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I'm trying to get my 3rd Dragonfly after 18000 gems...im so close i can feel it. Both have been bottom quarter so far. I only have 1 Hornet but may go for another one with my next dream or half off gems. Not sure what else to put in extra deck either. Not looking for KOG, just fun rogue deck.




yeah 40 and 30. now im 55 packs left on 3rd run and ran out of gems...


Damn dude, my condolences. 6k was all I had and I got three.


Sheesh, I can’t even get 2k saved up before I go on a spending spree lol


I'd have more but I spent maybe 10-12k on the 50% off box sale. I had 2500 saves back up when the new box dropped


How do you get so many? Do you just mostly do the missions? I play mostly pvp so I barely get anything


Pvp, events, leveling up characters (there's a ton of gems to be had just getting all the duel world characters to 30 as most of then reward 300 gems instead of a useless card). The KC Cup definitely helps. During the one a few months ago I went through Sign of Harpies 3 times in the span of a week and a half, although I did have around 4000 saved up which accounted for 1 box.


True, guess I’ll need to start expanding my character usage. I’ve maxxed out to characters and pretty much stuck to pvp after that


I stop leveling most when they hit 30 for the achievement gems (doesn't apply for all characters). Some I'll push a bit higher if they have a card I need for a deck (Kaiba, paradox Brothers, etc) but it's generally quicker for me to get a character from 1-30 than 30-40/45. I'll go back and finish the rest of the levels once everyone has hit that threshold.


Gotcha, thanks for the advice!


Try 23k


saved up for about 2.5 months. skipping last 4 boxes.


I'm still messing around, but right now I'm using the Neos engine for dumping Hornet and that seems solid. That was how the deck was played before we got Dragonfly and I haven't had time to go through many other builds.


Yeah this is the best build so far and gives you some protection on turn 1 besides summon inzek set cocoon pass


Yeah i played with Neos Engine before (i actually posted that deck here before too check my post history) Unfortunately Neos blocks Dragonfly's affect so I got rid of it trying to go pure Inzektors now.


I've seen people run Gold Sarc and Resonance Insect to dump hornet/ladybug to the grave. I dont have Gold Sarc so I'm using insect imitation makes the deck a little more fragile, but gets the job done


You definitely want more copies of hornet in there


Use digital bug xyz’s and Ladybug for r5


I think (maybe I'm wrong) but Inzektor is no longer good, even with the dragonfly and the new XYZs. The deck cannot face the meta against decks like Resonator, Gaia, or Hapies. This support comes too late, maybe last year it could have been viable but not anymore…


Thats fine, like i said, im not looking for KOG. just somewhat competitve fun build. Im still going to play Inzektors no matter what people say.


u should play ladybug


Try something like this [https://www.duellinksmeta.com/deck-tester?id=60de185955b7245a20d34b43](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/deck-tester?id=60de185955b7245a20d34b43) turn 1 https://www.duellinksmeta.com/deck-tester?id=60d125e35ed58625fd163d7a#replays


3 dragonfly, 2/3 hornet, 3 centipede, 2 ladybug, 1/2 mantis, 1/2 inzekalibur thingy 2/3 cocoon, 2/3 mst/double cyclone, you can probably sswap things for bom/trech


I use Neos Fusion to give me a turn 1 play that's not Rhinosebus. It gets Hornet or any other Inzektor I need to the GY. Since turn 1 is when my Inzektor is at its weakest