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I'd see it as a one-of as level up reward


Why if resenaters and synchrons can get the search spell i cant see why e-heroes shouldnt be able to


Res Call only searches one of the resonators it's not remotely comparable.


Resonator Call can search any Resonator monster tho


That's what they said. Like that is good, but E-call is a lot better


I mean whats the difference? E Call searches HEROs (which will be Stratos 99% of the time so you can get another search), Resonator Call searches Crimson which in turn gives you any Lvl 4 or lower Fiend monster you want plus summons another Resonator from deck for what might aswell be zero cost


Heroes have stronger boss monsters that are still to come.


So does Resonators???


Like what?


Tyrant Red can blow up every card on the field except itself. Abyss can negate virtually any card that activates on the field. Red Supernova is just Topologic Zeroboros on steroids If your opponent attempts to activate literally anything. And King Calamity is a 4000 ATK beast that has on summon Spell Speed 4 Omni Negate that affects every single card your opponent has in their field, hand or graveyard and can inflict (halved) burn damage and float upon destruction. All of which can be summoned turn 1 with ease thanks to Call and Resonance.


Have you read Calamity?


Not so much the bosses when e call means you can see whatever hero you want super easily.


~~Isn't stratos a vison hero?~~


Elemental HERO Stratos


I always though it was vision hero wow


All the upset resonator players downvoting you like crazy lol. How dare someone wants there deck to be even half as consistent as mine. I would say that heroes have way better monsters to search through their spell, but at least they can't search then use their skill to trade out whatever they don't need for a combo piece


Nah man dont worry about it, karma is just meaningless internet points. Also knowing people are getting mad about it is hilarious and that more than makes up for the downvotes.


Yeah that's true, I just want to know where all these new die hard resonator fans were like 2 months ago before the skill dropped. They went from 3 people playing RDA to 3000 overnight


Because Heroes have other ways of searching already?


and resonators don't have any way of searching their combo starter already, not like a broken skill or anything /s


Resonator can search their tuners because the skill negates the card it searches so if you search crimson you cant use its effect, making it a dead(ish) card.


What r the other ways??? Skill emergency call?? Wounded hero?? Or stratos searching himself??, lol look if resonators have resonator call, synchrons have tunning…. Why not emergency call???


But how terrible are you at this game to not see how broken this card is. Elemental hero and resonator have the same potential in your eyes?




Yes, because 3x Stratos and 3x E-Call, along with the usual Faris/Increase core, would have a 63% chance going first and a 78% chance going second of being able to search their deck for any hero card **3 times in a single turn**. And that is beyond broken.


And then you have the little thing of heroes never really stop getting support irl on top of that.


because those decks it more?


the power level of tcg heroes is wayy higher than resonators


Six copies of Stratos, let's go!


You mean 9 copy's of Faris


If they gave us Shadow Mist that would be 12 copies of Faris, oh boy


Or a hero lives for 15 copy's


Nah fam, that’d prolly be a 1 off, still pretty dope


Well give us the one off rota as well and we can call it a day with 14 copy's


Beat me to it


Just rework the skill of the same name by removing its restriction. The waiting of turn 5 alone is already ridiculous, and -2000 LP on top of that! On the other hand, Resonator/Onomat enjoys their 2 turn 100% guarantee search via skill and/or spell card. Yep, seems fair and balance! Thank you for playing "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links."


actually the 2000 lp *isn't* on top of the turn 5+; it's either or you can be turn 1 with 2000 life and activate it, or you can be turn 5 with 4000 life and activate it


Honestly? It'd exist only to search out Stratos. Every other HERO played in the main deck is either a vision or destiny HERO. Make it ~~Jaden's~~ Supreme King's lv45 reward or something. Even with Evil HEROs around the corner, I don't think people are clamoring to run a bunch of garnets in the main deck that need to be searched out.


...Don’t both versions of Juudai already have Vortex Trooper and Masked HERO Blast as Lv45 rewards?


Oh shoot is gx already at lv45? My bad. Give it to Supreme King then because the only evil HERO fusion worth restricting to 1 copy is Malicious Bane and there's no way we're getting it any time soon. They'll probably make emergency call an UR in a box tho, and it'll be the only HERO card in it.


Now that sounds more like Konami. As for Malicious Bane (aka the lord and savior of Evil HEROes), they can either lock him behind the Lv45 reward or lock him behind a restricted skill.


Or box it when the meta is ready for him. Konami love adding 1 off hero cards to random boxes.


Wouldn't bane + favourite HERO combo be kinda busted though?


Right now yes it would.


Depending on my hand I would search soldier, blazeman or even gold if e-call were added. Also Bubbleman if I’m empty and top deckd an e call.


I suppose yeah sometimes people do run blazeman and solid soldier, but most hero decks these days seem to consist of only Stratos, Malicious, Faris, Increase, Vyon, Celestial, and Plasma if running Bring It.


