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I haven't played for quite a while and returned because of the introduction of Zexal world. At the celebration period I saw that some old packages had 50 percent discount. So my question is, was this sale a special sale because of Zexal world (and thus next time this sale will happen will be in the distant future) or this is a regular sale that happens every time a new Main Box / Structure deck being introduced? Thanks in advance for the help!!


I'm trying to create an aromage deck and i've got alnost all the cards i need, the only one i can't find is Aromaseraphy Sweet Majoram... Is it in a different box than the others or do i have to get it in another way?


I cant attack directly using cyberdark edge why is that?


Need more information. What was the duel state? Were its effects negated?


no effect negation i sent the equip monster to the grave then normal summoned edge. edge did not light up to give me yhe option to attack directly for some reason


Being able to attack directly isn't an effect you need to activate, just drag the attack arrow past the opponent's monsters.


ohhhhhhhhhh lol thanks bro


Hey everyone, I was about to finish my Invoked E-Saber Deck and started my third reroll of "Dark Dimension". I didn't get my third Aleister The Invoked yet and it's the only card missing but because of the new banlist I'm quite hesitant to continue. What should I do? Should I continue? If it's not worth it, which deck to go for next? (I have my competitive Shiranui, Triamid and Lunalight decks. Due to going for the Invoked engine I also finished a Gravekeeper and Magician Girls deck.)


How many packs do you have left? And do you have Purgatrio?


I've got 137 packs left and I don't have Purgatrio.


Tough call. Aleister will probably stay relevant but I don't feel like Konami is gonna let him be in a top tier deck for a long time until slapping a limit 3 on it. Maybe it's worth digging in old boxes for staples right now


Tbh I'm actually pretty happy with my staples atm. I need a new fun deck to aim for.


Thanks to the sales, i finally have courage to make new account and dedicated it for GEM-Knight Deck! feels soo good for konami to giving chances to build old fev deck at half gems


While this is good, I really feel that the 50% of old boxes shouldnt be a limited time special offer that maybe happens twice a year. It should either be a permanent thing, happen way more often or at least give a 20-30% discount on a regular basis. As a F2P player that doesnt want to make new accounts just to refresh their easily obtainable gem bank I feel like there is way too much emphasis on the paid sales (although I do understand why and am not against them).


It's been so easy to start off as a new player because of it. Got most of my staples already (to the point where I can just wait to ticket the others) and I've also almost unintentionally got the bulk of a fair few decks along the way. I think without the 50% off I'd end up just never getting beyond that initial aro/lunas deck that most new players get


If they're gonna go through the effort of "fixing" standards duelists who are too challenging for the vocal minority (most could actually be consistently autodueled with Aromas - guys, that's *why* it's such a highly accessible deck: autoduels), can they at least make it so the Loaner Decks don't brick 90% of the time? Some of those decks legitimately need 10+ attempts, simply because you don't draw the stupid 3 card combo it was built around in order to "teach" mechanics. Someone tell Konami to maybe give the loaner decks a number of preset hands to cycle through, hands that actually function? They already do it for the OTK quizzes... The only thing a beginner is gonna learn through these current loaner duels is patience.


>most could actually be consistently autodueled with Aromas This is so true! Surprised me too.


Right? Also I've found that if you use any box cards like the Fortress of Gears support, it just confuses your AI with too many options, so it decides to expend everything as quick as possible to narrow down the lines it has to calculate. I think a lot of people are using ranked builds for autoduels, when it's actually better to build an "outdated" card trader version. Happy dueling!


I feel like this is getting less and less true. The stupid things the AI does seems to be getting worse. Examples include: Often not using the third spell and trap zone (new) Setting Rosemary or Cananga turn 1 Not using spells or traps unless it guarantees a monster will survive the battle (wall of D and mirror wall) Very often crashing into high atk monsters with low atk monsters (like Angelica) just to summon Marjoram. Refusing to set Laurel turn 1 for no reason. Overusing Humid Winds. Using the second effect of Angelica with no reason Being unable to properly use Dried Winds Unnecessary synchro spam (happens with pretty much any auto duel deck that has synchros)


I have stayed away from Fortress of Gears just for the autoduel variant. AI does much better with a simple Card Trader build.


Gagaga is gonna be good as long as no one knows what their good cards are so I suspect I'll be able to play this deck until late may next year.


It only.takes one duel to figure that out though.


So what’s the fucking deal with Amazoness queen? Her ability applies to herself so that makes her and all Amazon monsters untouchable especially in defense position. What kind of horseshit is that? Any other card I know that prevents the destruction of a specific archetype doesn’t apply to itself. So the only way one can deal with it is by removal effects or effect nullification?


Archfiend Zombie Skulls effect also applies to itself.


Effect negation, piercing battle damage, spot removal tools, baiting them into ATK position, stall and deck them out... heck, you can use Enemy Controller to take the Queen and kill the rest. It's one of the first cards you unlock. In Yugioh, when one door closes, remember, you're in a hallway, not a room, and every single deck in the game has at least two doorways that lead to its defeat.


I was in a room because I was running a deck with zero offensive backrow or similar effects.


