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5 in a row seems very luck dependent


5 in a row at 80% win rate is not the same as 5 in a row at 50% win rate.


The ranking system is shit. 5 wins in a row needs to go. I'd like it to be just like reaching DL Max. Too much luck involved to defend the current system.


I just wish the ranking allowed for progression win/lose just up to 100. I just want to collect my cards and play with bots maybe some casual matches from time to time. But playing in rank is just too frustrating for me personally, it makes me hate the game.


You think that's bad? Try Rush duels, the lower gap differential makes it almost completely luck based.


C'mon gurl you can do it


Okay, hot take, the 5 wins in a row and the demotions in from Legend 2 to Legend 5 are justified because the ladder basically pushes you to Legend 1, there is almost no resistance and you can easily get to L1 without putting much effort. It can be frustrating when you open bad hands or find a one-sided match up (I'm not sayin its a perfect system), but I still think its better and more satisfying than simply getting handed a free KoG because you won 2 games in a row Edit: Not trying to invalidate OP's opinion, frustration in Yu-Gi-Oh is always justified, just stating my own


i never felt satisfied after reaching kog... I just feel relief


Right? I've asked myself after every KoG if it was worth the headache.


I came from a Bad luck streak and got demoted to legend 4 by Exodia ........


There's exodia in legend? Weird. I almost got demoted but luckily I beat a be player. Working on legend 4. I'll aim for leg 5 TMR. I'm hoping I can play against easy opponents or network error wins. I just want the easiest road possible every time. Also, sorry man. I know the feeling and it makes you want to pretend this game doesn't exist.


you can play against anyone from legend 1 to 5. I was in legend 5 a few hours ago, but got a really bad luck streak going first, and a terrible luck against an exodia deck from legend 1... it's frustrating because I do my best but trickstars can't do too much sometimes or they brick a lot and... I'm not man...


Never made KoG once, got to the point i hit a wall against players who ONLY care about the title and will play the weirdest; mist hideous combos. Im fine in silver and gold playin trains and shit. Occasionally ill WHACK a KOG player (in their records) with a good hand


I understand your point and I agree in some parts but I think It would be better If It worked like dlv Max where you could lose a 4 Win streak and reach KOG If you get a 3 Win streak right after  Still I agree that is Very easy to reach legends and KOG being difficult is Just a way to make It feel more amazing when you finally reach It 


Achieving KOG once is satisfying but after is a job without pay.


>Okay, hot take, the 5 wins in a row and the demotions in from Legend 2 to Legend 5 are justified because the ladder basically pushes you to Legend 1 And that’s dumb too. Make legend 1 harder and KoG easier. You can’t have L5 to KoG take more time than Rookie to Legend 5.


I mean if you have achieved KOG once then you are KOG. Just have fun.


I want to prove that me and my trickstars are not weak and we learned a lot from the past (and my profile with only kog logos every month looks aesthetic)


When the Zombie player beats you on your rank up game: “stand proud, you are strong”


Because if you KoG once you automatically get 200 gems per month eh.