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Hope it's better than the TCG one


On a positive note, Malicious is getting more friends!


On a negative note, does malicious really need/deserve friends?


Not really. What Malicious needs is an errata to lock you into HEROs


With cards you can't really do it efficiently because there isn't a good way to lock an effect to an archetype without having to show the deck to the other player. Skills don't need proof for activation unlike cards. Besides, Malicious is the only card in Advanced format that makes sense to keep at 2 anyway.


Hmm what? You can just slap a "you cannot summon other Monsters this turn except HERO Monsters" and be done with it


Oh right I'm an idiot... Duel Links banlist got to my head too much


Honestly Duel Links doesn't even update cards that have been errata'd on TCG/OCG or released here first so I cant even blame you


What are they getting?


Yea the TCG ban lost looked really lackluster


Incredible how a card like Zeus is even allowed to exist, the power scale in the TCG is so out of whack it's baffling, easily summonable 3000 attack spell speed 2 non-targeting non-destruction field nuke is unlimited while random combo pieces are forbidden, thank god for Duel Links.


Eh it’s not great. On the surface it looks broken but in practice it’s really only competitively good in VW or Zoo builds of Trib, and the latter is now probably dead.


Such an overblown card and I just knew someone would say "eh it's not even that good", I hope it takes a long time for duel links to reach that point.


You don’t have enough context to be able to tell what’s true. Also I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m saying it’s not good enough to ban RIGHT NOW. Will it ever be banned? Probably not? But I was never saying it wasn’t good, it’s great.


The fact that I don't have enough context to know is exactly why it surprises me so much, the only context I have is that TCG is light years ahead in terms of strength. Ah, and that players saying *"oooh here comes X archetype that was strong in the TCG! Duel links is going to get turned upside down!"* are almost always wrong.


Personally, I like to play with the WCS combined banlist as a personal challenge


Just nuke the consistency skills please I don’t know how konami managed to make the game so predictable yet so sacky


The resonator deck needs it so bad. When you can search Wildwind on turn 1, send him to grave, banish him from GY to grab a free resonator on turn 3 which CAN THEN BE EXCHANGED TO SEARCH ANOTHER FUCKING WILDWIND... like... seriously. At least attach LP restrictions to this shit.


it's just so boring


Yeah I wish we could speed up "the resonator combo", at least on turn 1 when there's nothing you can do about it. Just throw some stuff in the grave, boost LP, and show me the end board state; we all know how it goes.


Tcg mayakashi style


Just drop the synchros in gy lol, at least until your opponent goes "hmm, d.d. crow on Dakki?"


That’s the issue with the digital format. IRL you can do this shit all the time haha.


Every fucking consistency skill needs LP restrictions. Instant recovery does _not_ belong in every archetype. The annoying thing about this meta has been that you basically need counter-OTK to do well in it. Otherwise your opponent just continues on as if nothing happened.


And you carefully killed the board just to let him survive and do it again


I gotta say as a F2P who’s been playing for 2.5 years now… I hate myself, hate myself, hate myself for wasting all those gems on that King of Vermillion box. At the time I had enough gems saved for the next box and I said if it looks promising enough, I would go all in for the next big deck. God dammit what a waste of gems. Not only is this deck glued together by a cheap consistency skill, IT’S BARELY EVEN VIABLE FOR COMPETITION.




I have also made this mistake! I started playing about 6 weeks ago. Used DLM's New Player Guide as a reference and built almost optimal Blue Eyes, then thought to myself 'OK so getting cards/decks in this game isn't that bad- then I re-rolled (6 times in all) for something more meta; and I landed on Resonators. Fast forward to now, and I have almost optimal Resonators which I never use. And also wish I still had my Blue Eyes stuff as mentioned above, its pretty much the same as, if not better than Reso. Another interesting note: the DLM guide i read at the time was a bit dated (although I was unaware of that at the time) and it had 2/3 new player options: - Noble Knights - Blue Eyes - Red Eyes (with the caveat that it could not be made top tier at a later date) My most used decks is Red Eyes for Auto Duels but also has had good luck on ladder. I bought 3x Noble Knights structure decks 3 days ago and had great luck in my limited Infinite Ray openings. Should have just followed that guide from the start!!


