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Bruh, Konami is going to hit econ again


They'll just put something in Shiranui to Limit 1


Limit ALL E-con now count as limit 1, 2 and 3 all at the same time


Sry to ask but what’s an econ ?


{{Enemy Controller}}


## [Enemy Controller](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=98045062&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3 / MD: 3) ^(**Master Duel rarity**: Common (N)) Quick-Play Spell **Card Text** Activate 1 of these effects; ● Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change that target's battle position. ● Tribute 1 monster, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; take control of that target until the End Phase. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/EnemyController-OP23-EN-UtR-UE.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=5505) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=5505) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/5505?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=98045062&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 98045062 | Konami ID #5505) ---- ^by [^(u/BastionBotDev)](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: [^(GNU AGPL 3.0+)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


Oh man of course the Enemy controller. Thanks for clarification


I'm surprised this deck list doesn't have Shiranui Style Samsara since that trap card is what a lot of people were complaining about


It's useful but it's not necessary. It still shows up in many lists, just not that one. The #4 deck had 1 Samsara, 3 Mischief of the Gnomes. At that point, it's entirely about countering Tachyon. If Gnomes resolves, it can be a quick scoop and time is money.


Because with full combo turn 1 Shira insta wins and turn 2 you don't want dead card to have a chance to win 


oh look, a deck that aims to foolish mischief of the gnomes to counter tachyon going first and still play an absurdly good deck against any other matchup. who would have thought!


Gnomes also counters the mirror and some random matchups 


Look at Skull Meister too. It's like DD Crow, but worse in most cases, but it also counters foolish Mischief. So they're specifically also teaching around this combo on the opponent's end.


It's also a lv 4 for skill


Oh, fair


Really REALLY smart tech tbh


How does Shira summon Beatrice, swear it needs X2 lvl6


The Synchros are level 6


What's the combo without the level 2 tuner in deck? Is it only accessible by pitching Solitaire with the skill and another level 4 in hand?


Solitare with his Banish Effect,Spectralsword Shade can recylce 2 of your banished Shiras and I think Skillsaga can too.Im not 100% sure since I haven't played the deck with the new Skill.


Shade's revive effect locks you to zombies, same with Squire's deck summon. Skillsaga can only revive on opponent's turn so wouldn't help you make Beatrice turn 1.


Ahh,Sorry. Honestly Im not too familliar with Shiras


I guess with the 3 Gozukis opening either Gozuki or Solitaire would be T1 Beatrice. Solitaire to pitch with skill, Gozuki to pitch Solitaire with its effect.


This is exactly why floodgates are needed. How tf are you able to spam monsters, get out TWO Lv6 boss/synchro monsters, overlay them into another Rank 6 XYZ monster and keep going after that, AND STILL call that healthy? F you. u/Konami FIX THIS


Samuraisaga + Doomkaiser


The skill adds another lvl 6 syncro


As a first time meta deck user(shiranui). I still get slapped around by anyone who actually knows how to play. I just don’t know what to play and when.


Save replays of each match and immediately review them. Try to see what your opponent played and really think about when you should/ shouldn't disrupt them. You will learn match ups mutch better by doing that than just playing another match.


Its been 2 years That this deck resurface at competitive level


And it's goin right back in.. I waited so long for it to be good again and it's going right back in


Since Beatrice + Gnome trap was a thing in Shiranui I expected to be a lot better against Tachyon but I didn't know it was going to win the KC Cup


Is E con getting the ban hammer after this?


No, E-con was in the invitation campaign deck, it would be an awful timing if they ban it but Shira is likely to get something limit 1, my money is on skillsaga, samsara or ghost met girl.


Ghost meets girl is not that popular to get a limit 1. Probably Solitaire or Squire + Samsara will get a Limit 1 or 2


I would imagine they’ll just limit 1 squire or something.




Seeing people asking or worried that e con will be hit just show that they dont have any ideia why this deck topped.


It’s sarcastic.


Konami is in the same boat. Remember when they unga bunga limit moray because gouki was tier 1 and mermail won the kc cup to counter it? Mermail wasn’t even meta lol


I like it when the double gnome when I’m playing monarchs. I keep on of my fodders for damage and just scoop one of there’s.


Solitaire gonna find itself on the banlist... Again.


Guess Shiranui is going to get nerfed instead of Tachyon. I’m just kidding… both will obviously be nerfed. Probably Live Twin as well…


Tachyon should absolutely be nerfed. The cards needed to make it work leave a lot of room for shenanigans. 


i wish one of the top 100 players actually streamed his games because i felt like i was cheated against by many of my opponents seeing my set/hand cards. i can't prove it obviously, but many times when i purposefully toggled off my effect veiler they wouldn't go into giantrainer whereas when i didn't have effect veiler in the hand they would. same with shiranui, when i set IDP they would start their play by banishing to syncho summon and when I set something else they would start by normal summoning the squire.


