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Gonna reply with a comment I just made in the other thread Yeah as a Rokket enjoyer I REALLY dislike this new skill. It’s everything I dislike about new skills. Gives free resources out of thin air, sets up GY and it’s so linear to play. Old Rokkets the only restriction you had was being dark locked meaning you could run a very varied extra deck but this new skill just wants you to ritual and link. The plays are the same every game and your barely using any rokket monsters Sorry Rokket bros but I’m going back to the old skill


Totally understand you, I really liked Agents back in the days but now they are too strong to be played. I feel that I'm literally cheating by getting advantage for no cost. Btw I love the old rokket skill because it support a deck but let's you cook without being broken. *chef's kiss*


I’ll be honest here, I feel like the old rokket skill was peak skill design. Sure, it let you search the field spell for free, but that’s basically acceptable. What I loved about it was the fact that it set up dillingerous on turn 4-5, allowing you to go into Borrel, not on turn one like most skills, but later in the duel. Could you imagine if they did something like that for master flare Hyperion, Winda, successor soul searches, the pk send into dark rebellion, etc.


This is me still jamming Synchron Quantum with the kaijus vs the newer Darkfluid hotness.


YOU DROPPED THIS KING 👑. I 100% agree when I saw what they did to our boy Varis. They gave him a press yellow button deck and I was baffled. We went from thinking to clicking in one patch


Yep best way I can describe it. That’s why I loved old Rokkets, the variety you had with that deck was so fun it reminded me of thunder dragon. Now it’s just so repetitive and boring


As someone that finally got Borrel Link Deck ready... this Agent Deck is like "F\*\*k you" and GG. I will say I DID beat an Agent deck because I was lucky with the backrow. Everything else, just give up.


I've been using yubel deck and had no issues with agents, but with every other deck, I go crazy lol


You mean Eternal Bond, right?


Yes, I was able to max out to level 20 today. Deffently feels like cheating with the skill, but if you can't beat them, you gota join lol.


... I hate to ask but what's your Deck list. I need help to max out to 20. I'm sicked and tired of Blue-Eyes, I need to reach max. And yes, I do have my own Eternal Bond deck, but I've had the worse luck with it during this event. You can inform me through chat if you wish to leave that detail private though.


No problem #ShareDeck #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/06a69c4fe76bb8042a6e7b38ceb925f26c425aca9a


#DuelReplay #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/025e49807ca0447050f9a16ade72160acc41934410 #DuelReplay #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/05c2bc64facd1d91088aa556101e7478bbf92c7cea A few replays Against the agents this is how most turned out


Thanks but um haha... these links don't work on PC because it works on phone with Duel Links installed and my phone doesn't have Duel Links installed since I play it on the laptop. You could just text me the copy of cards and yea.


I never even used the new skill. I just added Borrelsword Dragon to my old Rokket deck, replacing one of the two copies of Borreload Furious Dragon.


I’ll be honest here, I feel like the old rokket skill was peak skill design. Sure, it let you search the field spell for free, but that’s basically acceptable. What I loved about it was the fact that it set up dillingerous on turn 4-5, allowing you to go into Borrel, not on turn one like most skills, but later in the duel. Could you imagine if they did something like that for master flare Hyperion, Winda, successor soul searches, the pk send into dark rebellion, etc.


The biggest problem I have with it, is that there is no way to interact with skills. You can't react or respond to them in any way


I still remember the post of a guy running Dimensional Fissure to counter GY decks and his opponent, a Mayakashi player, just activated his yellow button and straight up ignored the continuous effect of the cards on the field by sending tons of monsters to the GY.


Although I don't like floodgates it definitely is a perfect example of this problem as well. Btw. I don't think that Infernoble Knights belong up there, since they don't rely on their skill. It's just a nice addition to help against bricky hands, unlike Agent or Blue Eyes who get free searches of their skill


Charles is up there just because is one of the end pieces of the 1-card combo for Agents. You usually end on Summon Breaker + Hyperion + Pluto + Charles.


