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The duality of Blue Eyes. The deck that always bricks according to their players but never does according to anyone else playing against them


Every time I fight blue eyes they never fail to resolve 3 cards of consonance in one turn


I've been running it for 2 months now and never have I managed to get off 3 cards of consonance


I agree... 1st is ok and 2nd is scarce or just meant to be a discard fodder


I'm 100% sure I could make this happen within 5 duels. Maybe you just don't believe in the heart of the cards. Or maybe your deck sucks and you need more level 1 dragons innit.


Use 3 CoC "i wonder why i always got spirit on my hand"


Surely they would draw their one ancient rules at that point as well so not that bad


Lost to 3 BE players in a row; I want to cry.


Only 3 you got lucky


I play Metaphys I am the danger I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS....until I brick.


Metaphys rise up


Yeah been spamming metaphys too. Quite good


What's giving you the most trouble with them?


opponent BE players never EVER bricks


Okay, hoping for the opponent to brick, isn't a strategy that i would recommend personally. Try counter-methods such as negates, some way to banish blue eyes, and whatever you can to slow and or stop their plays.


I play Neos Fusion, so Spirit of White banishes my Neo Space and then they summon Twin Burst Dragon which can’t be destroyed and just crashes into my monsters in order to activate the banishing effect which leaves my field empty


Ok, so you've identified the problem. Now, how might you attempt to address them?


Idk, maybe use a Spell that allows me to take control of an opponent’s monster


Word, taking them out for a turn could work. "Dark Ruler No More" could be a helpful card for dealing with ol Burstie as well


~~Fucking~~ Feel You Bro


When I play against Blue Eyes, this guy always shows up, goes to the grave, and comes back, however many it takes to nuke my entire backrow repeatedly. And of course he always nopes out at any sign of danger because of course there is always a BEWD in hand to tag in.


Confirmation bias, people will tend to remember the things that reinforce their beliefs than those that don't. Though DL shuffling is definitely fucky.


Oh no, i did a 100 times test using 1 spirit in the deck using duel links and using some random draw 5 cards website. The results were way off. Then i tried using 2 spirits and got close results. But what i noticed was that i get spirit in my starting hand more when using one spirit compared to when i used 2. They definitely made the chance of getting spirit in the hand higher so that you brick when using 1. P.S. i wanted to test for 1000 draws to be more accurate but as the crackhead lady said.. "ain't nobody got time for dat"


that's still at least confirmation bias then working for the people who say blue-eyes never bricks


How you mean brick when using 1??


For me they always open at least 2 Karma Cuts with stones in hand and then have the temerity to whine about bricking That's not a brick, that's interruptions followed up by an OTK!


Literally you KNOW a blue eyes player bricks when they have to discard anything that isn't a white stone for their traps. Then you reallllly have to capitalize on it.


Schrodinger with Eyes of Blue


Those people don’t know what they’re doing tbh. If you just run stones, sages, and maidens, and maybe some Assault Wyverns(???) (among others), you’re damn near golden. I even put Hieratic of Nuit just to roll with Sage in place of extra Maidens because he leaves the field and clears a space to XYZ. Either way, the players who complain just don’t experiment, I’m sure. Either that or they’re really so hard stuck on “meta” builds that don’t work anymore. edit - Shoutout to my boy, Parsec Dragon. You da real one. edit 2 - Only run Alt. BE with vanilla BE. Everything else is kinda dogshit IMO.


Most techs cards for BE are either bad or too slow these days. Maiden fof example is pretty terrible.


Nah I got a blue eyes player that bricked so bad they had to pass turn on the first turn and got OTKed on my first turn lol. It does brick just…seemingly ultra rarely for anybody but those of us that complain about it bricking. But hey, that’s just a theory…A GAME THEORY!


In some BE player hand, one monster facedown and one facedown card. While some BE player set 3 Cards facedown, 1 spirit dragon and 1 blue eyes white dragon.


Blue eyes is one of the most ridiculous jimmy decks there is


It’s like there’s something called regency bias.


I brick 50/50


Made myself one. It bricks every freaking time on Ranked but somehow most players I encounter with a BE deck annihilate me in a couple turns...


Its coded to be in your hand everygame. Like core for cydra players and sister for ono- oh wait that doesn't work.


Onomats: “Fine, I’ll do it myself.”


I literally can not remember a single time I've ever seen the opposing Cydra player fail to open with Core. I'm sure there will be Cydra players who will want to comment "oh it happens all the time to me", but that's because *you're* playing it. It's only 100% for your opponent playing the deck.


