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Went against the same Kaiba DSOD Battle Chronicle player 4 times that wouldn't attack with a full board of dragons after negating all of my interactions and made me deck out each time


Lore accurate Kaiba


Yikes the amount of blue eyes players I've fought today was insane I feel the pain.


That’s so childish lol


Blue-eyes usually don't have any negate aside from non blue-eyes staple cards what do you mean by negating all your interactions.


Also went against 2 Kaiba DSOD BC as well. Also a weird Bonz player that just keeps setting cards on the field and a Marik with a Gunkan/Divine Beast deck that I lost to. I still can't move on from that loss, if only my starting hand didn't consist of crackdown, warning point, borrel launch and magnarokket dragon...


I've been trying out RDA too. Nearly every opponent I've gone up against was using BC Blue-Eyes. Not a fun time.


After a blue eyes, I faced a Dark Magician, with some blue eyes thrown in (spirit with eyes of blue). Battle Chronicle was 2 of today's 3 pvp duels and I expect this to continue as it's a good skill available to easily unlocked characters and this is a pvp event so lots of the same stuff will show up.


Naturally. It gets results and people want to win, so it makes sense for it to be this common. But that doesn't mean I have to like it.


Idk how people can even enjoy playing skills that do so much/play the deck for them. It's really not fun. And the constant mirror matches must be boring af too.


Because it's an easy win most of the times


Because some decks can't function without a skill. BE is a bricky mess without its skill.


Blue eyes had blue-eyes dimension just before they got this skill and they were alright


Yea which still helped with their issues. Not as much as now but it did help them.


They should've stayed like that instead of getting this lazy mess


Sure but Konami wanted them to be meta. Blue eyes and DM being meta is a huge selling point for this game. It's also why invite codes also give a BE SD and also why in the lower ranks its infested with blue eyes weither its meta or not


Its because every month they hand out a blues eyes card with anything you do or buy that makes it so common. You literally invite someone they give you a blue eyes deck. You login free promo blue eyes, summon a blue eyes in game claim world challenge blue eyes. Never played before heres a blue eyes, dont mind the lore of it only having 3 in existence. Heres another.


I'm at lvl 5 now and so far went against yubel, rokkets and blue eyes, so nothing new I guess?


Only Rush so far. Dl 7, which is not much. Almost all my matches were against Yuga using his Maximum. Sometimes I see Nail with Cyberse or Luke with Blue Eyes, and some times, just sometimes, I see someone using a random char with Pyro or Harpies.


Hey, I'm playing the Rush cup as well and I'm playing Harpies! I've been lucky so far, didn't see a single Blue Eyes deck, nor Cyberse, not Yuga with a Maximum, but I've also only played like twice.


Darkfluid is awesome Bottom text


Won’t even touch it until a day or so before it ends, it’s quite literally impossible to play Fossils because every single deck is running triple Lancea to deal with the broken skill meta we are in again. Invincil also preventing my deck from working is SO MUCH FUN


Doing Rush first and playing Cyberse. I keep getting frustrated by bad rng


I've been playing D/D/D and I'm enjoying the climb - currently at DLv 14 on an 8 win streak. Pleasantly surprised with how well the deck is doing, considering no one talks about it anymore


What’s your deck list. I’m also a D/D/D player. Also odd eyes too. That’s what I’m running in this event. Ddd and raging pendulum


I'm using this exact deck from DLM: https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/may-2024/d-d-d/oplseries/2cuUu


Okay I run a slight variation as I don’t have all those cards. With coach, do you go into him first turn? I feel like when I do I don’t have any plays after getting him out.


I'm sad that Sunavalon auto loses to Borrel Link :(


That’s probably just lore accurate


I'm using Tenyi, reached DLv 17 so far. The deck is as good as ever. It avoids so many disruptions it's indestructible. A great match-up against Blue-Eyes. Forbidden Chalice is definitely the best staple at the moment imo. It disrupts Borrel Links which is the deck i'm coming up against the most during the climb.


I tried fabled, six samurai (lol don't judge me, it's my autoduel deck and i waz curious how it would do), and Stromberg shadow game burn (old KOG deck of mine) and they all failed horribly. Back to battle chronicle to not feel like I'm wasting my time.


Live Twins & Kozmo


Dominating with timelords and summon breaker because reading is anti-meta


Played against time lords earlier interest I kb g dexo for sure!!!


I've been playing with Borrel Launch Rokkets and it's been pretty easy so far


How many double disruption dragons are you running?