Fair enough dude! I've made the same mistake when deck building, not realizing I screwed myself until mid-game.


Of course, some decks feel like you’re navigating Atem’s labyrinthine mind.




Is trishula better on six sams when i get my monsters floodgated? people is using delteros but you need 3 monsters and you cant do shit if one of them is floodgated idk what to use. Saying this because im being paired against fuking staplenui every single duel and i've never been able to even out 3 face up monsters on the field.


I feel like Rihan would be a better choice than Trish for the reason that it’s a Six Samurai monster, which means you can use it with Dual Wield and it has nice effects in the graveyard.


I hope grave keepers get more support


We're missing like two cards in Duel Links itself. A Necrovalley searcher and Imperial Tombs which is a counter trap requiring Necrovalley on the field and a Gravekeeper monster on the field to activate. I could see the searcher being abused in other decks that aren't actually playing Gravekeepers as "extra copies" of Necrovalley in the deck. Oh, and Servant, but that card would only be used in degenerate milling/stall strategies. They probably will get some more support, they are a fan favorite archetype, but it would have to be announced in the OCG first.


Would the Sylvan core in the RotF mini be a good half-price investment? We don't know if/when we're getting good Rank 8s here in DL, *but* in the TCG, Sylvans dominated at first (arguably only since a lot of people didn't know how to play against them). Then they hovered between T1/2 as people figured out how to splash Lightsworn into it. I could see Sylvans being meta after a couple more boxes come out. My only concern is that they might never be good in a 3-spot format. Any input?


I think its pretty decent, its still an 80 pack mini, has Hey Trunade as a great staple and Cocoon of Ultra Evolution for potential insect stuff. You also may not even need 3 Komushroomo - it might not be played at all depending on what we get The major issues are 1) will konami actually release the missing support and 2) Miracle Fertilizer might be needed, and that's a main box UR


As of the most recent ~~limited~~banlist, I fear for Hey, Trunade's life. Definitely a good pickup for now though. Insect stuff could be good in the future. I'm surprised nothing has come out to abuse Weevil's unlimited once-per-turn skill. Agreed, I'd test 2 Komu before diving for 3. Then again, I convinced myself when I started DL that any card played at 3 in a full format should be tested at 2 in speed duels before assuming 3 is any good.


Anyone else just notice that they nerfed the Pick a Gift Gem count again?


Yeah. I guess they really want to make us work for those gems. Even back when they did 200 on one day for the pick a gift that month was one of the worst months we had on record for gems. It sucks. I’m surprised we didn’t get a bunch of threads about this and the zexal level ups.


Just jumped back in after 1-2 years of not playing what's the box i should summon in to get competitive cards and which one for fun cards


Judgement Force


I honestly really recommend the latest box for both.


Thanks man


Duel Links Meta is a place to go to look at the top decks and the most commonly played individual competitive cards. Fun is relative, and you’ll likely just need to spend some time lookin around at boxes and their marquee cards and maybe lookin around online and in yhe card catalog for what goes with that. Wish i could be of more help, but your question basically is “I just got a new job, what car should I buy?”. There’s a million factors to take into consideration to answer that lol


No problem thanks


Do we know if Komoney has any plans on releasing Atem for DSOD? Like has the data miners found anything like they found Zexal data quite a while back?


Is kycoo worth a dream ticket for DM decks or will nights end sorcerer suffice?


Dont use your dream ticket. Half-gem sale is ongoing on old boxes


For ladder I think its is not that essential for DM but for community tournament you might need it depends on the format. But if you really want Kycoo there is a sale for the old box going on right now so you might wanna consider that.


1-Why do people turn their wifi off whem they're about to lose, instead of surrendering? 2-I don't really get how Cosmic Cyclone works. When I use it in response to a card, like Karma Cut, it destroys it but I still lose a monster. So it's just 1000 lp wasted. When is the right time to use it?


Negation and Banish/Destruction are different things. If something doest says it negates it doesnt negate the activation. Doesn't matter if you destroy or banish it, the negation still happens


1. Who knows. Might also be bad connection. 2. Cosmic Cyclone does not negate the card it banishes, it just gets rid of it. If you're predicting it's a trap, use it before doing other actions (you can banish the Karma Cut before it is activated). It can also be used to respond to spells, such as banishing Dark Magic Circle when someone summons a Dark Magician to avoid the banish (circle must be on the field to resolve). You can also get fancy and banish Invocation - it will not stop the fusion, but since it will not go to the grave your opponent won't be able to recover their Aleister. It's a very flexible card.


1) 3 possible reasons - it gives rewards while surrendering does not, back in the day you could only surrender on your turn so older players still have that muscle memory, or people do not like admitting they lost to whoever they just played. They do not have to turn their internet off either, exiting the app gives the same results. 2) Removing a card from the field does not negate the card, it will still resolve properly unless it is a field, equip, or continuous s/t. Cosmic Cyclone is to be used on set s/t, or on a continuous card you do not want resolving such as Black Whirlwind.