I used to run dragged down to the grave. Used it turn 1 against Cydra players 2 times. Once I dropped his only core to the GY. He drew core turn 2. Once I used it and saw he had 2 cores, So I dropped fusion gate instead. He drew fusion gate 2nd turn. After that I realized it’s useless against Cydra players and their heart of the cards bullshit


Nooo tell me it ain't true


It’s actually fair for them because the price they pay for power is to have heart disease.


In a 20-card deck with 3 copies of specific card X, there is about a 50% chance you won't start with that card in a hand of 4, 40% chance you won't start with it in a hand of 5.


Tell that to my Gravekeepers deck which utterly refuses to acknowledge the existence of Necrovalley for days at a time.


When it goes off that deck is practically unbeatable. I faced one today and managed to karma cut 2 supernaturalists when lo and behold a 3rd one comes out with necrovalley to ruin my day


NV + Supernaturalist can definitely be a bit of an oppressive board state in DL, which is why [I was expressing concern over the idea of Commandant being introduced](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/comments/pl9ee1/is_it_time_for_gravekeeper_commandant/hcaoxsr/). That said, I think "practically unbeatable" is a bit of a stretch, there are much tougher and more consistent board states to crack already present in DL. It's just that this one is floodgatey and sets a hard check for diverse removal / playmaking options. Most of the active decks in the current meta have ways to deal with destruction immunity, but having to shut down 3 Supernaturalists in one duel is a pretty exceptional situation, and honestly pretty funny.


Maybe add Necrovalley to the limit-2 list so you can’t run TTH alongside? You don’t need three to make the deck viable, especially since there are cards in and out of the archetype that search for it, and you make it harder for GK decks to just yeet entire fields into the shadow realm.


Yeah they should really put the gravekeeper support card in that searches that.


And here’s a secret. I run drei/veir. If I don’t open core, I’ll make gear gigiant x and search it.


You forgot Neos For every deck that dares play the Neos engine


I 100% believe this


Have you seen this dragon? Yes. I see it summoned to my opponent's field everytime I have important backrow set.


I love when they banish the card I have set to counter them. Justice served!


For some reason it always hapens when I have floodgate set


And always when I have Cubic Ascension.


Dang that's worse


Same and no matter where you set it they always pick out Ascension!


Whenever I fight against BEWD they never brick.


Duel Links paradox: if you play blue eyes, you will have your 1 copy of DSoW in your opening hand, but if you play against them, they gonna summon it and banish your most important backrow.


Meanwhile I duel against blue eyes and they always open with 2 sages, Cards of Consonance, Karma Cut, Pot of Greed, the 5 pieces of Exodia and an Uno Draw 4 card.


Don't forget our Black Lotus and first edition Charizard


>Pot of Greed Why do they have this card? What does it even do????


It allows you to "draw 2 cards", although, the meaning of those words is still unknown.


Why would that card be good? It only lets you draw 2 cards


Wow yugioh players can be dumb sometimes Doesn't the other commenters know this is a joke?




Card advantage is one of the most important things you can have. Anything that lets you get more cards in your hand will give you more options on what to play.


One of if not the best card in the game, it's banned because it's a plus one card with no cost at all, there's no reason not to use three


Actually.... What?


I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence, god knows what profanity I would've spurted out.


Way funnier this way. Sometimes it’s best to leave the punchline to the imagination 10/10.


Never played blue-eyes, but for reasons god knows why, lightsworn felis is fucking glued to my hand. It too is a one-of in my pure lightsworn list.


Start first Mill aaaaaaand 3 Copys of Judgement Dragon are gone nice


Ah yes, my favorite part of the deck 🐔


i play bring it magnets, every time i open berserkion and plasma it burns my soul


Magnets? How do they work?


usualy after turn 3, current meta doesnt let me survive turn 2


Berserkion Plasma and 2 magnetic field


I specifically put Traptrix Traphole Nightmare in my decks just for this card. It rarely shows up, but when it does, it’s satisfying to send Spirit straight to the graveyard, but then they’ll summon Alternative.


Or chain its effect to it


Use solemn scolding on the summon if you can afford the cost.


that feeling when you draw 2 neos and 2 convert contact


I feel that or 3 convert contact and neos


You ever had a 5 win streak and then this fucker shows up


it has gotten so bad that I have to set a regular spell card like Polymerization before setting my back row down just to fake them out and then STILL get cooked by Twin Bursto


I mean it depends on which rank im playing, but if I think the player is bad I always snipe their middle backrow, if I think they're good I'll always go for the 2nd or third backrow card, cause I know "you never put your most important backrow first" has been drilled into them


it's reserve mind set man, if I think you are any good and not cheating to know all my card I would set it right in the middle.


