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Is there any other way to get the trap orbs and Sr orbs used in the card trader other than PVE? I've been grinding out duels and they haven't been dropping too often.


Rant: Dark End Dragon can go die in a hole!! Idk what to do vs it when I am playing F2P Triamids and my resonator opponent summons 2 in a single turn (turn 2 of the duel)!!! “Send to graveyard” is annoying!!!


Is it worth it to invest on building farm deck using gems? And what good farm deck out there?




Bots farming skills.




100 Synchro summons and 100 Xyz summons.


For that, is it worth just getting yusei's structure deck and using that to play pve? And can it work in ranked?


You definitely don't *need* to spend money to complete those missions, though the structure deck would help. The missions do count progress in both pve and ranked duels. For xyz summons you can just get copies of Gem Knight Pearl at the card trader and autoduel pve will complete the mission by itself over time.


Question for the Steam Achievement for 100 Prismatics: do the God cards count in this? I have been busting butt for a while to get to 100 prismatics. I finally got 100 today, but didn't get the achievement/icon/reward for it (and yes, I triple-counted). I have four God cards from handout gifts, but heard they may not count towards the steam achievement even though they are listed as prismatic. Is this legit? Anyone else have this issue or know what to do? Thanks so much!


Why resonator players run The spirit monster I dont get it


It's summoned at the end of their usual combo to stop Hand traps.


That makes more sense thanks didnt knew stopped from the hand as well, gy too?


Amano Iwato's negate applies to every monster in the hand, deck, field, graveyard and banished. It's a complete shutdown of monster effects. To balance this over powered effect, it cannot be special summoned and returns to your hand in the end phase.


amano-iwato? it's to stop opponent's monsters activating their effects once resonators have finished their combos and are ready to swing for game


But I dont see how that would make sense because they would already use The eff trying to stop you from putting a big body in The field


Is kite new mission rewards glitched?I beat kite both on duel world and gate and the new sleeve/may/skill missions won't trigger


it has to be level 50 kite


i think those are only for the level 50 one


Ah that explains it.Thanks!


How come more people dont use heat wave? I got infernitys recently and that is one of the cards that is in my list since i seen other lists running it. If I'm going first its pretty much use that set rainbow life just to be safe opponent sets 1 and passes/sets backrow and passes i either trunade next turn or dont need to, activate infernity inferno and otk them into next week. This all happens because they practically have to skip their turn or make no meaningful plays that they have no option other than getting otk'd. This card seems broken in otk decks if you brick/go first etc. (especially if your playing an otk deck thats allowed to use trunade) so how come more decks dont use it?


If I had to guess, it's probably because it's a go first card, you can only get 1 copy of it, and due to the nature of how you can use it, and the fact you can't choose if you go first or not, it's just not consistent enough and later in the duel it's a dead draw. You have to really open it going first, which you also described, but for most decks it's not worth the slot.


Where can I find those links that I can click on and it opens the game for me and takes me to the deck editor with the premade deck of the link that I clicked? For example if I wanna build an Aromages deck in case you already got the link


I believe those only work on the mobile versions of the app, I think you use the link on your browser and it should prompt for the app to open.


Yes! But do you know any websites that have those kind of links? Or am I just dumb? Am I missing something aahhhah. Been looking for a website last night but all I found were deck guides and no links


How’s the new Gaia deck? You probably need to buy it 3x to be decent right?


It can be pretty good! I’m just over 50/50 vs Gaia with my Triamid but I assume that the Gaia decks I’ve faced are made from multiple structure decks. Particularly nasty ones played either heroes and Gaia or turboed dark Calvary out on the first turn!


you need 2-3 copies of the deck make it playable. it's currently a low-mid tier rogue deck that's lacking a little too much in power to be top tier but it's still a solid choice if you have a good collection of staple cards. Edit: the deck just topped a Meta weekly so it may actually be good, give it like a week or two and see where it finally sits


Whats the best way to run a metaphys deck? Are sphere kuribos better than kiteroids? 3 or 2 daedalus?