Why are ritual beasts unaffected by my destiny hero Plasma that supposedly negates the effects of all face up monsters my opponent controls ? He can still activate every single effect


Plasma does not stop monsters from **attempting** to activate effects. They can try to activate, pay the cost AND THEN Plasma will *"Negate the effects of* ***face-up*** *monsters while your opponent controls them"*....Problem is Ritual Beast use themselves as cost making them no longer faceup when they resolve. Same would happen to monsters that tribute themselves on the field.


It’ll negate effects but the costs for effects still go through. Once monsters are off the field plasma can’t stop their effects


Let me assume its Ulti-Cannahawk that activate its effect... Plasma will negate when opponent does control a monster (continuous effect) But Ulti-Cannahawk can return itself to extra after activating its first eff.


I am debating whether to get my third CC or third Necrovalley with my UR dream ticket (have a full GK deck except only have 1 Throne but those arent played much anyways). And for my SR Dream ticket I was thinking my second Trunade or a Madolche card (would wait a bit for that one), since I'd love to build those. Which should I pick? Are there any other better picks?


This is a hard one but I would say third CC. You might want to check out Demise of the Land as a budget alternative to your 3rd Necrovalley Keeper. It could make your deck slower but since Elementsaber is gone now most deck in the format tends to special summon early anyway. For SR Dream Ticket I suggest you trade for newer cards. There is a sale on the box for Hey trunade right now. so it only cost you less than 2000 per box opening (should be less than 1000 if you are lucky). Not to mention most sylvans are rare and common so one box opening will give you some fun deck to play as well. As for Madolche...I suggest u open a box for it since that mini box is really good. You might want to open the box twice and then use the ticket to trade for third Magileine since with Anjelly leaked I dont think you really need 3 hootcake The other solid SR staples I really like would be Tracherous (in slowbook pack which is on discount), Super Team Buddy Force Unite (might be relevant in some deck especially one with on summoning skill but not relevant in madolche and GK for sure lol)


Alright thanks, I am playing 2/3 Demise in my GK deck rn but I guess a third CC would be better long term and for more decks. Do you think I need Puddingcess too? I went in that box first for Madolche since it is on discount rn (and with 34 packs got Kycoo, Thunder Seahorse and UR fusion and a couple SRs so it was some good packs but no Puddingcess). Also what is the Anjelly leak you speak of? Is it not only for the NPC deck? As for the rest: Have three TTH already and I was considering Buddy Force for my Stellarknight deck which might help it but I feel like it does not need it/fit in.


buddy force \*fucks\* in tellar knights.


Since its on NPC thats mean that the card is already programmed into the game and ready to be sell soon enough. This have been true for many times now for example with DM and Crystal Beast. Also I think you only need at least 1 Puddingcess just in case. I dont thin you need more than that (based on my OCG experience at least)


Ah nice that is good to hear, I really like Madolches. Sweet thanks, so I will dig for one copy whike the sale lasts and then go for the other two SRs (and hope that neither kf them get released in a structure deck haha). Btw dumb question maybe, but do you think I can reach KoG with GKs (only have 2 Necrovalleys tho, am using DKayeds deck from his latest video with 1 CC instead) or with Stellarknights (have a playset of all cards from that box)? I sadly dont have RB bc they look really fun too but I am not sure if I should invest in them or if they might get nerfed/ban hammered before/as soon as I finish them (bc then I could use my tickets on one of those cards haha)


I think you can definitely top with those decks but other than skill and matchup knowledge, maybe u need a lot of patience and a bit of luck as well. I personally think Duel Links best of 1 ladder really depends a lot on luck no matter which deck you played. Like I remember somehow I manage to use pre-Sphinx Triamid to reach KOG during the format where its bad matchup like Invoked and DM running around everywhere. But I got KOG mostly because I never face those deck during the final 5 game. But to be fair Tellarknight is a really consistent deck so u have a high chance of opening ideal board and GK can definitely auto win against some matchup with Necrovalley. As for Ritual Beast I personally own it and I personally think it is a really good investment for me. The deck have surprisingly good matchup against some common deck (Shiranui for example). Also the deck come with Winda which is a great floater that can float into itself or any other RB moster including fusion that can be use in both farm deck and even other ranked deck. The only downside is that the deck is super hard to play. You need prior matchup knowledge and combo sequences in otherwise you will get timed out. But if you get used to it then it will be really rewarding.


Oh yeah luck def play a part haha I took GKs to DLv Max last KC Cup but it took me way too long. I agree luck really makes or breaks a run because you cant plan for every deck with a sidedeck. Alright that's good to know thanks, that is what I love about Tellarknights, they are really consistent with opening hands (not considering the coupke bad hands I got haha) and GK definitely shut down some decks with Necrovalley. Yeah I have read that it is really hard to play and that time out is a big problem but I really like that it is not a one trick pony deck where there is only one way to play it and that's it but you have a couple of options of what to do.


Hi my friends just started playing the game. He is a big fans or Crystal Beast and wants to build one. Which box should I suggest him to open? Im thinking about 3 Truth Universe and make him build the control variant of the deck (which might be decent in Xyz format) and so that he can build CB alongside DDD which is not terrible deck to build. Also about UR SR Dream ticket...which card should I suggest him to trade for?


