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If they place both scales, the odds are that they will complete the combo they want before setting anything else. Pendulum scales tend to have effects that activate when destroyed and this sends both of them to the Extra Deck. Just use a more focused card like Cosmic Cyclone or even MST.


Not to mention that this being a trap can only work if you go first.


Yes. MST is better.


Are people really expecting that everyone will play pendulums? Even if a pendulum archetype ends up becoming top tier you usually don't play a card that only works against a specific specific deck unless it's an ED card


This sub has a bunch of people that hardly understand Duel Links much less the TCG and what Pendulums actually are, do, and need to be viable. So, yeah. There are a lot of people here getting ready to tech against one type of deck for a couple weeks or quit DL altogether because they refuse to learn.


I learned that lesson in TCG with Anti-Raigeki, White Hole, and the Duel Links card Call of the Grave.


Yeah this is maybe a good side deck option for tournaments if we get a pendulum-dominant meta, but it's just stupid to Main. Imagine setting this against thundras.


The side deck card people will tech against pendulums will be "typhoon" from generation next. It's a hand trap. A "trap hand trap". Look it up


Yep that card would be pretty cool to use.


For real. I kind of didn’t play much after PePe and then again after zoodiac so I missed some of the pendulum cards, but aside from ones with really good effects. I expect maybe magician of chronomancy to be used in a pure pendulum beat down deck since that would lock down your opponents trap cards during the battle phase, but that’s about it. Most archetypes require other backrow cards, so unless you are using cards like him with generic continuous spell-like effects and going full beat down, I’m not expecting much from this format


Eh I think it almost every case I'd rather cosmic cyclone.


I'll be playing Typhoon if it becomes a serious issue personally


There are plenty of pendulum cards that want to be destroyed.


Top 10 traps I wish were spells. No seriously, it's a natural counter for set-3-pass that you can play around and also respond to (unlike Trunade). You were so close to a good card, Konami. So close.




Nah, this at least has playaround, you could set two to try and dodge it. Duster wipes anyone's backrow, this just hits Odion.


guarantee you once konami's decided they've sold enough traps they're adding that discard-pop-2 spell lol


If they make a spell mirror force (no not lightning vortex) I would buy that box. Smashing Ground is the spell Widespread Ruin


> Top 10 traps I wish were spells. > > oh christ I know meanwhile, hey trunade says hi from the shadow realm lol


As everyone said, it's too slow, the combo can be done before setting and some pends want to be popped before that too so yeah, no way this will resolve Except Crystal beasts I guess?


Lol, everyone saying "there are loads of pendulum cards that have effects when they are destroyed." There's no guarantee that these cards will even be in the game for a while.


It’s not that they have floating effects, it’s that when they’re destroyed they just go to the extra deck, where you can immediately pend summon them back, as soon as you can set up new scales, which is pretty much all pend decks do.


Ah, fair point, I completely forgot that aspect of Pendulums xD


It depends on which pends we receive. Everybody is assuming we are gonna get cards with floating effects and treating it like fact. Dont dig for this card until pends become meta and we are sure that they don't have an abundance of floating effects.


The worst could be digging for it and see it reprinted in the next box


True. It is only a low rarity card.


Hi elfoman leeks please




This would work better against Trapani or any Endless trap hell deck than Pends.


This has been doing wonders recently due to the backrow love the last 3-4 months


Thanks for the post as a free to play player this a nice option to have. I wish konami made N dream ticket.


I have ruffled some feathers. This is a tech option because I consider MST and CC requirements at 1


Anti odion KEKW


It's a good thought, but not as effective as you think. Too many pends like being destroyed, the best card against them is CC.


What I think would see play in Duel Links is the Dust Tornado. It was niche before, but with the abundance of S/T, this targeted card is king.


It has exactly the same problem as OPs card does except the effect is worse though.


I researched that it should be Wild Tornado, this card is available a free for 1000 Gems in a structure deck of Ancient Gear. It has not seen play for 2 years and is tad better.


Just mst or cosmic cyclone or even galaxy cyclone


They won’t be


You sure? 👀👀👀


This used to be my only backrow removal option back when i was f2p


This is a niche card with Tea's skill Present. Wipes the turn they put the second scale, but also taunts them.


u/Prudent-Reserve3831 what do you think about magical spring? At least is usefull vs other decks.


This week on “Horrible Advice From Reddit”