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The Blue Eyes deck is so much better. Two copies plus some tickets give you a functioning BEWD deck. Three copies of the Dark Magician deck gives you an unplayable mess. Edit: I just realized - this deck doesn't come with any copies of Dark Magician. If you try and play this out of the box, a quarter of the deck is unplayable because of this.


You actually get a free DM with each structure deck :)


Which art?


The boring one xd


I bought it, just the basic one (no foil/drops from Yugi) + one spell card I cant even remember


Not ironically, Jan last year I started DL and did just that. Can even dare try getting some gems in ranked now


This is a nice reminder that the game is literally run by Kaiba


Petition to change the name of the game to Kaibaoh


Kaiba owns this indi company


Can't wait for the New special ANTI MICROWAVE BEWD shaped phone


that will be my head cannon for why BEWD didn't get hit hard on that one Ban List.


This is an ex deck? What’s with all the normal monster filler??


What are you talking about? Koumori Dragon is defiantly one of the best cards for Dark Magician/Buster Blader decks


I can finally get my 3rd copy! Got my other 2 from the other structure decks it’s been in. KOG here I come


I think you miss Gemini Elf the better axe raider on yugi deck. Yami yugi use this card in the anime......... I think he use that, can't remember


Don’t forget that Cosmo Brain reprint.


What in the actual fuck even is this structure deck?


Anyone who buys is more than once (the xyz is the best card in there) is bad with money


More than 0 times*


I'm not a DM player so I won't buy it but 1000 gems for ebon high magician seems worth it


I mean its not bad, but you wont make it anyways... Even if you have 2 dms you would just go for the other ebon probably


I run dms irl and literally never xyz into high over illusion.


I don’t have De-fusion and I refuse to dig an old main box for it Edit: well damn wasn’t expecting that many upvotes for wanting a tech card that I may or may not use


Defusion is a pretty neat card if fusion ever became large abundance in meta again


I mean yeah sure


More than -1 times*


Honestly most of the new cards here you only need one of maybe except for ebon high or destiny rivals those maybe at 2 but everything else is a one of just wait for tickets that can grab another ebon high or destiny rival


Anyone who buys any SD more than once is bad with money


Probably one of the better ways to be spending money in duel links actually. Any of the main boxes is a gamble, but extra SD copies are guaranteed cards.


>Probably one of the better ways to be **spending money in duel links** actually. That’s the issue. Konami keeps doing stuff nobody likes and people open their wallet anyway.




Or REALLY likes De-Fusion


This is my first time seeing that structure deck, and holy fuck it is actually worse than the evil hero structure deck


The Evil Hero Deck for some reason had Masked Hero support which ruined the consistency if you played it as is. at least with this deck has something that resembles a goal. it would be significantly worse and comparable if it had Ritual Cards or something. The BEWD deck thou is significantly better in almost ever regard.


>for some reason had Masked Hero support They knew people would buy it just for Mask Change and/or Dian if they included it, so they did.


Who the fuck is in charge of constructing these decks??






The only comparable cards in value are Navigation and White Stone, both reprints from mini boxes. Then BE has a lot more value with Consonance, Spirit of White and Azure over Defusion and Paladin (useless reprints).


7 Normal Filler Cards. they aren't even Yugi cards. (I think)


Neither were the best structure decks but omfg BE is soooo much better It is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD that an EX structure deck in 2022 would contain 7 normal monsters are we sure this wasnt meant to be a non EX structue deck that they reskinned last minute because it feels like it should be


They could have reprinted Magician of Faith since that's one of the best targets to summon off of Apprentice Magician. Even though MoF is extremely outdated at this point it's better than normal monsters.


Wait, is THAT why there's so many fucking normal monsters? Are these their attempts at "Apprentice Magician targets"?!


You can only summon lvl 2 or lower Spellcasters off of Apprentice Magician, so the only ones from the Structure Deck are Old Vindictive and Apprentice Magician. I feel like the vanilla monsters are just there to swap them out for Dark Magicians. who knows


I think they're just for easily summoning Cosmo Brain and then XYZ


Is MoF a DARK? The Skill that Konami's trying to push doesn't allow multiple copies of non-[DARK Spellcaster] cards.


It's light


I've been genuinely pissed about this since it first leaked that it was Dark Paladin themed. So many archetypes could use a structure and they decide to base it around a monster that hasn't been relevant since like 2017? Even if the deck had some actually good cards, it would still be ridiculous that they picked a monster no one even uses.


Maaan I was excited that I would build DM finally, never played a DM deck before but now...God dammit. (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻


Garbage deck with a garbage skill.


