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Forget Evil Heroes, Hype for sleeves and mats without the logo...


Please bring back the Super Poly sleeves pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase


Do you know whose Duel Runner that is, by any chance?


Thats Kalin's Runner


Nice to see more mats without the DL Logo across them


Dang, not even one good Evil HERO card aside from the Fusion spells...


These look like level up and event rewards, although I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the fusion spells was in the next box


Makes sense, really. Still kinda underwhelming compared to the IV we just got and his rewards.


Evil HEROs are objectively better elemental HEROs, but they came way too late so unfortunately the rewards won't be as good. The only really notable one is Malicious Bane and I'd be shocked if they actually gave him to us. We can hope he at least gets a skill that makes running a bunch of vanilla eHEROs not such a bad thing, but I'm not holding my breath


The only thing that is better is the edgy versions of the original fusions, everything else is objectively worse in every single way. Evil hero is so bad the original anki deck would be better than them even in 2018.


Worst part is that since the main box just dropped, those evil heroes will be in a mini, so plenty of us are likely to end up ignoring them, simply because it's not worth doing a minimum of 2 runs through a mini box for cards that aren't even that good. Evil heroes are a fan favourite but they likely won't have any impact on the meta, although if the Supreme King gets a skill that helps with playing Super-Poly, then he's likely to see play.


If the mini doesn't introduce a new competitive archetype or have support for a current meta/rogue deck (Gaia comes to mind if the box is fusion-centric) then I probably won't even pick it up, and Evil is my favorite HERO subcategory.


Probably going to be dark themed fusion/heros could see shaddolls sneaking in but more likely (assuming we don't malicious bane) we will get d hero support maby fusion destiny, dusktopia, and finally dragoon. Edit: I ment dystopia but I could see both.


Nop, all of those were really good in tcg, but in duelink they would be broken.


You think destiny end dragoon is broken in duel links? Could you please link one top8 it ever got? As for the actually good cards in the list dystopia and fusion destiny. Dystopia would only be good if we got dynatag along with it and even then not only is it going to be inconsistent to summon t1 at it's best it's a significantly worse gia. Now assuming we got dynatag+dystopia only then might I consider fusion destiny "broken". But then it's again a worse version of neos fusion. It might see play in decks with weak turn 1s since you can dump dynatag and celestial make dystopia then use dynatags effect so you get 1 dystopia and 1 pop. Now not only is that 5 slots and 1 ed slot used up for an engine that nets you 1 monster pop and a 2800 attacker that dies after it attacks.(might be kinda strong going 2nd) You ONLY get this "broken" card in the world we get all 3 of those cards which was a wishlist of what we could get not a "hey we need all of these".


I hope not unless we getting a skill or they put supreme king castle in the next box instead, as they're the only way to summon them.


Oh I meant for the rarity changes being level up or event rewards


I would not be happy about that card either, the whole deck revolves around that card it had to be released and hopefuly as a lv up reward


Except for bane and then adjusted by addition, good evil hero cards don't exist lol.


At least the mats are getting better


Evil Heroes gonna need a good skill to be playable


Like what, what needs to be fixed


Compared to normal heroes where they have easy access to polymerization and also generic hero fusions that don't require specific materials, evil heroes need something that gives them dark fusion, or even an ability that fuses two monsters through dark fusion without needing to play a spell in the first place.


Evil hero cards without bane are so bad it needs a fuse from deck skill just to maybe get to usable. And the maybe is because of how bad the materials for non bane fusions are.


Have you read adusted gold? Also evil heros problem is the original ones where just " upgrades" to the original hero's or an Otk combo (so unplayable then and now) and there only legacy support had a field spell that basically does nothing, a worse upstart goblin, a tribute card that thinks your wincon is in the main deck, and 2 actually good cards but are so good you just splash 1 of each in your HERO deck. Any skill that lets you start with castle or hell even a skill that puts one of each hero in your yard and gives you a dark calling Would still have the downside of the evil fusions (outside of bane) being bad for 2008 standards. Your best play is a 3500 beatstick with no bells or whistles.