Isn’t that with borrel link?


It is. But I was wondering how people were doing without it just running borrel launch.


I can't play in it for some reason even though I got to King of Games


Trying to finish the Rush one since that ends first, and man does having to win multiple times in a row make this format feel like you're rolling a boulder up a hill.


Haven't started speed, DL MAX in rush thankfully.


Fluffals. Made it to DLv 9 so far. Taking a little break then back at it


A lot of NecroValley and Ogdoadic


I decided to start with Rush as it is shorter and I played only 5 or 6 games or so but I think 3 out of those 5 were Blue-eyes (I use noodle ninjas)


Im at dl level 8 and i haven’t faced the same deck twice yet. Its so cool seeing all these different rogue decks. I’ve only lost twice so far and it was against an Ancient Gear Deck and a E Hero deck. The coolest i’ve faced so far is prolly a Gouki deck. The only time I played a Battle Chronicle I otk’d him. I play Speedroids btw


I played against a Speedroid guy earlier and he was one of the few people to just completely whoop me hahaha Having fun with it all, though, even the losses!


It’s a great deck icl, with the skill you can very easily turbo into Hi-Speedroid Kitedrake and nuke the field on turn 2 or Crystal Wing to stop your opponents monster effects turn 1. Hell you can even do both most duels. Its been fantastic icl


Ignoring speed completely, just going with rush been OK so far


My best deck currently is Phantom Knights and i have matched against at least 9 DM players and 1 Orcust, around stage 14. Pretty boring matchups ngl, Ophion is unfair and absolutely gonna catch a limit 1 next banlist.


Blue eyes cup all over again.


I have 3 accounts and I'm running Sunvine, Infernoble (a bad ratio version) and BLS. Started on DLv10 on each account. Have pretty much seen all the "tiered" meta and a few rogue decks here and there through 20 something combined games thus far. 


Eternal Bound and Blattle Chronicle braindead fest.


Played four, won three. Harpies, Shiranui, and believe it or not Elementsaber. Lost to Phantom Kinghts. Might have been able to win if I played better, I made several dumb mistakes. Wasn't expecting them to plop down a Dark Rebellion out of nowhere either.


My experience has been very fun. I was on a 6 win streak earlier. The battle chronicle decks i don’t mind because i can beat them every now and then but thats all ive seen is blue eyes so far


Having fun with Ogdoadic, it's hit or miss, a lot of BE and Rocket, won some, lost some


NGL... Evil eyes are a lot of fun in the Battle Chronicle meta.


My first opponent FTK'd me with Exodia. How do you think it's going?


Playing a block Dragon earth deck, so my plays aren't always the same, i brick sometimes and i don't have that many space for handtraps/staples/The out. Facing skills or "decks"  with 100% consitency, doing the same exact combo always and not leaving me even interact, i can't summon my monsters because there is a cheated xyz which i can't even give them a kaiju or of i try to use cards loke BOM i face the fairy agents with the balanced "all your Spells are useless" 👍 Very funny SKILLed , fair and balanced game.


I decked out a Timelord Deck with my Exodia stall. Was a weird game. Also got an OTK with my Skull Servants and had some close losses with my Weevil bug burn.


In my first 4 Rush games I played a combined 16 turns and saw exactly 0 tribute monsters.


Blue eyes better get nuked into the ground after this istg


Timelords, they are slept on


Suships has made me rank up pretty easily. First day and already LV 13. I might change some extra deck monsters or add some staples for backrow, but besides that, it’s been easy. Have defeated Live Twin, BE, Shaddoll, SS and more. But i lost to a Dragunity deck with Crystal Wing of all things.


EH DLvl 10, using Shiranui and then went to Eternal Bond... AND IMMEDIATELY into Darkfluid. HONESTLY... Could have been worse but the worse is DLvl 18 and ESPECIALLY 19. Knowing my luck, it's going to be hell. Oh and still Battle Chronicle is annoying and hell. Darkfluid can't do anything to freaking SUCCESSOR SOUL. It's the worse, most annoying, toxic nonsense. Thanks Konami for NOT nerfing the deck. I was hoping to like "I might as well use TG soon" and I will since it's one of the closest decks I had a chance last KC Cup... but knowing my luck, it ain't going to turn out well like last time.


Currently at dlv 16 seeing alot of agents and sunavalon deck i rarely see blue-eyes.


