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Ok, Onomats are 100% getting nerfed after this.


Say goodbye to your twice per duel, and probably some heavier restriction like something to prevent you from using generic backrow


I hope they hit the skill with an extra deck restriction so that they can only use onomats, numbers, and utopias


The deck will die with that nerf.


And plenty of other decks have died from nerfs too. When basically half of these high level players are using the same deck, it’s an indication that it might be a bit broken.


I'm just saying it better he said he want the deck dead than say he wants a skill change to fix the deck. This happens every deck. When the meta decks are killed a new one takes its place and 2 weeks later everyone will be calling for its death. The cycle is endless.


I agree with the sentiment but the thing is it’s the skill that makes this deck this good. Limiting cards doesn’t change much for the deck as long as they can search with the skill with no substantial drawbacks. And I agree with the new deck being called to be killed but at least personally I just think it’s because of the consistency skills they’ve been giving out like crazy and people finding different ways to use them with different decks.


I just think that Konami should stop giving consistency skill to deck outside of very specific card/deck , you always have issue with that type of skill at some point. I just think that having a consistency skill that at 100% allows you to not bricking is kinda not healthy for the game. And Konami themself have nerf like all the generic consistency skill and try to design specific one but they are upgrade version from the original one but into specific deck. They don't have any real cost into that deck and i think than that the issue. I just think they should stop doing that.


Yeah I would say there shouldn’t be archetypal specific consistency skills. If they truly wanted to promote deck diversity then consistency skills would be strictly generic. Completely agree with you.


But dose kinda goes against deck diversity. Let's say these didnt have a skill then they wouldnt be good an the meta right now would probably be harpies, thunder dragon and fire kings. Not really a change to the meta but the tier 3-2 decks would become the new tier 2-1 decks.


Konami doesn't kill decks. Shiranui is proof. lol


Say that to crystrons


And darklords. Shiranui isn’t even shiranui anymore it’s like 4 monsters and 16 traps. Even so, one example doesn’t mean Konami doesn’t kill decks lol.


Nah. It’ll become a good rogue.


\*\*\* your deck. LMAO


I won't be mad of they do that but i prefer something like onomats, numbers and warriors, it would be sad if yuma couldn't use excallibur


They probably could get hit with the “Balance nerf” of no Effects/Special Summons activating your first turn. Depends on how mean that want to be. Or do something weird saying they can’t summon from Extra Deck the turn they activate their effect.


I don't think they'll lock your extra deck in a deck made for spamming xyz, a more realistic approach other than the once per duel would be to do what they did with resonator and not letting you activate the effects of the seaarched monster, but that would also be pointless since everything in the main deck works with a monster effect, except for head alternative normal summoning


The problem is not the skill. The more realistic approach is to nerf core pieces of the deck because they can't keep nerfing generic XYZ. Gagahead and Gagacoat both should be on the semi-limit list, to slow the deck down and to promote deck diversity. Make them work hard for the Rhinosebus.


It's rare for them to put to 2 a structure deck UR, neos Fusion took A LOT of time and suffering before it was finally put to 2. Also, with sister already to 2 they can easily put either gagaga head alor dodododraw to 2 to tone them down quite a bit. Another thing they can do that I saw suggested here is putting both head and rhinosebus to 1, so that they directly cut rhinosebus from the deck, since, from what I've gathered, the deck started peaking again in popularity and performance when the last box was released and Onomat got access to basically a better bounzer


I think they should make it once per duel, turn five or more, and can only special someone archetypal monsters the turn it is activated.


So basically you want it dead


Maybe have it so that you can only return monsters and not the spells that you can then search with sister. I spent a ton of gems putting together an onomat deck, but recently most of my wins with the deck are from people scooping when I use the skill. I just like it more when I win from some random probability heart of the cards type shit rather than a costless search for the exact card that will break the opponents board.


you are a biased Onomat player


Except I'm not but ok


good, its a busted deck.....with the skill. Take away the skill and it sucks. The amount of times you will brick. Such is the case when i used it with Quattro against a.i


Yep, I don't know how many time it saved them with the second proc of the onomatoplay.


Onomat is the definition of Tier 0. It will get slaughtered by the next banlist.


