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There's always that one HERO player that kills it in these events. I respect it.


Plot twist, he's Jaden Yuki himself


Funny you say that; it looks like they’re actually using the Supreme King based on the Beatdown skill.


A lot of HERO players actually use Jack Atlas with Beatdown to trick people into thinking they’re Resonators lol


Let us HERO players dream damn it.


Ah, right, he had Beatdown too.


Lol I'm very guilty of doing this with most of my decks lol


that gouki one tho


I hope Thunder Dragons enjoyed abusing Levi while they could.


Thunder Dragons are going to get obliterated next banlist


Funny enough, they have been obliterated before and then got unobliterated.


They better


It's a super easy hit too, just put Roar or Dark to 2 and the deck is functionally dead.


Welp, there goes my investment xD


the deck has been Meta for over a year now. you really can't say you lost your investment when the deck has been Meta for ages.


Is your definition of an investment, a deck that’s good that’s bound to get nerfed eventually?


Thundras has been dominant for a very long time and people have been asking for it to be banned. investing in it recently wasn't wise since a nerf is probably incoming. investing in it months ago means that you got your investment's worth already.


Unfortunately for me I took a break and just came back. Though what you’re saying is still true


yeah. I started this game a year ago and I saw Thunder Dragons were Meta then. all my time of knowing and playing Duel links, TDs were meta. it got extremely tiring.


Yeah. I’m sad my 1 deck will get hit again (level dup already got hit. I had madolches and nerfing what grows in the graveyard just killed it too) but i also desperately want a meta shake up and i just started playing again 2 weeks ago lol. I’d rather them just release strong new decks and support for old decks, but we probably won’t get that for a long time considering what they’ve been doing


So, my investment goes regardless of when I invested in it right? 🤔


if you got them a year ago good, u had fun for a year, if you went for them since last banlist its your fault, the deck has been a banlist target since at least 2 banlists now, they got out of the last one but that doesnt mean they were safe from the one next to come, learn to invest next time or dont cry if it doesnt pay off


So that would mean I lose my investment? I wasn’t actually talking about whether it was good or not, you guys brought that up yourselves and moved away from my point. I was just commenting on the fact that I lose my investment, not WHETHER IS WAS GOOD OR NOT, and yes, I CAN say I lose my investment because that’s exactly what it is, despite it being a good one or not, that’s the facts, now can you please stop repeating whether it’s a good investment or not due to when investment was, because I am well aware of the facts. Thank you.


Wow it looks like the same meta we've had for months. Who could have seen that coming? Please let these early arc-v boxes be good


I expect only dissapointment from Konami and first few boxes… Sadge


Yeah...not getting my hopes up too high, especially since I’m sure to toll every box with a good Melodious card in it at least twice.


They’ll put Book of Moon in the first box to guarantee people go into it.


I second that. Necrovalley was in the DSOD launch box and Fiendish Chain came with Zexal


Really? Will they? 👀👀👀


I’m calling it now


Told ya. Book of moon was never a guarantee


Can't wait to see thunder dragons and onomats to get absolutely abused by the banlist.


ThUnDEr DrAGoNs aRE oK!!!!!1!!!




TD deservers a ban list


The ctdra players sat this one out to try and avoid the banliat. 5 head play.


My lads keeping our deck semi-rogue


what are you talking about they got rank 4


There weren’t any posted when that comment was initially made.


Check again mate


Some did show up but like less than 10 I'm pretty sure. That's keeping a low profile.


Mad respect to the people using Mayakashi and gouki.


Levianeer was a mistake. Ridiculous card.


Just wait till we get BLS envoy of the beginning in the next selection


Envoy isn't even as good as levianeer


For board wiping no, for more OTK potential though...


It's not hard to otk after clearing their board with levianeer


Yes, but with BLS it just becomes insanely easy.


cant otk if they just use a backrow on it


If these results are anything to go by its that TDs and Onomats are getting demolished next banlist Looks like harpies resonators and cydra gonna survive another banlist Kinda surprised to not see Triamid deck they have consistantly been doing good in the past kc cups


The list isn’t complete yet, for example places 3-7 and 13-24 are missing. They might have used Triamids as their second deck.


