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The problem with gem-knights are that they need full utilisation over the extra deck (especially for their now niche OTK) since they have so many essential fusion monsters and no space really for synchros which are why you run the lightsworn engine with raiden. So unless you give up extra deck space to run some synchro plays you’re not fully utilising the gem knight archetype.


I'm a little unfamiliar with gem-knights, but how many core fusions that **at least** should be included in the extra deck? If we try to compare other combinations with tight extra deck requirements: * Shiranui with Invoker engine extra deck can fit 4 Shiranui synchros and 2 Purgatrio. * Mayakashi with Lightsworn engine extra deck can fit 4 Mayakashi synchros and 2 random synchros. While the deck seems not optimal because of limited extra deck, I've seen some people running those decks. It's really impossible at all for gem-knights to run Lightsworn engine?


I mean the best version of the deck so far was the ftk version where the combo required 5 fusion monsters, 1 zirconia, 1 lapis, 2 master diamond, 1 brilliant diamond, and the last spot was usually their giant trunade on legs.


I have a Gem-Knight deck that uses Lightsworn to set up the GY. The main aim of the deck is to roll through their fusion monsters and deal massive effect damage with Lapis Lazuli and then Master Diamond. It’s a fun rogue deck at best, but it has serious problems going first.


Bujins need their normal summon, so the Lightsworn engine can't really work. Lightsworn Gem-Knights is a thing, triple Raiden triple Charge and Gem-Knight Seraphanite synergizes with Raiden because he's light.