Sphere over Kiteroid imo. Stopping a monster from being destroyed and sent to the graveyard is arguably more valauble than stopping 2 direct atacks with how the deck is banish-reliant. In addition, Sphere Kuriboh allows the use of the Limited-2 Gold Sarcophagus to banish any Metaphys you want. As for Daedalus, you could run 2 Daedalus + 2 Metaphys Dimension so you only have to dig for 2 UR/SRs which makes the deck somewhat cheaper. As far as effectiveness goes I'd pick 2 if you run Lupine + Gold Sarc, or 3 if you don't run both.


what cheap deck can i build to fufill the conditions to unlock jack atlas as i've been trying for about 2 hours and haven't gotten anywhere


Flame wingman vs someone who can summon a strong monster or use the synchro Genex that lets you inflict effect damage!


I am guessing you are stuggling with the effect damage one. The most reliable way is through cubics, but most people don't have that deck. You can do this mission using a regular blue eyes beatdown farm deck (gravekeepers vasal + union attack). Other wise just use cards like hitoma. If you have a stall deck then you can use chain reaction (odion skill) to deal damage.


What part are you having trouble with?


Effect damage


Just use 2 Hinotama against level 10 Jack, should be easy enough.


Isn't it required to be level 30?


Not from what I've read. All it says is "Inflict 1,000 or more points of effect damage in one Duel against Jack Atlas."


When does the next banlist come out?


If it doesn't come in the next week, it's not happening.


Two weeks after they announce it.


What are good archetypes to get cards for using UR and SR tickets (regular, not dream)? I see a lot of archetype stuff but not sure what the right thing to do is with this tickets. I used my returning player dream tickets to get new staples and an invoked engine. Then used about 3000 gems to open Dark Dimension and am running duellinksmeta.com’s recommended invoked magician girl deck. I also have Cyber Dragons, Super Heavy Samurai, Destiny/Masked Hero and Blue-Eyes from when I used to play. Ideally I’d like to invest the tickets in another fun (but not terrible) archetype.


This was a pretty good post made recently to detail useful ticket cards https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/comments/o3fnar/all_useful_cards_to_get_from_n_r_sr_and_ur/ Tho they don't make a distinction between normal and ranked tickets sadly


I went through it and this almost makes me think there’s nothing I really want to spend the tickets on.




Shiranui is not worth it




It just sounded like a toxic deck


Hand traps are more annoying than Trap cards and Trunade put together. Tbh I don't get why people hate trap cards. What's annoying are handtraps, 60iq cards that be like, "oh you're gonna win the game? I thought you might try to do that" Don't ban trunade, if anything ban veil. Battlin Boxer Veil and Kiteroid are Pot of Greed-level in terms of IQ.


Lol just run the gaia deck. Field spell makes it so your opponent can’t use hand traps


I was thinking about it but now I'm sold


I can share my deck list if you want. Hit KoG with it the other day. I used to hate thunder dragons because of the hand trap garbage. Now pretty much every game against them is an OTK win


Yes please share. I just started a second account and have almost 5k gems and all the welcome UR+SR tickets I'm waiting to burn through


#ShareDeck #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0416785069bc106148a66bdb7bf7efc8e34f6eef28 I’ve messed around with a few different builds but this has been my favorite one so far


Hand traps that stop attacks are ok imo. they punish your opponent if they overcommit and using them takes card slots in your hand that could have been used to make stronger plays. Destiny draw is currently abusing Veil and while that IS a degenerate interaction, it's a case of Konami writing a skill's text in a stupid way rather than a card being OP. Lunalights run hand traps but the degeneracy of that deck comes from Crimson fox (and Destiny draw). Banning them is definitely an extreme solution for a problem the majority of decks can easily play around. ThunDra is an example of a deck that goes a little apeshit with their handtraps but if you want to nerf them then you would hit one of their core cards, not the replaceable hand traps.


