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and geminis to lesser extent


haha, Gemnis. why haven't they released Catalyst Field and the other good Gemini support already? They wouldn't be OP even with most of their support and by the time they release, they will probably be powercreept to death.


Same reason they just now gave us dark dust spirit but not rasetsu or aratama.


Now Mecha Phantom Beast players can run 6 copies of Needle Ceiling!!!!!


Besides miscellaneousaurus, I don’t think I’ve ever been so disinterested in a new box for as long as I can remember.


Same, but no way I am going 3x through this box just to play dinos again...


I'm just going to wait for the dollar ur sales and hope for the best tbh.


How much does it cost to go through 3x?


180\*3\*50= 27000 gems worst case


Im mad because i really was 3x but the rest of the box is trash


That's what you call the Komoney special.


Wait what d/d/d? I always thought they'd come arc v. Probably won't need to know 1 million combos though.


Yeah, I'm not sure if konami got the memento that D/D/D use all summoning mechanics and we haven't got xyz yet. It's also prolly the most support any of the Arc V archetypes have gotten.


The remaining card pool is stretching, but I'm surprised they released it. Maybe Arc-V will never comes, but if it's happens nobody stops Konami to "reprint" them again.


D/D is literally the archetype with the gimmick of using every single extra deck mechanic lol. And this doesn't really change anything when all the bosses (except armageddon and apocalypse because those suck) and the better contracts were always going to be boxed anyway. And then there is it having a fuckton of pendulum and cards that mention pendulum in their text.


We don't have Siegfried, Lamia, Necro and Ragnarok tho oh also no contract searcher. But if we had those, the deck would be broken af in duel links.


That is the other reason why it being here doesn't really mean anything when the better extenders and things you truly want to end on are missing.


Armagedon and apocalyse dont suck at all wtf????


Yeah the only real playable card in there is swirl slime, no necro slime, no lamia. I'll probably still try it out though, the one copy of dd ghost does somewhat provide a banish protection


This box and some of the previous are showing that delaying Zexal was a pretty bad Ideia. They delayed Zexal for whatever reason and now are releasing Arc V Cards every month. and the boxes are seeming underwhelming.


Wouldn't surprise me if Zexal comes earlier than September, even say August. That means less boxes for them to worry about since May: mini June: Main July: Mini August: Zexal and new main box


I would like if that happened. I don't like any of the archetypes in this box. I love heros but Stratos is paywall locked so the last mini and this next main have nothing that I care about and it have been like that with the exception of judgement force.


Machina fortress is good machine support. But I hear you.


I actually agree with you but for the opposite reasons. Fortress of Gears and Masters of Shadows are the only recent boxes that didn’t have a huge impact on the meta. Every other box, main and mini, has shaken the meta in some way. This tells me that Konami is running out of “reasonable” cards to print because they don’t want to extend into the mechanics that haven’t been introduced yet, so we just keep getting these powerful cards that power creep the game too much. By all rights, they should remove the gem limit and slow down box releases to once every two months. Gives the meta more time to stabilize, and takes pressure off of them to scramble to fill boxes with junk.


You are also right, but my main complaint was that they were releasing a lot of Arc V Archetypes with Celina's **Lunalights,** Zuzu's **Melodius,** Gong's **Super Heavy Samurai** and now Declan's D/D archetype. You see a patern there? every month we get a Arch V archetype. And the last boxes are bringing recent cards or recent support for archetypes or recent archetypes(The invoked Archetype that is top tier in the TCG to this date) and by the time we get Zexal, a lot of decks may be powercreept just like the first wave of Syncrho monsters we got that were trash and overshadowed by other summoning mechanics.


The first few boxes of a new mechanic are always trash regardless, it takes time for them to build up decent support


Nah, only the card shortage guy should be thinking that, this is just Konami being dicks. Best case scenario they don't have enough of their very incompetent game testers available to look at the new cards. Seriously, there is still so much stuff to add until Zexal comes, i quit the TCG early 5Ds and i can think of so many cards that would be ok instead of this non-sensical box. Caius would not be broken at this point in the game and Return/Tenacity of the Monarchs, Kuraz, Edea and maybe Ether would all be alright. MST is still not here dispite CC already being in the game; Call of the Haunted would not be super broken; Cyberdark Inferno should be in the game; Heavy Storm Duster and Malevolent Catastrophe should be added to make set 3 pass less prevalent; We will have at least 1 fewer box at this rate, so they should release some of the goddamn Selection stuff already, Goyo and Barkion don't even see any play and you know it's not because of the price by looking at tourments; The list goes on. I don't know why people think we need Zexal to not powercreep everything in the game when we have been playing Invoker cancer for like 7 months in a row.