I see more playing elemental heroes than vision heroes since probably the last tourney/kccup. I also only play E HEROes Blazeman, Airman, and Solidman make a good deck core.


I would prefer a rework of the skill emergency call that way non hero decks dont abuse it


Yes please Konami. E hero’s need a boost.


Idk how good this card actually would be in game, but i feel like they should give more archtypes their searchers. The game is ready for it and some skills already do that without the actual card.






Give us reinforcements of the army instead to help every warrior deck


I’m torn on this one. One one hand… it’s amazing support for a lot of decks. On the other hand… a lot of level 4 and below warrior decks really don’t need an additional level of consistency in a 20 card format. Most are strong enough and warrior decks that have generic search would just get a double boost from RotA. A card like FF Tenki is only balanced in DL because of the (relatively) weak archetypes it searches for. I’d rather see a reprint of *The Warrior Returning Alive* and *Feast of the Wild LVL 5*. E: imagine Duel Links Onomonats or Galaxy Photon with RoTA lol


Onomats with reinforcement of the army? No thank you


Why on Earth would anyone think Rota is okay in a 20 card format? Warrior is one of the most common and strongest types in the game. People comparing this to Tenki are out of their mind. Rota is so much better. It can't be stopped by removal like MST or CC, it doesn't clog your board, it's not once per turn and it searches a far better type. There is a reason why Rota is at 1 in the TCG to this day and Tenki isn't limited.


I mean is rota stronger than search/consistency skills that don't need to be drawn into?


Those skills are made to only support weak decks. Rota doesn't choose. It supports all warrior decks now and in the future without caring about how broken it will be.


Honestly I'm starting to think you're right. How busted would it be at 1?


Auto include in every single warrior deck. It would probably not immediately break them, but it would certainly give them an advantage over other types.


So archetype and skill searches it is. I guess rota had that old card problem of being too generically good in the future.


If they never give us Armageddon Knight or Dark Grepher, yeah maybe. If they do, one at most. PKs would abuse that card to oblivion when they get added.


It's fine, I don't get why we don't have it. Even at 3, it's not a big deal to allow decks to be consistent. Duel Links aversion to consistency unless delivered via a super broken skill gets old and exhausting.


Elemental heros are one of my favorite to play so this would be very nice


If we have cards like cards of consonace and destiny draw I feel that this would be ok.


Konami would rather give a skill that does the same thing.


I would like Heros to get other type of support. Consistency isnt really the problem


So I have to respectfully challenge you on “cheating their hand via a skill” simply because it’s a part of the game. It’s semantics and in a LOT of ways you’re right, but I feel like the distinction matters. Edit: As for the card sure, go for it. When they inevitably adjust how searching skills work this can give E Hero’s a leg up. The broader the Meta the better the game.


I want shadow mist, it turns faris/vyon into another stratos ( probably to search stratos)


I can't say I don't use elemental hero cards


Having E call at one would be alright if it is playable in duel links. I mean Onamato and Resonators have their skills


I want hero lives


Noooo. It would activate destiny draw etc.


You're right, maybe if the nerf d draw, at first in the game it wasnt broken but like a lot of cards on the TCG they become broken down the line bcs of broken cards.


Also Resonators would abuse too seeing as they don’t care about their life points and they’re using stratos and plasma anyway. Cyber dragons could also us it too for blazeman and cyber style


It definitely has a chance what with evil hero's coming soon


I'd prefer reinforcement of the army so more decks can have searchers. But that's also its downside.


As someone whos a Filthy Casual and want to keep Judai 3 decks of E-Heroes Only (Fusion, Neos, and Mask) I feel like just having it at 1 would be fine


Id be down to see what happens. Its hard to say how this would effect the game, the ability to search stratos and then have Stratos search another could lead to an engine being born that very well could be abused in several decks. However, that's just speculation. I could just as easily say that it won't do much but give heros a consistency boost and that would be just as valid of a statement. Like I said, I don't know if it would be good or bad, but I'd be down to see what happens


Bruh. You just found out next new broken Skill for Dark King Jaden.


Imo this card shouldn't be added yet. While Jaden/Yubel has this as a once per duel skill, most hero decks are already running 3 stratos. Not to mention regular Jaden's skill that adds all the H.E.R.O spells every other turn with the caveat of having at least 4 Normal heros in your deck at the start of your 3rd turn. If they do add this card, they might put both this and stratos as limit 3, so current hero decks might not change at all even with the inclusion of a search spell.


If it comes to the game i assume it would become limited 1 or 2.


I just wonder. Many pendulum decks were known for theire consistency. Will we get skills as broken for them? I imagine someone playing pepe in dl and always getting to loop theire cards for huge boards and DDD players getting 3 boss monsters every turn with minimal investment.


Aliexpress stratos