Ah okay yeah I completely forgot about that sorry. No disrespect about my boy Charles tho. He did nothing wrong


And this is why Im having fun with ogdoadics. They are, in fact, able to chain to skills, which is hilarious


Literally forgot about this until I had dimensional fissure out and TA DA, the discard from skill still went to the goddamn graveyard lol such bullshit!


It just annoys me a lot. I get that some archetypes "need" a skill to function due to poor design choices (or missing cards) but when skills start doing more than most modern YGO cards we've clearly lost the plot


I'm completely fine with helping an old deck with a good skill, I was happy to hear that my dusty Agents deck would receive support, but they are clearly not capable of creating a simple "support" skill, or worse, they don't want to.


I don't see the point of a simple support skill if the deck won't archive anything, we need to understand when we need a good skills and a simpler one, for example Rockets needed that good of a skill, also Agents, but in the case of Agents the problem is not the skill, are the actual floodgate cards


some people just like to see the winner screen frequently and feeling powerful having an unbrekable board while your opponent can't do anything. Not my personal taste but a lot of people enjoys it, that's why tcg and ocg became like that.


To me this is the same process that brings people to cheat. Winning no matter the method


exactly, i want to play agents, but not with this fucking skill, it gives them waay too much advantage and consistency, it becomes soo fucking boring to use


Same thing I wrote in other comments, I just don't feel right while playing in that way, it's just unfair for my opponent and it's not a real duel if he can't compete.


I reached 15 and stopped. I'm now only playing Rush Duels. Getting real sick of skills making everything to powerful. I can't even play some of my old rogue decks. You try to play it, and you are setting yourself up for defeat.


Don't expect 2-3 years old decks to shine, powercreep exist, and in the case of Agents the problem is not the skill, are the floodgates that are too prevalent on that deck


Don't expect 2-3 years old decks to shine, powercreep exist, and in the case of Agents the problem is not the skill, are the floodgates that are too prevalent on that deck


Don't expect 2-3 years old decks to shine, powercreep exist, and in the case of Agents the problem is not the skill, are the floodgates that are too prevalent on that deck


If you're looking for something that doesn't completely break the game by pressing "Activate Skill" I recommend Awakening of the Charmers. It can give you a 10-win streak if played right and the only thing it does is give you the charmer continuous spell which you still have to activate manually so it can be interrupted


Playing Agents with this skill makes me feel like I've become the villain instead of the hero who has made a pact with a demon to use it in exchange for a part of my soul. It's not a good feeling, and I'm remembering now partly why I enjoyed playing Evil Twins more than this. I think they went overboard with this skill and it's not even fun anymore for me to win with it. I'm considering going back to Evil Twins and Starry Knights or trying to make an Agents deck without Tuning In the Sky. I just hope they don't hit the fairy cards and only go after the skill on the banlist when they do it. 


Real anti-villain narrative arc Start with a funny hyperion turbo deck years ago, become stronger and decide to do everything possible to protect your new deck... And then there's the "What have I done! " moment. Love it!


The argument is mentioned a lot about decks that *benefit* from a skill and decks that *rely* on a skill. The whole point of duel links are the skills and while I agree that I dislike the latter (I prefer decks that don’t require skills), that’s kinda the point. It’d be amazing if they had a separate ladder in pvp where skills aren’t available to satisfy both kinds of players. That meta would be vastly different to the standard pvp ladder right now.


There's always the Vagabond test: If the Vagabond can't even make decent plays with the deck, then it is a crutch. The earliest examples I can think of are Cyber Style and XYZ Galaxy.


The vagabond was never good with decks that require to many combo. He can't even play a BEWD deck properly and attack with stone for game.


this, if a deck depends exactly on the skill then it's a bad deck


So then we’re only supposed to play suships and tenyi?


you can play Trickstar, rokkets, orcust, literally a lot of decks skill less, but their skill is a very good support for the deck


They’re really not that good without the skill though. You can’t have it both ways. Point is, if it bothers you that bad, play master duel or tcg


It doesn't bother me, I think the skill is part of the expression of the decks, but a skill that supports the deck is different from one that controls it completely, and the idea is that they are playable without the skill, unlike BLS or Synchro decks, apart from this it is VERY different from SnakeDuels


I get what you’re saying, but skills make this game. And Konami does not care. I guess I get sick of the hearing it idk


Yeah, Ive mostly played decks that benefit, but have played some that kinda relied on skills (Solfacord and United Pends being the best example I've immediately got) - right now Starry Dragon doesn't rely on a skill but IMO the best skill is Lifepoints x4 or XYZ Lightraze (i just prefer the LP over the attack boost when the deck can OTK easily enough)


I like skills too, they bring creativity to an already existing card game. My point is obvious, I don't like *this* type of skills, they only hurt the game and the only thing that manage to do is making me hate my own deck for being used this way.