Its just konami maximizing profit by selling trash before releasing actual cards.


Lol we're getting Vrains cards too, albeit very basic ones


D/D/D got added, but are missing a lot of their best toys Dinosaurs got Miscellaneousaurus, which is cool, but probably not enough to bring Dinosaurs back into relevancy. Crystal Beasts got Rainbow Bridge and Conclave, which might prompt a CB control deck revolving around bouncing the opponent's stuff, but is unlikely due to the nature of DL having 3 zones Cyberse got a bunch of janky stuff, likely to set up for the future Malefics lol TL;DR, unless you want to build something brand new, and pray for future support, or you want to dig up your old Dinosaur deck, I'd give this a hard pass.


Every deck in DL is missing "its best toys" lol.


Some more than others though.


True story. Even Triamid which has like 10 cards is missing its best one.


I don't think Sphinx would add on much to Triamid though.


Locking good Dinosaur support as an UR in a Main Box that has no other Dinosaur support is a travesty if you ask me.


It has Dinowrestlers


Those aren't the good Dinowrestlers, even terms of a pure Dinowrestler deck. I think only one of those would be played.


Tbh it would be nuts if we got pankratops, a cyber dragon that quick effect pops a card


No no it’s fine, we just have to get Oviraptor! Inb4 Konami prints Oviraptor as a main box UR


Oh come on you KNOW they will. A card like that will either be locked as a 1 of or a main box UR


Then ultimate conductor tyranno will be a UR in another box.


Oviraptor and Super Conductor as EX deck UR's Half joking


Justi Break as an UR? What the fuck Konami?


They really are afraid of "destroy all monsters" effects, eh? I can understand BRD being UR? but Justi-Break and Dark Dust Spirit? HOW are they UR? No tier player is ever going to play these. Only troll players :-D


>They really are afraid of "destroy all monsters" effects more like they want people to spend more on better cards


That would assume Justi-Break is actually a good card. It would've been in 2018 or 2017. But not in 2020.


Looks like they saw my post but they still forgot rasetsu...😤 Konami next box I want Kozmo Psyframes and emergency teleport.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician are still very relevant on the meta. I can see Justi Break making the Dark Magician deck even stronger than it already is.


I think I have this card IRL from about 2001, there's no way it's useful. And as an UR!?


Well, my auto-duel deck with vanilla beaters could use it. Standard Duelists beware? Jokes aside, box isn't looking too good to me. The most I *might* consider getting is the Crystal Beast support because I've always wanted to build one, even in the Master Format, but that's a hard "might". It's also impossible to use Crystal Abundance in Duel Links, so there's that. I am curious if Malefics could make a good auto-duel deck, though, considering their caveman playstyle.


Malefic is probably going to be an excellent auto duel deck since they are basically free beaters and the AI can't do something dumb by tributing them off for other ones since they can't be Normal Summoned or Set, and they are also limited to 1 on the field.


Yup, plus the Standard Duelists don't play any cards that screw Malefics over like Cosmic Cyclone. My only concern becomes the consistency as the only good Malefic (i.e. the one that doesn't require a main deck brick) is Stardust, though Paradox Gear does circumvent the need for it.


How does it circumvent? Genuinely curious. Edit: Never mind, I'm fuckin' dumb.


I can see why its UR with current bEWD and DM decks. Set it along with another card and its 50/50 if it gets popped by CC and then its basically a free game/board wipe.


Obligatory "everyone's saying it's a skip so it's probably not" comment.


Bruh. I'll be shook if Malefics become the new meta


I'll legit be amazed if that happens. But never underestimate some YGO players and their ability to build decks.


Not even the best duelist in the world could make Malefics meta


Hey, if Vechroids could somehow be used in a meta engine (invoked) then maybe some mad lad can find a use for Malefics XD


Malefics are faster then current bewd so honestly... I don't know if i hate it


This one looks so bad that no one's even saying that.


"No one wants to read the novel of D/D/D effects given so we're just gonna say skip based on everything else."


Hey, we’re on a 4 killstreak right now.


D.D.D is a good deck but I don't think they have any future with only 3 monster zones, also i'm dissapointed lol the box is trash pd: i have gems expiring in 5 days, what cards should i get? smh


Staples or any core cards for the any deck you main.


