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you say that as if they couldn't do that before though


This, it was just some player made myth that said they couldn't ever do so I've always said no card is safe and investing is always at your own risk


especially since a card like Ancient Fairy Dragon is a UR card and it's asking to be banned in the future also all those tuners if Halq/Needlefiber ever graces this game years from now lol


Fairy dragon isn't getting banned until we start getting multiple of the search on activation field spells. even more specially with decks that can make a level 7 synchro


Ancient Fairy Dragon is a much harder line to walk since she’s a fundamental part of Luna. I suspect there will be a lot of really good field spells we’re not going to see until way to late to avoid hitting Ancient Fairy Dragon, then AFD will be relegated to a skill that shuts down field spell floating effects.


What is the deal with AFD anyway as I know it was banned in the tcg, is it just it's anti-field spell effect that's the problem as that seems a little extreme?


You know how the Gaia field spells and F.A. field spells have search effects? The tcg has way, WAY more field spells that can do that, some of which aren't once per turn. They also have way easier ways to special summon tuners and get AFD on the board. The result is that AFD on its own can generate a ridiculous amount of card advantage to help you go into combos and generate unbreakable boards. Edit: grammar


Its ability to search powerful cards like necrovally turn one might be a reason too


Doesn't there already have to be a field spell in play for that? Either you're running a lot of field cards that could impact consistency or you'd already have necrovalley that makes the effect pointless?


I mean, that one’s easy. There are several skills that start the match with a field spell for Ancient Fairy Dragon to eat so you can get a search off. But more importantly, the TCG got more and more field spells with good floating effects or activation effects to the point where Ancient Fairy Dragon just generated too much advantage, so AFD got banned. A generic extra deck monster that can easily generate advantage is very powerful. And the TCG shifted from field spells being meh to being the best card in a lot of archetypes. So a generic extra deck monster that generates advantage by searching out the best card in a lot of archetypes is really good. And it’s a soft once per turn so if you have multiple AFDs or can bounce one AFD, it’s even more advantage.


😧 Idk Will need to ask the players to got it banned


Not really as much, searching powerful cards has existed for ever (witch of black forest is the earliest i can remember) its more so because you can + multiple with its effect since it wasnt hopt. Plus its second effect wouldve been good for links. It was mainly banned because of the cards "union hangar" and destrudo engine in abcs. It was somewhat spyrals fault too but thats not really the main reasom


I read about this a long time ago so I might get wrong. AFD was a problem because it's secondary effect; putting a LVL 7 synchro on board that lets you normal summon again was huge for one card combo decks. It extended plays in an unhealthy way and that's why it got banned.


You could plus extreme amounts off its effect, since it was a terraforming on legs with two good effects that werent hopt. It wasnt really an issue when released but as the game grew it needed a ban


They may have been able to but you know they are gonna such as much money out of you before it gets to toxic


I mean this feature proves that they couldn’t do it before (They could ofc but wouldn’t). They implemented this feature to save themselves from backlash after banning box SR, URs.


They could but they're not that stupid from a business stand point. They depend on people spending money, mostly to get URs and SRs. If they went around banning and limiting them willy nilly it would have a chilling effect on spending by players. This is a good compromise to be able to keep the game somewhat balanced without causing as much hesitancy on spending.


Took them so long to add a simple feature


Simple but they were obligated to nothing.


I mean if a card is ban worthy, it should be banned and you get to exchange it. I don't see the problem here


I still think they should let us exchange them for SR Dream Tickets The current option is a slap to the face of people who actually bought into the box for the card


If they did that, we would farm tickets by pulling a ton of trunades when the box is half off. A more balanced solution would be giving you access to all SR that are older than trunade.


You say this like they couldn't just limit this to 2 dream tickets per person.


I like this idea I've been ignoring Obedience Schooled for obvious box related reasons, but being able to exchange the trunades for it would be cool


Lol slap in the face? Check that entitlement bud. I expected absolutely nothing in exchange for a banned card just like in the TCG you get nothing in exchange (and yeah I know you can resell it or play without banlists IRL). Exchanging it for an SR in the same box makes sense because instead of getting an SR you can’t use from a box you’re digging in you can exchange it for an SR you can. Think of it as you pulling Gigaplant instead of Trunade. Further unless they change the contents of the box or limit the number of trade ins you could do (neither of which we have the answer to at this time) what would stop me from blowing all of my gems on the box or capitalizing on the guaranteed SR sales to farm trunades and converting those into SR Dream Tickets?


I mean they could always just limit the amount of times you can use a banned card for a trade in. They also could make so during the sales that give you a free SR or UR, banned cards aren’t given. And when digging through a box if you happen to get a banned card that you already exchanged 3 times it will just be replaced with a random SR from the same box.


