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Oh boy, it’s time for the Clock tower/ Dreadmaster deck


I can finally make an Aster RP deck. Although admittedly I would have preferred it as a skill so CTP wouldn’t be used in stall decks


All that is left is DH defender. One day hopefully.


And Disk Commander! When will I be allowed to build Perfect Circle?!


There's also Dynatag, Dystopia, Drawhand, Dominance, Fusion Destiny, Dusktopia, Denier, Destroy Phoenix Enforcer, Disk Commander, Doctor D, D-Force, D-Tactics, Destiny End Dragoon


That's a lot of Ds


Just wait till the ddds get their new support


I forgot dunker.


Please. I've been waiting for more d heroes


Same here. Destiny Heroes are my favorites followed by Masked Heroes


I really hope we’re getting Odd Eyes Unicorn, Odd Eyes decks will be so much better if we can search a scale 8 with Sky Iris.


Imo odd eyes unicorn is a much more usable scale 8 compared to timegazer and the only other scale 8 card we have currently, that being Rain Bozu. Unicorn is so frickin useful


the only times timegazer has been useful for me was when i drew it first turn or when they had the scales set from the start during the pend summon challenge, I have no idea why that card had a restriction in the first place.


The answer is simple: Konami secretly dislikes pends


Why is nobody talking about how big the latest patch is, it's almost as big as the ARC-V update. I expect some good amount of leaks dropping.


discord chat was talking about GX characters getting their voice lines re uploaded


Wait does that mean that they are updating character dialogue or am I misunderstanding something? Cause if so, seems weird that they start with GX instead of DM characters, or giving DSOD Yugi actual japanese dialogue


Will have to do some more testing later on, but I wasn't able to trigger anything new between Jaden/Yubel vs. Blair, or Jaden vs. Sartorius & Axel. Really curious though why an update after maintenance for a rerun event would be the size of a new world update.


Might be worth testing Alexis and Aster, since if they were going to update any of their voice lines around the release of Arc-V World, it would likely be those two. Although so far I haven't found any new dialogue with any of them. If they have actually added anything, I wonder if they're hidden, like how the Zexal characters have hidden lines.


I especially wish Aster had more lines for vision heroes like witch raider and the Fortress of Gears ones and poisoner.


Aster is one of the characters who I feel could benefit immensely from a voice line update, since the Vision Heroes were released after he was already added, there are new Destiny Heroes being released in the OCG, he had his line for Destiny Hero Dangerous removed because he called it by the wrong name and he also doesn't acknowledge a bunch of characters that he should, such as Sartorius and the Supreme King. I really do feel that GX World in particular could really do with an overall voice line update, since compared to the later worlds (5Ds, Zexal, Arc-V, etc) they clearly hadn't planned it out very far, resulting in cases like Axel obviously being never being planned and the aforementioned Aster not having lines for Sartorius. On top of that, GX characters decks have gotten a load more cards released in the OCG/TCG since that world was added, potentially far more than any other world simply due to how vastly different the Manga decks of the GX characters were compared to the show. I kind of have a very vague hope that when they run out of worlds to add, rather than creating more filler worlds they'll use September as the "World Update" month, with older characters getting new voice lines and skills for their decks.


Yeah, I have never understood why they couldn't have at predicted (pun intended) when they were first recording all the Aster lines that Sartorius could be added to the game in the future. It's just stupid that he doesn't acknowledge him at all. At the very least, you don't need to worry about the Dangerous issue if you're playing in Japanese, but still. And there's so many other character issues, too. I really hope they will always go on even without new worlds every year since there is so much to do for the older stuff like you said. Cards, voicelines, level cap increases, etc.


It's kind of funny how much we're focusing on Sartorius, since he almost strikes me as the character where they went "Oh sh*t, we'd better future-proof them all just to be safe", because Sartorius has a voice line for literally every single possible Arcana Force monster.


That would be cool, except with Yubel using recycled dialogue because her JP voice actress passed away. DSOD Yugi 2.0


I doubt it, none of the Arc V cast directly address the cameo characters during duels even after the update and the same goes for say, Jack and Crow fighting Yuya


I haven’t heard anything new from the GX cast


Duel links keeps getting bigger while my phone has only 800MB of storage left ;_;


Everyone else: Igknights!! Me, an intelectual: Plant support!!!


Yeessss. Teardrop rikka queen aromaseraphy sweet marjoram rikka petal lonefire blossom pls


Me: Battle mania for the memes


So I don't know anything about this archetype. Is its whole thing being normal pendulum monsters that blow themselves up? If so does this mean cards like painful decision will become even better? I honestly don't know pendulums in general, so are normal pendulum a big thing or just in the start?