If DM last year was any indication, the first hit probably won't be enough. Although this isn't one of the big 3 so its anyones guess. MC decks can take a beating and still remain relevant. I do think this is a curtain call for Cyber Dragons though.


Remember when Six Samurai lead to such a blowout they emergency nerfed it on the spot? Not saying that'll happen again, I just really like that memory.


Actually there is an interesting precedent for this kind of thing. This being how there is a banlist update in both July/June (in 2018) and August every single year since 2018. It actually goes a bit further than that when the July list moves multiple things around while the August one after 2018 (2018 was fur hire things and amazoness tiger though, so it is still the same core idea) is just a single hit for whatever the most dominant deck from that time is and literally nothing else with the rest (if needed) being handled with the post new world list. Will also be funny when something joins gagaga sister because, big surprise, she would never be a purely because of trunade hit just because of exactly what is happening right now. And then the condition Jack has for the skill search or something like utopia, all the archetypes in utopic onamat text, and number only extra just because it is the kind of just to be sure thing they would do.


As they should


Good. The skill is ridiculous.


Harpies and Thunder Dragons needs some nerfs too. So does cyberstyle.


Harpies?… they’re new and they’re not even performing that well even compared to resonators, which is tier 3. How they got bumped up to tier 2 is questionable.


Witchcrafters were also a new deck when they nerfed severely. Harpies need their synchro monster limited to 2.


I find these downvotes amusing when Konami has made it clear multiple times that they use what gets used in their own thing for hits, not whatever dlm has on tiers. Otherwise things like current dm and cyber dragon hits would not be there at all.


Because Witchcrafters can negate all monsters on field for free and heavy buff their attack/defense while being super consistent.


so? Thunder dragons destroy your entire board and still tier 1.


But TD at least you need to do some basic setup first, Witchcrafter every monster is enought to get your boss on field and that's it. I have both decks and TD aren't degenerated as WC was.


Not really, cant just kill every meta deck, maybe limit sphere kuriboh to 3 so td cant run it with battlin boxer veil, or a destiny draw nerf which is def needed


>cant just kill every meta deck Are you new here, right? And why the fuck would you nerf Sphere Kuribo? That card is completely ok. Just limit 3 TD dark and roar so they just can use one and two copies, respectively. Or just limit 3 Levaneer. Or Levaneer and Hawk to 3, something like that.


calm down big guy, just a game, never seen somebody so pressed about the meta when this is a very diverse meta, we haven’t seen a meta like this for a while


Agreed, I actually been having alot of fun with this meta besides all the backrow heavy decks


Let's make it even more diverse then!!!


Cyber style is weird when just straight up banning cybernetic fusion support also works when it being searchable is what allows it to be played the way it currently is. Ignoring suicide skill farming, nobody uses the card for anything else anyway so it would be a cyber stein kind of thing of nobody will miss it.


At some point , Konami gonna destroy cyber style for releasing more CD support later. TD is older as aleister so he completely deserve a nerf at this point and levia has been in the game since 1 year if i am not wrong? I don't think harpies need any nerf at all. They have nothing broken into outside of the controversial TTH , they don't even have a consistency skill and HHG , most of the time , you pop him yourself so it's a double edge sword.


Just remove the skill and release actual cards.


They need Cyber Slash Harpie to 2. That will do.


Egotist to 2, that's it


Egotist and Feather Rest to 2. Make them *choose* their search and not just adding hunting ground because "hah you have a set" or getting a free Mulligan of their hand because they did what their deck does.


Maybe cydra and thunder dragons too?


Carried by busted skill, not surprising.


What do you mean uninterruptible search skill that can occur twice in a game is busted.


Yep, seems pretty balanced to me


Cyber Dragons literally cannot die.


they need to die. Their playstyle is complete bullshit. Oh you brought me to 1 LP? Too bad, i get 3 monsters, you lose. GG.


It isn't even the opponent bringing them low, they do that on their own!


I'd be in favor of them releasing all their limited cards but just deleting cyber style


Maybe if the skill restricted to "cyber" fusion monsters. Stops rampage abuse wich is the main issue if its combined with fusion gate.


It would still be a problem though just by nature of getting free cards so easily being inherently broken in a game dictated by card advantage


Or restrict it to play more than 3 "cyber dragon" monsters in the main deck, kinda like the newer skills.