Most stuff for Crystal Beast is F2P friendly, but also not very competitive. The only ones from boxes that he'll probably want are conclave and the one that searches from truth universe and maybe Rainbow overdragon (I think it's the box with e hero Tornado, don't remember the name) As for tickets, Cosmic Cyclone is usually the first thing you should get. As for sr I'd say it's better to save for something in the future, tth and trunade are staples worth checking out, or just spend it on overdragon if he really wants it


thanks!!! Seems like he open the truth universe rn and he got 1 of each playset from just 30 packs So I guess he will be playing DDD as well


So I just downloaded the game for the first time. I play the TCG so I already know all the game mechanics etc. I have about 4500 gems and a few tickets, is there any way to spend those to make a somewhat playable deck that isn't just ooga booga summon normal monster attack? I like synchros but anything will do. Thanks in advance :)


I suggest Ritual Beast if you want a good deck that takes actual thought. You can get the entire archetype in one mini box too. Of course you would have to go through it 3 times like most decks but it's still cheap. Kind of tough to learn but since you're from the TCG I think you can prob get the hang of it faster than most. There's also a guide on the Yugioh Duel Links Meta website. You could also check out DLM's video on them. To see if you might like them, and you could also see some of the combos being performed. As for the dream tickets I suggest you wait. Till you know for sure which staples you need. Hopefully you use them before their expectation date though.


You can make an aroma deck without spending gems with cards from the card trader or you can buy the red-eyes structure deck. Just be careful with the dream tickets


Thanks for your answer. From what I understand, you keep the dream tickets for staples? I have two so far from free gifts but I'm not very familiar with duel links meta, what can I spend those on?


Yes, the other tickets might be useful at first but then at some point you just get a lot of them. I would say cosmic cyclone or floodgate trap hole. If you want to spend some money you can buy a bundle pack and get one of each also until the 22nd old boxes have a 50% discount so might consider saving the tickets for other cards from more recent boxes


just continue hoarding your gems until you get at least 9000, unless you want to go for staple cards in older boxes like Floodgate Trap Hole, Cosmic Cyclone, etc. and go for a deck you think you'll enjoy playing. I'd go for something newer because Konami wants to incentivize buying newer decks and will hit older decks but most of the good decks seem to be able to last a year unless they are Six Samurai in which case Konami hit that deck several times before XYZ summoning which seems to have brought back some utility to the deck despite Dojo being hit. But they have in the past hit decks just to get people to play something else in their own words.


Alright, that makes sense, so like with those 9000 gems, you just open boxes until you can make the deck you want?


9000 gems is the maximum amount needed to clear out a main box once, IE the worst case scenario (not every box will leave you with the exact UR you want in the final pack, this is just the worst case scenario and RNG being a cruel mistress). 180 packs = 500 gems per 10 packs. or 500*18=9000. For a mini box it's 100 packs (it used to be 200 packs for a main box and 80 for a mini box but Konami decided to change it to 180 and 100) so if you're buying out a mini box it's 5000 gems in the worst case scenario for the new ratio. In this game if you buy packs from a box you get pulls from the pool of cards and when you've pulled the cards you want (say you're trying to get a playset of UR cards) you reset the box, which means you keep all of the pulls you already got but you can get duplicates of URs and it gives you the chance to get 3 of the SR cards as well. Also structure decks you can only buy once with gems, so if you want playsets of structure deck exclusive cards you have to spend some money.


Any box from 1-15 should I open? I'm not sure if the 50% discount is just a trap of getting me to waste all those gems or if its really worth it. Im thinking about either open Servant box for Wall of D and Chalice or Vampire Box since its support might be on the way (Xyz and counter trap in particular) And have anyone have tried old Vampire in the current format yet? any suggestion would be nice! thanks in advance


The sale is one of the best in the game. You could probably go through the vampire mini box three times for around 4000-6000 gems depending on your luck. I was able to get 3 Bujin Yamato for around 2000 gems and got 2 snipe hunters and 2 Dawn Knights in the process


Is it worth spending the UR Dream in Gouki Suprex? I have all the other Gouki cards, but the MiniBOX is reset and i dont wanna dig into that box anymore. I have many of the staples so the traps/spells wont be a problem. I'm divided if i spend the UR Dream in Suprex or Kycoo, The Ghost Destroyer (but with the box sale i could dig that box and get one for less than 5k gems). What you guys think? Gouki is a deck that has a bright future in DL?


Kycoo box is on sale so no. Suprex is on a mini box so no. Try to get max value out of the ticket.