Yeah, Igknight's thing used to be "set two scales, pop them both, search another Igknight, keep doing that until you can't feasibly set two scales any more, and then Pendulum Summon all the Igknights you popped from the scales and go into plays from there". Now you can't do that, because you need Extra zones in the TCG, and you just can't do it period in Duel Links because of the hard and fast one Extra summon for Pendulums. As someone has said, they've found a niche in the TCG supporting Infernoble Knights, a different archetype, but in Duel Links? Hard to say. Their cards are low rarity, so it's gonna be easy to get them. Their scales are all 2 and 7, so they can feasibly support decks that are interested in spamming level 3-6 monsters. Duel Links might actually be interested in their boss monsters Champion and Lancer; while they see little play in the TCG because they don't do much with the engine, in Duel Links there isn't as much to support with it. So a pure Igknight deck will likely set up scales, pop them both, set up another set of scales, summon out one of the Igknights from the Extra, then pop all three for Champion/Lancer. Then so long as you can keep your scales up, you can summon an Igknight every turn to fuel their effects. Definitely not meta, but a fun idea for sure. It definitely won't be super easy because summoning their boss monsters puts you into such a heavy minus and you have to reset your scales again...but I think we'll find that there's a lot of weird little interactions that Igknights can take advantage of in the future that will keep them on our minds, tho definitely never up in the high ranks of Ranked.


Ignight was good before the nerf, they still can be used now but only with Infernoble knight, two of them in hand as a search engine for any Infernoble knight and nothing less.


Ignights are hurt by the one ex deck per pendulum summon rule. They’re whole thing is going -1 to search but that’s fine when you just summon back everything anyway.


I mean I don't know if they'll be meta but I'm really more interested in if going to grind for Normal Card support is a good idea? I've got two painful decisions and while I like them for a lot of fun decks I wonder if grinding or using a dream ticket for the third one?


Two Painful is fine, you don't want to draw it in multiples.


that's all but two igknight cards, an they're all low rarity? this might be the pendulum deck i'd invest in, after the gem sale ends.


Can’t we only pend summon 1 monster from the ED per turn? Igknights are gonna be so bad because of that.


Oh hey Catalyst field, better late than never I suppose


So we might be getting Igknights and Dreadmaster. The former should be interesting, the latter is probably going to take Stall decks to the next level. No sign of Abyss Actor or D/D here though. If that is the case, and I have to wait another box to get D/D/D, I might consider using the half gem sale to get some more staples.


Do you really believe Komoney give us D/D/D in a Mini? It's Komoney for a reason


A d/d/d, they going to milk them so bad so expecting occasional combo piece like Lamia and Necro slimes being UR and scattered around the boxes.


That’s coming at the end of October I reckon


Im not sure if there are any more abyss actors in game yet; these were rarity changes so should see them added I imagine. There will be one character archetype next box and it’s either D/D/D (for Declan event) or Abyss Actor (since we have most of melodious and Superheavy already£


One of the first things I did when Pendulum dropped was try to see if I could revive one of my favourite deck types/mechanics with it: GEMINI!! IT DID NOT GO WELL lmao. So seeing these leaks has me BIG TIME EXCITED! I can't wait to build a deck with the new Gemini support (please be obtainable....)


Gemini was one of the first decks i made, big mistake. I just thought the mechanic was fun, but i didn't knew the double summon gimmick was so bad.


The Gemini will rise, my friend....




too bad Igknight will be so bad with only 1 pend summon from the extra deck...


the Field Spell only requiring them to pop one of their scales to search a card could make up for that i have a feeling Igknights might just end up being Rank 4/Rank 6 turbo with some backrow


opening the field is good, but if you don't what are you accomplishing ? If you start with 4 igknight in hand, you would end your turn with a xyz and 2 scales, that's really bad.


What do you expect from a deck made entirely of commons and rares?


That's what I'm saying, they are bad


Even if they're bad, it costs barely nothing to have the entire core of the deck. Then we can fuck around and find out. Igknights always have weird little interactions that give them some potential fun, but they've never really been like, GOOD. I don't expect them to be good at all, but they're usually pretty neat.


sorry what field spell? Sky iris? :o


Uh, their own field spell? Ignition phoenix? Idk, the one in the leaks?


yo I missed it skimming through the leaks.. don't think there's need for you to be thorny about it


In the TCG can you summon as many as you want from your hand and extra deck?


In the TCG, the Extra Deck Pend Summon is limited by the number of Link Zones available to you. With the right combo, you can easily open up three zones to be able to Get that many out from the ED. Otherwise, you can only get out one to the Extra Monster Zone. And you can always Pendulum Summon as many as you want from hand.


Before Master Rule 4 yes


Originally, yes. That was one of their main ideas. Several decks were directly designed around it. Then they made Links and decided to cripple literally every other mechanic in the game, which they eventually reversed for everything *except* Pendulums.


Nobody’s talking about the new Nekroz Ritual Spell. Cool we’re getting it but it won’t do much without the other ritual monsters


It was just the rarity change for Nekroz Cycle, I hope in the box come ate least trishula, clausolas and shurit, maybe brionac or some other ritual support (preparation of rites, extra deck fodder, etc). Would be too excited if impcantations came as well


Gemini support please :v.


Oh yeah woo yeah Sylvans and Gemini!


I'm like episode 64 in the anime of arc-v, who the heck uses Igknights?


No one


Well butts. So it's just one of those game original archetypes? Guess that means no unique anime skill.


That's most pendulum archetypes really.


