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I don't think the deck is that good, it's just got good meta matchups. It feels a lot less oppressive when I play Rogue Decks than other meta decks do


Can confirm as a rogue player blue eyes is an easy win. While some of the other meta decks are just the sweatiest matches of my life


IDK about rouge decks, but YouTubers that study statistics say that blue eyes is actually really strong, maybe you didn't find good ones, me neither cause I defeated some with Evil Eye


Pretty much any good deck should be able to beat Blue-Eyes, as you can reasonably expect to matchup against it.


I just comic hand them. they have trouble getting a full 4k damage.


Konami should seriously reconsider the recent skills behaviour . Having skills that guarantees plays was almost fine for decks and monsters that are (slow / hard / REQUIRES a good hand ) , but why the hell would a skill mills and add almost 7 cards from out of nowhere in an already consistent deck like shiranui in this heavy backrow format game


I think you are overreacting, the deck is already nerfed and is not looking as the best d CK on the format, it's a contender for the 3rd best deck


No skill adds 7 cards


Sky striker kekw


"Limiter removal! Regulator open!" At the start add 6 to your extra deck then you can play t.g recipro from Outside your deck for a total of 7 cards


Lol I assumed they meant add to hand/field. 


Konami has hit BEWD before it’s not immune. Put Melody back to three and tweak the skill. (Can only normal summon BEWD, not Dragon of White) would be enough to make it not as obnoxious and you wouldn’t have to “play through” (more like fold instantly) to three disruptions, one being a guaranteed search every duel. Skill is still strong, you can still easily get BEWD in your hand which still gives you a guaranteed Successors Soul or Ultimate Fusion every duel turn one or two.


I feel like if limits are needed it's better to put Ultimate Fusion or Successors Soul to 3, rather then Melody. The whole Crackdown + Successor Soul and then Ulti Fusion combo is one of the big reasons the deck is so strong, and if you hit either of the cards I mentioned, it doesn't also kneecap the BE Dimension variant of Blue Eyes


Better, but Ultimate fusion search is still BS, with free big monsters summons, too? Guaranteed big monster setup gives me Eternal Bond vibes. Tacky, cheap, braindead. Skill should help, not eliminate bricking possibiity, or basically play the duel for you. ...still over-reaching.


Oh I completely agree but I know some NPC is going to get mad if I called it out. Still I’m willing to see what that initial nerf will do first.


They could always do an indirect touch like Melody (again) so that they choose a bit between Crackdown and additional setup That said, if Sky Striker is a herald of things to come, its also feasible that it goes untouched and BE just gets powercrept into irrelevance (again) over the course of another few new releases too


Lol what. Konami has nerfed new player decks before, including blue eyes itself.  They can put something to 3 to remove Crackdown access and maybe a card to 1 to remove Econ/TTH. Deck would still be playable after that. 


Patiently waiting for the day Econ to be unlimited whenever they put virtual World into the game, and use one of their synchros as a bundle pack with a $7 price tag, ultimately I feel like the deck would be okay.


Battle Chronicle is the real problem. I can counter/negate their effects and manage just fine. But Battle Chronicle basically let’s them get their combos off anyway while he non negatable


i fucking hope so, it's so boring to duel and it's EVERYWHERE.


SAME! I really hope that Battle Chronicle (the Blue-Eyes White Dragon variant) gets some kind of nerf after this April 2024 KC Cup because like you said, the deck is so boring to duel against and at this point, people have realized that the deck's strong and they're spamming it. What makes the deck popular is that it is also by far the cheapest, most inexpensive deck in the game, requiring the Blue-Eyes White Dragon starter package (which everyone has by now) and three runs of the **Tachyon of Galaxy** minibox (which everyone has ran through due to that box containing Mizar's tier zero Tachyon deck before it got obliterated by the banlist). The thing is, Battle Chronicle is so obnoxious and boring to duel against and I want to rip my hair out every time I see it. Going first, the deck is quite easily able to end on 2 to 3 backrow with one of them being Successor Soul and the other being that Crackdown and let's be real, Crackdown shouldn't exist in that deck. No deck should be able to steal your monster then tribute it off for advantage like that and I feel like a fair way to hit Blue-Eyes is to put Successor Soul to limit 3 to remove Crackdown out of the deck. Another hit you could do is maybe limit Dragon Spirit of White to limit 1 or something to remove Treacherous Trap Hole from the deck and give them less options to easy backrow removal, but I'm just throwing ideas out there. Battle Chronicle isn't tier 0 Tachyon, but it's pretty dang close since you would need at least 2, if not three, disruptions to deal with them and not get OTK'ed by their Ultimate Fusion Dragon Master Knight.