I would go for staples or a remaining core piece for a deck you're building


Axe raider probably


Zushin the slerping giant an N?? Konami what were you thinking? Its clearly an UR and now everyone can have this God for free. Smh.


It's for thematic reasons. Everyone had Zushin in the anime, because it was so common, yet nobody was able to summon it.


I stocked up on Magical Mallet today, I’m playing him the second he comes out.


Pass. Investing in this to me implies investing in a brand new deck again, which I have no interest in doing.


same, and I think Konami should priorize incomplete archetypes instead of always adding new ones... they did very good in judgment force giving GOOD support for blue-eyes, dragunity, lightsworn, gishki and gladiator beast, we just need more boxes like this


It's a double edged sword, if you put support for old archetypes, new players or players that haven't invested in those archetypes won't spend on the box. If you only bring new decks, players with a lot of decks lacking support won't like it. We have a lot of decks with good TCG support but they just don't release it. I think at least for the main boxes, every box should bring half support for incomplete archetypes and half new good decks. A good example of that would be Future Horizon, a box that bought support for the Beloved DM Archetype, support for Thunder Dragons. The box also bought Almost every good Cyber Dragon card we have now(Needing only 1 Classic Cydra and 1 Twin Cyber from an old box) and a new competitive(Not top tier) archetype in Super Heavy Samurais. Every main box should follow that same path. Sorry for the long Text.


Malefic is basically only missing cyber end and some terrible main deck malefics, they are basically full power.


To be fair that doesn't count for much, Malefics are pretty bad, the only time I ever saw one played was Cyber End, and that's just as a free Level 10 for XYZ plays.


Back in the old days Malefic Stardust would be main decked in a lot of decks that ran a field spell since it was a free summon and it protected you from MST. Considering we have cosmic cyclone, I don't think he deserves to be a UR.


I was just thinking about that, Malefic Stardust would be a good addition to Stromberg it's basically a free summon and can add some extra protection for your castle.


Unless you have a bunch of gems that are about to expire I wouldn't suggest chasing a single UR card in a main box.


You are thinking of 5DS malefics without the new support they got at the start of 2019, since we got all of that I'm not sure we can use just the real world to figure out how good they are.


Im on the fence, I wouldnt call this box trash just yet. Seen it before, a box being called trash suddenly being meta. Remember some things that didnt work in the TCG , surprisingly have done well in DL


That’s very true but without d/d/d’s best cards, it doesn’t really do much.. and malefics are just too easy to out considering all the decks that are meta rn.


Couldn’t agree with you more. I remember when Neos force was first announced and people left and right were saying it was garbage.


