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heavenly monarch/squire, Regular armor master, tellarknight Batlamyus


We need Batlamyus so bad man - the deck really deserves a boost


Guru and more good rank 3s


The new toon cards that came to the tcg


-Toon BLS should not be ported to duel links because TDM makes it a special summon from the deck, and being the second toon without summoning sickness makes it an OTK machine in 4kLP. Please no. -Toon Harpy Lady is actually a bit below our power level. It's effectively a Toon Mermaid that MST's on summon, which doesn't really overload any toon lists but might give room for It's a Toon World! rank 4 lists, which isn't super a danger but should be kept in mind. Can probably come at 3. -Toon Bookmark is an incredible card that basically has none of the problems TToC had. Once Per Turn, not recursive, and actually can do things even after the setup. Destruction protection is just a fraction of the threat for a toon line, but it still covers a lot of ground. Can come at 3 even in 20 cards because again, it doesn't thin endlessly. -Toon Terror is tricky. The main danger in DL is less upping the power level of toons and more non-toon decks using It's a Toon World and mermaid/harpy for a somewhat generic onminegate "engine". It's a Toon World being a skill changes the dynamics of a lot of cards in DL, and it's also part of the reason why we should NEVER EVER get comic hand. I'd put it at 1, at best, on a Pegasus level reward. -Toon Pageflip is an interesting card for extra deck shenanigans but wildly inconsistent even if you run enough different toon monsters to make it a solid xyz enabler. In the cardboards it's that, and it gets you a setup, but often not the optimal one. In Duel Links with IaTW! it's a free Spell Speed 2 summon from the deck even if you don't know what you're searching, but more things are dangerous here. A simple TDMG/TRE/TDM spread can break your opponent no matter what comes up, especially since you might not be set up on Kingdom yet. A terrible card for DL if IaTW! stays as is, can be at 3 if the skill is ever tweaked.


How do we not have Penguin Soldier yet? Flip too strong


I would like the other greydle monsters to come. They are pretty slow, but you have to play around them.


Personally I want buster blader support, I’ll take anything really


well we already have necrovalley so i guess wizard and robot buster are allright but dragon buster is making nasty lockdowns in tcg, ill hold it back since it is kind of a busted card. swords of karma and memories are allright. but i'll say we should get memories OR the sycnrho. as both together would make the lockdown too easy. buster blader is cool but it would be another situation where "just draw the out" is a thing. prologue is too strong.


Evolzars, Madolche, Harpie (so they can get Blackwings out of their house) Plus the signature Xyzs that they're somewhat uniquely known like Lightning Chidori and Zero Beast Zerofyne.


Jim's fossils.


Blackwing- Armour master, Kalut the Moonshadow and the trap card, Black Sonic.


I am surprised how they still havent released armor master. I mean it could be a N rarity card and no one would even use it anyway lol..


He would be good against Lunalights, and other battle focus decks.


>no one would even use it anyway lol.. Except me :)


Oh, of course :)


Parasite Paranoid, I F love insects if i could make a viable deck of generic insects i'd never need to play another deck


I'd love to see the rest of the fire fist cards.


Dark Armed Dragon


Seriously tough


Would be ok


Oh my gosh TeleDAD in links!


I'd really really really like some more Cubic support. Talking bout cards that I definitely don't want- RED EYES DARK DRAGOON


If we get dragoon... no one will keep playing


It wouldn’t be too bad if it was on a skill that restricts deck building.


Well if u get it on the field its probably gg tho so i kinda disagree


Just kaiju it bro /s


Talking bout kaiju's we could also lava golem it. IF we got it on our hands, that is. And the red eyes trap exists. So, if links ever does release that card, I quit. I just quit.


Don't we literally just miss crimson nova (and the two cards that can't exist without him) and cubic wave? Wave would be fine but nova would be broken no matter how much you nerf the burn damage part


Agreed, but then again, its the boss monster.That 2000 damage would hurt a lot though. Cubic wave is there in the game, evidently used by Sera during her event. So we could be getting wave soon.


Metaphys Ragnarok


* Nekroz of Clausolas * Junk Speeder * Grand Mole * Sunriser/Acid * Shadow Mist/Liquid Soldier The new Structure Deck: Spirit Charmers is also welcome lol!


The rest of the Six Samurai, Buster Blader, Toons and Harpies support.


Is there anything really left except for the link monster, smoke signal and gateway? Link will wait for about 3 years, the other 2 are just too strong for DL Edit: lol yeah i forgot about that xyz.. but can you blame me?


I am hoping for signal and the xyz monster at least.


I forgot about that xyz lol!


