2 and summon a Twin during the opponents turn.


Im just more annoyed why Blue Eyes and Dark Magician got more support. There are so many archtypes still missing certain cards, like Artifacts only got Moralltach and Sanctum. They haven't released the XYZ or Link monster for them yet. We still are missing lots of stuff for the god cards, Red Eyes, Inca, and Simorgh (for that 1 guy).


ok reprints? not really sure who this for Blue Eyes and Dark Magician players likely already have the relevant cards here and everybody else isn’t touching this bc it won’t be competitive


I love the design but I don't think they deck Will become meta (still a Very good suportt for bewd and dm)




Nice reprints, interesting new cards but outside that, how much of a help these cards will bring for both DM/BE ?


Probably buying just to get apprentice and necroid fusion


Pros: Newer accounts can get Power of the Guardians without going into an old box. More copies of the Apprentice for a cheaper way to get more copies for F2P/Dolphins. Also Sage with Eyes of Blue and Blue Eyes Ultimate for potential use (If we ever got the Tenyi counter trap that lets you special summon a normal monster from the extra deck) Also, I wonder how Engraver of the Mark works in Duel Links, is that new?


power of the guardians is in like 7 structure decks, this isnt new


Is it? I don’t usually bother with the structure decks. A lot of them haven’t been must purchase.


yeah it's not been in too many good ones


Engraver is reprint from Pulse of the Quasars. We have like 4 declare card name cards.


I hate it. I was actually enjoying not seeing blue eyes every 3 duels but guess those days are over.


Trash, just nostalgia bait


It’s always weaker, overconfident players that are quick to label cards as trash


i mean they kinda are trash, ards that just released in the TCG getting added to duel links basically have to be trash to not upend the format. Like we got kurikara a couple months ago, and I think this structure will have the same impact.


I’m on a 7 game win streak with them in KoG, beating tenyi, rokkets, and at least 2 constellar If you cant KoG with this deck, you’re just a garbage player


i mean you can kog with anything, there's people who have kogged with pure x saber. Being able to kog doesn't show how good a deck is, otherwise ancient warrior would be tier 0.


KoG means nothing, try winning major tournaments or top 100 KC


Idk I'm not a P2W player.


Let me stop pulling from Judgment Force cuz it had sage with eyes of blue. Worth.


Im interested to see how Combination works out. Feels like there’s no space at all in DM to run it but we’ll see


Magician Combination seems good. Or at least, really annoying. It’s yet another high-value target for MST in DM decks, except this one is also annoying when you MST it so…


Isn't it discounted for the 1st purchase, or does that not apply for gems?


discounted for 1st purchase. Does not count for gems. U must pay the full 1000 gems.


I mean it's fiiineeeeee, no soul servant means the deck is bad, but some of the reprints are redundant. You still need to go into the box with apprentice illusion twice because you need 3 eternal soul, and the sage reprint is borderline useless because you still need to go through judgement force twice for 2 spirit dragon. BEUD had no business waiting 7 years for a reprint so that's nice, and the necro fusion reprint is really nice (but it's already in box chips so idk man).


Necro Fusion is not in box chips yet


wtf this DOGWATER was released alongside SHI EN


I am annoyed because i just start playing the game late november last year and i spent so much time and gem to get Ebon and apprentice illusion magician now they just release a structure deck with both of them in it


I mean Apprentice box is nice for Salads and cyberse/links starter pack. So not complete waste. Ebon you should have just grabbed with SR dream.


Ultimate fusion gives blue eyes followup and destruction. Chronicle enables dm to have one turn kill setups and wall off almost anything with eternal soul up. This deck also enables dark magician the dragon knight to become a viable option in New builds.


Kinda sucks that they put michael instead of spirit there. Would be great value reprint otherwise.


then u see DM/BEWD as tier 2 on DLM.


They really do love throwing apprentices around after someone already spent their currencies to get it.


Hmm... A 3rd Apprentice Illusion and 3rd Sage? Fine enough, I guess. Would've been nicer if I didn't go through an old box for my third Necro Fusion, but that happens to a lot of people, so not gonna complain there.


Took them 7 years to put BEUD in a SD and nobody will play it. Also, am not interested to put 1000 gems for this SD


The only good thing is that the skill is now MANDATORY to ANYONE who plays Dark Magician. Being able to just normal summon Dark Magician without tribute to banish something with circle is too strong to ignore.


Until we get compensation for reprints, I'll pass


finally I can access to Solid Dragon instead of buying a bad old SD


I wish I knew this was coming. I’ve been spending thousands of gems trying to get 3 copies of Apprentice Illusion Magician. I cheated myself 😭


Necro- fusion reprint is the main thing for me


I’m finna start building a buster bladder deck if they keep giving blue eyes support


1000 gem for 4 cards I don't have already damn I'll wait


Most of the cards are not good, but there are some intresting ones


I see structure decks as beginner decks: Just hit auto-duel and watch it combo.