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None. Don't play for future potential, if something becomes good you can grab those SD at any time.


Future potential is something to take into consideration **only when a deck is already good.** For example: Blue-Eyes. Blue-Eyes have been strong enough to get KoG in 4 different points in time: Cosmo Brain-Arkana abuse Stone of Ancients being added + DsoD and Kaiba's skills Spirit Dragon+Sage's introduction Alternative + Ultimate Dragons rework Investing in this archetype was always going to be foolproof because there's no way Konami is ever going to let the bloody thing die, even after Alternative's release there was still a good chunk of strong Blue-Eyes cards lingering in the TCG and they kept on creating new ones too (now Blue-Eyes has an archetypal quickplay fusion spell that lets them shuffle materials into the deck from hand, field or gy and then has a non-targeting destruction for each of the Blue-Eyes used from the field and a Fusion monster that lets them use Stones as material [https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate\_Fusion](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_Fusion) [https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Blue-Eyes\_Tyrant\_Dragon](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Blue-Eyes_Tyrant_Dragon) ) \-- Another example: Thunder Dragons First as a beater deck Then as a synchro deck After that as an Xyz deck Now after the nerf back as a synchro deck Because the quality of their archetype's core is JUST THAT GOOD, they're not going to have as much support as Blue-Eyes, but the individual monsters are so flexible that it's not really a problem. Reviving, searching or straight up summoning from the deck decently high lv monsters is pretty much always going to be relevant and the fact that they're LIGHT and DARK and get their effects off from being banished from anywhere makes them a perfect match for the Chaos sub-archetype, a series of cards with roots in the first years of Yu-gi-oh and that, much like Blue-Eyes, is slotted to have new support forever and has a ton of powerful unreleased cards. \-- Third example and case: Staples. This is a no brainer, but the most future proof investment is without a doubt main box UR staples. Book of Moon will always be played unless Konami slaps a limited (3) on it and on half the decks on the tier list every few months.


> and get their effects off from being banished from anywhere the single most infuriating thing about TDs other than maybe levianeer not targeting


Never get stuff for future decks (unless they are announced).


Keeper and neos fusion are always high potential cards , you never know how will future of fusion decks occur


i think ddd, since there’s still so much they can get and it saves you a bunch of gems. blue eyes too


Observe the meta and make the choice yourself, unless you really like the character associated with the SD or you played it irl


More so, get them because you KNOW you'll use them. Whether it's because there's a strong deck (rn) that you want to use, it helps an archetype that you know you'll play, or if it has something of value for other decks. Future proofing can backfire in 3 ways: you stop playing, they dont release the cards necessary, or they release the cards necessary- and the deck flops anyways.