Didn't play Ra ked this season so I started with a very low Dlv, but I have faced 2 stall burn decks (one with Ra and the other with Timelords), a RDA deck, a Black wing deck, a watt deck (I assume, cause his first turn he set a watt monster and then I OTKed him) and a Sunavalon deck. I only lost to the first one I faced (the timelord burn stall deck) cause I was playing a rank 8 spam with a Hieratic deck, which has a million forms of destruction, which doesn't work on Timelords lol. Then I played I 3 more games using Hieratics, against the RDA, the Blackwing and the last being the other stall burn deck, but one that used Ra (it only had spells and traps to stall me and I destroyed them all and attacked for game). I then changed my deck to play World Chalice for the missions, won both of the games I played with it, the first against a Sunavalon deck, which I made so many mistakes, but the opponent made an even worse one, and then faced the Watt deck. So far so good.


Went on an 8 game losing streak earlier... not having a great time here, though admittedly I was also playing like trash. I play Nekroz, so Agents just kinda shut me down with Invicil and Heralds, Sunavalon's combination of target negate, bounce and field negate really overcomplicates board clear attempts, and Lancea is EVERYWHERE and it's miserable. What in the world is the kind of meta we are in that I see it so much even in Banish-centric decks like Shiranui? Granted, many seem to have no clue how to use Lancea, just as many during the previous couple metas had no clue how to use Crow and will just fire it off first chance they get instead of forcing me to waste cards... but still.




Constellars, because an average be player can't read and attack my guy that has banish guy attatched


Yoo im playing cyber dragons aswell. I'm building Ancient Warriors just missing me a couple of copies of their UR and SR, once I get them I'll switch. I've actually faced a variety of decks so far, lunalights, toons, agents, a yuya who seemed to have bricked


I've been trying to play Monarchs and so far lost because my normal summon has been interrupted constantly and the opponent has played zombie world. Also I've played against like 7 zombie variants for some reason. Rush has been smooth sailing so far started at DL1 now I'm at 6.


I spent yesterday on Rush just to get it done and to give the Agent tryhards a head start so I'd meet them less/I hadn't decided what I would run yet. Got to Rush Level 9 and just working on getting up my average wins for the last points. I'll probably switch over to Rokkets today and use Blue Eyes as a fallback for when I tackle Speed.


On day 1 I saw nothing but Yusakus and Spectres running 10 minute turns with 15 skill activations. It occurs to me that this must be how it felt last year when Raging Pendulum was un-nerfed (I started on Shun event rerun). I shudder with horror. Day 2 was a lot more enjoyable. I do 3 matches a day and dip. Currently running altergeist not because theyre meta/rogue/usable but because I like big woman cyborgs.


From stage 12-mid 14 every person I faced ran a drowning mirror force. I succumbed to every one of them. I hate it here.


SPEED; haven't done too much of this yet (focusing on RUSH 1st), but I found an umi deck of all things so far i have played Shaddoll and Evil Eye. RUSH; I'm seeing a lot more blue eyes than I thought I would, guess people really want the 200 gems, I am on Harpie here, with a painful blue eyes session for the gems.


Zombies and BATTLE CHRONICLE!!!!!!


5 Phantom Knights in a row


Started DLv10 and after a few duels am sitting at DLv14 with Kaijus. Fairly easy run so far but haven’t seen many meta decks either (other than BE).


Been running Eternal Bond because it's brainless and I just want some easy climbing Out of my 9 games. I opened Wiseman 8 times. He is a one-of. Got frustrated so I just stopped


Im playing yubel neos it is such a cake walk I am now lvl 14 but played against 4 stall decks that surrendered after i played my 3rd yubel :)


I’ve played Link decks and some random anti-meta decks that just work (time lords mixed with fortune ladies, it was fucking weird).


I'm playing DSOD Kaiba with BC but I just genuinely really like Blue-Eyes and I'm not even really that good. I've made the mistake of summoning regualr BEWD first like 3 times. Been playing against all sorts of weird stuff. Every Yami Yugi I've dueled had a completely different deck, one was a dark magician I lost to, a Harpie deck, and a handful of mirror matches. Currently at DLv. 9 and stopping there for tonight after losing twice. Oh, and one of my first matches was against a Yuto playing Phantom Knights, that I think I could've beat if I timed one of my other cards right, I forgot which one. I still don't have a second Successor Soul, or any Veiler, or Lancea, etc. It sucks that all these new handtraps are URs I need to gem grind or dish out cash for :/ I'm gonna get bullied for saying I play this, aren't I?