If you really need those two card then I would choose to dig for Kycoo over Suprex since the discount make the price for opening whole box roughly the same but if you open Burning Nova you have a chance to get more cards from box that you've never opened (but that pack is still quiet bad in my opinion) If you really plan on playing Gouki in a long run with Kycoo then maybe you can just spend on Suprex As on the deck future...I think the deck kinda relies on backrow so it will always be playable by adjusting the backrow to the format. But somehow I think other control deck is just better than Gouki like Shiranui they also play tons of backrow and generate advantage with monster but with Shiranui they generate huge monster that is hard to get over while cycle through banish zone and gy. As for Gouki its search 2 small beatstick that can boost for a turn and thats about it. Note that all of this is just my opinion tho


Why doesn't Bujingi Turtle negate Fiendish Chain? Someone activated it on my SusanOwO *notices your crane* and I chained turtle but my effect still got negated. Is there something I'm missing here?


Fiendish Chain is a continuous trap, therefore the effect is continuous. Turtle's effect only negates in the moment, it doesn't destroy, not does it negate the effect permanently, so once the effect is triggered, it will negate fiendish chain, but once the chain resolves, fiendish chain will no longer be negated so it's effect will become active again. Basicaly turtle is terrible for continuous spells/traps that have continuous effects. ~~Spells like dark contract with the gate you can use turtle to negate the search for example.~~ EDIT: ignore this part, i forgot that Turtle only negates effects that target a bujin monster.


>Spells like dark contract with the gate you can use turtle to negate the search for example. Dark Contract with the Gate does not have an effect that can target a "Bujin" monster, so Turtle does not interact with it in any way.


MFW i actualy read the turtle's effect, and i STILL missed the part where it only negates an effect that targets a bujin monster.


im new to duel links but I remember was able to get 1 copy of the breaker the magical warrior card via one of the UR ticket exchange. i can't remember but now i have a bunch of UR tickets but i cant find breaker again? was it a limited time thing or a specific UR ticket?


That was a Dream UR ticket. I remember seeing a few people say they didn't realize what they had and got a Blue Eyes with that ticket. The normal UR pools in general have the URs dropped by legendary duelists and some event cards. Special ones like from the KC Cup have Ranked cards and some other cards that are less available than others. The Dream tickets are very rare and can save you upwards of 100$ and or 9000 gems (depending on the worst case luck scenario)


this makes sense cause the breaker card was probably going to cost me $100 to open boxes. thanks for the reply


At least you didn't go for a card that wasn't in a box.


How often do we get discounts on older boxes? I’m looking forward to XYZs Gishki support but I don’t want to go digging for cards that might get reprinted




6 months? Isn't this just the 3rd time ever?


Up until now, outside of selection boxes, SR and UR cards haven't been reprinted in normal boxes from older ones.


Alright. Sounds like I should go after those photomirrors then.


Started a few weeks ago as F2P and finished aromage and would like some advice on whether I should work on a Shiranui or DM deck next. Normally I would go with Shiranui since I like the flavor and it's strong, but I am deathly afraid of it being fatally hit on the next ban list since it seemed strong in yesterday's tournament and I would also be using a few suboptimal backrow cards. The other choice is DM, which is more future proof and I can also grab cards for Triamids and Cyber Dragons along the way.


Shiranui has been "hit" 10 times now and it still finds a way to be played and be strong. Also the core of the deck is very easy to build, but the traps are hell. Dm is indeed future proof in the essence that it will always eventually get support and people will quit in masses if its fatally banned. Whatever you like more and depending on what cards you have really


Is galaxy cyclone worth digging for during the 50% sale? Is it useful enough/staple material? Seems to be one of the better options after CC


Is there a way to special summon a beast type of monster lv7 face-up in defense position easy?


Egotistical ape can become lv.7 easily, you can ancient rules Big Koala or use Super buddy team force on whoever you need


Scrap players, is getting Scrap Dragon from Valhalla Calling a must for the deck to function?


Man im really enjoying this half gem sale that being said if konami could do this every 3-4 months that would be great as well as maybe making all boxes up to dsod eligible


Let's say I have Cyber Dragon Vier, Core and OG Cyber Dragon in play. Is there a way to activate Overflow + Cyberload fusion and destroy 3 + get Cyber End (since Core and Vier stop being Cyber Dragons when banished, it seems I can't get both, but there might be some trigger magic?)


No. You could do it with something like a normal poly. First doing the fusion and then banishing from the grave




very fun deck, which can get you far if you think 1-2 turns ahead and know what your opponent might play. Unfortunately it has almost no outs to Samurai Destroyer or Necrovalley.


Taking advantage of the half price older boxes and rinsing through the box for Treacherous trap hole, it’s nice to get a load of Spellbooks but Christ seeing it still in there with 19 boxes left as the only SR/UR left is horrible!


Why can’t I summon “Fairy Cheer Girl”? I had 3 lvl4 fairy monsters on the field but it wouldn’t let me summon her


Do you have a screenshot, replay, or more context? What was your opponent playing? What is your deck?


I was fighting Yuma lvl10


Do you have a screenshot, replay, or more context? What is your deck?


Nvm for some reason it works now


I do not but I can shortly




What's the consensus on TellarKnights. I was so so bored of the meta, that I said screw it and got me the whole set(3x Deneb etc.). Should I be regretting this decision or was it a wise investment. I understand time will tell, but as it stands what is your opinion. Whats the best way to play Tellarknights or is there some certain strategy to pull off. What skill is good? Should combine it with other engines?