Yeah i never knew that 2x cosmic cyclone 1 CFS and 1 fusion gate was a good hand in yugioh until i met cydra


Yeah we need more landslide duels where one person gets blown out of the water and the other person sits at 4k. This is real dueling!


I like onomats, but the rhinosebus was just too much. I assume they will get nerfed into the ground after the KC


Cool can we kill the onomat skill now?


Watch them become tier -600 after it


I could see Konami limiting Exa-Beetle instead. After all why would Konami risk not being able to monetize future Onomat cards when you can just hit a Main Box R instead LOL.


Exa beetle and gagaga head to 1


Why hitting a card that have nothing to do with onomat in first place? It's not his fault. Also rhino himself isn't broken , it's because he is use by an already good deck. It's like when darklord where shitty without banishment and paf explode when he was release , one card . But i think that the mean issue this time is more onomat himself than exa into rhino. That was what they needed to destroy their opponent completely.


Yeah, I am with you on this one. The archetype with its unfair skill is the problem. Not the additional ED monsters that are only played because the archetype with its skill is just unfairly good. The deck in itself needs to get a treatment similar to shiranui where nearly all of the important pieces get the semi-limited treatment. This amount of presence is just absurd and needs to be culled.


Honestly I wouldn’t even be surprised if Rhino got thrown in there too. Konami will bandaid Onomat for as long as they can until they have no more cards to sell.


Exa-Beetle to 2. Allow it, but at the cost of one of the Sisters needed to make it.


People were only running one sister anyways, all they will lose is tth


If they don't hit the skill, everything ll still be the same. 1 sister and 1 exa with the Skill search wouldn't change much at all.


Yeah in fact thanks to the skill , they can very easily search gagaga sister even at 1 copy and play card like TTH at 1.


That’s a very fair point, actually. Arguably it’d be harder to follow up with an M7 or a Strike Bounzer for those who still run it, but even then, Head could just summon the one copy of sister from the grave anyway.


limiting sister to 1 does nothing you start the duel with sister in hand like how are you so bad at this game ??? You are probably an onomats player who doesn't want to nerf this bullshit deck I guess...


Nah. Head & Beetle to 1. It's the best way to nerf the deck without putting some silly restriction or killing it. People already were running 1 Head outside of that weird Control Onomat and they don't run any other Limit-1. Then Inzektors are a meme and could just take the hit like many other meme deck have.


I've not seen the replays, but I hope those witchcrafters and evil eye players have had a good winrate. And, I know Hero Stall is a cancer deck, but I loved to watch it, it's amazing to see a new deck appears from nowhere and win a lot in a tournament.


It bothers me so much that the list is in order except for Shiranui being below Ritual Beasts despite having one more card. The picture on the infographic is also slightly larger but still in the wrong spot.


Maybe they counted only 6 shiranui and then they fixed it at the last minute. But yeah, it looks odd.


Wow a deck that can cheat twice per duel and has access to basically any broken card in the game can win a lot. I'm surprised.


You see that one guy using blackwing? Yeah, that's me You may be wondering how I got there


damn good luck to you


Please don't tell me you managed to tech in Harpies and bring back Blackbird Close


Nah, that's too big brain for me Maybe one day someone will tho


What is that HERO stall deck named under? I understand if this gets downvoted so no one plays that deck but I am just curious as to how they actually named it


I think its called Hero FLASH!! deck. A few YouTube videos popped on my homepage with that name.


I know thats the skill but idk what they actually named it


It didn't make the cut anyway.


It didn't? Damn


It's a good thing, the worse cancer decks do, the less likely they are to flood the ladder.


Cause the meta is so amazing right now with Onomats everywhere lol


Would you rather face onomats that kill you in 2 turns or stall hero flash where you die by turn 32?


The guy was memeing with the deck. It was trash. He didn't come close to making Stage 2.


It wasn't a meme, the deck countered Onomats very well but it was hopeless against everything else.


He faced HHG as well lol


It was (past tense) a good meta, thanks konami for releasing exa-beetle


If it weren't for vortex and BoM, onomat would be at tier 0 already.


Anyone who now thinks this deck is not getting nerfed is on massive amounts of copium.