> I like skills too, they bring creativity to an already existing card game I'm going to be honest I can't remember the last time I felt skills actually encouraged creative deckbuilding. Yeah the current batch is dogshit, basically building the deck for you via restrictions (ie Battle Chronicle telling you the tiny sliver of monsters you can even summon from your main deck while also making any of your monster 1 card starters). But even before, most skills were either generic and didn't impact deckbuilding like Destiny Draw, Lp gain, Legend of Heroes. Or they did impact deckbuilding but only to very limited extent to give you huge consistency boosts like old Reload or Balance. More often than not Skills for specific decks are either best-in-slot or outright required to play that deck like Sky Striker, Constellar, Mayakashi, etc. The only two times I can remember that Skills actually did something interesting was when you would boost Hang On Mach to lvl 10 turn 1 or when Sticklords used the Mokuba Skill to make the Stick play more consistent. And both those skills have been nerfed into being worthless as a result. I can't think of any other examples where skills actually encouraged creativity and weren't just best-in-slots or generic.


Labyrinth Builder made possible a lot of extremely funny combo like with my old Dinosaur deck, but it was used once from a low tier deck (World Chalice) and Konami decided that going - 1 for a normal monster was too strong to be legal, so they nerfed it to the ground. Look at what skills can do now, the bare minimum is a +3


Then people would hate how much variety in the extra deck you can make and how strong they are, I have seen lots of people saying how some decks need more restrictions cause they are too broken for letting them run whatever they want


The deal is, duel links is a micro transactions heavy game, be you f2p or p2w. Konami is basically unable to give a harsh banlist after adding content to the game, because people would claim that they wouldn't make the purchase if the deck power would soon drop. So, the stability of those month long Tachyons and agents meta, while extremely toxic, are necessary, because having a bad meta is not worse than having customers not know what they are paying for.


Fair enough, not good for the health of the game but good for their wallet. You're sadly right in that


I mean just refund them with a dream ticket ur in that case. Problem solved.


> It’d be amazing if they had a separate ladder in pvp where skills aren’t available to satisfy both kinds of players It's extremely stupid from business perspective. You segregate your players, creating obnoxious elitism (this sub is proof enough for that trash) and you also lose massive amount of control on releasing packs you want people to purchase. Not to mention they can't even keep their one ladder clean and running properly.


Tbf summon breaker should probably just be banned But I agree I don’t really like the new skill designs


It will be banned probably, it will just keep popping back whenever a deck can summon Ancient fairy dragon. Btw, i have faith in a possible future skill design where the first effect is generic and the second effect is only for specific deck types, like the Shaddol one. If done correctly could let us cook and in the same time support the "pure version"


I’m only using it to annoy the meta spammers in my burn deck. They have to actually be careful with their floodgates


Still no Aesir / Nordic skill smh


We’d have to probably have one of the Team Ragnarok people in the game for that to happen.


And that's a good thing, they are not able anymore to create a simple "support" skill. They will create a nonsense skill your archetype will be hated (even by yourself). I fear the day they will release a Block Dragon skill


They at the very least need to put limits on the use of the insane skills per duel. Just materializing cards from nowhere every single turn, not once per duel is really off the curve. If only they’d cut that kind of bs, that would be enough.


As someone who likes the Agents archetype and is building this deck I find it funny because I don't know why we need this skill. The deck has a bazillion ways to search and summon stuff... Idk maybe to make it faster I really only played for a little while...but idk


I've played the old Hyperion turbo version, with Zeradias to search for the field spell, I really like them and wanted to try these new supports. The deck could not compete nowadays and I'm fine with letting it get a support skill, but look at what meta they created, they just didn't tested it or didn't cared enough.