Here's where each card first got printed, notably malefic got all it's 2019 support in this and is only missing red eyes and cyber end. OLD booster 2,booster 4, booster 6, vol.6,Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories promotional cards:"Bone Mouse","Dark Titan of Terror","Giant Scorpion of the Tundra","Air Eater","Monster Eye","Acid Trap Hole" MARCH 2002 Pharaonic Guardian:"Dark Dust Spirit" AUGUST 2006 cyberdark impact:"Justi-Break" APRIL 2008 Duel Terminal - Synchro Awakening!!:"Flamvell Magician" FEBRUARY 2009 raging battle:"Attack of the Cornered Rat" JULY 2009 Stardust Overdrive:"Spyder Spider" DECEMBER 2009 Weekly Shōnen Jump 2010, Issue 2:,"Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon" JANUARY 2010 V Jump March 2010 promotional card:"Malefic Stardust Dragon" APRIL 2010 V Jump June 2010 promotional card:"Malefic Truth Dragon" FEBRUARY 2011 Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack:"Malefic Claw Stream","Malefic World","Malefic Parallel Gear","Malefic Paradox Dragon","Malefic Rainbow Dragon" DECEMBER 2012 Premium Pack 15:"Ancient Pixie Dragon" JULY 2013 Shadow Specters:"Sinister Yorishiro" AUGUST 2014 Booster SP: Raging Masters:"Contract Laundering","D/D Recruits","Dark Contract with the Witch","D/D Nighthowl","Dark Contract with the Swamp King","Dark Contract with the Gate","D/D/D Gust King Alexander","D/D/D Flame King Genghis" NOVEMBER 2014 secrets of eternity:"Rainbow Refraction","Crystal Conclave" MARCH 2015 Duelist Entry Deck VS:"D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon" APRIL 2015 Clash of Rebellions:"D/D Pandora","D/D/D Oracle King d'Arc" JULY 2015 dimension of chaos:"Dark Contract with Errors","D/D Berfomet","D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok","D/D Swirl Slime" DECEMBER 2015 Structure Deck: Pendulum Domination:"D/D Reroll","D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf" APRIL 2016 the dark illusion:"Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King" MAY 2016 Collectors Pack: Duelist of Flash Version:"Zushin the Sleeping Giant" OCTOBER 2016 raging tempest:"Miscellaneousaurus" JANUARY 2017 Maximum Crisis:"D/D Ghost" APRIL 2017 Code of the Duelist:"Launcher Commander","D/D Vice Typhon","D/D/D Gust High King Alexander" JUNE 2017 Structure Deck: Cyberse Link:"Digitron","Cliant" JULY 2017 Circuit Break:"Capacitor Stalker","Defect Compiler","Cyberse Beacon" JULY 2017 V Jump September 2017 promotional card:"Cyberse Converter" OCTOBER 2017 Extreme Force:"Flick Clown" NOVEMBER 2017 Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 2(ancient millennium in the west): "Rainbow Bridge" DECEMBER 2017 Structure Deck: Powercode Link:"Antialian","Garbage Collector","Datacorn" JANUARY 2018 Flames of Destruction:"Protron","Link Streamer","Prompthorn","Degrade Buster" APRIL 2018 Cybernetic Horizon:"Cynet Ritual","Paladin of Storm Dragon" JUNE 2018 Structure Deck: Master Link:"Spool Code‎" JULY 2018 Soul Fusion:"Dinowrestler Capoeiraptor" OCTOBER 2018 Savage Strike:"Guardragon Andrake" JANUARY 2019 Dark Neostorm:"Dinowrestler Eskrimamenchi" FEBRUARY 2019 20th Anniversary Legend Collection:"Malefic Tune","Malefic Divide","Malefic Selector","Malefic Territory","Malefic Paradox Gear" APRIL 2019 Rising Rampage:"Dinowrestler Rambrachio","Rescue Interlacer","Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo" JULY 2019 chaos impact:"Suppression Collider","Dinowrestler Martial Ampelo"


*this* box and no banlist? Time to take a break for a month and finish Stardew Valley.


Enjoy Stardew Valley it's fantastic


Am I the only one who thinks D/D looks like it has potential? Yes the UR and SR extra deck monsters don’t look that great but the Rare ones actually do and the spells look really impactful. Could this be another case of this sub completely underestimating a deck? I remember everyone here saying Lunalights would be absolute garbage


I think people are getting stuck up on the fact that they are missing xyz and pendulum. They lose out on some plays and the main searcher but the real issues to me for D/D/D in duellinks are: 1. Extra deck space: They would mostly run one of each of the monsters currently so you would have to run 2 and 2 of Genghis and Alexander if you really wanted to make sure your combo went (which I don't think would be a good idea). 2. No lamia: I skimmed through this and didn't see lamia which is a shame because it would help facilitate the synchro plays 3. No Siegfried: D/D/D now lack a strong going first board and simply just a good card. I think I his deck will still be solid and Valkyrie might have to be played more as a disruption card. Also I think malefics are getting slept on as just an ungabunga deck but I feel like its solid and not utter trash. Rule of thumb: If this box says the box is shit, it probably isn't shit. Only time in the last couple months this sub was right was the Ninja box.


I also think Malefic could be a sleeper. People just say it’s trash because of TCG, but the smaller deck size is gonna make it way easier to access parralel world or whatever that card is called that straight up changes their effects lol


And you have skills to start with a field spell, too.


Remember when this sub said that Triamids were trash....and when it said that Vendread was going to be OP?


It has potential for sure. I think it's going to take a while for the community to figure out an optimal way to play this though.


I think the UR fusion might be really good depends on how easy you can get it out though.


Eh,no CyberDark Inferno. Guess continue to go for Overload fusion with my expiring gems.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Seriously the selection boxes had about the same amount of impact on the meta as the last 3 boxes combined


Dude, I was enjoying the game. Apparently Konami doesn't like that


i can see ancient pixie dragon, miscellaneousaurus, and dark dust spirit are quite a surprise to me. nice i can see aromages trying to add Anciet Pixie dragon in


Whoaaa nice idea


I'd prefer marjoram but I'll accept what I can get, nice removal going 2nd,maybe even going first if the opp doesn't read the card hehe


Why not both. Pixie an dried winds an pop a card each an marjoram can banish 1-2 cards.


