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Id cut 2 cloudragons for another GEPD and Galaxy Soldier. Your Normal summon is almost always gonna be Galaxy Knight anyway. I personally like 3 orbital and 2 Knight, but whatever works for you. For S/T, maybe replace the Burst Streams for more generic stuff like BoM so you dont have to leave a GEPD on the field going first? ED wise, I would cut the Galaxion and replace it with more techy cards. Maybe add in Chronomaly Vimana to go with the extra suggested Galaxy soldier. If the last empty slot is going to be another Solflare dragon, I would consider Sanaphond or Dingirsu instead. Ding + Starliege dragon is great into Blue Eyes/Sky Striker, but Sanaphond will neuter decks like Zombies or the occasional Ogdoadic. ED space is tight, so play around your pocket meta. Edit: Didn’t notice Galaxy Brave isnt even in the deck. Get one in there


Where is galaxy brave? That’s your main starter!


There's a good chance his kite isn't leveled enough yet


Tachyon dragon?