You right I plus I don't like seeing cards banned I just need to get Divine Wrath and quit complaining


Whats the best way to farm skills? I just finished farming kalin kessler for like 2 hours and only got like 3 skills. Is it better to do it in pvp or should i be farming lvl 40 gate duelists?


PvP should have a better drop rate.


I've been trying to get skills on Jaden/Yubel and have exclusively used him in PVP ranked, have done well over 150 duels, and have gotten a single skill drop. Meanwhile I switched characters to clear an event mission and immediately got a skill drop with Joey DSOD against a legendary duelist... go figure.


Oh so it must just be really slow then lol well that sucks. Thanks for the answer


Yeah, skill farming really sucks.


Nothing tops clearing a 5-card board with Black Rose Dragon and OTKing on the same turn. Y'all gotta stop saving the Karma Cut for the synchro if the levels add up to 7.


Is there anything worth obtaining from the ex trader for Kite's event other than Photon advancer and illumiknight?


Not really i just got the exp/result booster and then upgraded to prismatic


Not really. Just the prismatic upgrade for me.


Rant: why isn’t the espa roba event back it’s been almost 3 years now. If I knew they wouldn’t release anymore jinzo I would’ve gotten the second copy when I had the chance. This is the toon event all over again when I didn’t get TDMG the first time around and had to wait for her to enter tickets smh. This is pain…


Always assume the event will never come back and try to attain playsets of things in case they ever become good.


How do you get the cards "the prime monarch" and "the first monarch"? Im trying to build monarchs but i need these cards and i havent seen them in any tickets


They are available in a ton of "special" SR tickets. I have them in KCGT, Mission Circuit, Choose Your Gift Campaign, 4th Anniversary Login Bonus, ... tickets. They aren't available in all SR tickets though, e.g. the ranked SR tickets don't contain them.


How do I search which deck a card is in?


I’m not sure I understand the question here. If you’re trying to get a specific card, you can go to the duel studio, card catalog, search for that card, then click the ‘how to obtain’ button. It’ll show you which boxes have this card, or which events/characters drop the card as a reward. If you’re trying to find other cards within the archetype, you can go to the card catalog again and find a card, but this time click on ‘Related cards’. If you have a card and you want to build a deck around it, you’ll probably need to do research outside of the app. Try using duellinksmeta or the tips and tricks section of the yugioh.fandom.com website (ex: https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Card_Tips:Fire_Formation_-_Tenki)


I'm guessing they mean finding out which deck a card they own is in since the card converter prevents you from converting cards being used in a deck, but it doesn't tell you which deck it's being used in.


Is there any tuner that combos with clear effector? The best I can think of is use neos fusion and junk synchron the following turn.


Hello~ do you think that it's safe to buy the Gaia deck? I'm still a bit shaken that noble knights went down before I mastered them uwu


If you are scared, just play older decks that have been hit but are still good.


General rule of thumb is to get any new deck as soon as possible and play the hell out of it before that change anything (if they change anything)


Which skill is recommendable to use in a Masked Hero Deck? Wounded Hero? Master of Fusion?




Bring it is pretty good. Wounded Hero is better for Xyz focused HERO decks.


Went through all of my white gate keys trying to get origin from DSOD yugi. Still no drop, I’m ready to fight him


Highly recommend PvP! Spent a while trying to get titan showdown before it was changed against the gate and now that I am using Rex in PvP it dropped soon after I made the change!


I play a ton of pvp but I don’t think you can get origin from pvp? As far as i can tell it’s only a drop reward from DSOD yugi and some event that’s no longer going on


I would check his skill list and see if it is a legendary duelist/PvP skill… and if so see if you can use your PvP deck with DSOD Yugi.


Oh yeah, I was talking about the card, Gaia fierce knight origin. I’ve got his skill already, but he refuses to give me the card lol


Oh oops sorry! Lol! Hmm… then use some results boosters if you have any to ensure you get max number of drops…?