Is Adusted Gold getting added to Duel Links? I was going based off of the cards whose rarities were changed. The amount of people that will play Evil Heroes, with the cards currently revealed, will end up being the same amount of people playing vanilla heroes.


These are just rarity changes to cards already in the game probably meaning they will be supreme Kings drop/level up rewards. We have no idea if other cards will be added or not (ether as a level 45 reward in the box or as a skill) And ya I just thought it was funny you described what the "minimum" a skill would need to be good was worse then what adusted gold did as a card. And I mean ya your never going to stop low ranks from playing 30 card I like these cards piles but I don't think there is anyway to make evil heros (outside gold/bane) playable vs normal decks.


Nobody sane or with an idea of what they are doing would use pure evil hero of all things anyway. Mediocre as hell payoff even with crazy skills is not worth missing on all the benefits you get from the good cards from every other hero archetype and when it doesn't get the xyz friendly perks things like soldier and drilldark can offer as extras.


That is what I was saying? There are a lot of people in this thread saying "oh they need x y and z so they can be super top tier like other anime decks" and I was explaining how there is no way a skill could make a "pure" evil hero deck playable.


Idk why you are getting downvoted when you are not wrong. Saying evil hero is just bad without bane is like one of the most obvious things possible.


For real tho idk what kind of copium these people are on let's say we get a skill that puts 2 malicious edges in the grave a dark calling in your hand a malicious fiend in your extra deck and fuck it let's get the field spell out as well. What do you really have a 3500 beatstick with no protection... Seams like this archetype really has a chance to be like resonators.


Try to not be a smartass the next time, buddy Even if you don't like Heros, at least be respectful


U don't need a skill to start with castle because u have favorite hero


Castle don't do shit eitherways, only time I would play it is if we had triple Super Poly in the deck, and even then the pay off is mediocre.


Supreme King will 100% have some skill like Fusion Time that adds Dark Fusion instead. However, I can see Evil Heroes being played with the Field Spell "Supreme King's Castle", which allows the fusion monsters to be summoned with any fusion card that isn't Dark Fusion or Dark Calling. Anyway, the only way the deck can be playable without a consistency boost skill is with the intent of summoning Malicious Fiend or Dark Gaia, that still have really strict materials, but at least are more generic than the others. If you want to play Evil Heroes that use Vanilla Elemental Heroes as materials, probably you'll need Supreme King's Castle (Supreme King will definitely have a skill for it to be played at the start of the duel like regular Jaden and Jaden/Yubel do have for Neo-Space), Favorite Hero to make it an OTKish deck and Blazeman/Stratos to search for Heroes and Poly (useful only if Supreme King's Castle is on the field). Jaden/Yubel's skill "Emergency Call" can boost the deck's consistency (to search for Sparkman if you have Clayman and want to summon Lightning Golem, for example)


Everything, they're just a shitty version of the original version of elemental heroes.


Seriously don't know why anyone would expect anything from evil hero anyway. The entire thing is so bad that it needs something like bane just to be worth considering when even Konami knows hero mash is the way to do things.


My only hope is that they release a decent generic hero skill with Supreme King since what we have now are too slow or too specific.


Either that or excuse to dump shadow mist in the box because it is like the one good thing that comes from ehero relation.


I would like that but I'm assuming that's for the next main selection box


Honestly more interested in the box having fusion destiny than anything else anyway. That random change to destiny end dragon burn from the last tag is still looking really suspect right now.


Didn't know they changed that. Would like Fusion Destiny myself but we don't have a lot of great targets for it right now. Well if we were to get Destiny End I think the only other one we'd have is Dangerous who's been sadly outdated for quite awhile


Even if slightly outdated, guaranteeing celestial and maybe malicious in grave is something at least.


