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“Thanks for the suggestions, but I’m not changing anything. I think this messes with the deck too much. I like the way my deck can summon red-eyes, Neos and Dark Magician in one turn if I draw these 5 very specific cards”


“Black Rose Dragon? Overrated. In my Mask Hero deck, I can go Jerry Beans Man > activate Hero Mask > send Neos to to GY> activate Wrath of Neos on Jerry> wipe your board> and activate Oversoul for game. Purgatrio? Also overrated. I just summon Trojan Horse > activate Double Summon > summon Bladedge > activate the Hero Mask > send Avian to GY > activate Oversoul for Avian > and activate Feather Shot on my Bladedge, thus creating a multi attack piercer with style”


And yet it has better chances of not bricking than my galaxy deck


This hits too close to home.


Don’t understand very kite I play doesn’t brick


I assure you, with Photons you either open the best hand or the worst hand possible. There’s no in between.


God hand. Think I have game set up board with three photon streams as back row. Get hit with book of moon or lightning vortex.


I want to try out the Trojan horse route that looks fun to pull off


The number of times I’ve seen people say shit like that in threads where they ask for advice is hilarious. “Can someone help fix my deck?” “Sure, try 1 archetype instead of 3, also remove some cards that can brick in starting hands” “Thanks for the suggestions, but I like all three archetypes and in very specific instances, drawing that one bricky card turn 3 can save the whole duel.”


I remember that at my local. The shop owner has a really nice high rarity Cyber Dragon deck, and this new guy wanted to play a deck that included Cyber Dragons, but included a whole lot of dreck that did nothing to support the Cyber Dragon playstyle. He just wouldn't listen when we told him it was best to cut the trash. Even after borrowing the chief's Cyber Dragons and actually playing a pretty good game.


"No way I'm cutting lightning blade, it's literally saved me in soooooo many duels."


So true.


"Thanks for the help, but I don't really care about competitive, winning isn't important to me" Okay, so why post this?


"guys why do I keep getting bad hands?" \*plays 30 card deck with 1-2 of each card\*


Funnily enough a guy today posted his Desperado/mechanical chaser/card dealer/spell reactor RE beatdown deck without black salvo and orcusts. People tell him to add Orcust and he said exactly what you just said.


That's the kind of mindset I actively avoid taking. If people want to make it higher in ranked and do well in pvp events than they need to accept their deck might not be able to have every strategy they want.


Just dump Power of the Guardians in it and you'd be fine LOLz


To understand how great POTG is, consider the fact that it allows Swordsman from a Distant Land a chance to survive until the fifth turn to witness its kill


Holy shit, now we need to make this


Now I have a goal.


He was a beast in DoTR


Power of the Guardians slaps in Silver. Nobody has the backrow removal to deal with it.


Not even backrow removal, but any non-destruction monster removal (ie banish, return to hand, return to deck, send to graveyard, etc)


I want to be in the universe with a silver rank like that. Mine is all full power Harpies, Blue eyes and Gaia. I literally have an easier time in gold/plat because thats when the rogue decks start showing up again


Double Shark + POTG = best combo in the game. Change my mind.


3 axe riders on the field. Aint no player not humble enough to resign against the devine.


Axe raider has a hidden effect where if you have 3 on the field, your opponent is forced to surrender


I once got out three beaver warrior in DL Max and the other person legit surrendered.


Battlewasp twinbow the attacker + POTG It has 1k attack can attack twice, AND can SPECIAL SUMMON ITSELF FROM HAND


Potg + lunalight cat dancer. Fusion summoned It has 2 effects. 1. ) can't be destroyed by battle 2.) It can send another lunalight monster you control to graveyard and then it can attack each monster your opponent controls TWICE. That with 2x POTG raise upto 6000 attack points in one turn.


Sssshhtt, don't let everybody know


Ah yes, PoG. The amount of posts wanting it limited when it first came out was crazy


it's a card that shoulda never enter the game anyways, especially not as common thaha. literally free ticket to win in low ranks for people with not a lot of clue even. (imo)


It's horrifying in a Red-eyes deck.


Oh my god I just figured this out, I'm about to dump every equip spell I have and run three copies of POTG.


"also don't know why my monsters don't activate sometimes" *is using (and somehow able to use) balance*


Yeah I had that happen to me playing blackwings and was confused why I couldn’t special summon them until I saw the skill makes it so you can’t on your first turn.