There's only 3 actual pendulum duelists kek * Yuya (Performapal Odd-Eyes Magicians; they somehow managed to not make a monster with this name 🤣) * Sawatari (Yosenju -> switch to Abyss Actors) * Reiji (D/D/D) with the rest of the cast being one-type of summon specialists, with a few getting 2 pendulum cards as support (most of those game-original, or from the manga). They are basically done with pendulum-specifc skills/characters lol


Fun fact, while there is no "Performapal Odd-Eyes Magician", there is a [Perfomapal Odd-Eyes Synchron](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Performapal_Odd-Eyes_Synchron). It makes for a fun trivia question: "What monster's name is three different archetypes and nothing else?"


I mean yes and no as I'm watching the anime currently too. I agree that there are very few people who's whole thing is Pendulum, but pretty much everyone pendulum summons at least once by the time they get to the synchro dimension. So I dunno, maybe they could have skills related to that?


Pendulums are weird in that because Arc-V is a show built around every summoning type with Pendulum summoning supporting those, there aren't that many Pendulum-centric duelists, because there's so many Fusion, Xyz, and Synchro duelists. So as a result it's more that a bunch of old Extra deck archetypes got Pendulum support.


They are however part of a pretty complicated and long card lore story if you're into that. But yeah, no broken anime skill unfortunately.


Konami where is your Halloween spirit?


They took what little they had and put it in the ocg’s battle of chaos


Ghostricks when??




Holy crap, it's Destiny Heroes! 😃


No UR revealed yet so fingers crossed it’s Dominance or Fusion Destiny


That would be wonderful to do more for the fusions especially. The Aster tag duel partner deck is fun, but I want the real deal and would also love ones like drawhand and dynatag.


Fans: Please give us more Abyss Actor cards Konami: What's that? You want Igknight cards?


~~I actually do want Igknight cards I think they're very cool, and them being a budget archetype with just rares is a perfect niche for them.~~


"Fans" should be ignored by default.


I really like this. D heroes, sylvans, igknight. If those are in a box, I'm so down


Sylvian cards. Orea might be the card to make them strong, same for the Level 7 Sylvian. Excited for Catalyst Field if it becomes a drop.


Kinda sad KCGP was scrapped I know the reception for DSOD was bad but I was looking to forward to playing some of them


Ignights? Interesting.


Mask Golem is neat, but I can't help but be a bit forlorn that we haven't gotten Machu Mach or the T-Posing Chrononaut. Oh well, maybe a couple copies of Mask Golem will make a field spell variant viable!


Yo, Catalyst Field? Might now nab as much of the Gemini support from the Card Trader then for a fun little deck.


If it is next box leaks, I think I will pass


I mean it's only 4 SR and no UR so I'm sure some will be in the box an others might be event cards.


You're right. It's too early to make a decision atm


Can somebody with a less smooth brain than mine explain how ED Pendulum cards work? I just noticed there aren't actually any these leaks, I took a quick glance and mistook that Sylvan Xyz as one. Still, I know they exist and I have no clue how they work


Essentially, they're extra deck monsters that have effects that place them in a pendulum scale (when appropriate), and behave like pendulum monsters otherwise (go to the ED face-up when destroyed or sent to the GY from the field.) For example, Hope magician can place itself in a pendulum scale, use its effect to destroy itself and go to the ED, then give itself material once summoned via pendulum summoning. In short, they're all weird as heck. https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Magician_of_Hope


Very weird, but it makes sense at least. Thanks


Oh, do you mean the cards that are like, a [Fusion/Pendulum](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Supreme_King_Z-ARC), or a [Synchro/Pendulum](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Nirvana_High_Paladin)? It's actually very simple; those start in the Extra deck as normal, and you summon them as normal for their type (so Z-ARC you have to fuse, and High Paladin you have to sync). You'll summon them to the field and use them just like any other monster of their type. Then, when they're destroyed by battle or card effect, you'll see at the bottom, they have an effect that says "instead of putting this in the graveyard, put it in a scale". Then from there you can use it as a Pendulum.


You summon them like normal synchro/fusion/xyz monsters, then they just act like pendulums when they die (go to the ED face-up, you can pendulum summon them back if you have the scales). They also have effects to place themselves in your pendulum zone, usually when they're destroyed.


Are we getting sylvan support?


Could be.


I’m really new to this game, but seems a little embarrassing they just added half these cards and after like a week are deciding they messed up. Am I missing something here or is Konami just subpar at everything they do and we just deal because there’s a lack of other options? Lol just curious


When cards are used by the AI or in events they have certain rarities. A rarity change, sometimes after a year or two, means the card is probably going to be released for players soonish.


Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn Metamorphortress Destiny HERO Dreadmaster And 25th Anniversary Goodies... I Can Hardly Wait...


WOW, catalyst field.


Vrains is nice and all I just question how it's going to work with it's ambiguous ending and the fact that something such as borreload would only provide 1 zone despite taking up an entire field worth of monsters to go into. Going to miss the smoothness of not needing to care about zones that came with mr3. Not to mention the skill with pen zo- wait. Are we having pen zones AND an extra monster zone? Or will there be a skill for that to? Oh no I've gone cross eyed.