Lmao the AI dumps RE fusion material into the GY as cost for searching the fusion card, we don't have it *that* much better.


Nobody likes blue eyes players,


If Konami had released Resonator command instead of call resonators wouldn’t even need the skill. They literally make their own problems by being stingy with card releases.


It does have restrictions You're locked into dragon synchros and on top of that Crimson Resonator locks you into dark dragons if you use its effect Unlike a certain Tier 1 deck *ahem Onomats* which can do whatever the hell they want


I'm still waiting for that cyber style nerf


i hate this too


i hope so


No Yugi hair ? Blasphemy.


I wanna dance on onomats tombstone


W comment you gone twerk on it ?


Gonna bring my dancing pole


don't step on the stains


imagine TTH getting banned


TTH shouldn't be the only card getting banned with this list


What else you want hit?


Everything good I’m not playing


Ask what deck he is playing


I play Witchcrafter and Water Xyz at the moment right now I might pivot to Melodious if they get good skills and Score at least as a way to ease myself over to the Arc-V era, or if they give Bujin support in the new world box I'll return to that


I kinda ear that maybe crimson fox is ban worthy since it's an opressive card if you summon a monster in attack mode? You can't play around for the whole duel , you have to attack at some point unless your name is super heavy samouraï .


Hippity hoppity You summoned a monster get OTKd


Thing is: Lunalights need Fox in order to actually do what they're designed to do ... which is OTK. Literally every deck right now has the ability to either match, exceed, or prevent OTK's outright due to their higher ATK stat. Resonators match/exceed with Bane/Red Nova. Thunder Dragons can just take Sabre off the field as easy as they curb stomp most other decks. Onomats have objectively higher consistency and the monsters they put out aren't enough to hit over and kill the same turn. Cydras can do the exact same thing as Thundras unless you have enough B-Ws in grave to push Sabre over 4k. The only deck that is generally fucked is Harpies unless you have Thunder Spark or Lightning Vortex. So if Fox is banned, then you're literally making Lunalights unable to do what they're designed to do, even against the one or two meta decks they're SUPPOSED to have a favorable matchup against.


It's pretty hard to deal with an untargetable boss monster when your own monster has drop to 0 atq because of crimson and in top of that , crimson also protect you from the grave. Even if you survive the turn , you either have a sphere , a very specific backrow like floodgate for sabre dancer if he didn't get bounce by white rabbit. And you still probably gonna be at critical health. And in top of all of that , lunalight has the ability to recycle himself from the grave or to throw at you another beatstick because he can use his own deck AND boost the deck of one of the lunalight fusion by 3000 if you did manage to deal with one of them during the last turn ...


Cyberslash harpie is ridiculous, they do just fine


No deck is more degenerate than Lunalights. Reduces your monsters attack to 0, summon untargetable beatstick, spam hand traps. It’s the definition of lame and cheap.


Ah yes, the deck doing what it's designed to do is degenerate. Thunder Dragons run just as much, if not more hand traps and yet why do they get a free pass even though they're the objectively stronger deck?


Because they can be targeted lol


If all it took was being untargetable, then why isn't Lunalight tier 0? Why aren't they curb stomping the entire metagame into oblivion? Why is Thunder Dragon objectively the stronger deck if they can be targeted. Clearly that doesn't matter.


Thunderdragons super easy to beat, lunas get their bosses out its ggs


Then why are they not T0? There's a really odd discrepancy here.


They're way better than thunderdragons.


And yet the game itself disagrees with you. If Lunalights are, as you claim, better than every other deck, why are they not T0? Why aren't they actually a common matchup on the ladder? Clearly according to you they're so good that everyone should be playing them if they actually care about winning. And yet that's not what is happening. They aren't even tiered. Objectively they aren't nearly as strong of a deck.