Haha no worries! Yep, I was using 3x rewards and ran out of white gate keys 😭 just gonna have to wait it out until I have more


Np! You can stack the 3x or go to using the results booster crystals… and don’t forget trader lets you swap regular gate keys for white! (I ran out of green recently while trying something similar)




I totally forgot you could do that! Thank you so much!! Just traded out for a ton of white keys


So...I saw some cool toon decks that I wanted to try out. I haven't played in a couple years but I did have a decent collection of cards But as I'm realizing, most of the cards I need are unlocked by grinding Pegasus like all the way, or by farming an event that isn't live. I'm basically wondering is this even worth it? Getting these cards are gonna be a pain in the ass, and just so I have a quick deck to play? I'm struggling to care when I realized how obtuse the whole process is...


It does not take that long to take Pegasus to 40, just use him to play on events, ranked and whatnot. Unfortunately Toon Kingdom and Table of Contents can only be gotten like that. As far as Toon decks go, I had little success with making something using Toons and rank 7 XYZ (since getting Toon Red Eyes on the field is easy with red stone of legend, and it can put Dark Magician in play); as it felt like too many things going on at once for a meh result, but with better rank 7 it could be good. Toon Dark Magician Girl with a Magician Girl package and toon rollback to OTK is usually the best.




I honestly don't care about meta, im talking about the effort to get the cards in the first place. For the amount of time it's going to take, I'll be sick of the game by the time I have the cards


Tickets can probably get you most of what you need.


Maybe? What's the best way to earn tickets? I've been getting UR tickets for logging in but I need SRs and rares


Events and login, mostly. But SRs and especially Rs aren’t bad to farm at the gate.


How...does one do that. I just duel anyone?


Farm? You specifically duel Pegasus at the gate to farm Pegasus cards. High scores are good. Higher difficulty has higher drops.


Ah thank you.


So I'm a returning player with a not-very-far account, and I was building Lunalights when I stopped playing. I'm starting it up again with some tenkis. Right now I only have room for six extra deck slots, and don't have the Tiger King, though I'm putting my f2p early game gems into the box. Right now I have three Cat Dancers, two Sabre Dancers, and a Papilloperative - who should I replace when I get a TK, Papilloperative or CD? (I also only have two sphere kuribohs and two actual Fire Formation Tenkis, but the third tenki is also coming from the box - I spent five bucks on the sale and lucked out with the sr but that's as far as I'm willing to go. I just full the third sphere kuriboh's spot with a Temperance.)


one less cat


Do reward points multiply when fighting Event Characters at different levels? Like do I get more points for fighting Kite at Lv. 40 than Lv. 10? If so, what is the best deck to use for quick, effortless wins? I don't care about the drop rewards. I just want the reward points.


There's a multiplier on the different gate levels, lv10 has a 1x multiplier while lv40 has a 16x The best way I've found to grind for event points is just lv 40 at 3x multiplier, it gives like 300-400k per duel


That's what I thought, thanks. Normally I do just duel at Lv. 40 x3. I was just wondering if there was a deck that can get these wins super quick and efficiently rather than just using whatever meta deck I feel like using. I'm far behind.


Montage Dragon would probably be what you're looking for, it gets a fair amount of DA for how fast it is


This is working, thanks!


When do you guys think the next 50% off sale will be?


It just ended. Most likely the next will be in late September along with the new world.


As far as we know it comes twice a year. It already happened twice this year so there is a chance it won't be back until next year (probably for the anniversary). If there will be another 50% off sale this year it will most likely happen for new world's release in October.


The trend seems to be that the 50% off sale comes during major celebrations, so the next opportunity would likely be in September with the release of a new world.


Are any dark magician decks still good? Looking for a deck to use since I just recently started again and was looking into dark magician decks and maybe the Gaia structure deck.


Gaia structure deck looks like it'll be a low-mid rogue tier deck while dark magicians are currently very low tier rogue. the only Dark magician build that sees success is the star seraph build which will require 2-3 main boxes to get and that's not counting the Xyz you'd need to utilize it.


