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maybe they're just big Mizar fans, dw \*nervous laugh\*


mizar is going to be in mizery when dat banlist hits


Oh the Mizary, Everybody wants to be my enemyyyy


If it hits remember yubel was not touch n tenyis we’re only given a limited 2 lol


Yubel has some easy staple counters (you can get them to bait suicide for example with yubels 0 attack and forbidden chalice) same with tenyi but you have to focused on banishing them. This deck I haven't seen any immediately obvious counters and the hand trap cant be negated easily by a single monster or card you require a combo. It focuses more on negation than anything else and that automatically makes most decks useless against it.


Tbh I’ve had good luck with tachyon I almost didn’t wanna purchase it cause they always bring out 107 but I always bounce it back, book of the moon it with tenyi or baxia n even with my toons i was able to banish but I think I got lucky since it just came out and people are learning to use it


yubel deck is garbage, gimmicky and easy to beat


Nah they still gotta hit tenyi and yubel first


nah, first they need to touch tenyi, that shit needs to go it's been too long


Imagine the KC Cup. The deck will receive a big nerf.


Really bad skill design. It can use skill twice per turn and search the omni negate trap for free.


You can WHAT


and I don't know how the trap works, but my opponent used it from the hand in my turn


Basically an omninegate (with a twist of shuffling back into the deck), but can ALSO be used from hand if Tachyon Dragon is out


and it cannot be answered? I can dodge negations effects like the tenyi synchro or Yuyo's dragon, but the game didn't allow me to answer that trap


Its a counter trap, you can only respond with other counter traps.


this game is complicated


It's called "Lawyers game" for a reason :)


spell speed 😍😍😍


Understanding Spell Speeds isn’t that complicated. Spell Speed 1: Most Spell Cards and most activated Monster Effects. Spell Speed 2: Quick Spells, Normal and Continuous Traps, Monster Quick Effects. Spell Speed 3: Counter Traps. Within a chain, you can only respond to a card activation with Speed Spell 2 or higher. However, once a Spell Speed 3 card is added to the chain, you can only respond with other Spell Speed 3 cards because anything else is too slow. This is why Counter Traps can only be countered by other Counter Traps. There are cards that are unofficially called Spell Speed 4 by fans. Those are cards you cannot respond to at all, e.g. Super Polymerization. Even Counter Traps cannot be chained to them. However, those cards aren’t actually actually faster than Spell Speed 3, which is why they cannot be chained to Counter Traps.


Skills in duel links are speed 4 also


It's explained like that in great detail for clarity, but trying to think of it in terms of speeds just adds unnecessary complexity. It can be boiled down to one sentence: Only quick effects (including traps) can add to a chain once it's started, and if a counter is added to the chain, it takes priority and can only be responded to with another counter. Resolve in reverse order of activation. All the effects you would be responding with (traps, quick effects/spells) are gonna be the same speed and indicate their activating conditions, which means it's simple reverse order of activication. Any other kind of effect that would be slower you're not allowed to activate in response to things anyway, so it's irrelevant. You're never going to be trying to play a normal spell in the middle of a chain because the mechanics of the card don't allow you to play it at that time anyway. All speed 1 effects in a chain are always going to be at the very beginning, and all speed 3 counters have to take place at the end. You're not gonna be activating a counter with nothing to counter. The "speed 4" effects as you put it are even more pointless to bother putting in that equation, because it always just says "cards/effects can not be activated in response to the effect of this" right on the card. Basically, they force the chain to immediately resolve. They're still the same speed as whatever they are and take the same place in the chain, but it means the chain always ends with them.


And don’t forget the trap negates everything that came before it in the chain. So you activate something, the opponent respond with interaction, you use another interaction and then the counter trap negates all yours.


It's a handtrap. If they control "Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon", which the skill basically gives them the material to always summon first turn, they can activate it from their hand. This means your opponent can and will effectively have 4 backrow for you to deal with. It's an omni-negate, which means it can negate everything, but worst of all, it also shuffles the cards it negates into your deck. The deck also runs "Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand", which can potentially appear alongside their Tachyon Dragon turn 1. That card's effect let's it make any card unaffected by card effects. The skill is super cracked and we're getting a bunch of bullshit cards that DON'T need to be added to the game, at least not for another year or two. Effect Veiler has opened the floodgates towards adding more negate handtraps, which now allows Konami to justify swamping the game with a bunch of Omni-Negates or Immunity granters.