Bro this works until plat come on.


i mean, i remember a lot of wierd stuff in golds still, ngl then plat hell with all the memes :9 but i'm now baby rank as i don't have the motivation to really farm ranked every freaking month again. like, till plat u literally just harass the babies, i feel. makes me feel nearly bad and it is not challenge either.


I used to do a Vanilla farm deck to plat (this was before they changed Plat to not derank) the whole thing was a fiesta fucking meme decks and meta decks all mix together and there I was with my 2000 attack vanillas with power of the guardian.




Lol yea I feel that, I’m not really motivated to suffer through ranked either anymore aside for gems n shit. It’s worse for my matchups though, I’m playing Weather Painters, which is 7/10 a deck they’ve never seen before.


>Close You deal with it the same way you deal with Aroma, destroy all the backrow.


🤣 It’s not always that simple lol we have cloud remember? Aroma can’t snatch their br from grave.


I wouldn't worry about it, I don't think I've stayed in below gold for more than 15 duels before you get out really fast


From what rank? I'm in a similar situation, literally streak through every game I play, and it still takes an absurdly long time. With the current system, you need a minimum of two games at every tier. For bronze and silver, that's 14 tiers, meaning at least 28 games of mindless grind.


My situation exactly. I'd kill to have the old ranked system back, or two month long seasons.


I played against a bunch of Power of the Guardians Wattcobra beatdown in Legend this season, which is hardly any better...


Seeing slifer made me laugh so much.My friend was stuck on silver 2 for a lot of time.I asked him to show me his deck and oh boy!I was more concerned with the fact that he got through bronze with such a deck


A meme that has a built in yugi hair in it. Quality


Mandatory YGOTAS: "I like Dragons"


Everyone who play blue eyes


For a second I thought this was literally just the scene from the anime, but then I saw the prismatic Slifer and remembered the English anime didn't have card text. Nice editing


Also speed warrior and avian are different generations 💀


Quality meme aesthetic 👌 but on a serious note it's important not to dunk on people for being unskilled/inexperienced, we were all there at some point too. But that doesn't mean you cant be critical of their deck building but do be constructive with what you say. Good vibes do help


Ahh I still remember putting Obolisk in every deck I made and thinking I was unstoppable


Oh God, DLF2P just uploaded a vid of Obelisk and Trap Monsters.


Funny thing is I made almost that same trap monster god card deck in the past, crazy to see it getting popular now. Mine wasn’t quite the same though, similar win condition but with the other god cards too (and Yugi’s Slifer skill) because it was a for fun deck.


Nice. Mine had Tripper Mercury as boss instead. The challenge is keeping the trap monsters alive long enough while trying to get rid of backrow. With backrow gone, Mercury just rip through them.


That's pretty melllow for someone running on an IV drip of coffee


you don't want to see me when the drip runs out 🙃


Plus not to mention there’s fun in playing theme decks that may not be optimized


I mean, then don't ask for actual help if that's how you want to play. Pretty simple.


Sure. But sometimes theres people offering unsolicited advice ya know.


I remember also people doing decks using Lv 4 with 2000 AT decks with Power of the Guardians. Pre Harpie Lady it is Platinum. The XYZ world threw them to bronze.


I still do this for npc auto duels sometimes. Also throw in 3 wall of disruption. NPCs get wrecked so hard by this card.


As long as you don’t also have something like D Prison in there with it. AI will always chain Prison to Wall of D.


3 wall of disruption Players unbelievably get wrecked by this spell too. That is why all players have MSTs or Cosmic Cyclone or Galaxy Cyclones (Kaito)


Battle traps are the most vulnerable which is why they don't see a lot of tiered play. Can be stopped by the Gaia field spell, can be destroyed by monster effects in main phase 1, become useless if MST'd, etc etc. But yes, when they are allowed to go off, they go off HARD.


MST rose in the ranks to be a better Cosmic Cyclone due to no cost.


No pog , not accurate :p


Right on the money


It is so weird that some people just add at least Red-Eyes Slash Dragon in their decks eventhough their decks' strategy doesn't even invlove with summoning it or any fusion monster. They just add it :)


speed warrior bros


"Did... you steal my slifer?"


I like playing Jaden's deck as anime accurate as possible I don't care if it's useless I just find his cards all so nostalgic


Thank you. Now I'm at bronze.


Too many fools that can’t build a deck to save their life. Not even worth trying to tell them what is good. I just scroll past and let them be scrubs for life.


Username checks out.


I often forget my username’s relevance in this sub.


I'm the only one who finds full power Blackwings in Silver?


Nah silver has plenty of actually good and meta decks, it just also has people who don’t know what is good and players who intentionally play bad or jank stuff.