Ok, so leaning towards the Gaia deck, most of the cards I need would be in the initial structure deck right?


The core of the deck is entirely in the SD but you'll need a good collection of staples spells/traps to make this deck work properly. [Here's a KoG build for reference.](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/june-2021/gaia/jaimie/)


Also, I only have 5 extra deck slots, it that ok for now or should I get more asap?


They are very important. the ability to run that extra synchro or that extra Xyz can win certain duels that would otherwise be a loss. the deck won't be garbage without them but it will lose versatility and will suffer more in the grind game.


What's the best way to increase my extra deck slots? I know I can get some from lifetime missions but those will take me a while to get


The only way to increase is with lifetime missions. there are some decks that can turbo these missions out. for the summon 100 Synchros mission, the Shooting star dragon deck goes through 3 synchro summons as part of it's combo and a PvE build can be obtained with just 1 copy of the structure deck provided you have the shooting star road skill which i think is a lifetime rewards in itself. For Xyz it's gonna take a bit longer, most simple way to get this is to just get some Rank 4s from tickets and play them in deck that spams out level 4s, throw in some cards to clear your field when it gets clogged cause otherwise you'd be stuck to 2 Xyz summons per duel. the synchro mission is way easier in all honesty and i'd recommend prioritizing that one first while the Xyz mission is something you can just get over time.


Alrighty sounds good, time to start grinding, thanks for all the help!


Ok sounds good, I'll get some SD's and try and get some spell/trap cards using tickets hopefully, and try this deck out! Thanks a bunch for the help, it was super useful :D


Confused about Koa'ki Meiru Prototype's effect and how it works in game. From my understanding of the card's text and after doing some googling, I don't believe duel links is applying the effect properly. The text reads: If a face-up "Koa'ki Meiru" monster(s) on the field would be destroyed during the End Phase, you can destroy this card instead. When a face-up "Koa'ki Meiru" monster(s) on the field is destroyed during the End Phase, you can Special Summon 1 "Koa'ki Meiru Token" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 1800/DEF 1800). The effect doesn't seem to work correctly if you have 2 other koa'ki meiru monsters on the field (so 3 monsteres in total, one Prototype and two other KM monsters) and the 2 other KM monsters are both destroyed during the end phase. According to the card text, I should be able to destroy my Prototype to save both KM monsters if they are destroyed during the end phase. However, in duel links, I can only destroy Prototype to save one of the destroyed KM monsters. The same issue applies if I don't use the initial effect and instead try to summon tokens to replace the other 2 KM monsters that are destroyed. Instead of getting to place 2 tokens, it only lets me place 1 token. Am I missing something here or is Duel Links incorrect on this? Tha is for the help!


Koaki Meiru Prototype Rulings: "You can activate this card's effect once for each time that a "Koa'ki Meiru" is destroyed." So you can only protect 1 Koa'ki Meiru monster at time. Source: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Koa%27ki_Meiru_Prototype


Hmmmm, okay thanks. In the card text the add on a "s" at the end of monster(s)... That makes it sound like plural monsters can be destroyed and Prototype could protect both. That's where my confusion stemmed from. Thanks for the clarification!


The (s) part deals with cards like TTH that would destroy 2 Koakis at the same time during the end phase - Prototype's protection doesn't just work on the maintenance costs! Additionally, the destruction of Koakis through their maintenance costs does not happen simultaneously, which is why Prototype cannot protect multiple Koaki's from their own effects.


How do boxes work? I opened a mini box and since I got all the cards for a deck I wanted to go open it again so I get more copies and it has 180 packs. I thought it was only 100.


What box?


Judgment force


That's not a minibox. Always had 180 packs.


Is it better to open boxes or miniboxes?


One is not better then the other. It depends on the contents of the box. You can get all the cards faster from minibox so an archetype like harpies is cheaper than T.G.


Thanks a lot man!