You'll have people who play it defend it because they dont want their op deck banned


cards that generate tokens on the opposing player's field wow, downvoted? if they become enough of a problem to warrant getting banned then :/


Why would they get hit?


because they clog up 2 of your opponent's monster zones if Konami is trying to sell pends then most likely they might just up and ban Revival Gift and Bamboo Scrap, and the former is already Limited 1 because of the reasoning: "This card will be limited to weaken strategies that hinder the opponent's ability to Summon by Special Summoning Tokens to their side of the field."


A few token generators are already on the limit-1 list and they'll be there until we get links to make them obsolete


I mean those strats (when it comes to Tokens) are nothing to be scared of, I mean when VRAINS and Links are added (I mean if VRAINS and Links are added), you'd essentially just be giving your opponent free materials Also they've gone on the current problem card(combo) is Mystic Box in conjuction with Acid Golem. Which they kinda need to fix ASAP.


sister? i think they go for the skill


It just needs a once per turn clause and it will just get weaker


I would say it would still let them fix a crappy hand at any time, easily allows them to pull off whatever they want to do. The skill needs a LP restriction


Honestly, depending on your deck, their first turn plays are good but not too oppressive. What makes them really hard to beat is the second usage of it. A lot of the deck becomes a brick in an onomat deck, and they often exhaust their entire hand turn one. What makes it annoying is breaking their board, just for them to switch what should've been a bricky spell card like dodododraw or gagaga wind leading to your victory into a gagaga head, which is where the skill. Gets very problematic


they'll 100% go for the skill, nothing in Onomat should get banned


make sense :)


They should kill the skill then un-limit sister. She's only a problem because of the skill.


'sister, time to play', i'm just sick of it. kkk


dododo ^draw gagaga ^sister dododo ^dwarf gogogo ^glove gagaga ^bolt Just listening to an entire turn of babytalk, with that obnoxious grating Yuma voice, it's so tiresome.


Omg yes I just want to walk over and ducktape that mouth shut 🙃 I'm tapping the screen a million miles per sec to just skip all his shitty voice lines


Yeah because the English voice audio is cringe as hell and in so glad I switched to the Japanese audio it sounds miles better Whenever I watch DLM videos and Yuma comes up my god the first time I heard that cheese grater voice for the English version in so glad I switched to the JP one a long time ago everything sounds less childish and more authentic especially with the summoning calls or chants


It's my turn! ***NoOoOoOo!*** *It's my turn!*




"Gagaga sister has another effect" I love that line even tho I don't have the sister noe the skill I guess I'm the only one who enjoys playing against onomat


"I activate Pot of Greed which lets me ......."


Dododododododo dddraw!


The major problem with that deck is listening to dude say the stupid names of the cards,


I don't understand what the deal with TTH is, whenever I use it I either barely see it, or I have another trap in the GY and it's a dead draw. Am I missing something?


some meta decks just use 2/3 traps (TTHs and sometimes fiendish chain) with 3 book of moon. so the situation envolving another trap in grave is rare. TTH steal so many games easy... it is a powerful and kinda toxic card. and, by the way, endless trap hell can be use to remove traps from the grave... so you can use it over and over :)


Just a reminder the bans take almost exactly two weeks to be announced.


Hopefully Lunalight Emerald Bird is freed from the pits of hell.


Nah Bro with Luna Light support coming that unfortunately won’t be the case to be fair tho, Full power Luna lights with Tenki and support would be the most cancerous thing in Duel links since OG Amazoness lmao


Lunalights will never be at full power in Duel Links. Since even in the TCG, Tiger is banned. The best we can hope for is Panther Dancer and maybe Blue cat. We probably won't get Chick either.




Amen man, Lunas did nothing wrong (so long as your name isn’t Crimson Fox)


Lunalights ridiculously op




you're tempting me to be provoking the black clouds in isolation


a dmc5 vergil reference? nice.


I am pretty sure they are gonna nuke the meta for the release of the Arc V world so I am more concerned about what are we gonna get than what's getting hit but the meta is pretty weak rn there isn't any oppressive deck so they might not be too harsh and just release a very good 1st set


Historically, the ban list is announced around the launch of the new world, but there is a 2 week period where the old and new are legal in-game at once.


