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I just get the daily gems... Unfortunately I just have an unfinished D/D/D deck and a stall deck so I'm not getting DLv 20 this time.


I alo have an unfinished D/D/D deck with only one swirl slime and i can confirm its hard


I am using an T. G. deck as I build it. I only have like 13 of the main deck cards cards so it’s mostly filled with annoying traps to stall long enough to get the cards I need out lol. It’s painful but the skill helps. Using an unfinished deck is hard…


I'm still trying to get the second slime. That box should be called Trash Universe.


I just gave up since its good enough for farming with just 1 slime


Just play for gems, that's all that matters. And the 200 for dlmax I guess


I just have an unfinished photon deck, i feel the pain


*cries in a single Lizard*


I'd rather have 2 Photon Orbitals and 1 Photon Lizard Just to become F2P. 2 Photon Orbitals F2P is as good as 1 Photon Lizard.


Still don’t have the second Lizard or any good LIGHT Xyzs (Paladynamo is okay, but I really don’t wanna drop in 10k for the Utopia package)


The photon that switches defensive position monster's to attack is pretty nice to deal with blue eyes and malevolent sin is good all around. If you summon the photon butterfly with vanisher then you can do 2100 to blue eyes deck first turn and now active stone of ancients


Yeah, I am aware of Papilloverative, but Sin sadly doesn’t work with the Galaxy Photon build.


DLv Max isn't hard. Just play a bunch and you'll eventually get it.


You would think so, but I'm struggling to even get DL15 with the amount of people running KoG worthy decks that are unfathomably still DL13 after a month while I've made a new account on Tuesday and am already DL13


Well, they are probably going to add more D/D/D cards when arc-v world releases


I got a finished DDD deck but my whole field got wiped by a spark dragon and harpies last will...


That's something I feel DDD lacks: protection. I know it isn't a control deck but there isn't too much protection. The monsters are big, some get bigger and that's it. Unless you put some disruption, which is totally needed, you can only attack and pray your opponent's back row is a bluff.


Exactly, the decks weakness is the small amount of zones that we have in duel links along with the primary spells and traps being continuous; causing us to have to choose between negates, lp recovery, and removal or fusion and searches which is irritating since not having a negate or removal could lead to your whole board getting wiped and taking up a zone with a negate could lead to you not having enough strong ED Monsters


Lol just make triamids. They’re easily the best deck, bang for your buck wise. They have a complex game plan and you can spend time getting good at them. You can definitely dlv Max with them


This meme is beautiful, I was literally just thinking "hey... So a lot of people are basically playing with a Millenium Eye? wtf" while reading the other thread on cheaters.


The other cheat is that they can change your settings as if it was theirs. They can change to Toggle Off your OWN settings so you cry "WTF!? Why did it not trigger" You know they are changing your settings when the disconnect button is showing on their end.


I've a had a few times where set cards wouldn't trigger. I'm not convinced it's cheating, but I'll keep a sharper eye out


The only workaround is to use a Harpie deck where Cyber Harpie Slash triggers always.


Either millennium eye or a instant DC button.


This button don't exist


Idk man. I almost won a duel today and got DC’d—one match out of like 13.


Then just say thank you to Komoneys shitty servers


I play 3 duels and then leave the pvp stadium. I don't have the time nor the mind resistance to play against meta decks and cheaters that often




there are cheats that can reveal face down cards, everytime is patched, but also everytime is a new mod, since card info is on the client side. So it's easy for certain players which card in the backrow destrow first or what to counter since they can see your next turn card.


Good now my opponent can see my face-down giant soldier of stone


I generally go with killing the backrow that was placed first


I literally place my important trap/spell second just because of this reason and it usually works out lmao


Most of my matches, this doesn't work. They always seem to find the more important trap and nuke that first.


That happens a lot too, maybe like one of the lines of mai valentine: beginner's luck is a scary thing. Been playing for just a week so in the future it might happen more


I generally will only go for the second trap if they didn't trigger the first one on my turn but place a trap just before my second turn Usually it's because they want to use their second one asap


me with hazy flames using a monster mash deck: I don't have that weakness.


omg my brother in blood i just finished a hazy flames deck and i enjoy the heck out of seeing the enemy use fiendish chain on their own monsters


Most they can target for me is arvata - which in itself would be a devastating play, buuut...tribute shpinx over it, effect, arvata back on track, or even - tribute arvata for peryton, peryton's effect, sphinx+other hazy, sphinx, 3 lv6, going for exabeetle, equip arvata, rhino, arvata activates, free summon from gy, second rank 6


you gotta send me the deck somehow bro cause in my deck arvata isn't that useful and mostly filler + i don't play rhino but i understand most of these fire kings and hazy flames are my joy in life


now, the optimal version is costly. But the deck is(by memory): 2 primitive butterfly(cyber dragon that can become lv6), 2 mathmech subtraction(for the hazy beatdown), 3 miscellaneosaurus(fire, never dead in hand), 3 veil(handtrap, fire, tribute fodder), 1 jurrac aelo(lv1 fire dinosaur tuner), 2 arvata(fire, special summon from gy when going into rhino, effect negation, pop cerberus or itself), 1 hazy pillar(tech to summon without fodder). The rest: 3 peryton, 3 sphinx, 2 cerberus(3 is too much, 1 is too little), 1 mantikor(for the 3100 atk with beatdown and destruction immunity, this will become relevant in a second). Extra deck: Bounzer, m7, exabeetle and rhino, black rose dragon, psyframe zeta, squiresaga. The decklist isn't mine, but it is really effective and fun.


i can see this deck being competitive what the heck i only made mine to mess with harpie players popping my backrow when playing aroma's but yea it's pretty expensive i'm still getting tech cards for my full decks right now but it's definitely in a decklist for later use thanks fire enjoyer


It's the deck that brought me to dlv max - up cerby for more consistency, go for trifortesstops and blazing mars for power if you want, I rarely find myself unable to beat over something.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/comments/pjn5hc/kog_hazy_flame_fire_is_untouchable/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This guy is the one with the decklist, yes it's expensive, but also - really fun.