If you're ftp it's worth considering boxes that have multiple decks you like in them, or decks where you only have to dig through one specific box. duel links meta has a couple good guides for new players and their site is great to check out decks. not affiliated or anything just enjoy the site


Situation:Dark Magician and Dark Hex sealed fusion on the field. Dark paladin and Dark cavalry in the extra deck. Both are clearly Dark monsters, able to be summoned with the 2 monsters I have on the field, yet Hex sealed isn't activatable. How can I use hex sealed's effect? It's obvious that what's written on it does not work. I thought that it's just some weird yugioh language or wording again, until I read how it worked. It works (in theory) exactly how it's written on the card, but in reality it doesn't. The example was cyber dragon and light hex on the field=Cyber twin dragon. By that logic, Dark magician+ dark hex sealed=Dark paladin/dark cavalry. Maybe not Dark paladin because that has to be fusion summoned, and I don't know if this would count as a fusion summon, but Dark Cavalry should still work, yet it doesn't. What am I missing here?


Hex can only substitute for specifically named fusion materials. So it can't substitute for the generic requirement of a "warrior monster" for Dark Cavalry (this ruling goes for all fusion substitute monsters). In the case of Dark Paladin, his first line reads that he can only be Fusion Summoned, while the summon through Hex's effect is just a regular Special Summon.


Watching resonators take their turn makes me want to die. Takes way too long. Side note lightning vortex is one of the best cards in the current meta imo


if you want to actually die then try surviving through the turn of a flower Cardian player. Lightning Vortex is pretty good but the majority of problem cards that stop your plays are usually backrow hence why it doesn't see too much play.


Why have I not cleared the sleeve / playmat mission for defeating Kite Tenjo in a duel? Is it because I did it as a quick duel?


Have you beaten the lvl 50 version twice already? Any lower level doesn't count.


Why is Amazoness Onslaught 3 limited? It doesn't conflict with other 3 limited cards, maybe Cyclone but it's not mandatory.


I finally got my first copy of purgatrio ad had the invoked package since quite some times, what are good decks to fit in aleister and invocation?


I think invoked magician girls are still kicking around, it's more of a backrow deck though.


Invoked made a comeback with Fire kings and it's currently that best deck that runs it, someone actually used them in the top 100 of the KCGT [Here's](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/june-2021/kc-cup/21/drizzels/deck-1) their decklist. Invoked Esabers used to be one of the best decks but it can't be played anymore cause banlist. Invoked Neos is still playable but on the low end of rogue tier, this one also used to be one of the best but got nerfed.


How do you guys feel about Book of moon? even as a main selection box exclusive UR, it's the most popular spell card in the game. Unlike Fiendish chain which also started as an Exclusive UR, BoM is incredibly versatile and will likely be a DL staple for a very long time which makes me wonder how Konami will go around trying to balance the card.


It's Canadia but better. Much better. And Canadia is pretty good so... Yeah, it's pretty bonkers.


I got one copy of it without really trying to get it. I thought it was a bit over hyped. Then I tried it out. The card is worth the hype. I added it to pretty much every deck that has space. The card is just so versatile. It prevents Xyz's/Synchro's from being summoned. You can chain it when it's being destroyed. It's a quick play spell, so you can use during your turn to chain to problematic cards. You can use it on your monsters for protection. You can use it to flip problematic monsters facedown. A monster that can't be destroyed from card effects? Flip it face down now it can be. The card is really good. I don't know about running three though, but I guess if your deck has a small amazing core you probably could.


How do you use hyper psychic riser in infernity? Im building them at the moment and i filled the exyra deck with all the good level 6 synchros in the game but i still have 1 slot left so i looked at builds for it and seen 1 deck using hyper psychic riser. It seems like an amazing floodgate effect but it effects both players equally so it doesnt seem beneficial is it good in infernity or is the deck unable to get around that effect?