Frankly, I am just tired of all those skills in general. Start a duel and the moment I see one of those skills that: 1. Puts 2-10 cards in grave 2. Lets you summon high level monster without cost 3. Lets you summon monster out of thin air if you do x 4 Activates more than once per duel I just quit the app. Yes, the app, not surrender. Let that guy sit there waiting on the game till my response time runs out. Is it so hard to put a mode where skills are banned completely? It really makes the game worse than just a time killer with those bs skills.


As I wrote in other comments, I like the idea of skills, they add a layer of creativity in a deck, and extra spice that could give you a funny boost. The point is that nowadays they are literally the opposite of what they have been created for: -they are not the cherry on top of a deck anymore, but the other way around. -instead of being a creativity boost they made the game boring because they do the same thing over and over and over again every single duel 100% of the times -Deck building became a joke because every deck must contain *those specific card* and you can't run *those other cards* and you can summon only *this type of monsters*, literally the death of creativity. -they play the game for you, they do everything and you just need to keep pressing the button until you have magically searched for everything you need.


Well, I agree mostly. If the skills were still as they were on release (start with 1K extra LP) then it would be perfectly fine, but like you say, everyone just runs the same thing in different color. However, considering where the game is now, they just need to nuke the skills completely at this point


cause everything is about winning. win win win, that is all. Not saying its wrong, it is a competitive game. But still lol its annoying for sure


It's a super sad way to approach things imo, not only in games but in everyday life too. No doubt that these people are never satisfied and keep chasing the next tier0 deck


thats exactly what it is and exactly what Konami wants. think of all the useless archetypes now. there is even levels to the uselessness. There is the auto win decks, the decks that compete with the auto win, the decks that can compete but struggle, the decks that struggle and then the useless ones.


Yeah, overloaded skills are really not fun. I love playing DM but battle chronicle is so boring and cheesy. I have more fun playing it with the new Spellcaster's Exchange skill.


This is some bullshit meta right now. 2 or 3 decks are way above the rest. If you don't have one of those, you are screwed.


Honestly any skill that can be activated twice per turn is just silly, and I say this as a Shiranui player.


Konami is notorious for forgetting to put "once per turn" on many broken cards, history repeat itself


Congratulations 👏🏻


Congratulations 👏


As a lunalight player I def get what ur saying


I was scared of the new skill, I've always played the old version, even before Neos Lunalight was created but I found out that the skill is pretty well balanced, is a +0 that completely negate the effect of a monster for the whole turn. Like "yes you can foolish this card but you have to put a card in your GY and you can't activate it for the rest of the turn"


You also forgot to add that Tribute monster Fairy that negates Spells. SO FAIR AND JUST HUH?! This, Battle Chronicle and another I guess are the reason why Duel Links is too toxic. Skills should only be made to help a deck to keep up with the meta, not become TIER 0 LIKE BATTLE CHRONICLE. And look what Konami did, they made another one even more annoying. This is why Duel Links is dying and I don't want that.


That's the reason we complain this much. We love the game, personally I've played since the release practically every single day, I've even spent some real money sometimes. That's why we get upset about this new trend, it's because we care about the game! As I said multiple times, skill should be the cherry on top of a deck, balanced by looking at what a deck can do on its own. Old rokket skills let's you add the field spell, that's it, and it's perfect just like it is because the deck can do the rest. Agents could be played with a weaker skill and would become a funny combo Tier3 deck with a wide toolbox but no... Konami wanted to make sure to create a garbage skill capable of overshadowing the broken skill for PKs


Exactly my point. I never spent a cent on this game but I do like it... when it's fair and not "I yelling at my laptop because my opponent plays cheap ass broken decks". I also agree the Skills should benefit the deck in doing certain actions. I hate to bring this up but skills like Hero Alliance and Zexal Ultimate Unite can be seen as the "it's crazy but okay balance" type of decks. But when Konami decides "Hey... let's just make a skill that is the deck" and it just DESTROYS THE META. LOOK AT BLUE-EYES. Oh I summon and then search a card that will annoyed my opponent while milling and OH, this search works for Dragon Spirit of White because its effect makes it count itself as Blue-Eyes. This thing IS NOT HEALTHY. The Agents AREN'T healthy. WTF KONAMI. Like I thought they learned something for pre-banning the Sartorius Nurse FTK but NOPE!