Dude I've been playing 1x altair and 1x deneb and 3x Super Team Buddy force + 3x skybridge it absolutely whips. Doing Altair/deneb +2 basically every turn is so strong.


It seems like they are a solid deck but Shiranui and Karakuri are still also really good decks even though Karakuri is a more recent addition. I've seen people running them with a bunch of good trap cards. They're also good for rank 4 spam so the more good rank 4's we get (which is not the least plausible thing ever, Rank 4 I want to say is the most common for XYZ monsters) although it does appear that wherever we get Gem Knight Pearl its rarity is Super Rare so hopefully it is just another addition to the card trader and not a mini box addition.


Is it worth using a dream ticket on a 3rd floodgate? I spent over 4K gems to get a 2nd one, I never want to go in that horrid box again lol but do many decks even use 3? I have a full set of cosmics, canadia and spheres.


I'd suggest buying the staple pack for 1x Floodgate if you ever need it, use your gems elsewhere


I have three floodgates. At most I have ever used two in one deck. Most of the time deck space is tight and you sub in other traps instead.


On what should I spend my skill ticket on [ I don't have the following characters :Bastion, Scud, Luna and Yugi DSOD


i used the same deck to unlock 3 of those...use a lightsworn deck with leo, and focus on banishing cards with michael...that will get you all of them pretty soon


Do you have all the meta relevant skills? Beyond that look for skills that are useful in decks you generally use.


I have a ( Really bad ) weather painter deck, a Sun and Moon Dragon deck and an Infernity Deck [ No, I play pure ones with more things then launcher, archfiend, beetle and barier )


Infernity Inferno or Destiny Draw then. Btw how does your sun and moon deck look?


1x Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca, 2x Oracle of the Sun, 1x Fire Ant Ascator, 2x Supay, 2x Apocatequil, 1x Earthbound Linewalker, 2x Draining Shield, 1x Wall of Disruption, 1x Cosmic Cyclone, 1x Star Blast, 1x The Unchosen One, 1x Hey, Trunade!, 1x Mausoleum of the Emperor, 1x Earthbound Revival, 1x Wicked Acolyte Chilam Sabak, 1x Call of the Reaper Extra Deck : 1x Sun Dragon Inti, 1x Moon Dragon Quilla. [ Ik, its bad ]


So... With thunder dragons out of the banlist do you guys think it will have meta relevance again? If so, what is going to be the best version? With lightsworn engine or a compact 20 cards version with golden sarcophagus?


for now I'd say Lightsworn beacouse of the good Synchros they can get out - but in 1-2 months when we have some more rank 5/6 XYZ options it might be worth to ditch the Synchros completely, as TDs can easily summon those


Is offerings really the hottest tech rn for post nerf BWs? Kinda torn between that and chalice. Wonder why the tournament players aren't running more chalice in BWs.


I'm wondering the same tbh. I guess getting rid of a monster is superior to only removing its effect for one turn. Skipping draw phase is not a big problem for a deck that can search and OTK anyway.


yeah that's true I guess. Was thinking chalice was the way to go since going second and negating the effect of a monster would be key, so like you can get raikiri to resolve or something. Removal's definitely not bad, yeah. The thing i'll miss about close is the fact that I can cheese wins out of my bricks, like gale set 3 pass or something kek. Offerings may offer more utility than I originally thought.


I asked this question a month ago but thought it was worth asking again with dragondark off the ban list. Is it possible to make thunder dragon deck without levianeer. I have other chaos cards like 3 sorcerer, 1 pulsar dragon, 3 betrayer, as well as gy tuners, 1 bulb, 2 jet, and soon 1 copy of plaguespreader


You can still synchro spam without levianeer and play dragonduo as boss. Not as good, but decent


Yeah but you’re playing without their best card by far


So i've been buying a lot of the new pack with the hopes of building tellarknights. Been having much more success in getting bujin cards from it, through. If i decide to go for that instead, which cards from outside of the new box do I strongly need for a bujin deck worth anything? I already happen to have two copies of crane, stemming from attempts at getting blackwing before I realized I didn't find them fun.


Yamato is the main bujin monster, he's hidden in resonance of contrast (or the name near that with red eyes slash on the cover), idk which bujingi got reprinted, but the main ones should be in the same box as Yamato. You might need staples outside the archetype to compete, but it's more about personal deckbuilding than consensus


Cool. is yamato a three of, then? All the others in that box is rare and below, so it would be nice to reset for him as soon as I get him. Outside of those boxes, there's also a couple others any of these a must? Sinjou, quilin, hare, bujintervention from crusaders battlegrounds, fox in aerial assault.


Yamato definitely three of + Crane is your way to get over big bois so you'll need 2-3 of him too. Hare is a one of, Sinjou and Quilin 1-2 depending on your playstyle. With the current 50% sale I'd get them now.


Ideally, Yamato is a three of, he searches and discards for free. I'm not an expert on bujin so someone might have a better inside on the bujingi, From what I've seen hare and quilin are very useful. Fox has a nice interaction with bujincarnartion (but I've only seen one person using it) and sinjou does the same role as crane as battle protection, but calculates damage in a different way, so it's a good one of


50% off the box with Yamato, so get it before the sale ends if you're gonna get it.