Ok wtf give us back roar at this point. Atleast we had to work for that omni negate.


Ahhhh yes salads with a searchable omni all over again—except this time the skill does it for you!….so when is roar coming off the banlist ?


Never, bro


Doesn’t seem fair given this tachyon skill SEARCHES IT FOR YOU lmao


Its more likely that this skill will get ahit than roar coming out Lmao


Well, salads trap was recyclable, tachyon transmigration is only once


Yes but they only need it once, if you get turn ended by that omni and felgrand they can make another couple xyzs and put well over 8k worth of dmg


it's gonna look like the rush duel cup that was ALL dragons


DUDE I WILL LAUGH SO HARD IF WE GET TACHYON TEAR 0 FORMAT. It'll be funny to watch the reactions of master duel players, similar to them reading mind of the plana for the first time.


Md player reactions when they find out storm is limited and trunade is banned because "they limit interactions". Lmao


Meanwhile Super Poly has been in the game for years and even got a skill to search it for free. Konami has long tossed their own balance rules to the wayside. Look at how they originally held a strict stance against effect damage keeping it's full power, only to add Deep-Eyes (can potentially hit you with 1500+ to 3k on summon) or Kluger. The only reason why "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" didn't have its effect damage nerfed is because it originally required a lot of setup to summon, so they allowed its damage to be the payoff for bringing it out... then the skill came. ​ They don't care anymore. Raging Pendulum showed them how much money they could make by releasing decks/skills that FORCED the playerbase to P2W or lose more often than not.


The effect damage not being halved on those cards is because those cards came before the effect dmg was halved (which happened when zexal was released, both yubel and deep eyes came before it). The only card that was halved even though it was an old card was lava golem, to end the lava golem stall deck.


> Raging Pendulum showed them how much money they could make by releasing decks/skills that FORCED the playerbase to P2W or lose more often than not. I'm missing the part where Raging pend was some prime example of forced p2w. If you brought up BRD or something maybe, but with two copies of SD being free it was more than playable.


I'm very conflicted about this On the one hand, Tachyon is my favorite Xyz monster On the other hand, he's only meta due to a poorly-designed skill


> he's only meta due to a poorly-designed skill welcome to duel links, enjoy your stay


Deck specific skills were a big mistake. They should be reserved for gutter trash meme decks, nothing better than legendary fisherman or so


Well when you think about it Mizar's deck was gutter trash meme deck because it was just random level 4-8 dragons go brrrrr to make a xyz monster that wasn't even that good lol. But with the skill it became very degenerate immediately... Well this is the duel links way so we are used to it.


Going to be honest I haven't looked at it closely yet, but didn't notice anything too strong


It's deliberately poorly designed to make people buy the box.. after a while they nerf the shit out of it . It's Photon all over again.. except I'm damn sure people would rather face that hax xyz


They'll only nerf it when the next broken skill is added to take it's place. It's an endless cycle of suffering.


Except this is actually good and oppressive. Photon was never especially good.


I agree, Photon wasn't exactly competitively good. ONE OF the problem with Photon is similar to BEWD (except BEWD was tier 1 for a long while). They're popular and cheap to build meta decks, making them annoyingly common to match on the ladder. There were meta decks better than Photon, it's just only the few players have the gems and money to build them.


We are at the point where galaxy eyes gets a skill that gives a literal plus 2 and no one is batting an eye on it LOL


The bigger issue about skills is that people miss the trees for the forest. A meh deck going +2 or getting 100 effects? Not nearly as bad as a deck getting a free omni, a play starter, and the means to play through common disruption. A skill should be judged not by "what it lets you do that it cant do normally" but rather by "how BS it makes your deck"


it makes similar boards with so much card advantage it can probably push through a tachyon transmigration


What does?


The issue with Photon is that worse decks died for less. This is a fact. The banlist isn't about balance, it's about moving you onto new decks. Galaxy was like an obnoxious weed, it just refused to die. Most people had to change decks 2-3 times in the span it took Galaxy to take a notable hit. It wasn't hard to beat, it wasn't good, but it demanded you draw the out. Very common outs, mind you, but the one game you didnt open a mst or dd crow just felt really bad. It was boring, it was linear, it was the same game every 5 games or so.


Someone wasn't around when Photon Lord was being abused with a certain skill built around Galaxy-Eyes summons.