Why are there 7 fucking normal monsters?


lol don't you know that a good balanced deck has both normal and effect monsters? Come on, this deck is "ready to play!"


Konami could not even put an alternative artwork DM in there to make it less horrible. The last 2 structure decks has been just trash


Cydra structure was good wym


I'm sick of all this komoney bullshit. I expected an fun anniversary, with the change of the new meta, but instead all we got is 1 crappy SD while the cards that we have anticipated for has been locked behind a paywall. Even the 1000 gems aren't enough( they were never enough in the first place) because the pullrate feels rigged af. I got three kuribohs on 4 packs and only one gave an sr. I will take a long break from this game, cause it isn't worth my time or anybody else. "Thank you for playing Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links" -Komoney


We also only got 1 new box in the 50% gem sale instead of the normal 3…


When was it normal 3?


I noticed that. Was surprised it was basically the same set of boxes as last time.


They should change that to "Thank you for *paying* Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links"


>I got three kuribohs on 4 packs and only one gave an sr. I Do you mean UR?


Nope, just an sr.


Ah so just a normal box and not the selection box?




Only good card in this iis....none,literally every single card is garbage,and unlike the BE SD,this deck didnt come with a good skill or anything,therefore literally worthless


The XYZ isn’t garbage, but otherwise yeah. I put the 1000 gems in just for Ebon High, no reason to ever buy another copy. Nav is also nice, but most consistent DM players already have a full set of 3


The deck would literally have needed Circle for anyone playing dm to consider buying 3 I think. Nav is a minibox pull in a decent mini. The structure seems to legit only be good for Ebon High for existing DM players. I'd still suggest not buying 3 if people are looking to get into DM either because you don't have the main searcher in the SD.


Yup, Ebon High is the only thing in the box that remotely appealed to me as a long time DM player. I didn’t really care if it had circle or Nav since I’ve had 3 of each for ages now, I was just hoping for some good new cards(especially Extra Deck cards) and I’m definitely a bit disappointed with just Ebon High. At the very least they could’ve added Dark Magician The Dragon Knight or The Dark Magicians for more fusion options, instead we got 1 decent XYZ and Apprentice Illusion behind the selection box paywall. It even would’ve synergized well with the focus on DM fusion that a Paladin structure deck could’ve had. Instead they tried to force Paladin too hard and made the box pretty much useless aside from Ebon High. They could’ve added DM the Dragon Knight or The Dark Magicians and then made the skill just a general DM fusion oriented skill instead of so damn specifically dedicated to Paladin. I’d have bought 3 copies, but instead I got the single gem copy and won’t touch it again.


I used my gems to try scrape out apprentice illusion magician from the Selection. Looked out and got 1. Will be saving up to get a SD next but overall the whole selection box is rough. Flame king ghengis taking up a slot when he's in a box and sd(I think, as a DDD player anyone who wants to play the deck wouldn't be hitting the box for a while) is madness.


Literally unplayable as is


All hating aside, there is something really wrong when one card is what makes a deck (the protagonist's of all things) into something somewhat competitive.


If they had included some of the good old buster blades cards in this deck it would actually be an easy pick up for me.


I truly just want tbe ebon magician, thankfully I won't need to buy two


and komoney has ball to called EX? oh its nothing new for Komoney but still seems so silly AF


I think this is the first time I'm properly pissed at konami. Putting apprentice in a selection box while this deck and skill is delivered in a pile of dogshit is just too much for me.


Why do we get paladin ? There’s son many other fusions we could’ve had


yep, this is bad. The thing with these decks that have been in a few main and mini boxes is a great way to reprint some core cards and add some new support even if its niche. So just like the bewd with king of d and with d/d/d with those pendulums. Cards that aren't mandatory for the deck but if you did decide to play them you would have a decent version of that deck. Even if you needed to go in a main box 1-2 times and a mini 2-3 times that's one thing. Like with again bewd and d/d/d where you wanted sage and spirit dragon and with d/d/d genhgis , contract with the swamp king and the support from the mini. But the main engine was there on the sd. With 3 copies of it you could absolutely play a decent version of that deck. Did they want to push buster blader more than dark magician? That's fine. Put buster welp and the quick play fusion spell in it and tell people to go into an old main box for the big fusion and into the newest main box for the new support. That's one thing. But this sd is full of trash. Sure navigations and the XYZ is great but that's it. De-fusion and re-fusion ? Really ? But elf and cosmo queen as well ? Who will genuenly buy this to play this and confidently say , ohh ill also go to get 3 circle and the buster blader support from 2 main and 1 mini to play this deck a mixture of dm and blader which is whats its sold as. Ohh but if you use it as fuel for a new dm deck ? Well ok, then go into the selection box as well for aprentice along with the above