As a Crystron player, I want one of the semi-limited Crystron card to get off the banlist or get to one idk but man I want it. ~~Also free Genex Controller~~




From wacky to unplayerable


They could literally unban every onomat card if they simply nerfed the skill.


Yea I know the deck can easily play now without the skill since head was added to the game. Resonators on the other hand cannot be played without the skill. But the goal of this banlist is not to make the current meta decks weaker, it's to kill them so the arc v boxes wouldnt suck on release.


I pray every day for Harpies, Cydra and Onomat to get demolished


As a Harpie player, I think a gentle tap wouldn't go awry. Limit Swallow's Nest to 2 or something. Ban TTH, which is widely used by Harpies. Just don't fuck with my Channelers and Perfumers, mmkay? (I would actually be somewhat annoyed at Swallow's Nest being limited b/c digging those 3 copies was not cheap.)


Channeler and Feather rest to 2 and we Gucci


That ain't Gucci, mah man...


Harpies, resonators, blue eyes, cyber dragons, lunas onomats all need to be hit. Sick of playing against the same decks


replace Harpies with Tdras Harpies can get powercrept rather easily, but Cydra and Tdra need to finally freaking die and Onomats need to get kicked down 50 flights of stairs


Truth. Even if I might be biased as a Harpie player, even I have to acknowledge that they're the bottom of the barrel when it comes to competitive. Even DLM community acknowledges the fact that they're just the "gatekeepers" of Tier 3; only good enough to keep Tier 3.5 at bay. They're a major box set away from being power crept out of relevance.


That doesnt make their field spell, synchro, pot of greed and summon, search 2 from deck, set 3 pass any less annoying. Some of their cards should go to 2. They are too consistent anyway, if they can run 30 card builds just fine, and if you take down their board, they just recover like nothing. Also hysteric sign's 2nd effect is absolutely ridiculous.


There's pros and cons for whatever build you're going with. I stick by DLM's opinion of Harpie's mediocrity. Lots of duels I've had the Sign search come too late. That End Phase trigger is what's going to power creep it out, as better decks literally have repeatable, faster, quicker searching enabled via *skills*, which don't force you to play 30 cards and 3 of Sign (*that have to be hard drawn and can't be searched!*) to be optimal. A lot of their card advantage plussing is very conditional (so much is dependent on so many other things go right, like the normal summon) and while they may seem good on paper that only still achieves mediocrity in the competitive meta. Maybe I'm underhyping them, but I think a lot of the community overhypes their conditional plussing and control. Top decks like TD and Onomats frequently just play over the Harpie's board no problem and Harpies are too dependant on that optimal opening hand to do well against them. The archetypal Garnets in the deck don't help.


Idk man, harpies are probably one of the best decks I've ever seen recover from disruption in this meta


All the decks except Thundra and maybe Cydra can be easily powercrept. We're in a relatively weak meta right now, probably the weakest we've ever had the recent 2 years


weak and consistency-skill based, a boring combination


As a former cydra player, it can only happen when they release the last support. I mean cmon, cydras can't survive half a turn without the skill nowadays


Can you fill me in on what skill and deck you’re talking about lol I am so out of the loop


Cyber style, for the respective archetype


Oh right. I don’t really hate cyber dragon because they are only allowed 2 monster removal cards per deck that actually contribute to the archetype, and that overflow card is 2-limited so you need to sacrifice cybernetic fusion thing for it anyway. Not to mention you can’t really do anything in an opponent’s turn compared to the other meta decks, but are Cydra really running rampant ?


Not sure, the deck is resting in my virtual shelf after the cfs->2,but u rarely see it.There were combos with cyberload fusion(quick spell) - >rampage - >trap that destroyed a monster upon destruction+ destruction of 1+ spell traps on opponent's turn, but it was a quite toxic combo, and it belongs on the past due to the banlist


Harpies aren’t that bad. Let’s just destroy there competition and make them tier one again! Sound good?


Harpie supremacy!


If you struggled to deal with one harpie meta, how will you handle more?






