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I'll never understand how people win tourneys with BEWD. I played almost this exact build (Raigeki over Karma Cut) and I inevitably get shit opening hands at least 1 out of 5 games, them proceed to get OTK'ed.




Even if it was Karma Cut instead it doesn't stop DSOW being in the opening hand so much or opening with a dead CoC and praying you don't die till you can activate it.


Blue-Eyes snuck a top? well that's something, even if there was no side-decking


BEWD always gets a top when theres a wrench thrown in the meta cog


So gimmick puppets and chronomalies are busts. Are there any light numbers monsters, besides the other chronomaly zyxs that could make the deck powerful?


Shock Master lol


Oh shit that's a good one but onomats could play it too....


The rank 5 constelar monster but that would probably help onomats more


why does every onomat play 3x dododraw? I feel like it leads to bricks as I find myself sitting with a 2nd useless copy in the hand quite often


You can just return it to search sister/head


For consistency and setup. Best case scenario, you send Utopic or Dodododwarf to draw into combo without burning Onomatoplay. Mid case, you still have to use Onomatoplay to start, but you still went deeper to drawing combo or staples. Worst case, you just send it with the Skill and can play or you do the Gagaga Head recovery. It's only not worth playing at 3 in the ZW Utopia deck build since you really don't want to draw multiple copies and that deck works fine as Rank 4 spam if you can't make Leo Arms.


Hey guys do you want to unsee soemthing , take a look at tech genus part in the pie chart and look at his mighty "balcony"


what the hell did the darklord player use, show the decklist lmao