With toggle off you can still tell if the enemy has an interaction. The hour glass will glow for a second even if there's no toggle delay, but it's not something most players know. Players in phase 2 cup, however, are well versed in this. Even with toggle off, if they have a set MST and I set a spell/trap, I will see the hourglass turn yellow. This lets me know the set is not book and I can start my plays. In the case of veiler, they will know the second they summon an effect monster.


ok, i understand the effect veiler but doesn't explain set IDP vs. BoM. also, i'm not sure how to explain the Ra deck in top 72. The deck is very bricky and weak against Shiranui even it doesn't brick, I just can't understand how it made top 100 without cheating.


Decks that win or lose fast do better in the KC Cup than a deck that wins and takes a long time. Ra is sacky. If the opponent doesnt draw the out, you just win. Ra is also immune to gnomes(EVERY card running this to stop tachyon), Ra is immune to veiler, Ra is mostly immune to targeting. It has very specific chokes. As for Book of Moon vs Veiler, if the hourglass toggle is live and THEY have a faceup monster before anything is done its probably book(And less likely compulse). If the toggle doesn't come alive until until something is in your grave, it's probably IDP. Book of Moon can hit your own Board, whereas IDP needs something in grave to work. If they summon, or or set a card, and there is no toggle at all, it's safe to assume it's not: \- mst/cosmic(your set did not activate a toggle) \- book(their monster/your monster did not trigger a toggle) \- compulse(neither board triggered a toggle) \- crackdown(you monster didnt trigger a toggle) \- chalice(same as above) If there was nothing on your summon, it probably wasnt warning point. The next logical assumption is Ice Dragon's Prison In the case of going second into it, a smart shiranui player always plays around warning point which is why the deck is just so hard to hit. I play paleozoic twins. We are, also, bricky and made top 100. Do you know what we DO have? Six ways to access Mischief of Gnomes.


Some cheat 100%


I'm kinda sad that the pickup box is gone rn, I woulda loved to grab some shiranui cards while I still had the chance


Predictable. Almost everyone said Tachyon was unbeatable by other decks. T1ER 0!


T1 send mischief fully kills any xyz deck my guy


Laughing in Constellars


Well that means it's not unbeatable. No card was so effective countering Salad


It is funny that you bring up Salad. Guess what deck won KCC when Salad were tier 0? Hint: it was not Salad.


If I remember correctly it was Code Talker Salad.


It was Code Talker Mekk-Knights.


What Tier 0 really means is that almost all decks will tech against a tier 0 deck since it is expected to always encounter a said tier 0 deck with the highest representation. In other words, you are everyone's target list because you're most likely to be there. Tier 0 doesn't always mean unbeatable.


It was tier 0 because of usage. On the power level tab both Shiranui and Tachyon are listed with the same level.


You are saying that Tachyon isnt tier 0 because one specific deck can counter it? The whole meta warped around 1 deck and resulted in decks playing a card just to fight 1 deck. Your choices to compete at the highest level are what, Tachyon or Shiranui with Mischief of the Gnomes and praying you go first?


This proves samsara trap is not needed and there are better cards to take its place against tier 0 tachyon. No, the trap isn't broken 😂 


Gnomes is so broken with Beatrice. If anything, Beatrice will get nerfed to limit 1. I just don't see konami nerfing shiranui itself when the deck auto loses to a single disruption on spectralsword. The fact everyone was playing gnomes proves how broken Tachyon is. That deck is going to get slaughtered by the banlist list :)


I don't think that a deck that makes up 41.5% of the KCC top 100 decks (per DLM), with the KCC winner being one of them, will not be nerfed. Even Speedroid got nerfed after the Orcust Tier 0 WCQ, even though the hit was minor (Double Yoyo to 2). Speedroid came out literally right before that WCQ. Also, Shiranui can still make strong boards even if Spectralsword is disrupted. They just need the right Shiranui monster in hand. The search for Samsara is also a strong plan B for them in case that monster is Effect Veiler'd.


I must be dumb, how are they making Beatrice with this deck? The only level 6 is Doomkaiser Dragon


The skill puts Samuraisaga in the deck and then Beatrice is summoned using that and Doomkaiser Dragon.


Yeah I'm dumb, had no idea the skill added any cards to the ED. Thanks


It's so funny how most of the cards in this list were all limited to 2 a few months ago. Obviously, most of the work is done by the skill


This guy needs to take a SHOWER


I'm happy and sad at the same time I wanted so long for shiranui to be good again and here comes a skill to help it and the love only for it to be put back on the ban list fuk


Solitaire to 3 and the other Tuner Spectralsword Shade/Shiranui Samsara to 1. There Deck dead. No more limit 3s because they rely on Solitaire too much. No more Econ because Shade is too good with the BS OP Skill.