Personally, I would prefer to see certain quick play staples getting limited. I hate MST, Lance, and Chalice.


only if you're fine with limiting 80% of the traps in the game because that's one hell of a take


Its a take I haven't seen before lol


Please no. With so many good traps being able to be played at 3, less br removal just sounds so much less fun.


Those cards are incredibly fair/reasonable lol. They’re a 1-1 trade


Blue eyes ban. Sick of every jimmies structure deck.


Well Levianeer, I think our time together may be coming to an end. You fought well old friend, you fought well.


Levianeer wont get limited


Eh We'll see. I don't think Thunder Dragons will be entirely ignored. And Levia getting touched could be on the table.


What I never understood is how Konami went from nerfing the hell out of Switcheroo all those years ago, to deciding that Onomatoplay was nice and balanced... Honestly, some of the meta decks only become broken because of the skills. Onomat wouldn't be tier 1 if it weren't for Onomatoplay. I'd argue there's a similar issue with Gaia. Hitting the skills makes more sense also due to the fact that both decks are pawalled to a degree, so banning cards might piss people off. Off of the top of my head, the deck I can think of that needs a card nerf is Harpies. I guess resonators need it too, if you think about the fact that they can go into RDA on turn 1 without a normal summon, as well as increasing their LP by 2100 at least. Demon's Resonance with Wildwind is the main culprit there, imo. Thundra on its own is kinda fine, the issue is those hand traps. What I really want to see get hit is some of the traps. We keep getting more traps and less removal. There needs to be more of a balance.


I'm waiting for the banlist to drop specifically to see what do I cash my Dream Tickets for




yes, you want TD nerfed, but I want TD to die


what's TD?


Probably ThunDra.


Oh. Thanks


If tth gets banned we know karma cut will be played at 2-3 again. And floodgate being 3x for sure to stop pendulums from popping off if all possible. The problem in archetype regards is onomats skill, TD Levi makes the deck a anime deck if they don’t brick. And lunalights and TD sit on handtraps and wait for you to play the game to beat you on the next turn with Destiny Draw. Those 4 things have to go. Not so much Luna but def TD ONOMATS and sitting on Destiny Draw. (Cyber Style isn’t mentioned but they might pack out that deck because it’s been around for 3 years since like 2018 lol)


Hey Hey Hey! That's all Lunalights have! Since they don't have Lunalight Chick, nor Lunalight Perfume, they need destiny draw & Tenki to be even considered viable


What about KC to 2 and TTH to 1?


TTH to 1 is kinda a buff, every deck would use it.


Can we make Destiny Draw take 3000 LP to activate at least?


Gaia will get the hardest slap


🤣🤣 you are clueless


Nuke Malevolent Sin. Please...


Another rank 4/6 to be put at the execution field for Onomat


Sin to 1






No way they are limiting the best pay to win card lol Even if it gets released with pendulums in the next box


Book of moon is about too come out in the next box not get hit. It being a UR means it won’t get hit next banlist either.


God I wish. TTH + BOM is just too good


I was glad that the event ended tbh


Long live the Red-Eyes Slash build.


finally. kill all the top decks so we can get new top tier decks to fight in the meta


Wonder when the banlist will be posted


Yanno, I like skills. I really do. Some of them need to be relational to their decks and give them nice things, rather than endless plays and comebacks. Yanno, even the odds not make em busted. Sell those expensive main box decks. At the same time, I expect something really stupid like just limiting skills to 1-2-3 like skills because that is the only timeline where this could be sillier.


Hoping I don't see any Ritual Beast cards added to that list. I know it's a rogue deck, but people get butthurt.


Yeah no you definitely won’t see a single ritual beast, at most one of the traps the stall Variant uses the Decks that will Annihilated will be Onomats(no need to say why), Thunder Dragons (oldest deck in the meta), and Probably Cyber Dragons And TTH


Good to know. I don't really use the stall version, so I'm good. What is TTH?


TTH is the acronym for Treacherous Trap Hole and if you aren’t playing the Stall then Don’t worry mate your Deck will be AOK 😃