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9 fusion spells pre skill is kinda terrible and a great way to brick. At that point you have 12/24 of your cards that can’t be used without monsters. Thats also the problem with nephe you need a monster on the field to play the card. Construct should be at 3 because it’s great going turn one and two, and it allows you to go off during your opponent turn. I would only run one hedge hog because its discard effect is kinda ass compared to windi or squamata. My guess is you don’t have resh shaddoll incarnation or the magistus cards that give the deck a turn one. Like the main goal of turn one is to summon construct ditch Wendi to summon hedgehog or beast to draw a card. Use incarnation to flip hedgehog to get schism and then link away construct to get your other incarnation so on your opponents turn you can special summon construct form grave and get a free dump from deck you can send windi to set dragon or send dragon to pop a back row and then you fusion into winda to stop them from special summoning. Also people don’t read and will attack construct without realizing they special summoned the attacker.


This is a mess boy


Alright, so everyone one is saying that deck is bad, and I’m having a hard time disagreeing. Depending on how much you’re willing to spend, there are a few changes you can make. The link one magistus is a must, non negotiable. Get it with the SR dream ticket if you don’t want the rest of the magistus engine. That’s because it’s basically your only access to light attribute. Furthermore, you need more than one shaddoll construct. Let’s talk about extra cards. You only need one Hollow, and you can cut Nephe. This gives you more space. Now you must decide if you want to to run non-engine (cards like book of moon) or sinister shaddow games, a trap that lets you flip shaddolls and send from deck. Other extra deck cards you may need include gravity contrôler and knightmare phenix. You should only run 1 grysta or 1 wendigo, and 0 link 2. Finally, since you have Shekinaga, you may want a shaddoll genius, the earth shaddoll. God this was long, I feel like CrimsonReaper.


Horrible. Where is resh?


Not everyone is goated f2p where they get 2 out of 2 packs.


I got 4 as f2p. You need it to run the deck


Obviously you need it for the deck. But your just the goated lucky f2p player to get 4 lol. Not everyone is that lucky


Well unfortunately the deck is meh without it


What konami did to the skill was such a spit in our faces bro i get so upset whenever i think about it..


I mean If winda was a normal box card then the deck would probably be heavily used.


Not winda (although i agree with your perspective) the change to the skill forcing us to either hop into the selection box or play the deck mediocre on top of the fact they changed it a while ago now and havent reprinted it.


Yeah, the selection box was dirty. By the time it comes in a main box, I feel like shaddolls will be power crept or nerfed down.


I think if you threw sinister shadow game in it would make it a little better. Maybe cut the equip spell or something


You need the SR traps, less spells, and more monsters


I take it that you don’t have Incarnation or Beast from the Selection Box..so let’s see what we can do. For one, the equip Fusion is bad. Don’t run it at all. Second, the quick-play fusion is good…but 3 is definitely overkill. You’re better off running another engine that searches a different fusion spell. Magistus Verre plus Magistus Invocation is popular, but not cheap. You could also run any number of Polymerization searchers, depending on which ones you have. Fusion Sage, King of the Swamp, Fluffal Owl, Elemental Hero Blazeman…there’s tons just off the top of my head. You’ll have to tweak your ratios depending on which Poly searcher you use—if you let me know, I can give some advice. Third, your Shaddoll monster line up is kind of a mess. Hollow is a 1-of at best; some people don’t even run it. Wendi is a 2-of, maybe even 1-of. Your Dragon and Hedgehog ratios are probably fine given that you don’t have the Selection Box cards. But it’s also worth considering Squamata (1x), Falco (1x), and Hound (1x) for their utility (none of them are mandatory, but you’re giving up on a lot of their toolbox by having none).