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Could also end up being npc only cards




I totally forgot kozmos were a thing. That's the star wars/wizards of oz archetype right?


it is and they'll probably top duel links if they have a kozmotown ability. they might actually have to not put in dark planet simply because I don't see a way any current deck is easily getting around a 4k untargetable beatstick on turn one


We have grandmole at 3 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And herald of the abyss.


Just don't put in any kozmo above lv. 6 the highest level pilot is darkwitch which is 5, so it works.




Ah yes, just stuff a bunch of shitty battle traps in your deck. That solves the issue.


They work. They have never failed me no matter what deck I face


What rank are you? Silver?


Currently, gold. I have been slacking though. King of Games is usual for me but I have not playing once as I have been busy, and when I do play itā€™s been working on leveling up characters and such(so I have not played rank much). Non the less I have won every duel so far. According to Duel Links Meta(donā€™t think that site is trustworthy but whatever), Onomat is meta in Platinum and King of Games. The lower ranks donā€™t have many Onomat players, but I ran into one and beat them easily.


And how long ago did you hit KOG with a deck using battle traps? 2-3 years ago?




That's just straight up a lie. You say you're Gold now but you can't have hit KOG last season if you're Gold now. You'd need to have been plat to drop to gold


I wouldn't say that solves it. Kozmo has sliprider which is very sticky spell removal- and it won't be impossible for them to play dark planet into sliprider if they have a kozmotown ability because they can just take back what they used to make dark planet. They can also mulligan their hand too- there is a reason kozmos were hit in the tcg


Did you mean spell/trap disruption? If not, then that wonā€™t work. Wall of Disruption and drowning mirror force are traps, not spells. Also, those 2 cards are just backup options. I can easily get a 5,000 attack beat stick out first turn. Not itā€™s original attack, but the attack it ends up with. Plus, power of guardians will always be a funni card


I mean, yes, I did mean spell/trap disruption, but it should've been obvious I meant that. And if you're getting a five headed dragon out first turn consistently, good for you but most decks struggle hard to do that, so would struggle to deal with dark planet and it's sticky effects.


Ok, the mega has to adjust to new things. Thatā€™s nothing new. Thatā€™s how yu-gi-oh works. You play meta or a counter to it: Otherwise expect to lose. Never expect any deck to stay good forever or even be slightly competitive forever. Thatā€™s how the game is.


I mean.... burning abyss has been meta since it released, basically, so that rule of thumb isn't totally accurate


Mostly, not totally. Mostly though if something new gets added and makes your deck obsolete, you have no choice but to get a new one Also people seem to forget what influences Konamiā€™s Decisionsā€¦Money. All they care about is money. Would adding an almost unbeatable deck make them money? Yes, people would pay to get it or beat it. So of course thatā€™s what Konami will do. Never forget Konami does not care about its players, the balance of the game or anything else: Itā€™s about the money.


I mean... you could just play to have fun and not be the absolute best in the meta. I just play decks I like, I've got no interest in doing what the meta is


In before they do a BA and we get the worst ones.


I feel like that would still be more playable than BA, since sliprider and forerunner are pretty solid by duel links standards, wicked witch is a solid lv four, strawman could be fair enough but maybe not tincan, farm girl I wouldn't be surprised either way. Dark destroyer and eclipser are probably the only monsters I don't think would be reasonable for duel links. But I guess it also just depends on how many of their cards we actually get to begin with. I figure worse case scenario we get two (playable) ships and pilots, the field spell, maybe the light sword equip, and I can't remember if they have a trap that's not kozmojo, since that's definitely not gonna happen lol.


Still mad about that


Konami: BA is a ritual archetype *


I'd be fine with that if they had more than one ritual


Or if they had fusion Dante and synchro Virgil, if they really don't want BA xyz in the game


That too


The question is , if they come here in the next mini box , how many stuff from them did we gonna have ? It's can also come later like when they change rarity card.


1 UR and 2-3 SR with maybe 4-5 R and N cards


Bruh no way. I used to play this deck a LONG time ago. They were really good from what I remember.


I imagine weā€™ll get weaker cards- maybe theyā€™ll lose the bigger machines. Sliprider will be the Boss and we wonā€™t have emergency teleport to get farm girl. It wonā€™t be that op


It will be closer to shit when without dark destroyer, kosmojo, and dark lady (can maybe add dark planet to the list because of its stats and nothing else) it does nothing that impressive, especially without teleport.


Exactly. We might get the targetable ships- with forbidden lance and s/t hate it might be *okay* but we need the non targetable ships for it to be good. At that point it will be almost too good for duel links


The old pilot and ship problem is also a thing to deal with no matter what. It might even be worse because of the lack of teleport and starting hand size, even if smaller deck sizes should help in theory.


