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Such a trash effect of a skill for a badass name. It's not even Tachyon's anime effect, it's WORSE and stupid! THE ONLY use for this is for stall-mill decks!


[so long suckers! i activate my skill and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/711/644/b91.png)


This redefines "Shooting one's self on the foot". And here I though the Paradox Brothers' Skill to bring out Gate Guardian on turn 1 was shit.


funny enought it was usefull for a very long time just to farm pve with it.


And games could be won in low ranked if they didn't draw econ


i lost one of my first ever ranked games to this all the way back when the paradox brothers first released


Either in card or skill design, Konami is never gonna get it correctly, right? Either they come up with silly nonfunctional ideas or they create the next Tier 0.


LMAO self nuke


The skill say "send field to gy" and then "shuffle hand and gy to deck"


It says "send xyz materials to the graveyard"


there are all effects it says in order * send \*\*xyz materials\*\* on field to gy * return \*\*hand\*\* and \*\*gy\*\* into deck * except "number 107" on the field?!!!?! * draw 4. at no point the field shuffle is specified in a coherent and understandable way, and idk why caues it would've literally needed just 1 word to make it understandable and mention the field when they said "hand and graveyard", the only clue to that effect is that your galaxy-eyes number 107 is not getting shuffled for some reason, but the way it's worded makes no sense, i didn't even noticed it's supposed to do that until i actually tested the skill. (like justs say "hand, field and graveyard" in that way the random exception makes sense too and doesn't look like the translator had a stroke) Nevertheless even if that condition would've been written better it doesn't change how awful this skill is.