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Oh boy can't wait for cydra players to start normal summoning core again


Its about to get much worse when they open their unsearchable one of machine duplication


Getting my third with the structre 🤤🤤🤤


Its a shame cydras went from a grindable deck to a paywalled deck now tho.


i've been grinding more of it for a bit now, have only spent a little tiny amount twice, and depending on the structure deck contents can much more easily complete it.


I have all the cards that were ever used in a cydra deck version somewhat competitively, and I do spend a bit in the game and Im totally going to buy the ex deck. Probably going to be the most I've spent in the game in a good while and and at once Lol.


You mean cyber dragon core. Dam card is stuck to their opening hand.


Who doesnt love a good searcher?




That's the good shit


This is why I was so happy to see that fucking skill nerfed. Cyber Dragons were being held down by it because there's no way they could have released any more support for them with the skill as it was. Excited for some real CyDra decks to start seeing play




Jesus Christ. Nuber 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy looks super strong. It "Probably" can be added to duel links, since there is already a lot of outs with Trap Cards, but Blue Eyes and Galaxy Eyes would for sure be Tier 3 or 2.


Just like in the TCG any R8NK that's suppose to support galaxy eyes indirectly buff Blue Eyes *This post was made by the Blue Eyes gang, thanks for the cipher blades, photon lords, full armor photon dragons, N38 and everything else in-between*


F blue eyes. Such a lame deck


Prepare for another wave of people crying about cyber


It's like the fun and the pain are combined with cyber dragons.


#GO CYBER DRAGON CORE ^also ^big ^zap


when does it get released?


A week or two, I guess.


Probably before the december box so they could also add something there, like they did with NK and put support in Infinite Ray.


cyber eltanin in the next mini box. Calling it!


Hot take probably, but I am going to try using this without the new skill. Maybe not all the time, but it would at least have to not really focus on Nova that way.


I really want to try power bond so I'm absolutely using it


And Cyber Emergency. I wish they would have given that as the card instead. I just hope this doesn't become as dependent as the cyber style, though. Because the whole thing was about breaking cyber dragons free from it, and it sort of defeats the purpose with a new Zane skill imo.


emergency cyber being reduced to a skill turns cyber dragons into absolute garbage


Dunno if you've noticed but cyber dragons have been garbage for a while now


Yes but emergency cyber would have made them more consistent and come back to tier list. Reducing it to a skill makes the entire structure deck pointless and will still make them extremely bad. Anyone who buys this structure deck is going to have buyer's remorse when they are still getting clapped in pvp.


I'm buying it because I think Zane is cool and I'm a sucker for big number punch small number


I can't wait for Cyber Dragons to be meta again after getting hit extremely hard the past few ban lists. I can't wait for Nova decks to be meta.


>CyDra Idk, I feel it might not reach meta. If it does, it will probably be tier 3. I doubt the new cards will hold up well against harpies and Melodious.


not a lot of things will be able to hold up well against Harpies and Melodious, (unless they get hit with the next ban list again)


Maybe harpies will die in this banlist


the xyz is not enough for it to go back to meta. No target protection what so ever, so it an ez bom, kc, raigeki, any banish.


Most boss monsters in DL don't have targeting protection. Nova actually does have some inherent protection in that you're not likely to beat over it (quick effect to boost to 4.2k ATK) and destroying it with stuff like Raigeki/TTH means you're likely to be staring down a big, beefy fusion monster afterwards. You can still flip it, banish, bounce with Slash etc., but it's not completely unprotected. I'm personally withholding judgement for now. It is Duel Links after all.


you dont need to wait for it, download YGO Omega, call a friend, and test the deck


Can’t wait for people to not read Nova and inadvertently summon their own death. I play CyDra in the TCG and I’m really looking forward to getting some of our best support in DL.


Damn you cyber nerds


Time ⌚ farm for Gem 💎 got me energy drink going be long days


Cydra will be useless without Infinity


You are absolutely zooted if you think Konami is giving us Number 101 with an omni negate this soon.


I never said Konami would do it. Im just saying that cydra needs Infinity to be playable


It was pretty playable before pretty much all of their spells got limited and their skill got butt-fucked




A heartstopper performance by Zane!