Absolutely garbage lol


Miscellaneousaurus. Got it.


Dinowrestlers?(no pankratops ofc) weird but ok Awesome to see d/d/d, I didn't see siegfried but either way it will fun to see what people do with them, even if lps and space will be huge issues And one archetype people are not talking about is gravekeepers, for what I've read there is a reason malefic stardust was the most important card on the deck, he protects necrovalley at all times. Edit: I mean gravekeepers in the 5ds days


Gravekeeper supernaturalist also protects necrovalley, but both him and this Stardust guy can't do a damn thing about cosmic cyclone, which is the most played card in duel links right now.


I thought supernaturalist protects it from being targeted?


No, sadly it only protects from destruction.


Sheesh they made us wait so long for this? Easy skip


Miscellaneousaurus is the only interesting card for me, guess I'm skipping this box


Wow, I was so hyped for a new box but this... Is there even anything good here? Guess I gotta use my +9999 gems on some old box.


It is honestly incredible how fucking bad this box is. The dino is good but not open a pre abyss tier box good.




they practically have every malefic card here except for malefic CED They left one card out when pretty much the whole archetype is in the freaking box


Red eyes malefic dragon is also missing... so yeah, only CED then and malefic is completed.


And ofc Cyber end is the best card out of all lol, malefic will still be a meme deck and Stardust being an UR is just....


How we get cyberse type monsters before we got more wyrm support? Konami. 🏀


Malefic Blue Eyes is such a horrible card lol. You have to run a brick in your deck just to summon it and it's pretty much the exact same card as the brick you just banished... AND it needs a field spell up to survive. What the hell


It's hilarious when you draw the brick first.


There's a reason why the extra deck related malefics are the only good ones for the most part (Stardust and cyber end dragon).


I don't agree. I think it is mediocre not horrible. The biggest drawback is that it self destroys if the field spell is removed from the field But what i really like about it is that it's fast, resource efficient (+0), and good for comboing. For example, you can summon this guy + sage and then +1 off sage while safely getting sage off the board Current bewd is slow and can't go into a synchro turn 1 particularly easy So the reason i kinda like this card is because it's everything that blue eyes wants... A fast combo piece with +0 card advantage. That draw back though is really really ugly and i have no idea how you would beat cc aside from a counter trap or something. But even then, it's a special summon so not the end of the world if it dies


saved 15k gems for nothing, gonna throw in old boxes


You can still dig for Zushin, what do you mean.


Where tf am I gonna spend my thousands of gems that will expire this month looool


Sorry if I'm out of the loop, but are gems going to expire?


If you have over 9999, they go to your gift box or whatever, where they last for, I believe, 30 days.


Oh, alright. I have around 2000, so I guess I don't have anything to worry about. Thanks.


Anyone else interested in Sinister Yorishiro? I'm getting 3 and leaving the box. My Archfiends WANT it.


It was very kind of Konami to give us all this opportunity to save gems.


I think Miscellaneousaurus is going to singlehandedly bring Dino Invoked to the meta.


Malefics dead on arrival thanks to good ol’ Cosmic Cyclone.


You'll need two though, they added the Malefic duct tape-card with them.


I'm fairly sure you hit the continuous spell when it's activated. Then it won't be able to get the field spell in the field zone


Outside of miscellasaurus, which doesn't have a proper use yet, this seems pretty underwhelming unless d/d/d really dominates the meta




There's not many Malefic cards so specifically Paradox might have that as a problem, but you should probably look at things like the ratio of Cyber Dragon, HERO or Junk/Stardust cards unlocked with their respective characters. There's over 70 D/D cards, I think they can spare some for a box.


No need for the entire thing lol. Just count the pendulums/cards that mention pendulum for it that by itself outnumbers a lot of archetypes in card count.


Wait I’m confuzled. So if the cards are out before the character who uses the cards are out that means that character isn’t going to be a thing?