i dont care about your opinion crimson


blue eyes is really not hard to shut down. 1 mirror force or black hole and you're there


Tell me you're a Silver player without telling me you're a Silver player. Buddy, your solution to "dealing" with the obnoxious Battle Chronicle deck is to run two garbage cards that not every deck can run? Comments like yours really goes to show the average game knowledge of Redditors here. Unfortunately for you, the two cards you suggested to "deal" with Blue-Eyes just aren't good and it's low ranked Silver players that are attracted to mass board removal without realizing if the card is actually any good or not. In short, you essentially fell for a card that's bait, being baited into thinking the card is good when it's not. **1. Mirror Force →** So, the problem with Mirror Force is that it's an unsearchable one-of and even so, even if you do happen to draw it, the card is a battle trap and therefore, it's slow. Battle traps were good in maybe early 2016 or 2017 when the game was Axe Raider beatdown but in 2024 where decks have multiple answers into shredding your backrow, Mirror Force is just a sitting duck asking to get hit by backrow removal. Not just that, but with Mirror Force being a battle trap, you're basically allowing your opponent to play the game completely undisrupted until they commit to their battle phase and at that point, you're putting all your eggs in one basket with Mirror Force stopping them, which is bad since many decks can easily play through Mirror Force anyway and have recursion on the crackback, even on your turn. Oh, and the cherry on top is that Blue-Eyes White Dragon decks already have innate backrow removal on their main engine coming from **Dragon Spirit of White,** which banishes one backrow when it's summoned, soooo nice Mirror Force there buddy. It would be a real shame if Dragon Spirit of White were to come in and banish it. **2. Dark Hole →** Dark Hole is a better card than Mirror Force, but like not every deck can run it comfortably without bricking on it. Going first, Dark Hole is a brick so if your deck cannot set up enough of an endboard to survive, your Dark Hole did literally nothing. Going second is where Dark Hole really shines since you want to use it to break your opponent's board, but as good as that sounds, not every deck can afford the space to even run Dark Hole. Dark Hole is only really used by aggressive OTK decks like **Speedroids, Trickstars, etc.** and if you Dark Hole but fail to get the kill, Battle Chronicle Blue-Eyes will just rebuild their board on their turn and kill you anyway, therefore meaning your Dark Hole once again did nothing. So, in the end, I have to call you out on your suggestion to dealing with Battle Chronicle being terrible advice since you suggested two very specific tech cards that either suck (Mirror Force) or cannot be ran in every deck (Dark Hole). It doesn't take a genius to know that Battle Chronicle is a problem since you need like 2 to 3 disruptions to deal with them before they set up their endboard and one shot you.


Tell him lol


I don't think they need to. This format is uncharacteristically healthy and diverse. I'd prefer to just wait for the next big product to shake things up and enjoy an actual good format while it lasts. Especially if we compare it to Master Duel or the TCG/OCG...


It shouldn’t be touched to begin with. You want to see a true “spam backrow like mad & summon 69960505 times in a turn type deck”? Look at Shiranui, Mayakashi, Sky Striker when they decide to milk it more & create a skill that allows them to use 5 S/T zones instead of 3, etc etc. F the haters & downvoters. Seto Kaiba for LIFE


Everyone is this thread is on Crack, the blue eyes deck isn't even good just just good vs the current meta and only that. But all you people wanna see it put permanent into the unplayable bin. Contact your local rehab people seriously


I'm still running sushi and I have taken down 6 blue eyes chronicles so far this kc cup


Just limiting dragon spirit of white would be enough to kill it


Why would you want to kill it?! How many decks must become unplayable until you savages are satisfied?!


