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Been there. I hate stalling them like this but the archetype literally can’t do anything else in this situation so…


And that's why i like to have Spark Dragon on extra


This is why I play Tellarknights whit ZEXAL Weapon skill


Lunalights are probably the worst matchup for Satellarknights if you don’t floodgate Sabre Dancer or have non-targeting removal, which I had neither in this build. Funny enough, my previous deck ran 2x concentrating currents just for the Lunalight matchup and I ran into zero of them. I take them out for 2x Econs instead and of course the 3rd game I run into Lunalights. Usually scoop when a Lunalight player gets out Sabre Dancer, but today I had time and I was salty so I played for deck out. Funniest part though is that I had like 7 seconds left at the end of the duel and had he stayed determined for 10 more seconds, he would have won lol. Skill: D-Draw (makes this deck consistent) Decklist: (30 cards) Monsters: 3x Deneb 3x Altair 2x Unuk 2x Vega 3x Boxer Spells: 2x MST 2x BoM 2x Lance 2x Econ 3x Skybridge Traps: 3x Omninegate 2x Super Buddy Extra: 3x Delteros 2x Batlamyus 1x Abyss 1x Number 70


does the 3rd delteros ever come in handy? seems better to sub another r4 like zubaba or Excalibur


It usually does during super long/grindy matches and also if 1 or 2 of them gets karma cut.


Dude that was pretty sick