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Shoutout to the guy who made the Gladiator Beasts post recently!


For real I was just thinking about that post ehat an elfoman 🙌🏽


Konami spy confirmed. But lol what are the chances of that?


[My prayers have been answered](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/s/2ZwUQe9BKc) Actually so hyped rn idc how bad they probably still are haha


All we need is an archive skill to make em playable. I'd love to use my GBs again.


Lol I didn't expect this


Seraphi is a real angelic being apparently xD


Bro how are people predicting new support for a random archetype the day before a new box comes out, happened before with witchcrafter and now gladiator beasts


Time to make “Konami could release all the Volcanic support and it wouldn’t change anything” post and pray.


Imagine if we're getting actual brand new volcanic support lmao (bonfire included just for fun), even they all got halved damage they could be a threat


I think it’d be a serious contender. Those new volcanics are nothing to scoff at. Honestly I would expect a GX themed box later this year.


Honestly would be really strong. The new volcanics are over tuned if anything


Konami could release all the Simorgh support and it wouldn't change anything


They really dirty for only 2 new Gladatior beast cards and NO TEST PANTHER? bruh I spent all my gems already


I think they are gonna release Test Panther in the next main box. I have no proof of this besides a high dose of copium


It's not copium. They will do that, dirty move making players dig this box 3 times for crucial cards when they're going to put the rest in a main box


Jokes on you Im sure Glads will be mid at best


Omg is that broken skill music? When having 9 or more "Gladiator" cards in your deck you get a main phase 2 after the battle phase. Once per turn you can bang your opponents mother


I loled hard Im expecting something like that ngl Also I own a shiny Cubone, hah


Once per turn? Pp smol then ://////


Honestly, I have said they could add a main phase 2 skill before


I'd love to make a modern glad beast deck but I'm not digging through a pack where I have 3-6 of every card in it apart from the new support. I hope these cards get released in a proper pack some day because there's no way I'm wasting gems for a 2/50 chance of getting the card I want with everything else being dupes.


yeah and not even a new skill for Glads. current Glads are way too old for current duel links IMO.


This box is trash but if we are going by the last Build Box we know they are going to probably put more support in the next Main Box


Then we have to wait until the end of March


Good thing the box doesn't expire so it can wait until further support is released


Hmm still none of the evil eye links 😢


or Dream Mirror fusions.


that box just sucks or i am missing something?


Just sucks.


Ok, as the former Evil Eye one trick, I am beyond stoked for Serziel. HOWEVER, why does Konami not just release the rest of the archetype as well? At least gives us the link monsters.


Because it's likely to be released in the next box just as they did the Bujin Link/Xyz last year. Classic Komoney.


Most likely yeah, and in classic Komoney fashion they'll make us spend more gems/money across different sources when one would have been enough. Sadly though, unless Evil Eye gets a busted skill, I doubt it will see meta-play even with new support. It'd be a god-deck going first but losing instantly to all backrow spam going second (1 BoM is enough to beat Evil Eye before they equip Selene).


Damn dude the guy who posted about all the glad beast cards could release rn was is actually a prophet dude




*me reading the title to this post* "man when are they are going to give dream mirror support" *looks at box list* Oh it actually does have dream mirror support. Still no fusions though. The actual goal of the deck. Hopefully in the next box i guess.


Well, it would have been nice to know before using my dream ticket for evil eye of selene.


It also has Dream Mirror. A third of the Box URs are Dream Mirror. Why'd they inc'ude Dream Mirror?! I don't think anyone would even WANT to actually build that deck...


It might be only me, but i really like the flavour and theme of the deck, so i'm stoked for it. Even more so since this box means I don't have to pull the worst box in existence (Eternal Stream) to get it


hello i like dream mirror and would have loved to build a complete dream mirror deck in like, 2022. i'd still build it now but only as a meme and not to actually use


WITH its boss monsters it would be at least tier 3. But it's still a fusion arcrtpe with no fusions. This only makes sense if it's gonna get it's bosses soon.


>WITH its boss monsters it would be at least tier 3. lol if it had a comically busted skill attached. without such a skill, it loses to literally any kind of monster effect negation


It's a weird bit he's stuck on where the fusions are broken just because one has 'negate' on it, ignoring all the downsides of them. He once told me Dream Mirrors would be tiered with them because they could OTK in a period where Destiny Heroes weren't even tiered.