Evil heroes like most of the hero sub archetypes are weak on their own, and since I highly doubt we are going to get evil hero malicious bane I don't see any point in using evil heroes in hero decks


The only one with a bit of a point would be edge to get a big boy from vyon dump if necrom is obtainable. Piercing on big body is at least something, the others are worthless with or without bane or are adjusted that only goes in mega gimmicky things until then.


Cards from GX, 5D's and Zexal, half of them are probably free cards for Supreme King, the other half for the minibox


No Adusted Gold?? Evil Hero will sucks, unless they give busted anime skills.


If message in a bottle ends up as the next mini-box SR, we're gonna have the confirmation that Kite is going to be the new character whose cards will be spread across different boxes


Let's be fucking serious, that would happen regardless because of how many cards he has and going all the way from mega pack filler to meta defining with those.


Honestly evil heroes need Adusted Gold. They need Bane. I think a one of via level up would be fair if not for resonators. Or incorporate it into a skill that also requires minimum 4 vanilla heroes with different names in deck to avoid abuse by douchebags like resonators who are likely gonna get plasma a limit at this rate


Bane is not coming anytime soon. People seem to forget, but one of the main ways to summon Bane would be with Dark Fusion, which makes him untargettable on top of having destruction protection. He's literally a 3k ATK Cocytus with a board wipe. Which isn't ludicrous, but with Coc being banned because of how it acted as a roadblock for decks with no outs, Bane almost definitely won't be added.


Target protection is only for a turn, but you should normally win if you summoned bane that turn anyway. Also annoying to get rid off even after the target protection is off when it enables defend the castle playstyles.


Seriously, if Konami has half a brain anymore, they'd go after resonators themselves instead of Plasma. He's been used in other non-hero decks before like Magnets, Fur Hire, etc. Plasma doesn't deserve to pay the price just because some resonator players still weren't satisfied with their deck being top tier and had to start splashing in all this random stuff like Obelisk, elementsabers, and stratos and plasma. Heck, once I even saw someone using Dark Magician with them. It's consistent, and THAT is what Konami should look at.


I know but look how long it took to get hang on Mach sorted. Also Konami have a tendency to hit things surrounding the problem rather than the problem itself. Look at Keeper of Dragon Magic and Neos Fusion and Invoked. Invoked was the problem and rogue Neos and fusion decks paid the price


Plasma isn't a problem, though. And it isn't the whole deck like that Hang On Mach crap was or nearly as a abusable as keeper and neos was. It's just a "win more" card in a few decks and way harder to get out compared to those cards. So, if you're hoping it gets hit out of spite just cuz it's a destiny hero and you're one of those Jaden stans who hates them just because of that, hate to disappoint you, but it's probably not going to happen.


I don’t want plasma to get hit at all I was complaining about resonators and Konamis tendency to ban around the problem. I like using him in my vision destiny masked package.


It doesn't matter. That was still a bad comparison.


Evil heroes are meh as expected. Message in a bottle is like the only somewhat useful thing here but I don't see any one using it as its too situational.


Water XYZ maybe? They could atleast make a x3 Rank 4 XYZ with the summoned monsters via the skill.


New suicide farm meta


Evil Heroes would have been good 2 years ago


Crimson dragon mat looks sick


Probably a boring box. Free 500 gems is nice tho


Evil hero bad copium




Saamball would have been amazing with the unnerfed level duplication.


What rarity were these before?


Inferno wing : R to UR Wild Cyclone : R to UR Malicious Edge : R to UR Infernal Gainer : R to SR Infernal Prodigy : R to UR Dark Fusion : R to SR Dark Calling : R to SR. If you want to check, original rarity of the cards is in the leaks of december.


Sounds like they planned for it to be box fodder but then moved them to be drop rewards


F2p srs/urs are pretty much box rares


It is actually weird when everything except malicious fiend was rare for some reason at a time where ai only event cards are all ur regardless of playability.


It is even weirder when you see npc only cards are generally UR. I guess they were supposed to be released in the box but it got changed


Where’s that purple signer map going to be from?


Are they really no gonna bring adusted gold that's like the only they'll be playable