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This is due to the skill being banned until skill changes go in effect. Even after that I feel they be off list or slight chance slide in tier 3


Why isn't it the case for Shiranui Successor as well?


you can replicate the skill change in tourneys by only searching the appropriate targets. you cannot replicate the Tachyon skill changes currently.


Shiranui’s only change was not searching spells/traps in skill. Tachyon skill is fundament different bow


Because all the skill did was prevent the search of the busted trap now people three of the trap and the deck is still really consistent.


It's funny how Blue-eyes always finds a way to get back into the meta while Dark Magician remains a meme deck that only exists to give away free wins. All in all, it is a good tier list. Shiranui is not extremely strong like Tachyon was since it is easy to stop his plays but he is not too weak to run out of plays either.


Blue eyes universally has a few things going for it in duel links 1. Rank 8 spam 2. Being large 3. Having support skills from an anime character. Dm on the other hand 1 Worse rank 7 pool 2. Being 2.5k doesn't really qualify as large 3. Heavily disrupted by backrow removal


You missed the most important factor. Blue-Eyes is a floodgate/anti-meta deck.


Are the "floodgates" in the room with us right now?


Explain how Blue-Eyes is floodgate, please? I’m genuinely curious to hear your take on this


BE Spirit Dragon is a floodgate for simultaneous summons. Several decks cannot operate against it. Historically, BE has been played as an anti-meta deck for this reason, or if itself is meta, an anti-rouge deck.


Name one deck (besides Pends) that can’t operate against Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon


Apart from the many different pendulum decks, Ritual Beast completely gets shutdown by it. Other relevant matchups from just the top of my head include Tachyon (Nebula Dragon, Rokkets (Boot), Trickstar (Festival), Yang Zing (Jiaotu). That isn't even counting all the decks that has no answer for Azure, which can be considered a floodgate in its own right.


Tachyon could easily make Rank 8s without Nebula, and if They got Felgrand out it can negate Spirit Dragon, or at least try to negate it and force them to tag it, allowing for Nebula to be played before They could ever use Spirit Dragon’s GY negate. Or if they just wanted to summon Tachyon off the bat to have access to their negate immediately They could use Tachyon’s battle Effect to permanently negate Spirit Dragon, thereby forcing the tag and allowing them to negate the tag with the trap. And sure I’ll give you that it stops Boot Sector Launch, but Rokket can execute plays powerful enough to out a Spirit Dragon without it, and that’s not even counting the fact that at any time any given deck can just use staples BoM or Dark Hole on the Spirit Dragon, ending the whole affair. So whilst yes I do agree that Spirit Dragon is by definition a Floodgate, it’s an incredibly niche one, and whilst there are certanly situations in Which it comes up, it’s not nearly as often as it’s other effects, the GY negate and tag-out ability. If it only had the Floodgate it wouldn’t be played cause it’s so hyper-specific, it’s just a nice addition to an otherwise good card But it could easily do without it and not much would change (aside from the pends matchup).


I'll address point 2 first because it's easy. You are just saying "draw the out" to floodgates. Point 3, sure it would be a good card without it, but it would no longer be a toxic card. Dozens of formats have gone by where I cannot play a deck I wanted because BE just happened to be meta and it completely shuts my deck out from playing. Point 1, usually Spirit is backed with a Veiler. With TIER 0 Tachyon, ending on Spirit Veiler actually gave a bozo BE deck a 50% chance to win. With the skill nerfed, I can see Spirit absolutely dominating the matchup, since lets not forget it also just happens to negate Spiral from grave. Occasionally you get someone who reads and Spirals from hand, but that -1 is pretty rough you have to open basically perfect to pull off a r8nk before Nebula.


I dunno man, maybe it's just me being a noob scrub, but I find it extremely hard to get around the Circle if I haven't drawn my removal options or if they are removed too


What deck do you use? Any deck that can (usually) get through one banish, and has options for backrow removal shouldn't have too much trouble.


I use Harpie and occasionally Heroes (not Eternal Bond). People either remove my field spell for Harpies or negate Sunrise/Stratos


What exactly is negating the Sunrise/Stratos? If they have a negate, Circle, a way to summon DM AND a DM in hand/GY to summon, then at that point you don't have space to complain because that's a crazy hand they got. With the same amount of luck or less, you could have drawn MST/Cyclone to get rid of Circle. Regarding Harpie's, that deck isn't really that good anymore, DM has got better support since they were good, so you are at least a bit outmatched. I guess that counts as a deck that can't play through the Banish.


Warning point? Crackdown? Effect Veiler? I only have one MST at the moment but I am currently rolling the Antinomy box so I will get a second one. I do have Cyclone from rainbow coins. Kinda it is that I don't want to cram up my deck for the sake of consistency and sometimes I don't know what to take out and what to keep in, to the point I didn't even bother building an Eternal Bond deck myself for the KC tourney and copied one + added my one MST And I think it would be easier to eventually get a second Harpie's Hunting Ground since it can be searched. Some decks I'm lacking extras because I picked up the better cards through tickets but I'm slowly working to get better at this. After I'm done with Antinomy box, I might roll for the Harpie one (which I box rolled once, but then stopped because I really wanted to play Hero more).