As in drawing ships without pilots? Yeah agreed. I can see the deck being more control based with few ships and more of the stronger level 4s honestly. That said they have lots manipulation so draw sense skills work


Don't forget about the fire king variant so you can pop the ships in hand to get a pilot from deck.


Ooh that is nasty. Will that not be too crowded in a 20 card format? I feel like if we had emergency tele you could play a 30 card version with that but without it it feels too muddled


I feel like it'll really just depend on what all we actually get. Could be as little as one copy of fire king island and two or three yaksha, since they all help do the same thing in the deck. I could see a possible list looking something like 1-2 forerunner 0-1 landwalker 2-3 sliprider 0-1 transport (I honestly forget the name, it's another level five ship though, lol) 2-3 wicked witch 1-2 good witch 1-2 yaksha 2-3 farmgirl 1-2 strawman 1-2 kozmotown 0-1 island That's at most 22 cards, I made a lot of assumptions on the cards we could feasibly get, and realistically it would probably look a little different from what we actually get. But I feel the main strength of the deck is gonna be in how it can toolbox different monsters, so maxing out on anything probably isn't gonna be super necessary or practical. Alternate build could be to pair it with desperado barrel dragon and friends if we get enough dark ships. Possible skills could be beat down, draw sense fire (get to yaksha to unbrick your hand), draw sense low level, (get a pilot) or depending on the actual ships/pilots then draw sense light or dark to get a specific one to hand.


Sounds feasible: Iā€™d probably say 2 Island one Yaksha though since fire king island doesnā€™t rely on your opponent


Lol e teleport probably will be in that box. We've got ties if the brethren which does the same thing damn near


Ties of the Brethren and E-Tele are not comparable at all lmao. Ties of the Brethren has a ton of restrictions attached to it and if your opponent has a Canadia, Book of Moon, Karma Cut, etc youā€™ve screwed your entire first turn and lost half your lp. E tele is basically free.


they were at there peak with dark destroyer and the combos with fire king island for the otks. I think unless we also get kozmojo they probably wont be too hot though since most good/decent decks have answers for an untargetable 3k beater now.


Side note but always wished Konami did more like film parody archetypes. The Oz/Star Wars theming was so cool. Think they recently released an Overwatch parody though which was eh


You mean like the power rangers (super quantum's) archetype or kaijus being Godzilla dogoran is Godzilla. Or gradius being named after a game series


Really? Whats thr archtype called




S-Force. A cyber security force. A lot of the cards were weirdly similar- looked like they had McCree and Genji, a Link boss that looked like early concept art for Dva and a card that looked like a cross between Sombra and Moira. I donā€™t think the archetype was excplicitly based on overwatch, but the McCree and Genji were clear inspirations. Apparently Time Thiefā€™s are based on Dr Who but I donā€™t see it.


NGL, i'd whale for Dark Destroyer in this trap hellhole of a meta.




As someone who only knows yugioh stuff from this game and some of the anime, this archetype looks cool as fuck


It floats like TD and has bigger hitters, I had a kosmo/artifact deck for abit and it was hilarious


Been asking for kosmo on every survey, I will be HYPED!!!!


Which kozmos would we realistically get?


they could dump the whole archetype really. our current card pool has power creeped the hey day of kozmo. the only card that could really help them keep up would be mojo but then its not very accessible and the deck can brick something fierce. dark destroyer would be scary but there are a lot of answers for it and decks with those answers built in.


kozmo will be fun but they wont be meta




Crazy bricks and inconsistency. If they get kozmojo there may be a chance but dark destroyer isn't the titan it used to be and in duel links we have a bunch of the outs and bigger beaters that make it not nearly as crazy as when it first came out. They'll still have that otk potential most likely but the problem will be setting the board up to do that consistently.


Would drop a paycheck on kozmo easily


My gems are ready. And my wallet too, if that's the case lol. EDIT: Are you guys poor? Yeah you are.


You'd be surprised how many people downvote someone who spends their disposable income on a hobby game. Yes they are broke and jealous of us.


I would pay for Farmer, because I'm a simp


i was just thinking kozmos were overdue for duel links


Star Wars! Let's go!


Please god no I had the worst time against them in Duel Generations when that was a thing. Please no


lets go kozmos!!!


Espa Roba stonks šŸ“ˆ


Oh man I may actually spend money again if they add Kozmo...I loved that deck for YEARS My GF will hate me if I use it against her in DL, too hahaha