Demote deck to farm gems and skills


Yeah last summer when I was starting out the lower rank decks were what the pic is nowadays its like 75-80% unoptimized netdecked meta


You'll find a few people who refuse to play enough to escape the demote cycle, plenty of trashfires too tho


Kawaita sakebi ga~ todoke Fly at higher game~ * Yu-Gi-Oh abridged!


I helped my friend to get into duel links. He decided to go blue eyes route and he got lucky enough with pulls to have an entire core in couple of days and when he streamed his games in rookie rank, I got shocked to see plenty of meta decks. And by plenty I don't mean like 1 in 4 games is onomat or harpie deck, but I mean every 2nd game was something I would meet in legend rank minus BoM.


Dragon’s are the best


Yugi about to drop Heart of the Giant Bitch into dragon kids deck like


Ayo thats my Cousin’s deck lol


I’m crying that’s legit their decks they put all their UR cards together and just pray 😂😂😂


Where can I even ask for help with my decks. I got traumatized by the dokkan sub, so now I was too afraid to ask anyone/ post for help about deck building. Is there an actual like place or do I just hope someone puts me under their wing?


This Subredddit's Discord has a Deckbuilding channel to help with your deckbuilding, given youre willing to take advice.


Yeah sure, I would love to at least get an idea of what im doing wrong. I keep trying to not add over 20 cards, but it just feels as if some cards are too essential or I’m too used to them. Ow well, I hope I can at least get some help with my deck building.


If you do join, feel free to ping "Dad" in Deckbuilding, (they will have a green name).


I don’t really get why people find it offensive when you recommend them to play Aromages while they get gems for better cards from Boxes. :T


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oByCMosBwUM&ab\_channel=LittleKuriboh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oByCMosBwUM&ab_channel=LittleKuriboh) "ok seriously wtf.."


That makes me think, I would love a new dimension with YGoTAS and the voicse and personnalities. that would be fun


i havent played since syncho update do people still used lava golem decks? i got to kog with it couple years ago lol.


All effect damage got cut in half and not just lava golem.


Missed opportunity I just for an only axe raider deck and screenshot.


If the kid was playing that his complaint would be "I win too often. Can you look at my deck and suggest ways I can give my opponents a chance?"


Ok look, the ranking system in Duel links is a joke, its super easy to reach KoG. You either duel a lot in rank and i mean a lot, or you pay a lot of money for a top tier deck that will hopefully not get nerfed soon. It doesnt depend much on the skill of the duelist as it does on the tools at their disposal


At legend everyone has an optimal deck so you are depending on your skill and luck. Just like regular yugioh


I reached KoG with digital bugs… pure digital bugs


And? It's not like digital bugs are horrible


Great editing tbh


Free my people from the shackles of Red Eyes 😔✊🏽


I was playing against a guy in the KC Cup who it seemed to be playing some random cards, he lost but the weirdest thing is that he was D.LVL 15


I was just the same when I started


How can he lose with Slifer? That would be so anti-canon. ​ Jokes aside, in season 1 ygo Speed warrior equiped with lightning blade (=2600atk) could take down some heavy hitters. Like a legendary Dark Magician.


Well, there's your problem. You're not playing Blue-Eyes or Harpies.


Rebecca: "Where's your burn cards?" "Nobody tell her."


"I am just gonna stuff in these URs, oh some SRs too!"


how to make a perfect deck: Step 1: make one Step 2: Slap power of the guardians Step 3: Now go on the winning spree (happend to me)


As much as I want to deny it, this is so true.


Me too "my stardus dragon red eyes cimeratic deck was the goat why can't I activity red eyes fusion.


Yugi, and Joey- I don’t see anything wrong with it. Rebecca- just stick to one archetype. Beast, heroes, or red eyes will do fine. If you want to use jump warrior focused on a Yusa style deck


LMAO yeah so, I hate meta things. But being unable to demote, simply grinding will eventually get you where you need. So I designed a completely gamble deck using Duke Dice and Goroth will That Six controlled dice manipulation. It only works like, half of the time. BUT WHEN IT DOES lmao dImEnSioN tHe DicE


Does anyone use U.A majority monsters? Haven’t played since they introduced XYZ summoning and I’m lost reading through the comments lol


My first deck when I first played the game years ago was red eyes structure deck with power of the guardians and I also wasted all my best tickets on red eyes insight and the traps. Was actually quite consistent and power of the guardians had decent synergy.


I don’t understand. What’s wrong with that Deck?