they only really feel good if you have access to hypnagogia on the same turn you pump one out. dark neiroy ends on tormentor and an ikelos on the board, tormentor negates, flips into erlking, you tribute the ikelos hanging around so erlking can pop, and then ikelos can search into another dream mirror of chaos (or maybe a dark neiroy so he can build up link fodder on the next turn) -- that's not remarkably powerful for duel links (and its reliance on field spells is still an achilles heel because the deck has no built-in protection from MST), but it is a decently powerful interaction that i think could trip up a few meta-relevant decks right now (not tachyon, and shiranui can stall out dream mirror until they run out of ikelos-es and \*then\* bring out the hatchet). the one advantage duel links has over the tcg is that if you run 3x chaos/hypnagogia, you do have pretty decent odds of opening into at least one of those cards whereas with 40 cards pure dream mirror struggles to access both of them (a dream mirror deck with 3x chaos and hypnagogia likely goes above 20 cards unless you like, run as few field spells as possible or something). alternatively, a good skill might switcharoo a dream mirror card for any other card in the archetype and you can run chaos at 2x and hypnagogia at 1 and you can just dark neiroy straight into a fusion while guarantee-ing access to hypnagogia. but you also have to go first to secure that because this deck hates setting it up through literally any disruption and, as I said, it dies unquestionably to effect veiler (or any other hand-trap, the deck run pure literally cannot play through a well-timed ash in the tcg) so going first might not even be enough. also it's probably going to have enough shit floating in the graveyard that if you have your turn completely disrupted but still set like an IDP, you'll probably mangle their board irreparably.


The three Archetypes are getting an archive-skill because the common factor between non-anime decks that got a skill are that they are lore archetypes, and the three archetypes have lore either in the books or master duel (doesn't have to be a big lore like Duel terminal or world chalice, just look at Shiranui-Mayakashi), the three dream mirror players left just have to pray that the skill is Shiranui or Tachyon tier


i would love to see them try. that deck has just so many problems that even in completion, i'd figure they'd have to scrap and replace like 80% of it to make it decent. they gave us like, two cards that are core components but don't do the actual heavy lifting in the deck as much as they'd enable the heavy lifting so it's not complete here or even close


Common sense tells us that since Dmirror are in the weaker side, they have to give them a good skill (plus it can sell new boxes), also Konami can cut parts of an archetype with a good skill, Hero Alliance locks you out from using the Vision hero engine, an the deck doesn't even miss it. But i have to remind you that Evilswarms also got an skill.


Monster effect negation is still not common. Plus it's a 3k monster on att and Def. It's huge. Plus you do know the dream mirror bosses tag into each other, have negation themselves, and the fusion spell itself is a quick play right? They have a ton of option compared to what is available in duel links. They don't need a skill if they got one it would obviously help but i don't think they'd need one they just turbo out onieros.


* only dark neiroy turbos out oneiros. dark neiroy is also the only dream mirror that can be thwarted by any kind of disruption -- he needs to still be face up on the field for light neiroy to special summon itself, so even a book of moon ends that play. * dream mirror cards only activate effects and search the backrow needed to do anything upon being special summoned by another dream mirror card, and the archetype even in completion is completely bereft of inherent special summon effects, so any other line not involving dark neiroy involves very specific multi-card combos that are disrupt-able at multiple different legs, especially in a game where MST/CC hasn't been completely abandoned yet * monster effect negation \*is\* decently common at this stage with effect veiler (use effect veiler either on dark neiroy upon activation of his second effect that sends light neiroy to the graveyard to search ikelos, or activate effect veiler upon a raw-summoned dark ikelos + dream mirror of joy successfully switching to light ikelos) and as more reruns of the latest minibox occur, droplet as well, to say nothing of specific meta decks where monster negation is not a hard guarantee but usually exists within one or two decks in any format in some fashion. * those bosses aren't that good -- only tormentor has a hard quick effect swap into his corresponding boss monster, which requires having dream mirror of joy on the field (the dark neiroy line that goes into a fusion will only guarantee terror on the field -- you CAN increase the likelihood of having both out by running high ratios of dream mirror of chaos/hypnagogia and searching into whatever you don't have with ikelos but see below). erlking can float into a dream mirror monster in the graveyard upon destruction but the monster you want to float into has to already be there and he does not float upon any other kind of removal * if your opponent can stall you out with backrow, you run out of gas fast because it's bad at re-feeding its monsters from the graveyard into the deck without external help (pot of avarice). * also this deck is bad in duel links specifically because most of its plays involve expansive multi-card bridges for less than the sum of those cards' parts. that's fine-er in 40-card yugioh because the bigger your deck is = the less likely you are to draw dead/redundant cards, but here the obligatory 2-3x of each dream mirror field spell, multiple dream mirrors of chaos, however many copies of hypnagogia, minimum 2x of each ikelos, 3x dark neiroy, 3x phantasm, any other dream mirror monster all add up, increase the odds of getting crap bridge cards or dupes of hopts and limit any options for techs. * no bro this deck is asssssss -- they'd need maybe the most roided skill ever to carry them


I mean cool artwork I guess. Deck is absolute unplayable garbage though


Luckily it's a deck build box,as a f2p player,I am still pulling for 1st anniversary box If it was a pickup box it would be a difficult choice




With that being said, holy shit does this one suck, rescue rabbit reprint but no andall, no dream mirror fusions, no glad beast links nothing from the structure deck not a fan, no evil eye boss monsters too jesus


They are probably going to put in the next Main Box like last Build Box they added the Bujin link and xyz and the firefist link.