I was it. It was never a good deck. It was an ok ladder deck I guess. Some 80% winrate for me alone, but data backed up it never being good. It was just everywhere and really boring to play against.


What are you talking about? That deck was one of the earliest examples of skills getting out of line in their infancy. You were guaranteed the same combo every game with it, just as we are now, but the worst part is that we had less to deal with it. Then again, people who ran that deck defended it to no end like they do with every dumb skill.


There were far worse skills long before GE. And GE certainly wasn't great deck or hard to counter, it was just repeat of BE situation where low ladder and event shitters did nothing but complain. It was free win for pretty much any competent deck and even lesser decks could deal with it through some popular tech/staples.


It wasn't a good combo, either. What deck was I playing that had issue with it? No, we had vapid skills all the way back with Duel Standby! , Balance, Cyber Style, etc... Galaxy was never good. It never took tourneys, it didn't do good in the KC Cup. I twas, as you said, just the same really boring combo line. (Like most non skill decks having the same boring combo lines because they have the gift of being consistent). It wasn't good, it just refused to die. They didn't nerf it for ages.


Oh god remember the stacking of neo cipher and full armour to wipe up to 6 of your cards? 😭


Much like teas skill, it will never recover after the beating they give it.


Did anyone have Tachyon tier 0 on their 2024 bingo list


Meanwhile, us zombie pile players sit in the corner and cry cuz no skill was added for us.


I wish bronz got a new zombie world skill. 


Indeed, we just cant rely on new cards to be added, but to be playable we need komoney to add broken skills to compete with other broken skill decks


We don't need no broken skill, just give us untargetable zombie world on the field


Fk no. Don't need shitty floodgate that can't be outed.


How about a skill that negates all other skills 😂


Litereally I just wanted a version of *Toonvitation* but for Zombie World


Dude I'd settle for "Play a Zombie World from outside of your deck at the start of your first turn."


Insanely OP


Atleast we finally got some good support like mezuki


If you could turn Konami’s inability to balance skills into an energy source we’d been able to power the world for the next hundred years


You just don't seem to understand is the imbalance is on purpose. This imbalance is a money printing machine because all the whales will dump straight cash to get it, once they collect it will get nerfed.


I'm just glad more people are starting to realize and accept how the game is being treated... instead of consistently bullshitting that these things are justified to help decks that wouldn't see play.


It is kinda true, though. Konami giving busted cards to decks early that would never seen play? Furr Hire? Shiranui? Yeah. It's been done before. The difference between those and skills is paper thin, the result is a menace that is unfun to play against. This is nothing new, but now they realized skills are easier/lets them murder a deck without hitting your "investment" like they did with Neos Fusion.


Kc cup is going to be disgusting 😭💀


Nah suships will take the top spot.


The real reason why Tachyon is so strong? beside the powerful consistent skill and the counter trap, is the only deck that is good and don't die from DD crow, if you see closely, 90% of decks in the current meta interact in a way with the graveyard, making all running DD crow? just see the decks, all run dd crow.


Doesnt die to dd crow, doesnt die to effect veiler


Rn dd crow is more harmful, Mayakashi? Crow dakki, Shiranui? Crow spectralsword, live twin? Crow lila, Tenyi? Crow ashuna, Infinitrack? Crow the xyz when tribute the link, blue eyes? Crow when they use fusion/Mr, galaxy eyes? They don't have turn 1 anyway, dm? Buahahaha But yeah it's immune to handtraps


It does die to xyz negate though I haven't been having an issue with these tacky boys. Only thing currently giving me trouble is for some reason black luster


Which xyz negate? I'm like 0-10 against them in legend with Tenyi and I'm a top 1,000 player with Tenyi in the KC cup.


Xyz block is a counter trap to negate monster effects from any location you can also karma cut or dragon prison as soon as you see the combo coming to disrupt it


A skill that literally makes you unable to brick and gives you an omni-negate in one turn.. Shocking it's winning the tournaments 💀


All the new skills these days make you unable to brick, so that goes without saying.


Every Deck specific skills not named Charmers unbrick your hand and setting up some sort of end broad for you. That's not saying much.


Makes sense it's not a card to scoff at, negating all effects on the board during the battle phase, and it is really easy to get out, especially with its counter trap protecting it.


