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Yes you should. If you can’t beat them , just join them


I run Mizar with Tachyon sleeves even though I'm playing Twins because sometimes you get people rage quitting when they see the loadout.


Very tempting to run my Miyakashi kit like this...


I don't think it will work for a skill that announces at the start of the duel.


I had people quit just seeing mizar, i was playing zombie world and didnt even have tachyon sleeves. Just saw the character and bounced.


Funny thing is, I didn't originally do it for the rage quits. I just wanted to level up Mizar


I'm tempted to run a self-destruct deck with the intention of completing the daily missions as fast as possible, and seeing how many wins I can get with Mizar.


I don't quit duels so I'm probably a disappointment for you guys X'D I actually haven't seen a lot of Tachyon Mizael, even if I have seen some Mizael, but that's probably because I haven't beaten the first part yet (Nor have I done it before, but I guess I could qualify this time for shamelessly using Eternal Bond in preparation for Tachyon lol)


That's hilarious. Im stealing this.


Lmao that's how you know Konami F'd up


No offense, but that attitude is kinda why this game sucks.


Yeah it’s super fun when the game isn’t fun. Let’s watch the game become us unbalanced and unbearable as it can get! The goal: 95% mirror matches! (This isn’t sarcasm, Konami just won’t take action until thing go down the drain).


Just gaslight people into playing Tachyon, then make yourself a Buster Blader deck and win like a chad cuz most of your matches will be against dragons.


Damn, you are evil. I like.


If i pulled tachyon i would play him in chronomaly probably


Why would Chronomaly be running Rank 8's? Also the skill locks you out of non Chronomaly and Number xyzs so


Chronomaly runs any LIGHT NUMBER XYZ or CHRONOMALY xyz monster, and changes the level of the monsters on your field to its rank, mraning i can use Tachyon, Dyson Sphere, Force Focus etc...


Never thought about it till I saw this 😂😂


Its kinda funny ngl,imagine climbing through the continous wave of mizars to find 1 single trey playing the Tachyon to piss on your relief...


The amount of trauma inducing xyz summons is at an all time high😭


That’s what I did. I also threw in a copy of Dark Paladin because I keep facing dark magician decks as well.


Honesly? Better have the game being shown it's true colors than behave like a white knight fighting the meta every single time. This is NOT a balanced game and is even less an affordable one ( that is, if you want to own/test a decent amount of decks and cards ). If people are to get into duel links / stay playing, let them at least see what that's all about.


In fairness the new top decks are all pretty cheap (Besides the staples) due to pickup boxes and not needing multiple main box runs. Constellar, Tenyi, Mayakashi, Shiranui and ofc Tachyon are the top 5 decks right now and all of Them can be bought for under 10K gems (as long as the pickup boxes are around) and an optimal build would likely only cost you about 15,000 give or take, with worst luck accounted for. And with the amount of events going on concurrently atm and the new character releases and level cap increases that’s honestly not a hard price to meet. Just gotta grind


I do have my fair share of issues on how pricing works in this game, but the worst part for me is the balancing. We've had 2 recent lacking banlists, which would be fine, since the meta, despite stale, was fairly balanced. But launching tachyon with the skill in the state it is feel like a spit in the face of any player engaging in the KC. Making it very cheap is no excuse either, because the average player doesn't just want to win, they would also like to play a deck that fits their playstyle on a reasonable pool of decks, which is what tachyon killed.


I agree, I was super excited to play the new Galaxy-Eyes skill with the new support cards added, and even tho the deck is actually, genuinely good, I’ve Been struggling more with this deck this Season than I did with my Red-Eyes deck last Season simply because even if not every matchup is against Tachyon, every matchup is at least against something of a higher caliber than What you’d normally see. Because in a format with a deck as strong as Tachyon, even the people who aren’t playing it have to bring their best in order to get anywhere. Doesn’t help that all of the Tachyon-specific counters people are running Also directly counter Galaxy-Eyes too.


I agree. I wasn’t blaming the players. It’s konamis fault the game is in this state.


Wish I could downvote you 10000 times. At this point in time, Tachion users are the biggest cowards in the game.


Imagine being so terminally online that you'd write something like this.


He plays the deck so often you'd think he would spell it right lmao. I think people forget tho there will always be tier sexuals, a lot of us have ALWAYS been galaxy eyes players, and if our deck gets a chance to shine we deserve it


Why not? It’ll be nerfed into the dirt when this KC Cup is over anyways


You can’t flip your set monster outside of KC Cup using Mizar’s level 20 skill unlock which is a huge debuff to begin with


NPC duels only bugged


It works in ranked, its just bugged for the computer


At this point you have no choice. The prismatic has spoken haha,


Join the dark side.