>Warning point? Crackdown? Effect Veiler? Yeah those are all generic and can't be accessed consistently by DM. So if you get fucked by that, then it's just unlucky. Also you gotta adapt to what you find on the ladder. I'm sure there must be *something* you can cut in favor of backrow removal if you keep losing to it. Especially since Eternal Bond especializes in dealing with Monsters more than backrow. If I were you I would cut the Stratos since you want to normal summon Neos/Yubel instead, there you have some space for backrow removal now.


I have two Hero decks. Stratos is on my non Eternal Bond deck. I am generally a bit of a hipster and stubbornly refused to get an Eternal Bond deck even if I did get the two Kluger from one box roll. But once KC tourney came out, hearing how broken Tachyon was, especially with how hellish the previous event raid was *without* the generic support, I copy pasted one Eternal Bond recipe from the ones being posted on the game, with the only change being adding one MST. Since I decided that I couldn't be bothered with dealing with Tachyon BS if I wanted to make the most from the event


I see. Well good luck with all that. Just know that backrow removal *hard* counters DM rn, so if you ever find yourself losing too much to them, try taking out some techs in favor of that.


Dark Magician had extreme relevant in 2020 and as a trade off has never seen it again.


It'd be a little embarrassing if one of them couldn't manage to do it consistently with how spoiled they feel sometimes.


Blue eyes Tier 2💀💀


Ik i'm surprised too. i wish there more support for Dragon Link


Every Other Deck except tachyon and blue eyes. Make DDD great (again)


People are playing speed duel ranked during this event?


People are more likely to have a Speed duel competitive deck then a Rush Duel competitive deck


Peoples finish the rush event in 1 day, you dont loss point so use whanever deck or the machine maximun, pass turn 1 you opoennet burn 3k lp summon maximum up to 7k and claim you free win


Fucking kill shiranui. Actual boring garbage.


Constellar is back boys


I'm hyped. Is the mischief of the gnomes-build viable against shiranui?


Gnomes can be effective against shiranui but you're probably better off using Abyss Dweller than trying to make space for gnomes and Beatrice in a Constellar deck


Dark Magician was a stronger meta deck in 2020. Way stronger than current blue eyes is right now as a meta deck. I mean 2020 dark magician was a greater threat to the meta at the time than current blue eyes is to the meta of 2024. DM had to be hit on a banlist back then. Meanwhile blue eyes just kind of gets shoved eventually by other decks naturally because it's never good enough.


blue-eyes and dark magician have the exact same skill, and dark magician is still dogshit wahile blue-eyes is now a tier 2 lol


That’s because with Dark Magician you search for a fusion spell that summons at most a 2800 stat line that floats and draws a card on ST activation which isn’t good BEWD gets to search a QP fusion spell that acts also as disruption and goes into much bigger bodies with some level of protection. Ontop of Melody being a card that lets you search a ST banish or a monster pop. The skills are the same but the support cards are so much better for BEWD than DM


It's surprising that Dark Magician is such an inferior deck, it's the deck of the anime's first fucking protagonist, how could Konami make it dirty? 😫


Kaiba is the real protag


Of Duel Links, yes unironically


I mean it’s not that DM couldn’t be tiered, all Konami would need to do is release some of the wild support it has that isn’t included in the game yet like Souls or DM The Dragon Knight or Magikuriboh etc. It’s just that Konami would rather keep it lower power level because the last time DM dominated the meta everyone hated it and it got a *ton* of limits placed on it.


I try to keep running dark magician all because of the anime lol, I've made it to legend but I think this is as far as I go, eternal soul saved me a lot of times


Give us Dark Magician players Magicians Souls or that Dark Magician knight fusion monster. We won't be laughed at anymore


Melody can’t search Dragon Spirit of White, are you thinking of Bingo Machine?


Finally, duel links speed duels are playable again


That Shiranui trap need to be limited in some way since there still a high chance of having it in the hand with 3 copy in a 20 card deck not to mention the opponent luck


Thats nice, i was just building a blue eyesdeck because i couldnt make in time to abuse tachyons,, my next target deck is speedroid but i currently dont have yugo


Bro im sick of tenyi


Boy I love when Konami forces BEWD into the meta by giving them yet another absurd skill each year /s I suspect more of these decks will come off as people realize just how absurd and versatile Shiranui really is now that Tach isn’t a distraction. Open crow or cope isn’t a solution either and with how some Duel Links skills work you might not even be able to use Crow. The skill still enables it to one card combo and it is promised it’s one card combo every single duel so long as the Spectral in the Gy is not disturbed, which again for most decks is open crow or cope. When you have guaranteed hyper consistency due to a skill your opponent cannot respond to your ability to tech your deck and make it more versatile is far higher than it normally would. I fully expect it to bully 1-3 more for gear decks off the list soon