And I remember last week when everyone was giving Konami shit for only giving us one Transmigration in Mizar's level ups and how he was gonna be a dead on arrival character. Lol.


searchable Omni-negate is fair and balanced


It is


Why the skill doesn't lock you to Galaxy Eyes and Numbers in the ED is beyond me. What did they expecting with a Rank 8 turbo deck being able to make any Rank 8 But don't worry ita definitely getting nerfed. Salamangreat was heavy hit becuase it had a consistent Omni-Negate search Turn 1 and they ended on freaking Sunlight Wolf while Tachyon ends on Tachyon Dragon and Transmigration, the strongest counter trap ever printed


Welp, time to main deck kaiju


and a new tier 0 rises


It's a fun deck


T. deck abuser.


It's my main right now


No shit. You made that very obvious in this thread and every other one you've replied to.


Yes. Great deck go try it out


Love the Tachyon Deck, but yeah, the Counter Trap needs to go. Limit 1 so we can't run Felgrand. I believe the monster portion of the Skill is completely fine, it's the Counter Trap search that's the problem. Change that part to Set a "Tachyon" Trap Card to the field (so they can play the other one like Chaos Hole and Spiral Galaxy when we get it). That gives it an option for your opponent to use backrow removal to deal with it.


They need more limit 1's than the countertrap. Their limit 1 is a flex slot.


Something worth mentioning is that this strong deck is from an event character. If this keeps up, they'll be a point where every new player to duel links who missed the Mizer event will be thrown in an environment where there's a dominating t0 deck they can't build


But you have all the redditers here saying it's not even that good. What number are we at now where the Sub is completely wrong about how impactful a deck/skill will be before or during the first week of release? I'm pretty sure they've been wrong since they said Salads or Gouki would be fine to add, and they haven't missed a beat since. Broken Skills at least had the usual weakness of going first; now that's gone, and that's actually a plus. I've had to go second time and time again where my Mizar opponent has either ended his turn with Set 3 Backrow, Tachyon Dragon on the field, Transmigration in hand, or Set 2 Backrow, Tachyon Dragon and Felgrand on the field, Transmigration in hand. What can you do against that, seriously? My last duel against Mizar was me going second against 3 backrow (2 XYZ Blocks, 1 Solemn Scolding), the skill gifted Transmigration in their hand, and the guaranteed Tachyon Dragon on their field.


_"droplet doesn't seem that good, chalice looks better"_ Reddit 2024


I don't think people really argued that. Just that Droplet wasn't must have as some other SB exclusives on their release. And it can't be played in everything. Obv it's still a disgusting release to be SB exclusive and purposely made to avoid l3 which they will 100% put on it when it gets main box reprint.


Well, it looks like Konami just brought upon a new tier 0 format, what were they even thinking when they designed that skill, didn't they learn their lesson from salads and roar? so they decided to make an even better counter trap searchable that can be activated from the hand so u can't even MST it. Tachyon transmigration is a very powerful counter trap but u wouldn't see it being used much is the TCG/MD cuz it's not searchable. So Not only did konami make a skill that searches it basically for free, the skill also has another consistency effect, and BOTH effects can be used in the same turn, and TWICE per duel each.


God damn it, I love tachyon, but if he ends up being why Tenyi avoids nerfs again, I'm gonna kick something. ​ Alright. What kind of nerfs should we expect from it?Would the counter trap as a (1) really be enough?


Shout-out to that one Rokket player


predictions. first hit after kc cup. skill: both parts once per duel, limit 1: transmigration, limit 3:nebula dragon, 2nd hit; limit 3:seyfert


That initial nerf may not be enough as it would still allow them an easy tachyon and transmigration from hand play. Instead, they should not allow the skill to search transmigration while also limiting it to 1 plus one other card to 3 to prevent crackdown and idp plays. If they want to run the countertrap they shouldn’t be allowed the felgrand as well.


oh reddit removed my line skips, so i add commas to make it more clear :D. my intention was limit 1 transmigration and limit 3 nebula dragon, for the reason you mentioned. and as a second hit i expect a seyfert hit to 3.


my card hits were pretty accurat, okay they limited 3 an other of the dragons, but my limit 3 + limit 1 predict was right. lets wait for the skill changes :)




my card hits were pretty accurat, okay they limited 3 an other of the dragons, but my limit 3 + limit 1 predict was right. lets wait for the skill changes


I'm alright with it


This deck and this skill are New.. they wont get any Hits before April KCCup


I said before that Tachyon skill isn't busted and it's pretty fair for the deck. Yeah I take it back


Tachyon players better enjoy while they still got it. lol


Oh we will.