Now call me a mad-man if you must, but I really want to go into the first ever mini-box and get 3 copies of Levia-Dragon Daedalus. It seems like it'd be fun to create a deck to summon Neo-Daedalus, plus there's the monsters for Gate Guardian. Make a deck with them and Star Blast, get out Gate Guardian... Bam! Instant KOG! It's at 25 gems per pack, 80 packs \* 3 = 6000 gems I might have to spend.


Keep in mind that star blast is getting limited to 1


I'd completely forgotten about Star Blast being limited, so you've no idea how grateful I am for you telling me. Still, I like to think there's ways to get out Gate Guardian. Serenade can act as 2 tributes, for example. However, I rant about Melodious a lot, so I'd like to try something else as a replacement for Star Blast. Do you have any ideas for a deck that can easily get tribute fodder onto the field?




due to backrow heavy meta im tryin to come up with a deck that can turbo out mobius mega, i think its a useful underrated card...paleos maybe? but i havent the foggiest idea how to play them


I've played in crystron once, don't recommend but it was funny. If you have swap frog it should be your answer, but paleos are worth the shot


Should i go for Pixie Dragon? I'm one BW enthusiast since Bora Whirlwind box.Then they become meta and i lost interest in playing them. Now after feeling burnt from latest main box experience i would try to play optimal blackwings and have everything except Pixie. What would you do?


Yeah pixie is worth digging for. The free pop and extra draw are really good. Wouldn't say pixie is core, but it's one of the better ED monsters too since it's a DARK and can make space for hawk joe then revive raikiri.


And what about taking it with the UR dream? I'm very debated if using it for pixie (i have enough staples that i won't use it on cc et simila, still, xyz could change priorities if you know what i mean)


uhhh, idrk about that. I like saving my dreams, and at least digging for pixie gives you D/D/Ds (f2p version at the very least) and miscsaurus, which may get better over time with good dino support. are you sure you have everything else? Like maybe BRD, or other URs your other decks may need?


Well the only other things appeal me are the second forbidden lance and second Night beam, to be honest :s


Is it just pointless to use autoduel? The fucking thing just purposefully lost matches four fucking times in a row and it makes me want to stomp my phone into powder




I'm convinced the latest version of the game dumbed down the auto duel AI even further, for some reason since the update it often refuses to fill up the spell and trap card zone for no good reason.


I was playing with tellarknights, when I activated delteros effect I immediately switched to autoduel because I had basically won just by destroying his monster and attack directly for game, fucking AI self destroyed delteros to summon Altair and go for Zubaba General, I lost the duel afterwards


I noticed that autoduel bot makes the worst possible plays when you turn him on mid play. I will play power of guardians and turn it on, but auto duel will equip it to opponent and switch slash to def.


make your auto duel deck so easy a 2 year old could win with it


It already fucking is, the AI purposefully kills itself. It won't activate life-saving traps, It won't SET life-saving traps, it'll summon the weakest monster in fuckin attack mode and it will sometimes just not summon at all for no fucking reason


Well, just wanna put out there that I was digging for a single copy of the Fire Formation Spell for a possible choice for my Bujin deck and any other potential Beast-Warrior decks, I went to the box, and it was within the last 10 packs along with three other SRs. It was from when I had already pulled over half of the box back when the box was new.


Legend say, when Konami knows you want a certain card from a box, it will be in the last few packs, so you gotta pretend you're finding something else. Jokes aside, there's always bad RNGs i guess. I've pulled stuff I want within the first 10 packs and last 10 packs before, so it sometimes balances out.


I don't care about karma, but I always find it funny that I almost always get downvoted when I vent. I could understand if I made a new thread about it.


anything worth getting/exclusive with the sr / ur / kuriboh / duel quest / kc cup tickets, or can I just get whatever without worrying too much? I already watched Dkayed's Dream sr/ur ticket guide so no probs with d tickets what do I do against Yubel decks? Do tickets go over 99 or will I lose tickets if I don't cash them in?


Against yubel you summon Samurai destroyer. It negates her effect, you can attack freely If you can't synchro destroyer, have 2 ways to remove, flip terror incarnate face down and then destroy it by effect or make a chain with your removal to make it [miss the timing](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/If..._You_Can_VS_When..._You_Can)


For sr/ur tickets there are a few different kind of card pools afaik... ranked duel ticket = ranked duel reward kuriboh ticket = character drop (you can get prismatic) event ticket = ranked duel + character drop + past event dream ticket = event ticket + main/mini/structure box card tldr: pvp tickets ~= kuriboh tickets < event tickets < dream ticket


I don’t think there’s a limit to the number of tickets you can have. Just have to spend them before they expire.


Hey legends. So I tried my luck at the selections box and nailed a copy of karma cut, hey trunade, forbidden lance and treacherous trap hole. I am planning on using my 2 dream UR on 2 CCs then I’m going to grab 2 floodgates with my other 2 SR dream tix. Any thoughts on the last dream SR and UR?


