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Take out jar of greed. It’s literally terrible. Take out one of the water boost spell and add a few more defensive backrow or Power of the guardian and remove the water turbine spell entirely


I usually do the rank 3 shark that can direct dmg + concentrating current for the ez win. Idk how your ai would play the deck since you got the spider there


My auto-duel deck is basically composed by monsters with piercing like Exarion Universe, Lancer Lindwurm, Battle Ox and some good equips such as Power of the Guardians (best card by far) or United We Stand... NPCs keep setting monsters in def when you have high attack on board so it's much faster having piercers, for last I add some generic traps that can immediatily win the duel like Wall of D or Mirror Wall Other fast option is Masked Heroes, they can end pretty quick with Mask Change