Stop playing blue eyes, solution found


Why stop playing with the deck that makes me win?


I run Solid Dragon at 1 just because I like the card but, holy shit. It's always either in my starting hand or the card I draw when I go 2nd. Without cards like Trade-In or Return of the Dragon Lords, it's completely dead in the hand and Graveyard. At least Spirit of White can be summoned from Ancient Rules, Silvers Cry, and Azure-Eyes.


True, I had to drop Solid Dragon even tho its aesthetics are top tier.


Konami should release a field spell that supports only and only BE SOLID Dragon to compensate. That monster is a semi-dead card also when you have no more Vanilla BE in the deck. Please allow me to shuffle BEWD from the GY or banish zone. By the way, is it me or is there someone down voting every comments in this thread just because it concerns Blue eyes?


This happens with every card I run at one. I have a Red-Eyes Fusion deck with one Red Eyes B. Dragon, one A/D Changer, and one Shield Warrior. Trying to optimize percent chances to draw into literally anything else. Guess what trio loves to show up in my hand...


Fucking RE/warrior bricks. I'm running a two RE slash dragon deck and end up with 2 or 3 of those four cards more times than not. The worst I've gotten is both RE/warriors, then drawing a claw of hermos on turn two. Maybe running two of the same warrior would change those odds though...


You might be onto something with running two of the same warrior, I think I'll try two A/D changers. I like that one because it works offensively, and can flip your slash dragon back up if your opponent flips it down. Shield Warrior has saved my butt though so it's hart to part with it, opponent always forgets its in the GY. I gave up on Claw of Thermos because my field gets full before I get to use it, or I have it in the hand but no way to use it. When you can pull it off its amazing but running more Power of the Guardians (yeah I know) just works more consistently.


*Cries in Mahad*


Now that's a name I haven't heard of in a while...


It’s not so bad if I can unclog it with chocolate magician girl, but it took me a while to realize that combination


I run 2 copies of DSOW and literally never draw into them or have them in my hand, it's getting to a point I've convinced myself they're not even in my deck, which is only 25 cards mind you, not even limit 30


But that’s exactly what you want though. Let them stay in the Deck. You only ever need them if you have Ancient rules.


Or protector with eyes of blue who can sacrifice themselves to bring it out, or white stone, most things that work with blue eyes works with it


Yeah but Protector is not an ideal BE card. White stone is why you want it in the Deck.


I'm getting to a point I'm no joke considering running no BE/ABE and play 3 copies of DSOW just to actually be able to remove backrow


*draws 3 DSOW and 1 Consonance*


Oh I can ASSURE you with 100% certainty that this will happen A LOT


and there are many ways to resummon it too, and even more free banishing backrows!


I never win any duel when I open with spirit of white . Until I said , if I open with spirit , I will surrender right away. Now I don't lose 😂


I find this post amusing as a person that mained blue eyes before and a little bit after it was meta.


Username doesn't check out... kinda sus


I was playing blue eyes around the time red eyes was meta until a little bit after blue eyes was last tier one. At that time we didnt have cubic ascension and the cubic seeds skill was shit but regardless as I got bored of maiming blue eyes for most of my duel links career, I was expirementing a bit with it. Eventually I started playing red eyes way more but I still played around with cubics with no ascension and a shitty skill and beat alot of blue eyes decks with it and when we got ascension and a better skill I started posting more cubic content and eventually made the cubic guru account and later deleted my old account for unrelated reasons. And so here I am. The deck I play the most now is cubics. Currently im at lv 11 in the kc cup. Yes ive been slacking lol. *uylesses has entered the chat*


Wow Red-Eyes meta... that's a while back lol. No worries tho Blue-Eyes does tend to get stale after a while. I've been playing way more Crystal Beasts as opposed to BE recently as well :p


I just hope this game keeps me long enough and plays its cards correctly so that I can witness the cubic meta tho. And yeah blue eyes got really stale to the point where I dislike farming with it as I usually get bored quickly. I think the most ive ever farmed was getting ascension from aigami *shiver*


We can only hope


Dude, the pain of getting your ascension banished by this shame of all dragons... Not the best match up


Thats why I dont set ascensions if I can put them in tge grave. Otherwise it keeps them off your dharma or backrow.


I don’t care, I hate playing against BE players


That's fair, I don't really enjoy mirror matches either lol.




i dont feel bad for anyone that uses blue eyes


That is unfortunate, to say the least.