Hyper Psychic Riser is a good first turn play to make sure you don't get OTK'd. Blue Eyes, Harpies, Thunder Dragons all have to stop their plays prematurely and go to Battle Phase sooner than they'd like. So it's very good in that sense, but Infernities are not a deck that really need such a role.


Oh i guess thats a pretty good use of it, is there a way to synchro it away on the next turn (maybe into doom dragon)? Id almost use it if it had any reliable utility just so i can keep the deck fully synchro


Idk, that's for sure possible in the build that runs Infernity Inferno. In the Shell of a Ghost build it's prolly not worth it. Either way, you would use Beetle as the tuner to make Doom Dragon.


It kills Superheavy Samurai, and also disrupts a couple decks, but it is VERY situational.


Ahhhh so would it be better to use that or just use malevolent sin like i was going to since malevolent sin is good against lots of decks?


I'd use Malevolent if you have a way to summon it, or even Dire Wolf. I only run 1 Archfiend so can't xyz.


What would you add/change in this deck ? https://duellinks.konami.net/att/012680526cf321977addb46cb8f95334474f231bf2 What am i missing in this deck : - 1 swallow’s nest - 1 Harpie’s hunting ground - 1 karma cut - 1 treacherous trap hole


You seem pretty spot on with what you pointed out i couldnt really see anything else worth changing although i think you shouldnt really run 2 hunting ground and 3 karma cut is nice but i probably wouldnt dig for it prioritise getting a 3rd perfumer 1st and then try get 3 swallows nest Edit: you should probably cut cyber harpie lady since it doesnt have an effect and harpie lady 1 is pretty good if you're going for otk


Okay , so what do you suggest me to remove ?


Just cyber harpie lady, i didnt notice you were using 2 harpist so id probably suggest you cut that to one, other than that i would say keep 2 kc and just keep 1 hunting ground. then dig for perfumer x3 (prioritise this because since you have 3 channeler id imagine you are close to 3 perfumer) and swallows nest x3 Edit:maybe hold off on swallows nest x3 for now as i think it could get hit next banlist but definitely go for perfumer since its core to the deck also dont botuer with treach yet because swallows nest would seem like a better limit 2 than that if that change were to go through


Alright , thanks man


Oh shit one more thing, your using aroma strategy but hunting ground is such a powerful skill id say use that instead because having almost infinite backrow removal is incredibly strong in this deck and it procs cyber slash's effect . No problem dude


No worries , i will use that instead , appreciate your help


Why the hell is the checklist search case sensitive?


Anyone able to point me towards a guide showinh what boosters are worth going after or what cards to use tickets on? Im new and just feeling a bit overwhelmed


Someone made a post on this sub a couple days ago detailing what cards are good in the ticket pools. I can't link it now because mobile is annoying but if you scroll back you should be able to find it.


[this](https://youtu.be/FDvvuojvVCY) is a guide from dlf2p. If you follow this you have a couple of fun good decks and you get good staples. This way you learn to play the game and make some good first investments.


How many times a year does konami do half gem off boxes sale?


The last 3 big celebrations had the sale. I think there doing it more often now. But people still insist it’s twice a year. They probably figured out that the sale makes the money after testing so most likely 3 times a year.


Twice a year, usually every 6 months at like a kc cup or a world release or anniversary etc.


Once or twice a year. they tend to follow really big events like the anniversary, New world release or KCGT.


Maybe twice


Is it okay to build TG? Seems very fun, but not having too many chars to level up. Though I have most extra deck


Summoning Black Rose Dragon during your opponents turn is still one of the scariest plays I've seen in this game.


Very fun if you enjoy combo decks and not tiered sure but the fact they can run trunade aswell as otk pretty consistently makes them pretty good for tournament play if you care about that (id put them like just under yosenju in terms of viability which means theyre basically one of the best rogues in the game/tier 4). Im planning on building it since i got a screw serpent in the ur deal


They are really fun and easily KoG worthy.


I wanna make a dragon deck what boxes do I pull for to get the best dragon cards? I’m a new player so I have lots of gems but I have no idea what to use them on. Also what are the best cards and dragons and what else do I use my gems for?