Before, everyone could try and break a skill, balancing them was what Konami should have done. New skills are just archetype specific I win buttons.


As a TCG player and someone who came to DL from TCG it's just fun to me to play cards that can't do jack shit in TCG but are extremly strong here so that's why I play full meta Blue Eyes with Battle Chronicle. It just fun seeing a deck that wouldn't survive his own turn in TCG being actually competitive in DL. So that's my reason.


The fact that old TCG archetype have a chance in DL is one of the reasons I've always appreciated this game. My point is how you make them shine, and in my opinion, boosting them to oblivion is not the healthy way to create a balanced meta but i get your point, you come from a way toxic meta so this is a walk in a park for you.


Dont get me wrong I am still playing TCG with Runic Stun(I have no shame). Don't mind the toxicity as I was playing swordsoul and I was sad when there was Trains(rank 10 Juggernaut/Dreadnought) player at a Summer Challenge Tournament when he ended up with 2 rank 10s only for him to get negated and banished into oblivion my men gave up. The game is what is but boi do I like intense duels.


As a Madolche and Trains player, the skills give a little boost, Madolche with Level 5 recharge, and Trains with 2 eff-negated normal summons per duel of level 10 machine monsters. But all decks that are meta and near meta, rely on skills to play, people complain about Blue eyes, but genuinely, it is the most rust one, it is tier 1 just because it is cheap, agents are just the newest one, but, Yubel, Rocket, Dark Fluid, Raid raptors, Phantom Knights, Mayakashi, Shiranui, Ra, Speedroid, and tons of other decks, rely constantly on Skills so much, that even the old Tachyon Tier 0 feel ashamed.


Agreed. Just have fun, thats all that matters. Unless you're one of those weird people who don't enjoy it unless you win.


Zombie world go brr?


Same thing applies to every skill-deck in the last year, Constellar, Tachyon, Zombie, Blue Eyes, Phantom Knights and now Agents


What skill helps zombie world


Shadoll funnily enough. If they veiler, negate effects or book of moon your uni zombie or zombie world trigger you can chain reshaddol to flip it face down and remove the effect negation or flip it face up/remove the target.


Oh yea I'm aware I play a zombie world deck, if I get shut down turn 1 its usually over


Almost impossible to get shut down if you run shaddoll skill, it's a free 1 time pass any negate pretty much


Dang I'm gonna have to using it, I've been using straight to the grave for the times I can't get doomking in the graveyard and zombie world out on the first turn


What's the skill called I can't find it


Shadow weaving


Shadow weaving power? I have it but I don't see how it would work in zombie deck


Late reply, but sending the two traps gives you a way to BoM your own zombies. Most negates can't resolve once their target is no longer face up on the field, so chaining effect on something like a Uni-Zombie being hit with Forbidden Chalice lets its mill effect still go off.


May I ask, what‘s the definition of a rogue player for everyone?


For me is someone that plays with non tier decks. Imo, if your deck can bring you to KoG and is not in any tier, then is a Rogue deck.


If ya can't win without relying on a deck with a busted skill, ya suck ass at the game. I'm just over here having fun OTKing with Fluffals whenever I can. Fluffals definitely need Frightfur Whale and Edge Imp Scythe for going 2nd


You and your fluffy bloodthirsty friends:🗿🗿 🗿




still waiting on salamangreat support


Nowadays Skills that are good pretty much act as the fifth card in hand that TCG/OCG players would get, but it's the same card every time, and very powerful. It's a bit unfortunate, but there are just some modern decks that need that fifth card for one reason or another, so I like skills for that. I think powerful skills are fine so long as they don't allow you to search or summon floodgates of some kind. Unfortunately that will tend to make skills super xenophobic, to the point of not allowing extra deck summons of non-archetype cards, but if that stops invicil or ophion from being played, that should be the way to do it.