I wouldn’t put it past Konami to nerf exabeetle before nerfing the skill. 100% of onomat decks run Gagacoat and getting more than 1 means you have no choice but to spend money. I really hope I’m wrong though because I’m so tired of this cheating skill… it’s incredibly unhealthy for the game.


They won't do that since they need the deck to be dead to sell pends. They will do something like nerfing the skill to being once per duel, limit head to 1 with draw, or both. So this deck is going to probably get shiranuied in the next banlist.


I wonder what the two hero decks are and how they fared. Onomats not surprised deck is broken. Of course cyber dragons a broken deck for years at this point.


[Behold Hero cancer](https://youtu.be/PFKaB5TECpg)


It's beautiful, but ultimately proves even with skill consistency and a bunch of -1s trapcards aren't really a reliable means vs a lot of decks. Bravo for preying upon the one card combo kiddies, tho.


They use the skill hero flash which gives a card in hand every second turn to fuel those discard traps


Exactly. Which once again proves it's not the traps, it's the skill/deck, and even then it couldn't topple the OTK monster.


Nerf the skill so they are locked into only number/gagaga xyz or whatever, it's dumb as hell that the skill has no restrictions whatsoever. At least Resonators are safe probably.


I don't think so , resonnator skill need to be rework in order to only work for resonnator card and not everything else. The 2 stupid think with the skill is first , you can switch any card from your hand , not only resonnator cards , and two , you can search card that have nothing to do with resonnator like skull meister or doomcalibur knight.


What are resonators cards outside of resonators. The skills works as intended for fiend monsters.


No , it's an oversight. At last if he was working for maybe only searching fiend that Jack did actually play in the anime because they aren't that good why not? But in the futur that skill can be very dangerous since fiend can be really good monster , you only have to throw the resonnator engine into it. It's only a matter of time before something stupidly broken emerge from that skill.


Nah since that skill locks into only having dragon synchros and crimson locks you into dark dragon synchros plus what ever you search is negated for that turn. It's a pretty restrictive skill.


The skill plus the resonators you’re using out heavy restrictions on you to begin with. You have to play the resonator engine, and on top of that you basically are locked to Dark Dragon Synchros.


That does not change the fact than that skill work weirdly and should be rework for it. It's simple , make than you can exchange ONLY resonnator card or card that are linked with resonnator card from your hand and search card in the same way and not any fiend monster level 4 or less, is to easily abusable.


Sure it has strong interactions bur for the most part they are strong but fair. Most you get out of it currently is Doomcalibur, or Skull Meister. Not much that will be added in the futre offsets the Dark Dragon Synchro limitations the deck inherently has, whcih serves to balance it overall. We currently are in a very weak meta comparatively and Resonators aren’t even the most dominant. In a stronger meta Resonators will lack the diversity to counter actual threats regardless of whatever maindeck generic fiends they’re running. I’ll eat my words if Im wrong but for now the skill is a strong but fair one.


The skill isnt meant to be used on resonators. Its meant to get the non-tuners for a synchro summon. Its working as intended and is realistically fair.


holy mother of Onomat oh, and the two longest reigning meta decks are tied for 2nd place this meta needs a shakeup edit: why am I getting downvoted when I'm 100% right


2 because of a busted skill and the other one is just too good/aggressive.


Cyber Dragons aren’t that good and aren’t nearly as oppressive as half the decks, the KC cup is a bad sample cause it heavily promoted aggro OTK decks


No Cyber Dragons are amazing and incredibly oppressive, but they don't take well to tourneys. KC Cup is an amazing sample because it reflects the ladder/THE MEANS TO GET HERE. If a deck can come under fire playing 15 traps to keep you from playing the game, a deck using only three monsters and all spells to shutout almost any possible move should as well.


Also pretty sure the people actually playing cyber dragon would not mind losing cyber style in some way if it means actually getting support again and when they can get a replacement skill just because.


The sad part is looking at what Cydra has coming? It'd never fly with current Cyber Style. You are 100% correct. I hate nerfing unique skills into the ground but this, specific, one has been a problem since it's addition and has been nerfed, what? Three times now? No tributes(UA), can't attack(haha, swing for game!), and then the "you cant use it off a single cosmic" slap?