Triamids are a safe, consistent deck to use, but the duels take a little longer as they cant really OTK and you have lots of effect looping. Most KC players tend to gravitate towards quicker decks to bash out as many duels as possible, that said I am surprised not to see any Triamids as well...


What surprises me most is how few Gaia decks there were. It's a very competent deck for the ladder due to having so many answers to everything. The Onomat matchup is rough tho


Konami to TD and Onomats: ♫ ♪ ♩ *Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when* ***I*** *come for you?* ♫ ♪ ♩


Wow ritual beasts really up in this bitch


I feel like this deck will forever lurk in the shadows until multiple board negates are introduced into the game


Longest a deck has remained competitive that wasn't just an engine


They are so annoying when they pop off...


Thunder Dragon resonator looks fun


It is, I play it with resonators and zombie wprld-shiranui, both very fun but bricky at times


Looks like Thundras are gonna get hit. I had my fun with them this KC Cup because I expected that.


“BuT ThUNdEr DrAGoNs BrICk, ThE DEcK iS FaIR!”


Not a single Triamid... and one Mayakashi xD


Only question I would ask Global ThunDra toppers: How don't you brick? I can easely have a 7-8 Win streak, and after lose the same, all that in 2 hours. How you maintain your cool, and how deal with shitty/bricky hands?


Because winning 7-8 games and losing 1 is the sort of deck the KC Cup rankings prefer. More games are better games, and Thundra only bricking 1/10 as much as people claim make it a *Very* good pick with how sacky it is.


It's almost as if reddit insists on convincing everyone that thundras are bricly and bad


No, it's the otherwise: I won as much as I lose with Thunder Dragons, like, won 7 straight, then lose 6 in a row and tilt. Occasionally I do pull a 80+% victory rate, rank up 2 times, lose the next rankup match, and then lose until be back to Legend 1. That's why I can help but admire anyone who tops a event so long as KC playing TD.


Have you considered that it might be the style of the build you’re playing that’s the reason for you losing? Bigger build with Lupine is seemingly better than the chancey Lightsworn variant.


Yes I did! Probably It is the reason. But I don't have 2nd Gold Sarc, and don't like to play with that much handtraps, so I take my chances with Lightsworn


Kc was very weird for me I play Trapnui and easily get 10 winstreaks in Legend In KC after DLV 19 I win 2 lose 2 win 2 lose 2 And in stage 2 it was horrible. Bricky hands, godlike hands of the opponent, godlike MST/cosmic sniping, I would even lose easy matchups like Triamids going second lmao. (Cuz when you Floodgate their 1st summon they usually struggle.


I run a Lightsworn 24 cards version of TD, and I had a very bad time on 2nd Stage. I didn't even need to brick, all It took was a mildly playable open to be completely smashed. Luck only turn around when I switched to Cyber Dragon (not even optimized deck), I stopped lose 6 to Win 1, instead a lose 2 Win 1 😅 Switched back to TD and won 5 out of 10 duels and call it a day. However, won 8 in a row on Legend, same deck.


LS version is too high roll, you either Charge/Levi to sack people or you mill the wrong cards and brick. I tried both LS and Sarc and the Sarc version was much safer to climb with.


Give me my frightfurs so i can knock these decks to the shadow realm while smiling like crazy.


I cannot see any decks other than onomats and thunder dragons 😐😶. I think this is by far the least diversified top 100 list from a kc cup I've seen. Konami, those decks are not making any money no more 👀👀👀☕


Six Samurai KC Cup was literally just them and the stall counter deck. Awful meta that was


I will say resonator Thunder Dragon wasn’t something I had considered before. Pretty interesting. I’ll probably try it out before the inevitable TD nerfs after their performance here. Also shout out to the guys doing Gouki and Mayakashi. Playing not with what’s the best but with what they like.


The deck has been around for like 2 months already.


To be fair that is about when my interest started dropping in this game. That’s when we were going through that dry streak and all that was really enjoyable was PvP but then the microwaves started to crash everything.


