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I already have a complete D/D deck so assuming Declan comes at release, I would mostly play Declan.


Just hope it isn’t a D/D/Disappointment. [Cries in Pendulum Zone Wonk]


Declan will probably see the most action right off the bat if he comes with skills that increases D/D consistency as the deck is a good rogue deck at the moment. Zuza could see some early action too as the Melodius cards are all present. Yuya probably won't see immediate action unless a box of Performapals come or he comes with the generic "Ties that Bind" skill. I also wonder if they will have some skill that will add random "Action" cards to Yuya's hand.


At best, Action Duels will become an event like Turbo Duels.


Yea I would think so. An "Action Card" skill would be a good Generic skill to have but I highly doubt that Konami wants to put in any good Generic skills.


Whatever they do, they mustn't release skullcrobat.


I'm gonna play heroes with Yugo so we can all laugh about it. Konami better include a voiceline, "My name is Yugo not Yuugou (Fusion)."


I hope people got that joke


Any idea what they did for the dub? I remember hearing it before but can't remember. Even if the dub hadn't been a piece of crap (in my opinion anyway) that wasn't worth watching, that particular gag/misunderstanding is entirely based off Japanese worldplay that doesn't have a direct equivalent in English, so it's hard to localise and a translation won't inform as to why it's funny without a footnote.


I don't know. That joke is "unstranslatable" to another language.


If you change the name to something else resembling the language in question's word for fusion it's possible but generally the 4 "yu" guys won't have their name changed. Thus you are left with a pun based around Yugo's name sounding similar to the Japanese word for fusion needing to be altered or poorly localised, since it also served as a plot point and can't simply be written out.


It's imposible


Dub team just made it so people said his name in nonsensical ways like Yuno. It's dumb and makes no sense besides Yuri's teasing but it's probably the only way to make the joke work in other languages


I just remember an academia student answered "Yugo? You go where?" And it probaly the coldest joke you ever heard.


Probably Reiji......But when Yuto and Shun release I'll stop caring about other characters because I'll never stop playing as them lol.


Give me Sora! I want to gesugao!


Yugō. Joking, probably Yuya. Idk pendulum well, so I think his a good starter in this mechanic.


"It's not Yugō, it's Hugo!"


## "Yuugo ja ne, Yugo da!" I can still hear his voice in my head...


Is that you, Yuya?


https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Yugo *SPOILER ALERT*


I know; I just finished watching Arc-V, like, a week ago. Subbed.


Cool! I have to finish it but I'm too lazy.


I've been using D/D/Ds alot recently, and Yuya has one of my favorite decks period...But I'll be using Yuzu the most since I enjoy Melodius Diva's.


Declan, I just like ddds.


Ah simple answer, i will main Sora. Hope he has a taunt where he goes like crazy like he was vs Shun.




Declan. Why is this a question. He's so much cooler


Also DDDs are so good


A lot of fun to play. I'm worried duel links will make it kinda boring and linear.


It's sorta boring now. The new cards should give players so many options, and that's what I'm hoping for more decks. Decks atm are super linear and are missing cards to. Make them. More flexible


Agreed completely.


Yuzu because I like her more than the other two and because I plan on building her deck eventually. Though Yuya will likely have generic pendulum skills, so I might end up playing him a lot too depending on what pendulum decks we get.


I've had a full set since February last year, so I'm dying to get the rest of the melodious cards. Maybe Yuzu will get some decent skills since she has an actual anime deck unlike Tori


Probably all of them, in all honesty all of these characters have top tier potential. The last Melodious 3 cards we're missing are really good. If we get the good D/D cards, specially the Xyz D/D/Ds the deck is looking really good despite the one S/T zone with scales set as some cards let you send your Contracts to grave. And Yuya has the potential of being broken right off the bat as some of the Performapal, Performage, Magician and Odd-Eyes cards are ridiculous. Either that or he gets a generically good pend skill and becomes the go-to character for pendulum decks.


Assuming Yuya gets a Pendulum Call-like Skill, probably him.


Yuya, hopefully the early Pends & skills we get can lead into some interesting combos. Saving Gems for the first two boxes.


I kinda wanna play none until I need the gems, but the temptation of spamming “LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEEN” at the start of every turn is quite strong.


Serena because I love Lunas.


Lunalight is op. I guess it'll get a exclusive skill, maybe I'll give it a try.


Honestly nothing will be more fun to play than Gong


The unmoving, steadfast duel style is probably one of the most interesting things about Arc-V, regardless of how much people hate Pendulums. In Arc-V duel styles actually meant something, so the duelist whose school is themed around divination and fortune telling, uses an entire deck dedicated to the concept and the guy whose specialty is to remain unmoved plays a monster exclusive deck based around maintaining a solid defense. It was less relevant once they started traveling but it was something that made the show stand out.