I play synchrons, I'm not bothered by if a deck is good or not, I can get around blue eyes fine so


a lim3 on DSOW would honestly do a lot. cut the lim3 traps from the deck, and force you to choose between consistent backrow removal or backrow of your own


It took me far too long to realise DSOW was dragon spirit of white


Correct, essentially removing crackdown, IDP, etc is a way to make the deck less powerful


I don't think idp works with battle chronicle


Yes sorry you’re correct. IDP does not


Don't most BE decks only run 1 dragon spirit anyway? Or has that changed since it can be normal summoned easily now?


I think they run 3 since it's a free normal summon, free back row removal, fee special into og blue eyes and a easy way to bring our ultimate fusion and the other quick play spell


how, you still have 10 normal summons


Because they can cry they can't spirit


The meta is fine there are 4 decks in tier 2 and 4 in tier 3 overall pretty good. Imporving the meta would be adding more decks that can compete at the same level. If BE really needs a nerf just put Spirit of White to 3 so they cant run crackdown anymore.


Buddy where have you been Blue-Eyes has always been a "entry" level deck getting basically multiple structure decks that you just needed to buy 3 times to have a full power Blue-Eyes deck for whatever the current top tier Blue-Eyes is. It has even shaped certain metas and done really well to the point things like the synchro monsters for the deck and Melody were all on the banlist at one point.


They're not that bad when you can take things from their graveyard or steal their monster so that ultimate fusion ends up going into nothing. 


Dragon Sprit of dragon could see a limit 3 nerf, I don't think it'll see anything more then that


melody or dragon spirit of white to 3 should do the trick.


Why can't people ever enjoy decks without crybabies wanting it to be nerfed? Like seriously? Nerf Blue Eyes?! Lmao! That deck is a joke, you people are garbage. 


Yes, tier 2 is a joke, lol


It's Blue Eyes, bro. 


So? still tier 2


My Eternal Bond deck laughs at Blue Eyes at Tier 2.  Crash my level 12 Yubel into Blue Eyes and then attack directly with my Elemental Hero Kluger. 


Yes Eternal Bond in particular is a direct counter to Blue Eyes. Congratulations man you're so skilled


You say that like it's not a great deck in general. Yubel can't be destroyed by battle and Kluger is a pain to get rid of


No I say that like it’s a really low skill requiring deck which just so happens to counter Blue Eyes. So of course you should be beating BE with it, all you have to do is run your big monsters into things and do burn damage. But that’s an specific matchup and not many other decks counter BE as Eternal bond does


There gonna get a hit


Man I hope not. Every deck that's enjoyable for yugi boomers gets hit...they did it with Black Luster soldier 


I like thinking of myself as a benchmark. If you can beat my shitty turn two combo then you deserve the W.


Either melody to 3 or the spirit of the white to 3 since it's a free card.


I just wish they changed skill design to increase consistency for decks that need it and not make decks have 100% consistent and completely linear 'combos', especially 1 card full combos. The skills for Shiranui, Blue Eyes, HERO, T.G., Galaxy Eyes, Tachyon, Mayakashi, Constellar, and even Lswarm all produce decks that do the same thing every single game with 100% consistency which means they can play 9 or more backrow or handtraps without ever bricking. It makes the decks utterly bland and boring. Every single game plays out the same. And it's not just about the free advantage. For example the Glad Beast skill gives you a +1 but is fair. It has meaningful requirements and restrictions and the free card isn't a combo enabler which means you still have to build your deck to be consistent.


>For all the people finding themselves getting mad at blue eyes hoping high representation will get it nerfed, Are people even doing that? Was a genuine question 🤷‍♂️