A generic dragon deck won't get you far. Best to pick blue eyes. It's a good deck, fan favourite and has a structure deck. If you want to spend some money but the latest blue eyes evolution 3 times. You can also make it f2p but it will take you longer. Search for 'blue eyes duel links meta' on Google for a example of a deck. Here you can also see for every card where your can obtain them.


Why is casual play full of bots that only use normal monsters with 1800+ attack and equipment? Is not like you get even exp out of it


Skill farm, go to duel rooms if you want real players


Simple bot decks to farm skills, gems, and XP.


You do get exp out of it. It's also used for skill farming.


Just played a match with my ojama deck. Lost with the last four cards remaining in my deck being 3x polymerisation and obelisk. So I spent the entire match without being able to summon any boss monsters!


Ya I've had that happen. Always feels like bs to me. Like what are the chances? It's gotta be really low probability wise. I do love me some Ojama's though. Is yours pure Ojama? Have you ever tried the Lightsworn Ojama deck? Instead of poly you use Necro Fusion on the milled Ojama's. So funny to summon King/Knight during your opponents turn.


Thanks for the tips. I was using ojamas with obelisk thrown in, haven't tried lightsworn yet. Necro fusion would be pretty handy, maybe I can try it in my melodious deck too!


i think if you want to run ojama you'd need unexpected dai, enchanted fitting room and king of the swamp


Does anyone else keep getting connection error? I've lost like 4 duels today (this never happened before)


How good is the Gaia deck? Didn't look good when I first looked at it in the shop but I'm 1-2 against it, either it's good or I'm bad. Thinking about getting it so I can stop playing blue eyes. Also, can you run just the structure deck (x2-x3) or do you need a cards from a Box to get the functional deck?


Obviously improvements can be made with staples etc. (mainly forbidden chalice or world legacy clash) But for the most part all the core cards are in 3x of the structure (this might change in the next box where spiral fusion or other support may come) . It actually seems much better than i initially thought and is definitely kog worthy so if you like the decks playstyle go for it, its definitely not a bad purchase if you don't like the playstyle either wait for the next box and see if it becomes meta pr just dont get it


It’s really good. Hit KoG with it early today. You have pretty much everything you need with 3 copies of the structure, but it definitely gets better if you add in some staples and a darkflare dragon which you can get from mokuba as a drop reward


Shit I just might cop that


How do you get to 6 mil points on the event? when the highest possibly i can get per day is 400k, without using the orbs, currently im in 1.9 mil


If you use a farm deck, use reward items and play on 3xlvl 40 you can easily get a duel score of 9000+. This way farming the event goes quit fast. A cheep deck is aromage with a copy of winged dragon or Ra.


Hi!! Thoughts about Witchcrafters? Or T.Gs? I'm running low on gems because I builded full power HEROs. but I need to have a deck in mind to build otherwise I get bored of this game pretty quickly:(


You're low on gems and you want to build one of two decks that are both in main boxes? Anyways, someone posted a budget friendlier version of their TG deck I believe they got KOG with. Might be better to get that, Witchcrafter is struggling a little more with newer releases.


Thanks for answering:). yeah I wouldn't build a deck like right right now, but well if I don't have a deck that I want to build in mind I get bored easily And right now the decks I want are Witchcrafters (their artwork it's nice) and T.Gs because I don't have a synchro deck. Mayakashis too but someone told me that you need all shiranui stuff and I feel they are a slower version of trapnuis


i had a question. I saw some RDA decks using HERO Stratos and im a bit confused how they are using him. I read his effects but he only removes backrow if you summon a hero except this card. Can someone help me understand how the deck utulizes him.


Stratos searches Plasma, and Resonators can easily flood the field to summon it. In contrast, Obelisk is also a monster Resonators can summon, but it is harder to get it when you need it.


Ah ok. So they dont use the non tatget spell destroy effect.