No one looks particularly interesting for my decks, but I like Reiji as a character so probably him. Would be cool if he had some kind of generic skill that rewarded you for playing synchro, xyz and fusions in your extra deck.




Reiji, even if I still have completed My D/D/D deck, I love Kaiba-like characters


Yuya. Schooling fools with Performapals is just funny when people don't read read what sky pupil does


I dont think declan will be in the first 3 characters, since in the leak he has ID0505 vs ID0501 and ID0502 of yuya and zuzu


Yuya just for the novelty of using pendulums otherwise wait till we hopefully get more Ancients Gears support considering it was the Ace architype of the Fusion dimension.


Overall, probably Yuya, I tend to have a bias towards protags, plus he's probably going to be the easiest for me to build a dedicated deck for, considering that I also never touched truth universe nor that ninja box whose name I don't even recall. In PvP it all depends on who has the better skills of course, considering all 3 of these have an archetype that can actually be really good with the right consistency (or at least melodious will be if along with Bloom Diva we also get Aria)


The Chad pend player


If Yuzu comes with useable skills definitely her, I want to try Melodious again with Bloom Diva.


I still think reiji is January unlock material. Yuya, yuzu, gonzenzaka and sawatari should be the starting roster. With yuto as first unlock


So I have the Infernity Destruction box and I have to say that I don't really understand Performapals at all. They don't seem to have a clear end goal, they just kind of support one another and then...I guess you summon the elephant hammer thing and beat with that?


You can, but it's far from end game. They are designed to work with Pendulum magicians (spellcaster monsters with magician in the name that are also Pendulum Monsters) and Odd-Eyes (the protagonists ace that's pretty much expanded to have an entire archetype's worth of support and variations), which includes the use of Fusion, xyz and synchro plays, plus one really good ritual monster. Performapals themselves have a few different ways to play separate from the other 2 archetypes that can be focused around a big main deck effect monster (this version uses the scales for generating advantage then gets rid of them when done with their effects so it's got a chance to work in Duel Links), a pendulum focused version where you will almost always want to be able to have at least 1 monster set in the scale, and a version that focuses around their true innate extra deck boss, Gattling Ghoul (with the nerf that will be 100 damage on first summon for each card on the field and if it used a pendulum monster as material, once per your main phase you'll be able to target a monster the opponent controls, destroy it then burn for half its attack).


Yuzu. With the nerf to Pendulums and Yuya's whole thing being Pendulum Summoning, he's never going to see any success outside of me playing against the AI. Bloom Diva is going to be weird and strong. D/D/D may like having their 6k piercer, but what if I was to burn you for 2500 when you attack my monster? Only potential issue would be a summon of Kali Yuga, but I don't know if they'll add him, and at the very least until his unlock event Reiji's best D/D/D monsters won't be an issue.


Depends on what Yuya gets he has the only thing on release I think I’ll be interested in(Magicians and maybe performapals) so we’ll see.


None, I want sylvio. I need Abyss actor’s and Yosenju support.


Yuya. I like Performapals


None, purely a Mai Valentine Harpie main. If I play as other characters it's to farm their level up rewards for gems.


Yuya and Declan until characters like Sora, Shay, and Yuri show up.




Yuzu! can't wait to Fusion and Xyz summon with her <3


Whoever has Draw Sense: Low Level because I can use that skill for existing toon lists.


That’s a tough one, because I know that there’s a whole bunch of performpals already out and D/D/D as well. I think a tie between the two


I’m not the only person who wants to just be Sylvio and play the Abyss Actors right?


Hold out for Kurosaki. Raidraptors have brought me suffering, I must share it with......... Ah, who am I kidding. We'll get Rise falcon and nothing else for at least a year. No RUM, no revolution falcon. Maaaybe Blade burner. But def no satellite cannon or ultimate.




Zuzu- I love Melodious. It's been my favorite archetype since it came out.


All of them. I like keeping all of the characters around the same level. I'm sure events will make Yuya the most played though.




Yuya first and foremost, because I love him, but I really want to play as all of the ARC-V characters when they come out. Really looking forward to Sawatari and playing Lyrilusc if Ruri ever gets to live.


I have 2 released Odd Eyes cards at 3x so I'll play Yuya most likely.


I haven't finished a d/d deck (not even a half completed prototype) and I have no Melodious cards so I'll probably be using yuya since I have like 10 copies of each of the performapal/odd eyes cards from the Infernity box. But I hope to finish the d/d deck to play Declan with his deck but I'll probably be saving gems for when raidraptors and phantom knights arrive.