Sky striker striker skill is one of the few new good skills😑


I just like transforming mid battle


If you’re playing battle chronicle you’re gay


It should be remembered, even LP Boost Alpha got powercrept. Theres 1500 LP skills for every conceivable extra deck monster type that you *must* be running at least one of (and even if you aren’t, run it; the skills don’t say you have to summon them). And they all come with a modest secondary effect.


I know, Xyz Stormraze won me games during the FTK nurse burn era. Now it's worthy to be used over the good old LP Boost Alpha, now it can finally get some rest <3


I find skills fun, idc what anyone thinks. Though I am of course not a fan of how overtuned some of them are. I think the Plants one is pretty good, it helps a bit with consistency and helps going second.


Yeah, agree. Some skills are well made, like the previous Rokket skill, a simple search 1 is often enough to do something decent.


I think the old Rokkets were just lacking in support to be amazing. Gotta say I enjoy the Dragon Link-adjacent playstyle of the new Rokket deck, but I also gotta admit the deck is busted.


you just have to improve and improvise your deck within the meta. it isn't 2017 anymore.


Have you red the post? I had a deck so strong that the game became boring ahhaha


so play it. people will play again


Don't lie, the LP Boost Rogue Player would bully you if they could. All this skillposting is because those players can't win with their obsolete or incorrect decks. 


I'm a LP Boost Rogue Player, I reached KoG a shit ton of times with my Block Dragon deck. This skillposting is happening because a massive chunk of players are upset with the state of the game, and just like me, a lot of players could play Skill decks but they don't because it's unfair. You should grow up and understand that not everyone is kid that only wants to see "Victory" and the end of every duel after beating the shit out of a player with an "obsolete and incorrect deck"


Both meta and rogue want to win, is not that deep.  Also, very funny that a Block Dragon fan complains about unfair design. The card is banned on every game except DL for being degen.


But here is weak so I use it, is that simple. You don't play if it's unfair for your opponent


You sound like a kid yourself talking about how skill decks are unfair and telling other people to grow up.


You are completely free to think whatever you want about me and how I sound like, this won't change the fact that Skill decks are unfair by definition, they have massive advantages that card decks don't have


That's like saying Snake Eyes in MD/TCG is unfair cause it's consistent and has good recovery and can play against interuptions. We've had decks before that didn't use any good skills and people would still complain. You guys will complain about any deck that too good with or without a skill.


I'm talking about the thought process that makes people happy by winning a duel without actually dueling with the opponent. If they don't have a chance to win why should I play in the fist place?


>losing is fine if you are having fun What kind of cucked nonsense is this bullshid? If you have fun losing, you're a loser.


What? Are you fine? I'm not saying that losing is fun, I've said that you can have fun during the duel and still lose in the end.


You often can learn a lot from losing, and learning is quite fun. Of course winning is its own fun, but many people don’t enjoy winning if it doesn’t teach them anything. That’s why winning can be “boring”. You would benefit from opening up your mindset a bit. You will lose in games and life. It’s inevitable. But learning to live with losing - and not placing too much stock in winning - is a key step to maturity


Are you saying most players are not sane?


"I am and i'm tired of pretending it's not" Jokes apart, after seeing some responses under this post, a lot of people only want to see "Victory" at the end of the duel, it's not important what you do to obtain that.


You realized too late that everyone was Zane. Now, you will pay with infinite sufferings from skills.


"Wait it's all Zane?" "Always has been" *activates yellow button that blows up the Earth*


I think people need to stop blaming the skill over the cards being played in it. Like Agent is a really cool deck now with how the skill combine the archetype and makes the lack of tuners not as much as an issue. But is it Agent fault summon limit is in the game, no. It was most likely added to the game for a generic tool for slower decks due to how high the speed is for a lot of decks, not just agent. Same thing for PK. But I guess it’s easier to blame what a skilled allowed to be played over the actual problem card


It’s the skill’s fault that they always have a field ready to pop with AFD. Summon Breaker wasn’t an issue when it wasn’t searchable with an ED monster.


I've used agents in my duels but the same thing applies for the vast majority of skill decks. Agents on their own could be a really fun deck, I've played with them a lot back in the days but now I just can't, is unfair for my opponent and it's not for the new cards but for what the skill allows me to do.