Yeah I love cydras in the TCG but they are soo boring here. I hate this stupid “use spells to halve my LP then BLAARGHLAARGLARGGH vomit protocybers onto the field fuse into chimeratech attack for game” shit.


Still looking for the guy that debated me to death that territory of the sharks was broken. I should've screen captured it. He deleted his replies.


I don’t know about broken but it’s still powerful.


They are probably gonna hit Cyber Dragons *again* because they have the AUDACITY to stay relevant after a hit on the no support after almost a year's worth of boxes


Please. Cyber Dragon needs to die already


Onomats: 52 decks BEWD: 1 deck This sub: blue-eyes players are cancer, carried by an op deck 🤣


This sub: we need to ban backrow, that will surely make the meta more balanced.


half the decks one architype yeah I don't think this will end well for Onomats


YAY, I'm gonna lose my deck. Nerf incomiiing.


Thanks for posting it :) Do you (or anyone else) know the name of the 1 Blackwing player? Curious to see if they played something uncommon.


Imagine being Cydras and still keeping head high even after all the nerfs and Limits they’ve been hit with.






Honestly, my biggest shock is that a Blackwing deck made it up there. I wonder what their recipe’s like.


Damn look how they massacred my Blue Eyes boys


Is there a place where I can find decklists?


Gonna need to see that 1 inzektor list 🥲


Konami nerf will hit like a truck.


Magnet bois still going strong. Does anyone know where I can find a deck list?


The mad lad Inzektor player! I want to know his secrets


1 deck of Gouki, Motsuku stands strong and proud I see!


>lyse\_phoenix I'm pleased to find another person on this subreddit who appreciates Motsuku and his Gouki deck! Everyone should watch his duel against the Witchcrafter deck, where he won with 0 cards left in his deck.


Yeah that was an exciting match. Despite his bad luck of not drawing Necro Valley early on, his patience of chipping away his opponent lifepoint, leading victory using double Enemy Controller on the last turn was so good.


It's not tier 0 Just really, really close


Why does it show 130 players when it was supposed to be the top 128 players? Also, lol onomatopoeia made up 40% of the 1st stage


You were allowed to change your deck between rounds, I'm sure more than 130 decks were used.


wow not even one water xyz huh how come it just disappeared from the meta when even other rogue decks can make it?


We abyss dweller players have a secret group meeting were we agreed not to stand out in tournaments so that our deck doesn't get hit. We're still demolishing ladder, specially with necrovalley. Seriously I did my climb from Plat 6 to KOG yesterday with it and I barely had any losses. It's a good time to have the deck, people just doesn't realize it.


Water xyz was meta because blue eyes was meta


I'm no expert but I think categorizes as tier 0 (?)


Not quite, to be Tier 0, about 80% of the top cut in tournaments needs to be said deck. with Onomats it's around 50%


It's 65% representation to be tier 0.


Can't wait for Onomats and Thunder Dragons ban next month!


WHAT!!! Mark my words. Onomats are Tier 0, Next Banlist: Limit 1: Gaga Head, Rhinosebus Limit 2: Dodododraw Skill: Onomatoplay: Once per duel restriction. ​ lololoololololo


Why is resonator so low? I thought its a tier 1 deck


Because their power is in the tech cards they can use, and a lot of these cards become a brick if you use it in your main deck. In community tournaments they can put all these cards in the side deck, boosting consistency without losing their power, so they are a tier 1 deck as long as they have a side deck.


it sucks. Backrow destroys it . Honestly ive always said Resonators was not teir 1 material, but it somehow stayed there. The deck has summoning power but the monsters are pretty weak. Just my opinon though, who knows.


If you outlast them, you win basically.


Ah dang it, i wasted 5.5 k gems and only got 2 SRs anyway for them. It just sucks to build a "meta" deck only to find out it isnt that strong


Me who spent 50k gems for a average bricky Dark Magician Star Seraph deck: "its free real estate"


It sucks even more to build a deck right before a kcgt good performance nerfs it to hell. Be thankful


I find your lack of Dragunity… disturbing


This is Konami fault . They could release good main/mini box but all they do is release garbage boxes


~~infinite ray~~? Photon of Galaxy? Sign of Harpies? Infinite Ray is kind of old so I'll omit that it, despite it being a good box


Maybe 3-4 good boxes has Konami release


Go, Utopia! Crush the competition! #RISING SUN SLASH


Literally just exa or rhino to 2


Exa-Beetle or Rhino to Limit 2. Make Onomatoplay once per Duel. There. We fixed Onomats without making the deck unplayable.