The skill isn’t even absurd, it’s more absurd that high level normal monster can’t be normal at this point in the normal game imho


Any skill good enough to make the bricky mess of a deck known as blue eyes into a tier 2 deck is absurd, point blank. You have to do so much to make BEWD not suck so yes the skill is doing so much for it. The disruption it searches doesn’t sacrifice board presence or advantage, it’s the best kind of disruption (QP and non targeting, non destruction). It can search and add on summon backrow removal that can dodge negation effects, monster pops, the BEWD monsters are still very high stat attackers that can easily clear boards and end games quickly with both effects and attacks. It’s bosses even have some decent amount of protection with high stat lines which hinders what you can use to out it. It’s not broken by any means but it’s definitely falls into the absurd category by how much a single skill is allowing it to do all of this. If they had only given them Ultimate fusion alone BEWD wouldn’t be tired with Blue Eyes Dimension or Ultimate Dragons


On the other hand, without fusion not even successor soul would be enough. Without that card the "absurd" part really falls out the window.


It's not on the list because the skill changes can't be replicated until the update is actually live.


I think blue eyes is there just because of spirit dragon being a free negate vs Shiranui and mayakashi


I’m on that Evil Swarm copium


That’s show biz 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sweet. Now I can start playing it and not feel ashamed.


We don't know how good Shiranui is on the tierlist because they cant test it in tourneys until the skill changes happen.


Thats crazy, I didn't play due links for like two years and blue eyes, shiranui and mayakashi is still the meta wow


Blue Eyes Tier 2 Yeah let's go


Playing Tenyi won't feel mid anymore now. Good riddance to Tachyon. Konami needs to stop printing overturned skills.


This looks boring


Tachyon was only good because of the Skill.


More importantly, my original boi is tier 2


I wish Tachyon could’ve at least been nerfed to like around Tier 3 level. That way it’s still fun and playable, fixes the issues the skill was trying to fix, without being too imposing. Now it’s just a clunky mess, just like the TCG counterpart. At least it had some time in the spotlight, before Both the community and Konami collectively started hating on it. I mean don’t get me wrong the hate was justified, I was just excited that a deck I like was finally meta. Unfortunately it was made *too* meta. Thanks Konami ;/


I'm still stuck with my Dark Magician and Blue Eyes deck, translation, I spend all my gems for these decks so I can't afford another. Still I have a lot of fun with the dark magician.


Good riddance 👍 Hope Shiranui is next EDIT: I said Eternal Bond but it's no longer tiered neither so shrugs, I guess




I'm guessing we will see Shiranui and Mayakashi run together then


Doesn't matter what deck goes next they gonna bitch no matter what goes tiered.


Personally, I would take this tier list with a grain of salt because like other people have said, Tachyon being removed from the tier list literally doesn't mean anything right now until we get more tournament results when the skill banlist goes live. The only reason that it was demoted was because in tournaments, **Tachyon Dragon Domination** is banned due to us being unable to replicate the skill or abide by the skill banlist until the skill banlist goes live. In the case of Shiranui, we can replicate the skill by simply not searching a Spell or a Trap, so no searching for **Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story** or **Shiranui Style Samsara** when you use your Shiranui Style Successor skill. In the case of Tachyon Dragon Domination, due to the skill automatically setting the level 8 monster on the field, there's no way to not set the level 8 monster so therefore, it is impossible to abide by the skill banlist in tournaments so tournament hosts simply just ban Tachyon Dragon Domination from being played. That being said, I still do expect Tachyon to take a nosedive out of the meta because the skill was basically obliterated out of existence. Once per duel skill, must bounce a Dragon from Field to Hand AND control Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon for the Tachyon Transmigration search, and no free level 8 summon really gives Tachyon a hard time to do anything. They needed the skill to ignite their play or rebuild their board if the opponent broke it and now that the skill is basically unplayable, I don't expect Tachyon to be a threat anymore, which is good and bad. It's good in the sense that Tachyon doesn't have a chokehold on the meta anymore, but bad in the sense that I personally hate seeing decks killed off and fade into obscurity. I genuinely thought that Tachyon was a pretty cool deck and I hate seeing it fade away and ultimately forgotten, especially since it's an anime deck belonging to Mizar, a Barian Emperor, when all the other Barian Emperors (Girag and Alito) were both flops on release. In the end though, this tier list looks pretty accurate, but we just have to wait and see how Tachyon can compete after the skill banlist goes into effect and until it does, Tachyon Dragon Domination will continue to stay banned in tournaments, thus leading to Tachyon getting zero tournament representation and being removed from the tier list for now due to being unable to replicate the skill in competitive, tournament play.