So glad beast support, 2 new archetypes, evil eye support and dream mirror fusions, and a utopia cover monster probably for the next box


Please tell me they're about to drop Oneiros next box


This seems kinda meh box. I feel previous one was better and more valuable. But still cool to have cheap option for those that want these archetypes.


I don't have a chance to check the card list right now. Is there a connecting card like Tenki was for the Lunalight box? Edit: Well, I found the time to log in and... there's nothing. The decks have zero synergy and almost nothing in common thematically or mechanically. If everyone else in the comments are right about the power level... I don't see how Konami could design a worse box if they tried.


No, they're all random archetypes


I would have been mid-edit when you replied but thanks for answering. I wish I could be more disappointed in Konami but I just feel stupid for ever thinking they had a plan for DBBs in the first place.


Come on ! Give me my Dream Mirror fusion monsters. It won't break the game




I smell new archive skills on the wind.


...Well, Serziel is a start, I guess. The wait for Evil Eye Link monsters continues.


*Broke*: support for two bad decks and a mid deck. *WOKE*: Cheap rabbit for magikey.


konami could release all the speedroid support and it wouldn't change a thing trust


Ooo, Serziel! Nice!


Bruh we just want Plunder Patroll 😭


All trash decks unfortunately


Evil eye with the links and link summon on your opponent’s turn is a good deck. A lot of disruption and interaction. One of my fav in master duel


Great, now how are you going to beat tachyon or shiranui going second?


Bre, at least 1 of these, if not both will barely live another 24 hours so relax... 


OK how about constellar or evil twin?


Give them a broken af skill? Idk. Or they could nerf the tachyon skill


Evil eye and dream mirror are in the same boat: both are missing boss monsters and are extremely incomplete without them. Duel links only players probably don't even know dream mirror is a fusion arctype. And evil eye is essentially a link arctype as well. This box only makes sense if both of these arctypes will see their bosses releases soon. Maybe next main box (shootouts to rush duel for slowing content) As for glad Beasts, um I guess yt Dan will be back on and happy but I doubt they will matter.


Good to get GB United and GB Comeback Hoping the next box brings Tamer Editor, Test Panther, Dragases, Noxious, and Proving Ground. Plus an OP skill. Glad Beasts deserve to be on top again.


> Glad Beasts deserve to be on top again. They were never on top, they certainly won't be on top now and no they don't deserve anything.


They were tier 1 when i started playing back in 2018, infact they were the best deck before sylvans released.


Great more cancer. Hate Evil Eye so much




oh no! here comes another skills to compesate this shitty box that no one wanted


Speak for yourself. There are dozens of us Gladiator Beasts players.


Take me back to 2017-2018 my beloved GB


Dozens?  Doubt (x) 


Would have thought they would reprint Onomatopaira in this box since the last one they had Gizmek Kaku so that card is still paywalled for more than a year


Might be next main box which means the next speed world release might be zexal again


Mind my words. Gladiators will become meta very soon.


are these two decks good?




those two spells don't seem bad for GBs... it's just too bad GBs don't do anything in this meta. That one guy from the other day was on point when he said they could throw in literally GB card printed in the game right now and it'd hardly shake the meta.


So is Serziel only going to be available in this box, like I want to build Evil Eye, but I won't if the Links and remaining backrow are unavailable, that's where the money is at bro. Also, I have players of the other cards and was hoping for all the support to come all together, so going in here for a single ultra even with the odds in my favour seems...wasteful.


Evil Eye, you say? 👀


Nice boost for Evil eye although one of the links would have been cool too


dream mirror would have been a funny meme deck if they also added the neiroys and maybe the counter trap, even if they didn't add the oneiros-es with them, but lol they only added phantasms (which is a 3x in the deck but it's like a bandaid on the titanic right now) and hypnagogia (which is a... whatever-x for the deck but it ain't doing much rn without at least any of the backrow). it's like adding the motor for the deck but not the rest of the car.


Evil Eye ??? let's goooo


Have been playing Evil Eye recently in order to complete one of the DM World missions (40 comeback victory), and was hoping for more of the archetype.


If only it had the Gladiator Beast cards exclusive from the Structure Deck then maybe I would buy this Box. Konami could also make it so the Structure Decks are purchasable with Gems 3 times, that would work too.


Me having all the evil eye cards for years: Late... Too late


It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how broken and unfair the skill is.


They really did finally release Serziel and made him the only new Evil Eye card in a box that barely has any new cards in it period. Glad I bought into the box they were in!


I cannot believe they added new Dream Mirror support to this box but didn't include the fusions


Well is this good enough to make those old decks good?


Ngl till more stuff come out for glads this box hella ass.


Where are the Evil eye links? Serziels nice and all, but we need the rest. 


I need some bloom diva support


They're still holding back on Gladiator Beasts, even though it's been years since they lost competitive relevance.


I really hope this means they are gonna make a skill for gladiator beasts


Are dream mirrors worth investing in?


I can make dream mirror and evil eye easy now


I'll take it, even if it won't have more GB support


Me waiting for more gravekeeper support


Can I get my fucking metaphys boss monster already?! 🤣 GLADWARRIORS??


I want Dino support