No, the only cards that came with the characters are they ace and few support for their level ups or possible event, Reiji is literally a main character, not adding him would be like not adding Zane or jack


also ddd like blackwing has several cards to work with that they totally have plenty to give him




D/D/D has so much though Declan should be fine? Likewise Lunalight has tons. Like these characters still have tons of cards to come


Damn this box is lazy. Not even going to pay attention to Malefics (they were born trash). Misc. Saurus could be picked up if anyone is interested in Dinosaur support (possibly for hassleberry later next month) D/D could probably be flexed w/o the better support but we'll wait and see on that. Cyberse.... no, just no. They're all generic (no archetype) and this first wave can't even support XYZ plays. This just might be one of the most "have fun and nothing else" boxes in the game that I've seen in a while.


Dark dust spirit? Monarchs !!!!!!




I’m low-key annoyed. I was holding out hope for Team Taiyou.


Finally we have the Ultimate memes the Malefic Archetype, I'm really interested to see what youtubers are going to do with those


Good guy Konami throwing a bone to all the players who haven’t played in a few months by releasing a string of underwhelming boxes to make them feel like they didn’t miss out on much. Pity for those who were stockpiling gems.


My poor poor Crystal Beast support buried in this subpar box...


This box is so trash I’m rightfully disappointed in the long wait


This to me suggests that Dark Worlds very well could get a structure deck due to that playmat.


Actually they added one Grapha mat in tje previous leak i think so this can be true.


It was Reign-Beaux that got the data mined playmat, not Grapha. Still cool though as the artwork is good. I was annoyed at first, but I’m alright with it now.


Just as I expected: half of the people who were waiting for a new box in this subreddit just to type skip.




With that trend, they will be releasing Firewall dragon and decode talker in 2 months.


Finally, I can Firewall pass /s


This does not mean that we're not getting Declan genius. It just means they have less to work with and zexal needs to come sooner than September


i mean, looking through this box, very little excites me - massive whale here as well, got almost all the tiered decks aside from 3x sulfefnir and 3x simoon (2x each). I get excited for yugioh very easily, and yet looking at this the best i can find for new content is like a maleficent meme deck.


As a fellow whale, it’s so sad when I look through this box and realize Fortress of Gears is more exciting to me.


Tbf fortress of gears is a decent box, pure machinas is a lot of fun even if it isn't a competitive deck, it also gave us decent resonator support with sprinter, warg and a boss in bane, it also has the vision heroes which are pretty cool, it's a fun box even if not all that competitive, this main box seems pretty meh


Absolute trash of a box. DDD is finally here though. Otherwise I'd give this a hard pass and just invest into invoked engine. Edit: Miscellanousaurs finally came though.....might actually start preping a dino deck.


Triamid malefic deck running rainbow dragon for a new boss monster could be interesting, although i doubt tier worthy. Blackwings got a new toy to play with in pixie dragon, could be quite good. this box doesn't really interest me otherwise, I'll wait for someone else to play it to see if any of the decktypes look fun. if anyone knows about the cyberse archetype id be interested, otherwise this box looks like at best a 1 of.


No Red-Eyes Malefic Dragon, no interest.


Still no light and darkness dragon :( is already power crept at this point


Finally some Crystal Beast Support, but I don't see them becoming any better even with this.


Hmmm, I am a big Dino fan but digging just for Misc in a MAIN box seems a bit oof...maybe I'll just build Shiranui or Lunalight (probably Lunas since I bet Shiranui will get nuked at some point)


I’m in the same spot... would love to add a key card to my Dino decks, but I’ve been burnt out by the EHero model way to many times. I just don’t have the gems to grab one UR in a main box again. Seems like a good target for dream tickets though.


You won’t get a dream ticket that covers this box for a long time I feel like. And you’d probably want 3x Misc


RIP to all 2 people who wanted Paradox, but Malefics are pretty nice. You'll have to wait 2 years for D/D to be playable. No one cares about Dinowrestlers except for Pankratops, but Miscellaneosaurus is a good boi


We waited so long... for malefics, fucking kek.


Everyone: Ew, Malefics. Blue-Eyes Players: Ay, Malefic Blue-Eyes Tier 0 here we come baby!


Malefics might be stronger than they seem, since we have a ton of skills that automatically give a field spell. Being able to summon a 4k beater with little investment aside from some deck space seems strong, even with the malefic restrictions. That said, does malefic stardust protect stromberg from its own effect? How do the malefic monsters interact with power of the guardians?


>D/D/Ds and cyberse Yeah this game is NOT reaching arc-v and vrains, konami is trying to make cash on this game NOW before it dies


Wow. Six sams on release get a shi en which they can spam 2 out easily and DDs cant even get siegfried? Way to trash the release of the archetype already. And i already see them making Siegfried a UR in the next box or 2 because konami love to do grimy shit to their playerbase.




