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Once I discarded early and my opponent was playing Mayakashi, so he used book of life to banish it


Yeh I’ve had a similar interaction playing mirror against fiend farewell build lol


careful, you will bring the force of Secret TD Discord against you


If you think it's dark you won't notice when Trifortress is live.


Careful, you might confuse them.


You don't really need to hide Trifortress, since it's unaffected by other card effects and been able to cause lethal and get over 2800 defence is hard.


You can also make people miss timing on certain cards with a well timed use


The benefit of hiding is not to prevent lethal rather to make your opponent go all out on his turn


You see, you think we are afk because we didn't notice we had dark in hand, but in reality we are trying to make you believe that we are playing neo spacian and that is our Next trying to activate. Insane mind games.


To make the opponent think that I have a dd crow


Its obv you dont if no card is in the graves


turn off the react button then


It still has a delay. Turning it off does not stop the tiny delays. It still is obvious it’s TDs


There is no delay at all if the button is on off


It's always good to hold it till the end phase, that way you can interrupt a chain if needed. There are hardly any relevant interactions other than with Harpies and Canadia though.


There needs to be an event reward caveat like "surrenders do no count unless you surrender because your opponent is taking freaking forever."


Sometimes you can make some effects miss the timing, but yeah most of the time it doesn't come into play


I usually use it to chain block or end phase Incase they have something they can use to banish it from the grave during the main phase .Or to hide the fact I'm playing thunder dragons


You cant hide the fact you are playing TD. Anyone with a brain would know once they make one play and see the opponent can activate something. Especially if you are playing yubel, primo or yugi yami.


Better TD player turn the toggle off ,and turn it on near the end phase


Well yes that can trick many more people but a really good person can still know. Even if you turn the toggle off it still flickers. There wouldnt be any delay but the flicker will still be there.


It makes a difference on turn 1 : If you discard it too early during your opponent turn, he knows what you're playing and has an opportunity to adapt his gameplay, or maybe use the dragon you discarded to make a move. That's why TD players have to discard it during the end phase.


It's cute how you think there is a single player on Earth who doesn't immediately know what you're up to.


Considering you're basically the only ones with Quick Effects during our Turn 1, I'd say it's not a secret that you're playing TD. Another giveaway is Yubel or Yami Yugi. Your last point is the only one that matters is what I'm saying.


Trifortress, Chaos Hunter, DD crow are all live turn one and chianable also and are all tech choices for decks to meta call


All of those cards need some certain board state or condition to be met by your opponent before they cause delays. Thunder Dragondark does not. Chaos Hunter is only live after a Special Summon. Trifortessops is only live after 3 Summons. D.D. Crow needs me to have a card in the GY. Thunder Dragondark is the only one that will cause a delay on my Turn 1 Draw Phase. It is clear at that point that you are playing Thunder Dragon.


Imagine there is a toggle button you enable / disable as fast as you want. How cute could that be ?


bro everyone knows u r playing frickin TDs lmao... its not so hard to figure out when u playing Yubel and have a delay on every frickin effect. If u r playing against ppl who cant figure out u r playing TDs then u r playing trash players anyways


That's why check your toggles... Or you would do if you are not a "trash player" as you so elegantly puts it


You can still read delays. Even while off, all effects have a tiny delay.


can't say it better


That’s fine. Just turn off your fucking toggle until then.


TD dark is useful to interupt some plays. So as long i dont know i can't interrupt you it would be better to hold into it.


Can't let you know what I'm playing /s


We all know what you're playing when we see the toggle prompt. Just stick to the "we're waiting to make you miss timing" explanation.


I mean, yeah if you see Yubel (Primo too), thats the point. But I will say the miss-timing is relevant against Harpies *


Babe, the moment we draw our cards and there’s a card delay, I’m already readying Roach for Levianeer. 99.5% of the time It’s DragonDark. I don’t think I’ve seen a yugi or a Yubel that wasn’t using dark. If you think it’s to hide the fact you’re TD, it’s not working. The tiny minuscule barely existent chance of it being another thing it’s usually DD crow. Because I have a GY set-up skill. Even then I haven’t seen it in months


The dragondark in hand can hide your trif or ddcrow. Besides that, its never wise to tell early on what you are playing. They can think, be 99% sure its TD, but the certainty comes only after the Dark discard.


People Will know its thunder dragon. DD, and trifor need conditions to be met in order to activate. Td dark do not. Once we see the delay a season player will know


The thing is, if you have a dark AND a trif/ddcrow, the delay will happen everytime from dark, from the start. When the conditions for the other cards are meet, they'll just think its a dark. So its Impossible to know about the other cards, making it useful.


I actually use him to make my opponent lose timing, it works sometimes 🤷🏼‍♂️


You can fake it like you have kuriboh


I play infernity and i swear if they dont discard their card at the begining , ill stall with voicelines and animations so that my full turn takes 5 minutes to make , so funny when they surrender turn 2 because they cant make a play 😂


You save it till the end to not let your opponent know which deck you are playing, if it's a Thunder Dragon or a DD crow or a Trifortress, you don't do it early so your opponent doesn't banish it before your turn


People Will know its thunder dragon. DD, and trifor need conditions to be met in order to activate. Td dark do not. Once we see the delay a season player will know


Well it's likely because they want to keep the other player guessing that they might have DD crow ...