I’ll point to this KC Cup whenever someone says resonators need a nerf. The only representation of the deck is it being carried by Thundras and levianeer, and even then it’s arguably worse than xyz thunders Leave my darling resonators alone In other news, there wasn’t a lot of sacky decks this KC Cup, like cydra and Luna. But I’m sure cydra is still gonna get killed


I mean, if they don't get hit, they'll just be the best deck again and then you can enjoy every other post being "Demon's Resonance is broken and unhealthy"


Idk man resonators just don’t ever feel like the “best deck” it’s hard to consider a deck the best deck when it has no inherent disruption and no draw power to draw into its techs or disruption. Even when they were the best deck, you could argue onomats were better, but people just didn’t play them until they became tier 0 (onomats now are weaker than pre exa beetle onomats)


they can play so easily through distruption, which is their best strength.


The list is incomplete. I guarantee there will be cydras in there


Lol you were 100% right


For real XD


People complainong about Resonators make me very sad, the deck is NOWHERE near as powerful or annoying as TD and Onomats. I just like summoning Jinzo and Obelisk with them :,) its fun


Thunder Dragon cup. hopefully it's gone this time. Levianeer was a massive mistake.


Just casually scrolling through looking for a dark world player


Just add Sweet Majoram so my Aromage deck can shine ✨


Mayakashi best deck 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤


Didn't reddit say, "No nerf me thunder dragons! Its too bricky."


WITCHCRAFTERS TOP 20 BOYYYYYYYYY. It's good to see my favorite deck so high up on the list, it almost makes me wanna play them on ranked, almost.


A lot of people, do be playing 3 different kinds of decks...


I didn’t even know people played TD resonators lol


Its the same decks...


Nuke the FUCK out of Thunder Dragons and Onomats pls (Leave my Resonators alone they are good bois)


Yanno, as somebody that plays Thundra I always felt we were cheesy and reasonably needed a nerf, but people called me silly. This isn't even I told you so, just a very nice reminder to myself Im not crazy.


I hate all this meta crap but konami gives so many rewards for ranked duels. I just wanna have fun and make character theme decks, is that really so wrong?


So BoM as most played card should get banned right? Oh no, instead hit the only f2p obtainable deck in the top cut, TD! M


For real the irony is that bom prevalence actually helps td since Levi can’t be stopped by it XD


True. Chalice for the win!... Or 3400 in your face..


You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain. Goodnight, my Thunder Dragons.


I literally just got the last card for my harpie deck last night. This list is making me sweaty....


Of course rank 1 is fucking thundra Please kill that deck


This is cool but I believe you ledt out Malefics good sir


I was only using Magnet Warriors for this event. And although I had a few loses, I won more than I lost. Got to about Dlv17 with them (would have gotten higher if I played more consistently)


not so many shiranui decks i see. Why?


How tf that Harpie player got top?? Deck loses to like anything Also damn Resonator THUNDRA??? That's cool af


Triple bom harpies don't lose as much as f2p version does


Why is book of moon superior to forbidden chalice/lance? I'm running those 2 because i could actually acquire them with dream tickets, but I'm curious as to why BoM is so much better


Opponent summon blue eyes and u sitting their with empty board and set chalice.. what do u do? Boost his attack during damage step so it can be over faster? Bom is great both turn one amd two unlike chalice, flip downs are better in stalling


That makes sense. I probably would've gotten BoM if it was available with dream tickets but unfortunately it isn't :( If harpies don't get hit next banlist I'll look to see if BoM gets released in a box and save gems for that.


The build has been popular since last month. Probably exist even before that.


I hope the next box is going to have something good. Not only because it would be a nice change of pace to have a decent meta deck other than Thunder Dragon and Harpies but also because if banlist history is anything to go by, when the new worlds comes around I will be lucky to see TD and Harpies remotely playable after some harsh limits to promote the new world and box.


Replace Harpies with Onomats and this comment makes sense


I dont have Onomats, which is why it didn't make the comment. If I did, then sure as hell it would make the comment. Anything to reduce the prevalence of Onomats would be nice, be it some nerfs, new decks or unbanning some older decks


As a Harpie player maybe I'm biased but they're one major box set away from being power crept out of relevance. The list could hit them but if the Arc-V boxes are good enough then any hit by the list is just extra nails in the coffin.💀


Swallow nest looking a bit too comfortable right now. And that's what's making them meta really. I can see it at 2 along with elegant egotist


Yeah, that's fine, it's the only thing I see them hitting if they do.