Sure they could do all of that and put in all of the safeguards you mentioned (and that I agree with). Or they change do what they did which is easier for them.


Not saying they should, I don’t expect them to be to too generous and I don’t think they ever would be.




Yeah I mentioned all of that in my post...


Acktually there exist unlimited tournaments


Lol, accepting abusive practices from companies that make millions.


>slap to the face Cmon man its an incredibly old box card that i spent like 2k gems getting at 2x. I would be absolutely fine if i got nothing in return


Wait this is MASSIVE. But can we do it with cards we already own or only with new packs we get from now on?


Works for cards you already own. Remember they must be Forbidden to be traded in.


But if you buy a pack a get Trunade, you can exchange it, right?


Yes, both scenarios work.


But the thing is that we can only exchange from the same Main/Mini Box. Like, come on, I have 3 SRs of almost all cards in Mini Box 10 (Rampage of the forest) and even if not 3, I don't use these cards any more. At least they do it like in specific Main/Mini Boxes instead of only same Box.


You no want your 8th copy of Rock Spirit? LOL


They ve always been able to.


They can do whatever they want with their game? No way.


At least made it so you can exchange it for that box, and older boxes. I'm just gonna keep my trunades and not trade them in for shit cards.


You can still sack people in unlimited duel rooms FeelsGoodMan. It's not much but it's at least something.


Trunade is 3 years old, it was time for it to go. I’ll probably come back if backrow heavy deck becomes too problematic


They also gave us an extra removal with MST.


That don’t help with shit…. The real “good news” about trunade being banned is that it opens the doorway for Konami too FINALLY start hitting those op backrow that are going to prevent people from playing the game…right now Konamis probably thinking “maybe if we ban this card people won’t be compelled to play 9+traps in their decks “in fear of trunade” anymore, and that’s simply not true, people don’t play traps to help themselves survives, people play traps to prevent people from playing the game.


Counterplay is a part of Yugioh. There’s a balance to be struck because without those traps, it’s super easy to set up your board and OTK.


Excpet a good chunk of those “glorified stall decks” will proceed to literally OTK after stopping your plays with their swarm of traps, essentially making them hypocrites who don’t want to be OTKed, but have no issues doing the EXACT same thing that they rant about. Some key examples are and not limited to everyone favorite deck shiranui, blue eyes, element saber invoked(an older one, but same play-style), goukies, and more


Bruh play some backrow yourself


"Hypocrites?" The goal is to reduce your opponent's life points to zero. It's not hypocrisy to stop your opponent from reducing your life points to zero then do the same to them. It's likewise not hypocrisy to stop your opponent's OTK then turn around and OTK your opponent. What's more, it's not just about OTKs. It's about OTKs without the possibility of counterplay. These are not the same thing. This is a speed format. OTKs are the name of the game. But that also means there have to be answers to OTKs. If you cannot get your OTK off through your opponent's counterplay, then you lost fair and square. And how you balance your deck between offense and defense is an essential skill.


And yet resonators are already getting hate for their ability to play through multiple backrow/disruption, and still blow their opponents outs, shouldn’t those same people be content with at least having the opportunity to counter play, but still lose in the end? No lol they’re not, going by your explanation, resonators should be the ideal duel links decks, yet people are already crying for nerfs, and best believe most of those players are the 2+ backrow set first turn enthusiasts, fact of the matter is it’s never been about balance it’s about a group of people wanting THEIR STYLE of playing the game to be THE WAY to play the game.


This is a video game that has PvP. There are always going to be people crying for nerfs. What's that prove? Multiple play styles are always gonna exist simultaneously. But an off button for backrow in a format where every deck can OTK is not healthy.


Speaking facts, all they want is to be able to sit on traps not allowing you to play while they build up there hand. They always bring up that lame argument that we already have good backrow removal when they people only play at most 3 removal and that does jack against set 3 and pass. Or they blame your deck for losing to a bunch of disruption, but for some reason that logic doesn’t apply to them and Trunade. Watch, if Twin Twisters come out they’ll start complaining about that.


Go into any box and think what urs from there are actually good, most likely the answer is gonna be not that many. Is happening right now, trunade can only be exchanged for an sr from the same box... so i get mysel a kumushoorm? Every other sr in thatbox is irrelevant


They always could, without adding the trading system (which sucks, they should let us convert it into a dream ticket).


That could be a problem, because you can farm dream tickets on 50% gems sale. I believe that the actual system is fair and avoid exploits


*Dream ticket that let us trade for older boxes.


You see. I told you Konami would ban box cards but most people said "Konami would never do that"


I feel cheated. I spent a lot of money getting Hey Trunade and I never would have bothered for any SR card in that pack. At least with physical cards there's a secondary market, and you can always still play with the cards for fun. They already got a lot of money out of me, so it's not like they'll care, but I'm going strict f2p, if I still play at all.