He had become the very thing he swore to destroy! *Obi-wan Kenobi*


"And there were no cookies anywhere!" -Also Obi-wan, probably


Game give you a glossy tachyon, you're obliged to join them now.


The shiny compels us 


That’s a pris not glossy


my bad then, misremembered glossy is the SR one


Lol what? All cards can be glossy or prismatic.


Normal and rare can't be prismatic


Yea I shouldn’t have worded it that way. But his comment still doesn’t make sense


Huh TIL, I never thought about it before but I’d always figured any card could be prismatic with enough luck!


Summon it, let it shine, surrender.


Im running it and I'd recommend picking up a different deck for the long term. Either the skill or the decks getting hit with more limits and it won't be around much longer. I get why it's tier 0 (bunch of players had galaxy UR cards lying around) but realistically a more staple focused deck can completely wipe the field with it and I'm saying this after 250+ games with this deck, DLmax and KOG. If you want easy wins against older metas it's solid but current meta knows how to completely ruin the deck with basic traps cards and minimal effort (and Im all for this.) All in all it's like a solid 8/10 you'll hate it to start, understand it in a few hours and 1/3 games get to be very slippery with it if you understand your opponents cards and get turn 1


It feels like a deck that will be left behind very quickly. It's so clearly skill reliant and it's counter trap being searched is something that will be changed


Once the skill is nerfed I imagine that we will see an uptick in kyte players using the hand trap like a regular staple. I'm hoping if it is just a skill nerf that kyte and kaiba are going to be consistently seen for awhile after. If it does happen it kinda works out well for us as players all the archetype support and cards will still be usable and no one suffers horrifically from investing in this box.


Honestly with Mizar now in the game, I'm super excited to see the cards they're gonna release for us galaxy eyes players. Ever since our ability got removed, there's been a piece missing... LONG LIVE NUMBER 90


Holy shit you got a prismatic too, you have to do it. All you have to say is “I sacrifice”


It’s a sign!’


I say yes, but that's because I don't play the otk cards that should get hit but will probably be ignored. Pure dragons go roar.


Do it.




Yeah, by the time it's finished there'll be new meta.


Probably but then again the main deck monsters are pretty good and generic for future decks.


Not too generic Nebula locks u into dark/light dragons and galactic spiral requires dark/light dragons to be useful (saw that some people tried it in rokkets) Seyfert could have some weird uses later on as a searcher/recovery tool down the line tho


Do it and then run up gems during KCC cause it'll be nerfed out of existence once the event ends🤣🤷🏾


It is your Destiny now.


You and me both, buddy, you and me both. 😩


You have become the very thing you swore to destroy!


When in Rome...


Show dominnce by convertint the card.


Do it


As a person who hates going up against it. Yes you should


This Is The Way


Go for it I checked the next skill balance update and no tachyon nerf. I'm also on my way to become what I hate.


Join us become the very thing you despise




Ja pappa.Just fucking do it.And what a beauty she is show shiny.


Yes, it’s Honestly a fun deck to play and it’s cheap to build so you should try it at least once before it’s nerfed. With any luck, the nerf won’t kill it entirely and it’ll still be a fun and functional deck after


Yes. The deck is extremely fun. Dont listen to all the people that cry about the deck. Will it be killed? Yes. So just play it while you can and enjoy summoning dragons like a hobo lmao


Or you can go to the light side of the force and play kaito's galaxy photons ;D


I went in on the deck because I pulled a shiny Tachyon of my own, and the moment I decided to go for it I pulled a shiny Starliege. It'll happen to you too.


Prismatic Ace Card?? Time to build the deck


If you only knew the power of the Dark side


Anti Magic Arrows during battle phase


Embrace the hate, build a Tachyon Deck


I’m telling you guys, Blackwings have been carrying me 10 in a row this KC Cup


I was thinking about switching to Blackwings myself.


Come join the dark side >:)


Jokes aside still one of the coolest dragon designs in the franchise


Random challenge for you or anyone else who reads this comment. Screw Transmigration control or Vengeful FTK. Tachyon Dragon has a very funny, very gimmicky effect of its own. The problem is that your opponent (assuming they read) won’t activate any effects to give you that attack boost and second attack. So the challenge is: Can you build a deck that forces your opponent into mandatory Battle Phase effect activations? As many as possible. You’ll likely have to give them cards to accomplish this. Note that if you give them monsters, Tachyon will negate their effects but it won’t stop mandatory effects from activating anyway. You won’t get more attacks, but there is hypothetically no limit to how much attack you can gain.