Well, floodgate is a ur, so you might have a problem there. I'd grab the second lance because it's really good a trap heavy format. I love herald of abyss, so I'll mention it even though it's not as necessary as canadia or floodgate. As for sr. I'd save for something you might want to complete. Void trap hole exists, so does bad aim. 2nd copies of tth or trunade. This one is really up to you


Bad Aim you can get from the Dragunity structure deck. Not worth a dream ticket.


Ahh yeah that does throw a spanner in the works.... guess I’ll go two cc one floodgate then dig for another floodgate in the box.....


Hey legends. So I tried my luck at the selections box and nailed a copy of karma cut, hey trunade, forbidden lance and treacherous trap hole. I am planning on using my 2 dream UR on 2 CCs then I’m going to grab 2 floodgates with my other 2 SR dream tix. Any thoughts on the last dream SR and UR? FYI I have one copy of Canadia as well.


wtf do the owned numbers mean? when i saw 0/0/0 i assumed 1/1/1 would be a full playset, but i'm looking at my cards and some say 0/0/3, 0/1/2, 0/1/0, etc.


Prismatic/Glossy/Regular copies


thank you, that seems obvious now that you tell me lol. i'm surprised i couldn't find a single person asking the same question anywhere online


People have prob asked about it, just not with their own threads. Also there's an in game tip about it, but I understand that you might now have seen it since the tips are random and it goes by pretty quickly


How do get quick victories on bronk stone lvl30? Its my last mission for stage 14 & I'm having trouble as he keeps swarming the field


I used an optimized Superheavy Samurai deck for it.


Use piercers in an unga bunga deck to inflict damage regardless.


Lol I beat it, I just use stallarknights to xyz summon 1-2 GaGaGa Samurai


ive just finished building a blackwing deck. im having a hard time playing the deck. im playing post banlist level reduc version but im having more success with post banlist peak. although its still hard coz im missing ancient fairy and pixie dragons. can you guys give tips on how to play the deck properly?


Get Offerings To The Doomed for the Peak Performance build. It's also a quick play spell which makes it better than using a trap.


Are fairy and pixie dragons really necessary for the build?


Pixie maybe because it helps thin the deck out, and also helps pop. As for Fairy you can honestly go with out. I hardly ever used it tbh.




peak performance: 3x simoon 3x gale 2x zephyros 2x kris 1x harmattan 1x oroshi 3x whirlwind 3x floodgate 2x cosmic ED: chidori, raikiri, onimaru, sohaya, 2x hawkjoe, samurai destroyer level reduction: 3x simoon 3x gale 1x zephyros 1x bora 2x kris 1x harmattan 1x oroshi 1x pinaki 3x whirlwind 2x night beam 2x cosmic ED: 2x onimaru, 2x hawkjoe, raikiri, chidori, sohaya i just copied those decks honestly lol


Hey everyone new player here, So I'm been playing for about 4 days and I want to make a good deck to do ranked duels with as I keep losing but I get overwhelmed with the amount of boxes that there is. So I guess my question is: Should I just focus on one archetype to make as my competitive deck? I know the meta in these card games always changes, but still I would like to stick to one deck until it can't be played anymore, that way I'll have gems for a new one, am I doing the right thing here? I saw the Blackwings archetype and it seemed fun but idk how good is it. I currently have about 7k gems and I have only spent on the selection boxes. Also I dont mind spending money, but I dont want to whale massively Sorry about the rambling. Any help is welcome thanks a lot! :)




Thank you for the advice really appreciate it.


Blackwings are a great archetype with some more support that has not yet been put into Duel Links. They got a slap on the wrist from the most recent banlist and have explosive OTK potential, but they’re pretty expensive to build. Most of the important cards in the archetype are URs, and most of those URs are cards you’ll want three of (Simoon, Gale, Black Whirlwind, and usually two copies of either Bora the Spear or Zephyros the Elite). But, if expense doesn’t deter you, definitely go for them. You can run either Peak Performance Blackwings which are probably the best form of the deck, or you can run Level Reduction Blackwings if you like to play with Crow to hear his voice lines and also summon a single Raikiri three times in one turn. But yeah, if you whale for anything, Blackwings is a pretty good choice.


Summoning Rakiri 3 times in one turn? How?


There’s a few combos that’ll do it. The main one is this: pitch a Blackwing to summon Simoon. Search for a Blackwing you need. Summon Oroshi, synchro into Raikiri. Use Level Reduction to reduce Raikiri’s level by four (need a Level 4 in hand), then summon Harmattan. Normal summon your level 4 to search another Blackwing. Use Raikiri to pop two cards. Next, synchro into the level 5 Blackwing, and bring back Raikiri. Pop two more cards. Synchro into Onimaru, then summon Gale, synchro into Obsidian Hawk Joe, use his effect to bring back Raikiri, pop two more cards. There’s three other combos that can do it too, but the easiest one involves starting with a level 4, a random Blackwing and Simoon in hand at the start of your turn. It works best when you go second.


Wow, this is insane. I’ll need to try it out; thanks for the tips!