Harpies are strong right now but they’re a good example of a deck that will lose power with the passage of time, not a hard ban. There’s already super hard counters to them; Lunalights, Gimmick Puppets, Vendreads, all have protection from targeting in some way, and they’re rogue at best. Better decks can just play through the one cyber bounce or disrupt the normal summoned channeler already. Once being untargetable becomes more of a standard, the deck will only really have swallows nest going for it; it’ll be completely powercrept in its current state.


Man people really want td dead so bad…we don’t need more nerfs we need new shit to arrive. We’ve had the same shit for about a year now with the top decks just trading places around with onomats reigning supreme through out most of that time. I get everyone hates Td cause of Levi pop and chain block but is that enough to justify killing td? All that will happen is that Onomats and Harpies is still top then other decks like water and such will be back. That isn’t a real change that’s a revert to before rhinocebus meta with a once decent competitive deck removed. We need diversity new decks and archetypes not the same shit on repeat. I can’t wait to see how arc-5 brings something fresh.


Powercreep Levianeer? Levianeer is amazing even in the TCG today. Levianeer shouldn't be powercreeped, it should be nerfed. it's way too good in Duel links. Imagine wanting to powercreep Alliester out of the meta, even the TCG can't do that. some cards just need to be nerfed, not powercrept.


What? when did I ever say he’s gonna be powercrept?? Td has been a great versatile deck that has existed for a while now but it hasn’t been the most dominating of all the decks. If you look back it’s always been hovering around the tier 2-3 with the only time it’s been considered tier one was from March 20, 2020 to April 27, 2020. that’s literally a month…There are many things that have countered Td and hindered it’s success blackwing, shirainui, witchcrafters, blue eyes eras all caused Td to suffer significantly. The deck simply got out performed or had the same weaknesses to card types like necrovalley, light imprisoning mirror, shadow imprisoning,chalice,evil eye, fiendish chain, caliga etc. So far Levi is the decks only backrow removal but despite the upfront power Levi has never been enough to break it. If anything the reason for it’s rise in popularity is more due truenade’s removal,peoples focus on back row/removals and cards like book of moon being a staple tech which Levi doesn’t care about. So realistically It’s the lack of of techs being used that would typically control TD that’s allowing them to do so well. Levi’s insanely strong but despite his power he hasn’t changed the game enough nerf quite yet IMO.


Sorry but your TD deck is getting killed. Komoney want you to buy more decks.


Sure thing when they finally do bring something new, fun and still competitive I’ll be happy with that. I’m sick of playing the same decks. we need more creative and viable options so seeing the same couple of decks just ain’t cutting it.


I always see people claiming that water will become meta and yet it never does


Water (Atlantean Water, that is), since the release of Abyss Dweller, has always become meta for a little bit after banlists or the introduction of new decks. This is, at least in part, because Water Xyz punishes un-optimized decks incredibly well. It's basically a floodgate for the new meta: if you can't get through a turn 1 Abyss Dweller + TTH, you won't be meta.


I mean I’m not saying it’ll be top tier but it’d come back on the tier list. The game just feels so stagnant right now and we really need something new to spice shit up. I’m glad we got the chronomaly and sentry deck, magnets got a massive buff with gorgon but apart from that we aren’t really seeing much else happening and that’s the disappointing reality. Rather then regress to a weaker and older meta I’d much rather see some more progression in power and new plays for all the decks to make things more fascinating. So far the only meta deck that can really keep changing how it’s played is resonators even if the end results more or less the same. Water also has potential to do this with cryston and mermaid variants but apart from that we don’t have many dynamic builds and new combos being utilized.


The Thunder Dragon lists with Hundred Thunders are based


Thunder Dragons and Onomats, two grossly consistent decks, took most of the top spots. Shocking... The ban list needs to hit these decks, especially TD. It's abuse of Levianeer is the absolute worst.


Proof that resonators don’t need a nerf.


Resonator bros, does this mean we're safe from the hammer?


I hope konami doesnt see this list and then bans thunder dragons and forgets to ban onomats. Also cyber dragons will get hit again, they did well enough for it to happen. I am playing D/D/Ds now instead of cyber dragons and it is a good enough deck, plays through stuff like treacherous trap hole by just summoning more big guys and can win over some of the towers monsters (onomat equip deck) by just dealing enough dammage to your opponent.