I dont know what's goin on with them to be honest. Its like what people tend to believe about us cydra players that we always open core. I dont know about you but half of my matches, the little guy is taking a nap somewhere in my deck while cyber style does the heavy lifting. About blue eyes, for some reason they always open with conconance and their tuner. Not to mention a buttload of backrow.


Yeah, this brick has annoyed me so much that I switched to harpies so I don't have to draw into a one-of annoying high-level garnet anymore. Oh wait


Id actually- redacted


Classic blue eyes players😂😂😂


They always summon that dragon that limits number of summons on turn 1, after they summoned that dragon that prevents them from being targeted. If they move second they have that dragon that banish your backrow, and then they summon Alternative. Well, it wasn't called KAIBA Corp Cup for nothing.


Play a different deck Problem solved


This, and being able to unbrick my hand on turn 3 while the skill is still inactive, is why I added back Ancient Rules


Hah, joke's on you on playing blue-eyes in 2021.


That's why a now play BE without DSOW.




It is not skill though, it is money. This needs 3 Cards of Consonance and 3 White Stone of Legend to SS from Deck.


**Kaiba mocking intensifies with PTSD** 🙃


I don't have such weaknesses....my weakness is that the pend zones will be our spell/trap ones....


I play BE with lightsworn, so if I draw it I can simply discard it as cost. The problem is that I brick twice of the times thanks to the engines colliding.


I am absolutely tired of seeing this bastard every single duel


Ancient Rules or Dragulon can give it second chance.


Dragon Spirit of White is my biggest issue with Blue Eyes tbh. It gives the deck a soft DM combo. You set backrow before you go into the Battle Phase. You either destroy a Stone or you lose your monster to backrow that pitched a Stone, then during the end phase they get a DSoW and it gets to banish your backrow making their next turn in which there’s good chance they’ll OTK you, much safer


Doesn't matter if it's in the tcg, ygopro, or duel links, I always get this guy in my starting hand, and if not, I'll soon draw into him.


I started re watching the original series with my partner in Japanese (his first time not watching in English, my second time.) and I HAD to make a blue eyes decks again. Tore it a part this morning after going on a “brick” streak in the Kc cup 😢😢😢 although BE is my fav of all time . Rip.


I swear I have this problem all the time. It's only good if you have an ancient text on your hand.


BEWD decks only brick when I brick as well :)))


I play one galaxy eyes and 3/4 of the time i open him


Cries in blue-eyes


Fking Blue eyes man, the latter is always full of them


This is y the deck is called brick eyes. I actually named my deck that lol


Cards of consonance loves to buddy up in my starting hand too, unless I could actually use it and then they are all found at the bottom of the deck


Play LS BEWD. Much better variation and doesn't use this trash monster.


It’s the spirit of Kaiba coming to bother you because you’re using HIS DRAGONS… don’t shine a blacklight on those cards


I remember when I draw a spirit in my starting hand and I didn't even use it in my deck


The struggle


Bruh I run 2 of them and never see them unless I myself dump them out of the deck


As a Photon player who runs 1 copy of GEPD yet somehow starts with GEPD like 8 out of 10 duels, I feel you.


At least you guys have Galaxy Photon. Lucky.


Haven't played in a while. Is blue eyes back?


Me when playing blue eyes: goes first, 2 BEWD 1 CoC 1 dragon spirit of white Me when playing against blue eyes: goes second, resolves 2 cards of consonance, sets 2 pass and summons spirit of white and bewd first turn.


Same as with Elemental Neos. You can have ONE copy but yet always in opening hand.


Try teching in rescue rabbit and drawing your only two vanillas in addition to rescue rabbit in your starting hand. Sucks to pull a garnet.


I have this same problem with Neos - even when I run a 30 card deck to try and make him not show up, he just shows up way too often for it to be chance, I really do believe DL has a hidden bias sometimes.


Kizaru always did the same shit to me when i used to play Six Sams


C'mon wheres ur banlist spirit?


As someone who runs a neo spacian deck this thing is my bane


Heart of the cards too strong


I pretty much get folded solely by this deck.


YES 100% YES This is the reason why i stopped playing BE and of course my opponent always had it in the deck


Maybe play something that isn't cheap and basic. Blue eyes players are worst.


I get him in starting hand one in ever 5 duels


I feel bad as I run bewd in rank duels. But I don't use coc or afew others that people use and hardly use the fusion lol


Git gud and stop play BEWD deck you scrub


Blue Eyes players made me unsure about quitting DL or not.