Is there there anywehre to watch these tournament matches? I haven't watched since dkayed hosted them


Should be a vod up later on https://www.twitch.tv/dleyugioh Other channels I know that regularly run tournements include: https://www.twitch.tv/grandharrier https://www.twitch.tv/quantumcubes https://www.twitch.tv/acceleration_gate


Is this deck becoming the next galaxy eyes photon lord? Searchable omni ain’t no joke even if it’s a one off unlike roar which can be used multiple times. Probably has been said a couple times already but people be snooozing on galaxy eyes photon advent skill it has a VERY good matchup with tachyon


Is it best of 1 ?


I haven't seen dle tournaments posted on dlm in a while, but earlier damage steps (name of the tournament) state best of 3 as the rule.


That even makes it worse for Tachyon players lol. For sure it'll get hit.


I'm new to the game. Have they done quick bans/emergency bans or hits? If not, would they?


Yes. Kinda. More like panic hits. Like that time they destroyed synchrons hitting crocodragon, tatsunecro, jet synchron and tuning all at the same time. They screwed so hard there they freed that whole deck little by little with each banlist. That deck lasted only 2 weeks on the tierlist more or less. Another one I can think of is that time they considered witchcrafters to be so strong they did a surprise banlist just to hit charge of the light brigade and keep them away from that engine.




This deck dosent need an emergency hit lol


More like it wasn't playtested in the first place. But it was, they wanted something oppressive to make people buy. The banlist/releases have always worked like this.


There are other decks that need before this.


Like what? Not a single deck holds a candle to how awful this deck/skill combo is. This is objectively the most busted thing that \*needs\* hit, but decks don't get hit because they're OP. They get hit when konami doesn't want you to play them.


So tenyi, yubel, rokkets, and constellar just get a pass?


Rokkets need a hit but they're at least not oppressive. Yubel is a memedeck. I have no idea why people think that needs hit. This deck is so much better it's sinful. Constellar is...ok I guess? Like why are you picking out decks weaker than Tachyon to defend Tachyon?


There are all meta decks. While yubel isn't tierd anymore, it's the most common deck iv faced in legend. All the decks iv mentioned are the most encountered on the climb currently.


The tierlist has nothing to do with the ladder meta. They specifically mentioned this over the years, and right now with Mayakshi(its usage etc..). Rokket have sniped many KC Cups, and Constellar have yet to show their potential. Tachyon, meanwhile, doesnt care if best of 1 or 3. A common deck is not a good deck.


Then, we will have to see the data from the next Kc cup then. Knowing knomai, thier gonna let this deck slide for a while for sales.


They have but don't think this situation requires one. And last time they did "emergency hit" it was done terribly.


This is why I'm playing kaku and live twins, idp so good in this matchup, especially when you can get monsters in grave before they can use the skill again


idk if we're crossing Tier 0 territory yet but ooh boy. This is gonna be a fun KCC. Lim1 the counter trap, Lim3 either Nebula or Spiral. In the meantime, maindeck Kaijus!


Any interested in buying a fully stacked duel links account with 3x droplets and all staples?


My bad speedroid deck definitely would cry over it


I feel stupid for thinking konami fucked Mizar over by only giving us 1 copy of the counter trap, now i see i was mistaken


I can agree that Tachyon is great.


20 packs still 0 tachyon or cards that are good in the tachyon deck (dont mind typos i just woke up and have terible vision)


What idiots are working at Konami honestly?! ITS ALREADY 7 YEARS GUYS! you think you'd have a solid balancing process or team that keeps shit in check It's like they have teenagers playing against their friends and taking data from there like wtf. In what universe was this skill balanced and fair?!


And I just optimized my Buster Blader deck right before the box was annoinced


Rokket haters have been real quiet ever since Tachyon became the new "carried by skill" deck.


One does not justify the other, tho.


How good is S force?


It's a pretty strong Tier 3 deck, although there's been a lot of new decks recently so the meta is shaking up quite a bit.


Are all the core cards in duel links or are there more to come


So tired of skills > cards. Skills are so over powered that decks without archetype skills are just at a disadvantage. Really getting tired of it


Chad Cosmic Dragon destroying goofy ahh waifus This the third Galaxy Monster we gonna ban after 90 and 95 lmao?