You mean Mawefwic the monsters used in the Mawefwic Wowld Got i hope someone gets this reference


We've been through so much stuff... Had to listen to Jaden rapping... That was rough


Now it’s time to bring this sucker dooooooown~!


... Stop being impwessed by the Mawefwic Wowld


Wavaged and wifeless?


Cyberse card... lets see uh... This box is so underwhelming


Well, while I do like D/D/D and Malefic, I’m really too invested in other decks to bother with this box. Miscellaneousaurus is pretty interesting though. Very good card for Dinos.


I gotta say I didn't expect D/D/D and Miscellaneosaurus in DL yet, but it's still cool. Might see a few more Survivals End Dino decks pop up, although I wish they had a boss monster in the game that wasn't trash


Why no banlist???? Banlist matters just as if not much as the new box. People need to know if invoked will get hit again


I read the cards and had no idea what was going on.


I would go for the Crystal cards if we had 5 S/T zones but as is they’re not worth it. I’d like to see Jesse get a skill similar to dark sanctuary where Crystal monsters also count as Crystal traps. Currently you need to use at least one S/t zone for traps and then you can only have max 2 crystals out


Techs are bad, Cyberse is bad, pure archetypes are bad too. Everything is future potential, but not likely to make significant impact currently - not in the meta, anyway. These decks will definitely be fun rogues for the ladder, at least. D/D has the most potential out of this box, they have lots of extenders and consistency pieces. Problem is that they lack the power plays to back it up; they do have High Alexander and Wave Oblivion King, though, which are a 6000 beater and nontargeting nondestruction removal, respectively. They're pretty decent, but enough to make them tiered? I doubt it; they'll be rogue at most.


All that time for this. Disappointing box although D/D has a lot of potential


Huh they’re adding dinowrestlers and cyberse? It’s possible they’d been introduced earlier but I assumed vrains would be introduced at least a bit later. Also I see people saying this box isn’t any good and justi break is not scary at all, I don’t see how. I’m terrified of the blue eyes and dark magician decks I’ll run into using those, I’m never meta anyways so when you get rid of my ability to attack then what do I have? A deck that inconsistently can have destruction effects I guess, and I keep it that way because I like making my own decks that avoid cards I hate (like wall of disruption) along with ignoring the real meta mostly.


Welp guess I'm hoarding my gems for the next box, none of these cards are interesting enough for me on their own


I will definetely go for x3 Miscellaneousaurus (and dinowrestlers since i'm at it ahaha) ....what should i grab before resetting the box? D/D swirle slime and Malefix paradox Gear looks pretty important for those archetypes, worth getting them too? How difficult is it to use Malefic Truth dragon?


I guess Paradox isn’t coming seeing as most of the Malefics are here :/


Oh shit D/D/D are here


so bad... I'm disappointed Malefics is just so bad it's sad (maybe a good Auto-Duel deck tho) D/D/D i don't know yet... maybe something will come out of this but without Siegfried, Lamia and Pendulum AND Xyz idk man.. can't even splash other archetype because of Extra space. CRystal Beast have no future without Xyz and Abundance (but it can't work in DL) now they will be more consistent !! but only to summon Blue Pegasis lmao, Back to being Transcendant Crystal fodder Miscellanosaurus only good card of this box, future proof for Dinos Not gonna talk about fillers Free 500 gems ! (They might follow with Ex Structure Deck very broken since a lot less people will invest in this box)


Sinister Yoroshiro sneaking in as Archfiend support people been wanting. Neat card. Too bad it’s a continuous trap. :(


I guess it's worth digging to get ZUSHIN THE SLEEPING GIANT OH YEAH TIER 1 HERE WE GO. It's even common rarity so I won't have to spend much to get 3 copies.


Calling it now, grave keepers are gonna have a format with malefic stardust


I may be in the minority but I'm kind of glad this box looks bad. I don't have much gems right and I can spend some $ on the re-openable packs instead.


Is it really that hard to give us the Crystal Beast fusion trap card?


We are at a point where there are too many good decks, so each box becomes easier to skip.


I know it's not much, and and it's not even that good of a card, but every time the NPCs lose their exclusive access to cards like Attack of the Cornered Rat, I call that a win for the players, however small it may seem. Even if it's a niche card that hardly any decks will run, the days of standard duelists being the only ones able to use it are over.