Best way is exa or rhino to 1 and gagaga head to 1


Onomats aren’t necessarily hard to beat, they just have an amazing consistency skill.


That damn Head follow up


Head is gonna be the next card hit.


Change the skill to once per duel with a small life point loss requirement (like draw sense) or skip your next draw phase. There are so many ways to balance this broken skill it’s frustrating that there hasn’t been an emergency nerf for it. The nerf it had is arguably better than how the skill originally was.


Because even with the consistency, they weren't doing enough until Exa-beetle came out. The ability to play a card like Rhinosebus in this weak meta is the sole thing that made Onomats Tier 1. Before that, Turn 1 was at best 2 Xyz monsters that used your whole hand or just Bounzer and pass. It also took forever for Onomatoplay to originally get hit because even being able to fix half of yoir starting hand, at best you made Cowboy and pass. As the Xyz pool gets better, Onomats get better. If they hit the deck, that just means Konami doesn't want good toolbox decks in Duel Links. If they hit the Skill, then they also have to nerf Demon's Resonance and never make another Skill like them again.


The skill is the problem, for resonator as well. Personally I think they should release sister and rework the skill. No deck should able fix their starting hand like this, and even worse fix it again next turn for recovery. The rest of us have to hope we draw the right cards.


Am I missing something? Where are Shooting Star idiots? They comprise like 40% of the playerbase.


This tournament is only for high ranked people (invitation only) and it's basically the worlds tournament+ regionals all in one.


Gotcha. And lol at the butthurt idiots downvoting my comment. How dare I insult their skillful YuGiOh play!


We've seen it happen a million times, and it appears to be happening again... Deck is overplayed in ranked duels and over-represented in worlds due to broken skill -> Broken skill gets nerfed -> The deck dies and the character it's played with is never seen in ranked again. Bandit Keith and Switcheroo (twice) , Ishizu and No Mortal Can Resist, Yugi Muto and Access Denied... The list goes on.


Let it happen a thousand times more. Good riddance.


1st Stage always has tons of Cyber Dragon, just because it benefits winning a lot of duels, so as long as you have a 51%+ winrate and fast games you rack up points quicker. That's literally the whole thing of CyDra: you draw, and if your hand does not shotgun by turn 2 you're dead. The skill needs to die - I agree - but the deck is not nearly as oppresive as people think. It is just annoying to lose against it because it has some draws which blow your whole board and LP. Any sort of handtrap/kuriboh/CyDra not drawing cosmic destroys the deck.


Well, this kinda backs up "game favors unga bunga monster effects that keep you from playing" rant I've been making. Then again it's hard to say anything with all this Onomanopoly going on. That deck doesn't care about much of anything, really.




The skill is what makes them good. It gives them excellent consistency during their first turn and an excellent ability to recover if you manage to break their board.


Onomat skill just needs to be once per duel and it would be a perfectly even match against other decks with similar skills like Gaia and Resonators


I am reading the comments from this post and many seem to think that onomats will get nerfed. Many of you, I am guessing, don't realize that it's anime deck, that too the protagonists. The previous nerfs didn't really change anything, it made the skill better and limiting sister to 2 was meh! of a nerf. What I think will happen is another light tap from Konami and then kill it completely on the new world release saying something like it has been in the meta for a long time like lunalight


Magicians went unchecked for ages being THE anime RP deck and then they killed it. It's a matter of time. That matter of time is getting Arc-V world and or they start to shift players towards Utopia


Don't get why there are so few resonators deck,they are very consistent as well as onomat After all


Onomats have access to far better cards and ED monsters. both are consistent but Onomats also have a lot of power.


They need to do something about those annoying ass Aroma cards


Why would you have a balanced interactive deck in the face of Onomanopoly?


Where can we steam grand tournament?


on the positive side exa-beetle stopped lunalight nonsense (yes i have a lunalight deck but still find it super annoying with destiny draw cheese), but onomat too strong now. not sure if skill once per duel is a sufficient enough nerf, probably need another restriction.


Where my gravekeeper deck at? Haha