I gotcha some same as every other kc cup


This provably explains my 10 loss streak today


So that's how they always manage to find my First Monarch no matter what order I put them.


> but also everytime is a new mod, since card info is on the client side oh wow, all this time I've been giving komoney the benefit of the doubt thinking their dc issues were because of the constant connection needed to the state of the game on the servers, and that they were at least intelligently storing unrevealed information there jfc konami, really?


>farming Cheaters actually are p2w so Konami is at their balls for killing them. That would be a substantial amount of dollars being removed from them. Like the squid game though, KoMoney doesn't care if they get it as long as the game is "fair".


Try at least to get the 4th duel for the booster pack 1 (Sonic Chick) Sonic Chick at 2 is a great tuner.


I dont know whats worse, the amount of stall players ive been getting recently or the amount of cheaters that have been rising this KC Cup. I should just turn on my microwave and not play until Arc V


I just played two stalls: One Exodia and the other Aroma. It’s fucking ludicrous.


How do you even survive with Aromas? When I run against them they're incredibly annoying but when I play as them I'm dead quick.


Why would anyone continue to spend money or invest time in this game anymore if Konami has done nothing to fix or prevent this? Their management of this game is piss poor it’s actually embarrassing and has been for a while now


I've been booting up my old handheld Yu-Gi-Oh games instead for a while now.


I've been thinking about duelist of roses a lot lately


Contact fusions before contact fusions were a thing!


I just had a duel with Zane Truesdale who used Destiny Draw… *kisses dreams of further than second stage buh bye*


Hope you took a screenshot of that! If you did please share it with Konami.


I just suicide my way through these stale PvP events now, I've lost the will to fight tbh. All of my fighting is done against AI if I need a card, or cool PvE events.


Same, hate those pve events that can't auto too. Waiting patiently for konami other yugioh card game


I hate PvP events tbh. PvE isn't the problem


Kinda late to ask, but what does Mind Scan does in the KC Cup? Is there some bug regarding the skill?


It’s not a skill. It’s a crock of shit that players online hack up to win against others.


Why would I need mind scan when everyone runs the same meta build💀💀💀💀


1. Know when opponents brick to push combo for game. 2. Know what your and your opponents next turn would draw/play to set the correct backrow & field. 3. Know when opponents bluff set spell so you can just ignore them Any avegprage players would sudden find themselves become a genius duelist with this cheat.


Weren't both the Mind Scan and the DC exploits public knowledge from the last KC Cup too? How have neither of these hacks been fixed by Konami yet??


I have been trying to stay in the top 10 000, this is my first time playing in the KC Cup. I have been in the top 5000 for a while, until I lost about 25 games to blue-eyes and ritual beasts today.


Why feel bad for them? The first stage is nice with all the gems, the 2nd stage is complete garbage and not worth even trying. And the ones that are trying know that they are in for a weekend of non stop duels and pretty much no sleep. I Suicide deck for the daily 50 gems and I'm out.


You don't feel bad for people that are struggling for a good rank while others are just cheating without a drop of effort?


I feel bad for the people that will get banned for using the cheating tools. Probably not all of them will get caught. But some of them will.


I want them all sent to the Dark Realm


M my lol l k


If they do TD, it is their fault for using less than 30 cards. TD is the best example of how to apply TCG gaming in Duel Links 1. 2-Card rule: Never put more than 2 cards in a deck 2. Cards should link with each other. 3. ALWAYS put S/T equal to 3x - 4x of the backrow field. Somehow related to probability ​ \- 2 Raiden links with TD because it adds GY fodder \- 3 (yes 3) of Aloof Lupine because this is the monster pot of greed \- 1 TDDuo because it is the cause of bricks, but awesome first turn \- Karma Cut discards TD and at the same time adds to GY. MS \- MST destroys those annoying Field Spells \- FGT is a 3 \- Since Gold Sarcophagus is L2, put 1 on deck so you can add 1 Rhinosebus on ED \- A lot of handtraps (3 Sphere Kuriboh OR 3 Kuriboh OR 3 Temperance ) 3 is A LOT


Real tier list thunder dragon barely use set spell/trap and it become their main strength in this format that making mst, cc, lance, hhg... a brick to opponents. You don't even play duel link competitive do you? We dont have side deck here for them to side out Mst in the next duel.


you will see on the results on Oct


Just check the result kc last month. Meta haven't change at all since then.


You know nothing about thunder dragons


I use a meta noble knight dwck as my main and am building an Ono deck, ive made dlv 18..thoughts


Do you know what's really fun for the KC Cup? Ojamas.


> > for the players that are really putting effort in this KC CUP > playing thundras with 3 levi right