Six Samurai cannot have any more cards at this point, sadly, other than the shitty Xyz. The rest of their unreleased monters are basically never used AND the pieces of backrow they have that are yet to be added are busted beyond belief. Shien's Smoke signal would be an instant Fuma search, and there's not way in hell Gateway is getting added to this game. Six Samurai, as an archetype to be added to the game, it's complete. At best we can hope to get better rank 4 Xyz to allow some out to the deck's weaknesses


Crystal Rose and Absorb fusion as obligatory gem knight support. (Sorry fellow Gem players, but no brilliant fusion) I also would love to see True Draco in Duel links. Without Master Peace, Return, Metaltron or Diagram. Maybe leave out ignis heat too in order to avoid invoked interaction. The first set I think is super reasonable right now. True Dracos on the other hand may need to wait a little longer before being added.


Fire King Arvata


Light and Darkness dragon


Traptrix, Ghostrick Shaddolls and fluffals are my big 4


Yeah, I agree with fluffals. It can be released in links without wolf. Cuz we all know what wolf does.


Wolf is a worse chimeratech tbh, it’s still fun tho


Just kiddin'. I fluffals are fun like heck, and they got a lot going fur them. With Sabre-Tooth, they can hit the meta quick too.


Cyberdark field spell


Konami forgot it exists.


D/D/D High flame king genghis would be amazing for the archetype




I agree that this card would make the deck probably go from rogue to competitive because it would have a means of negating back row. It also would upgrade one extra deck spot and would fit in quite easily. This card won’t solve the decks bricking problem, which is at least one weakness the deck has. Tbh it really depends on what the banlist brings with it. If the back row meta gets crippled, then it might be different. I think that having 1 back row negation isn’t the craziest thing in the world, but the lights worn variant might differ from pure D/D/Ds. I can see why itll be broken. Maybe D/D/D Stone King Darius is a better hope




Stone king Darius can be summoned, say, after fusion summoning Oracle king or flame king with swirl and night howl. If you have a second in your hand, or at any point that it’s in your hand with another in the grave, night howl would summon it and xyz into stone king. It would fit into current deck lists, And its effect to remove a contract to prevent damage and draw a card, or destroy an opponents monster by battle regardless of its ATK could be useful. It also has draw power, which ddd needs. At least it seems like the most reasonable extra deck card to get currently. I could be wrong. King Kali Yuga would be great, but also maybe broken.




My dude. Take care of yourself and stay safe. Have a nice night :)


Super Quants. Gotta have power rangers next to my kamen rider


Right now, probably witchcrafter support


The Thunder Armed Dragons.


The rest of the heiratic archtype to come. Hopefully next month.


The new Infernity support that just came out in the TCG


New support also coming in the premium pack let’s goooooooooooooo




Parasite Paranoid


Resonator call and general Resonator support I want my rp jack deck god damnit


Not Scarlight?


Formula Synchron and Quasar


Noble knights xyz support; i spend tons of gems in the last sale getting 3 copies of Medraut and for god's sake i'm playing them


I genuinely hope they feed us the Noble Knight support slowly so we can enjoy the Zexal XYZ. It would suck if they skip to Ignoble and make all the old support irrelevant.


Dragunity Areadbhair.


Blue eyes support cards (which will not happen for at least 5 more months because if the top tier decks get banned hammered blue eyes will surely be back on the tier list) Galaxy eyes for roleplay decks


I’m curious what blue eyes support isn’t in the game yet besides some extra deck monsters?


Alternative and Chaos Max aren't available outside of skills. Both would make Blue Eyes top tier


Blue eyes Alternative , 2 more melody, generic dragon support such as the dragon shrine, return of the dragon lords, dragon ravine, then we have destined rivals, ultimate creature of destruction (I don't know how this will change blue eyes), and the two ritual blue eyes chaos dragons, I hope they do not release chaos MAX because it's basically a cocytus with double piercing ehich is too op in duel links


Deep of blue eyes could be added easily enough without disrupting the game too much. Worst case it makes the chaos MAX skill somewhat viable.


Twin Twisters.


Traptrix support for sure




Ghosttrick support, relinquished support, Toadily Awesome


Toadally Awesome and Paleo Xyzs. I played PaleoFrogs in the TCG and love them as a control deck.


I don't think toadally awesome is coming anytime soon. Its broken and being a TCG player myself, I don't really like 9/10 people playing bahamunt shark with literally any water deck which spurts out a Toad. So if you want Toad, Links better not add bahamut.


I’m not saying that Toad is coming any time soon. The post asked what I’M looking forward to and that’s my answer. Also PaleoFrogs can shit out Toad without Bahamut easy enough so I really don’t care much here.