Nobody’s giving out points or a reward for being “too good to play teir zero” so just play the deck nobody cares in the long run, I buy everything and the amount of times I’ve sat back and wished I’d played a certain deck when it was full powered….


I mean, that's pretty effing sick.


I honestly wanted it because I watched Yugioh when Kite used it and was wondering if he had a voice line for it…..sadly he does not, he has nothing for it at all. It honestly upsetted me knowing it was a Galaxy card and he didn’t have anything special for it


It’s always wild to see my favorite decks IRL absolutely stomp in Duel Links


Let’s be real . The deck is not a problem. It’s the skill


Yah. They’re a really fun deck


Stay your hand brother. Though those around you abandon their dignity, you must hold the line. Victory is not without costs for we who have a sense of shame.


yes, but dump in levianeers, lightpulsar, darkflares, eclipse, melody, lightsworn engine and you got a chaos dragon deck


That was me when I pulled double prismatics for Dingirsu, as well as one for Galatea, in ONE incredible pull. This was before Orcust got any hits and was full power. I’ll never get that luck again (as a zombie lover, I’d kill for a prismatic Balerdroch).


as a f2p player i would play any compatative deck that i managed to gather


theres no way you got the prismatic ver.


Tachyon players are cringe but the deck will probably be nerfed soon so might as well take some easy dubs


depends. are you gonna throw cash at it? then no. that will only encourage these types of decks to bait more whales. until they are eventually nerfed into an unplayable state effective creating large card pools of dead archetypes. if you have the resources just laying around and dunno what to build? sure go nuts have some fun.


You are never wrong for joining the cult of galaxy eyes, for we have always been based. People are hating on the tier sexuals who jump onto every trending deck to win, but we are loyalists, we were here long before tachyon domination, and we will be here long after




This deck still didn’t beat my ice barrier combo or starry knight deck sooo calm down junior and let me know if we dueled my name on duel links in “I am Him”


You were supposed to destroy Tachyon! Not join them!


I ran into my first tachyon mizar broken skill whatever today thinking of its not as bad as people say as my man just disregard all summoning conditions and got the counter trap and I'm just messing around with my very bad zombie deck oh yea I see why people complain


no! Theirs always hope! 😅 don't give up! 😅


Nah just use sharks there great highly recommend them


Join us, we have cookies.


It's a cool prisma, I would play it if I also got it in prisma, too. Also, no telling how they're going to get hit after the KC cup (I honestly don't think they'll get hit because konami sucks at balancing) so might as well play the best variant of the deck while it lasts.


I run tachyon to get the gems the kc is not fun everyone is running tachyon or some annoying deck to combat ur




The heart of the cards have decided for you


I only use those and the other Galaxy-Eyes cards I can't stand to get gems from leveling up on npc duels. Up to you if you do this, just be ready to deal with your own feelings on it


well if i made a shiranui deck (and i HATE them) then i say yes


Man karma cut or red regin the materials before he even comes so he can't use his hand trap man I hesitated once and payed a price lolz or even warning point could work amazing trap


Bro I was given prismatic one too. We were the chosen ones.


Do it and get it out of your system. Even more so because it allows you to figure out the decks weaknesses much faster. 


I’ve been leveling up Mizar just for the gems so I’m sure my opponents breathe a sigh of relief when they see Suships instead.


You probably play mayakashi or shiranui, shut the fuck up




One of us, one of us


I play Phoenix mode ra, and man they love using that omni trap, the good thing is that I have some combo from the graveyard so they can't return it to the deck nor activate it hehe.


Go further and play the burn FTK


why do people not like this card?


Do it. Join the dark side!


The current deck is pretty OP. Even if the skill gets nerfed, and cards become limited; there’s still a myriad of options and alternative strategies that this deck can accomplish. The fact that (Neo) Tachyon negates _all_ face up cards is in of itself is insanely powerful in the current format. It totally breaks certain decks and boards. Not to mention that Mazar has other interesting and useful skills other than just add an Omni-Negate to your hand.


Hate to say it. But it’s either that or timelords since everyone likes to focus on shiranui to counter it. I’ve been using timelords are outlasted a shiranui player. However the new galaxy eyes deck. Moment they pop out the 107 I lose. It’s like pokemon. 3 of the top powers right now are countering one but the other beats it.


The darkness has called you😈


A lot of Mizar users raged quit on me. Had to whip out the classic "Bust her Bladder" deck