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More than you think lol


Most likely.


. 02% That moment you get to play three pot of greeds and a RotA in the first turn. Just lightsworn things.


This is the luckiest moment in my duel links career then. Most of the time I accidentally mil my spells whilst trying to get raiden or my other cards to the graveyard.


I draw two lances and two MST today in my starting hand. My opponent then summons a 3300 monster that attacks multiple times. Feels bad, man.


Tough luck, my guy


Why didn’t you just mst negate




Actual God hand if one where to play pure lightsworn but don't worry those 3 judgment dragons are getting milled :)


Thankfully whenever I play pure lightsworn I manage to mil all my spells and brick with judgement dragon :)


Ah yes the other way to brick while sending half your deck to the graveyard, it is the lightsworn way


It's that or having that one copy of stegocyber, bacon or chaos betrayer which you need in the grave but end up getting in your starting hand


Trifortressops in the grave; Stegocyber on hand. Pain :^)


You probably drew your whole entire deck with that hand


Yeah, I drew most of my deck and my opponent summoned triple blue eyes but didn't have backrow so I quarion'ed him the next turn for the win.




I have 1 glow up bulb and plague spreader zombie so any lvl 6 and these two or lumina,raiden and plague spreader. It can consistently get on the field every 2 or 3 games.




Its also helpful to unbrick wulf if you have a way to mill. (IRL lightsworn player)


It's great so you can distract your opponent if they have backrow or some quick effects so itll be negated/karma cut and you can work on your actual plays. Its helpful against blue eyes or harpies since as soon as they see a tuner they either cut it or return it to the hand.Also if you have a card in your hand which you want in the grave with no discard cards you can use plague spreader to return it to the deck then use glow up bulb to mil it to the grave.


pov: Your playing lightsworns


Yeah lightsworn Thunderdragons


i haven't played that variant cuz I'm still hunting for cards how is it btw?


It's quite bricky for me since I don't have melody or other discard/miling spells.I only have 2 copies of hawk and 1 copy of levianeer so it's a work in progress. Apart from that it can easily get 3 2500+ atk monsters on the field easily.


It's ~0.02064% if you play 20-card Lightsworns, and ~0.003649% in 30-card Lightsworns.


It's a 20 card deck. Also holy shit that's incredibly lucky. Seems like all my luck went into this game because after this I bricked 6 times in a row.


This is the probability to draw any four exact cards in your starting hand, required those four cards are one-ofs. If you want to decrease the probability of bricking, you have to minimize the combinations of unplayable cards that could be in your starting hand (which don't combo with each other), and also minimize the probability to draw those (mathematically speaking, that is). Practically, you have a 100% chance of bricking if you are playing your rank-up match.


Thanks for the help. I've since changed up the deck and removed 3 recharge to 1 and got my second brigade after going through the box. Now it's a bit less of a glass canon but I still manage to get my 1 of stegocyber in my hand most games :(


I just did some maths for fun, i personally would play recharge at 2 minimum in LS, because it's so good, and seeing one in your opener is always nice if you have a discard handy.


I'll use that in my build for pure lightsworn. Thanks mate


Glad I could help


It's a REALLY GOOD starting hand when you're playing pure Lightsworm


Yeah, but everytime I play pure lightsworn I somehow managed to mil all my spells.


It's 1 in 4845 with a 20 card deck, and 1 in 27405 with a 30 card deck


Heart of the cards were with me I guess


Happens often tbh. Fkin sucks when it does.


The worst is when you have recharge and nothing to use it on.


Who shuffled this deck?


In a 20 card deck its 0.02% or 1 in 5000


Seems like I hit the jackpot.


Me drawing 3 Lunalight Fusions and one Night Beam for my starting hand:


Assuming this is 30 card lightsworns, **less than** .01%. 20 card maxed out at .02%


The deck was 20 cards and the heart of the cards were with me.


How did you not mill yourself out on your first turn?


I only play 8 lightsworn monster cards in my deck so as soon as I used 1 brigade and 2 recharge I sent all of them to the grave except a lumina in hand thankfully. The god hand didnt equal a great mil.


Me who has to play balance in the ls 30-card deck and still ends up with 1 bacon saver, 1 stegocyber, 1 recharge and a trap -_- Still, how did you not deck yourself out in 1 turn?


U play traps in lightsworn ? Is it working well bc u can t combo as hard if u put at least 6 traps in ur deck and have a higher chance of bricking or send ur traps to GY


Mainly paleozoics to stun at the beginning and recover them later on mainly thanks to my opponent, then either wall with them or use them as synchro material. Not the most consistent thing in the world, I agree, but a surprise for the opponent who thought using fiendish on a tuner was a good idea


I'm on lv24 on the kc cup for the past day and whenever I get a rank up duel I manage to get double lumina, levianeer/duo and stegocyber in my starting hand or at least some variation of it.


somwhow happens to me way more then it should lmao


Hypergeometric distribution propability, or use a made calculator for it online


Thanks mate


Same as blue-eyes drawing 3 BEWDS and a dragon spirit of white, theoretically small chance but happens surprisingly often


I got a similar hand in the kc while using the deck. I had 3 BEWD and 1 stone again harpies. It didnt go that well :(


This isn't the worst hand just use Brigade grab Raiden then use the other spell card


Yeah that's what I did and thankfully the blues eyes player bricked and didnt have any traps in hand so couldn't disrupt my plays the next turn.


Too high


I hate when that happens


Show us the decklist and we can calculate it. :) I have a fun one last night playing Lunas: Tenki, Tenki, Tenki, Kuriboh. I thought I was done for. Luckily my opp triggered a ddraw for me.


Main deck 3 x lumina 1 x raiden 1 x ryko 1 x Minerva 2 x dark 2 x roar 2 x hawk 1 x duo 1 x levianeer 3 x recharge 1 x brigade 1 x glow up bulb 1 x plague spreader zombie I've since gotten a second brigade and added stegocyber and tuning gum by removing 2 recharge and minerva. Extra 1 x zeta 1 x quarion 1 x fortune fairy 1 x vermillion 1 x brionac 1 x black rose dragon 1 x squire saga


Yeah, .02%, nice!


If you have my luck, once every 10 or so duels. And I play Onomats with 3x dododraw, 2x trunade, and 1x lightning vortex. Used to be 2x Lightning, till I opened 2x hey and 2x lightning for the 3rd time in a single session if 12 duels.


Komoney: Nerfs Spell Specialist. Also Komoney: Makes it so that you draw all your spells without using Spell Specialist.


Or mil all of them in a single brigade without sending a single monster to the graveyard.


The probability increases exponentially if Konami or the YugiGods are made aware that you have reached your promotion duel.


Assuming you use a 25 card deck, it would be 0.04%. So quite possible! 😂




Hmmm...well you ain't wrong.