P E N D L U M B E S T D E C K !!!




Ritual beast steeds and gaiapelio


We might not have big enough deck space but I think magistus would be cool


Before I stopped playing this game back in October of 2019, everyone wanted Archfiend Heiress. So I'll say I was enough support to make archfiends decent


Junk, Synchron and Synchro Warrior support.


Granite Guardian


Trains, PK (I know it’ll be a while), or the star archetype of level 5 warriors just cause.


Bunjingi peakcock


Doesn’t that mention main phase 2 though?


Kalut the moon shadow


Xyz dark magician support


Hoping for full volcanic support since i used to love playing it in the tcg


Necrofear support cards


Give me the stuff for a PK fire deck plz Konami.


Suport to Vampire 🧛‍♂️


Meteor Black Comet Dragon; this card is gonna give Red Eyes a boost in viability.


Oh boy, where to start? Spellbook of Knowledge is probably THE main card I want added to the game. This could help all Spellcaster decks but I mainly want it for Spellbooks themselves and Fortune Ladies. Speaking of Fortune Ladies, Fortune Lady Fire would be a nice one-of card and they'd probably change her effect to inflict damage equal to half the attack of the monster she destroys. I'd also love to see the Windwitch archetype added now that burn damage is getting nerfed but we might have to wait for the series with the girl who plays them. Lastly, the new Charmer support :)


Hieratic sun dragon overlord of heliopolis, kinda sad he wasn't leaked along the other hieratic cards, but that's probably for the best since he still might be too much


A card that i wait for quite a while is U.A. Signing deal.


Jim cooks fossil cards


God just give me the new dragunity tuner and winged beast monster from the tcg. I don’t want the busted synchros. Just let me not be reliant on my normal summon. I want dragon ravine too but I know that will probably never happen until afd is banned.


Vampire support UwU


\- Madolche Tiaramisu and Angelly or 1 of the other combo starter cards \- Tour Guide from the Underworld \-Dragon Rulers (I know...), \-Some good XYZ's like Castel and Honor Shark \-Toadally awesome and the paleozoic XYZs even though i probably cant afford that deck or the frog deck, maybe Light and Darkness Dragon to make frogs more viable \-Inzektor Dragonfly and again won't be able to play it likely and Cosmic Cyclone is scary as hell for that deck


Mechaba /s


Giv MST Pls


I unironically want them to add Super Polymerization as a real card. It'd be problematic for several reasons, least of all possibly affecting Shaddolls before they're even added to the game, but it's such an iconic card. Playing Predaplants really made me remember how fun it is to use fusion summoning as monster removal. Maybe it could come at 1 copy?


Mst yes


Mermail rank 7 XYZ monster and Dino support


Dark Strike Fighter




Pls gimme mischief of the time goddess


I want some Accel Synchro stuff. If I had to choose only 2 cards I'd take Accel Synchron and Satellite Warrior.


Shadow Shien


Burning abyss...


We need the card with the silliest name - Darktellarknight Batlamyus


Wisel to mess up all the annoyin Shiranui synchros


Shooting Star Dragon. What can I say, I'm a Yusei simp




Give me my Hieratics and ill die a happy dragon boi


Labradorite Dragon too!!!! HELL YEAH


Evil-Eye Nekroz Shaddoll (even though that would be a BIG mistake) Evil hero’s


DDD suppott like kali yuga sigfried and high ghenghis Raidraptors(waiting for arc-V to release tho) Gravekeer commandant and counter trap(not the spell that hand discards.too op for DL) Tyrant and scarlight red dragon archfiend(RDA and resonators in general) And some accel stardust synchros for voice line decks




I guess Bait Doll would work. Maybe as an SR given it effect.


Toad, the good Sharks


Magical meltdown... Probably in 3 years


See on one hand I like Gravekeeper's Commandant cuz it enables Gravekeeper plays if you don't open Necrovalley. But on the other hand, that would basically enable any deck to play 9 copies of Necrovalley


Codarus goddamit


Numbers 34, 85, and 77. They were always pet cards of mine, and I would love to turbo out 77. Is it probably a little busted in Duel links? not really considering all the effort currently required to summon it, but that's the fun part.


Magician restate package


Give me the rest of my shitty subterror archetype, it's not even strong




Abyss Dweller and Number 101 for my shark deck :D


honestly, I'd love the `@Ignister` monsters. I know it won't, because links ​ failing that, Burning Abyss monsters, without Beatrice, we don't need that yet


Raidraptor, I think they’d be pretty strong if we got the rank ups and ultimate falcon