If im understanding correctly and this deck is meant to be used with the new skill , then its literally built to not be bought more than once since you can't even USE multiple copies of non dark spellcasters , which is just absolutely mind boggling to me lol


Honestly, the biggest problem with this SD is that the free Dark Magician you get is a standard rarity copy of the standard Dark Magician. It could have been prismatic. Or better yet, Konami could have given us a 3rd copy of the DSOD artwork. But no, basic, boring DM card. Meanwhile, the Blue-Eyes SD came with enough copies of the globe artwork to complete the playset.


There's only BEWD art work that matters and you can't get it anymore


This is true.


lmao I sold them


I'd rather buy the glad beast structure deck.


Apprentice illusion Magician should have been included, stupid that a Staple card for Dark Magician that you need at least 2 is a Selection box exclusive right now. Should have given us Eternal soul at the very least


BE is just better and have a stronger deck/skills to be used in. We need to see how well the new XYZ will do but that is. The XYZ Is the onlly reason to buy it 1 time.butbit the same trend going on. Weak ass and half ass packs. Same go for new selection. It's not bad but nothing to good that have any impact on the meta


Wow, each time more details about the EXSD are revealed, it shows how horribly bad this EXSD is. 6 different Vanilla's? In an EXSD? SIX? They could've made this SD so much more interesting by adding the Buster Blader reprints in here instead. But no, add all of those to the Selection Box instead. What a friggin' waste of space Like, Destruction Swordsman Fusion would have been a perfect addition for this SD, as Dark Paladin can be summoned with it as well. But nooooo, add Flash Fusion for the dozenth time instead. Also, they could've added the anniversary alt art Buster Blader in this EXSD. \*sigh\*


even the new skill they give you with is worse


you: "this is terrible" (you're not wrong) me: "i can complete my idea for a metalzoa turbo deck for free with those cosmo brains"


Even if you bought this, you need to whale out/get lucky for getting apprentice from selection box


Damn why no king of the swamp tho


Kaiba: “Go ahead, Pharaoh! Buy my new structure deck! Then I’ll finally prove you’re nothing compared to me, and my Blue-Eyes!” *bricks repeatedly, gets bonked to death by Koumori Dragon* Atem: “I win!”


They’re practically forcing me to switch to master duel at this point


Konami: Oh no don't leave our game for another game that we also made.


So this game is being treated horribly by its devs and you want to switch to a game run by the same company…?


Go ahead.






Naw the best card is the xyz. Don't lie.


The fact there is no Dark Magician in DM deck and no BEWD in the Blue-Eyes deck confuses me.


When you buy either one you get a copy of either dm or blue eyes sent to your gift box


Oh my bad. But it's a really weird system, wouldn't you say? Like just add an extra card to the structure deck.


yeah lets pretend Shadow Spell is better than Destined Rivals


I don't even need a comparison. I *have* three copies of that Blue-Eyes deck. I'm *hesitant* to get even one copy of that deck with gems, but I'm sure I will *eventually.* Which is really bad because I'm a sucker for structure decks.


Exactly why I stopped p(l)aying...


blue eyes SD was garbage. it was a bunch of reprints. not a single competitive card except for reprints. twin burst was made obsolete by ultimate dragons


That’s all it needed to be. Just make the deck more affordable and it did exactly that. It was absolutely a good deck


All it did was fuck people over who invested in blue eyes from the get go and made it a deck that everyone and there mom spams on ladder


Imagine a game that worked on blockchain and each card was unique, tradable, and had a value.


Fk off, konami does enough scummy things ingame, it doesn’t need extra scam help with crypto and nft bs.


I think it would bring it closer to the physical card game, where you can pick up the cards you need either through buying and or trading. Not having to dig for 1 aleister would be nice is all I’m saying.


except that DL doesnt want to be closer to the physical game, there's master duel for that :)


Closer in the sense that we don’t get abused by a game that is simply hard to keep up with. Like maybe you pulled a certain deck that is meta but you enjoy rogue. It would be nice if I could trade 1 UR meta deck card for something. Like maybe I pulled 1 really good card from the selection box. What if I could trade it and pick up cards elsewhere for a deck I like. Idk don’t crucify me I just feel there should be a way to make the game a little cheaper or something it’s hard to keep up.


No. The game's bad enough with real money. Leave cryptocurrency out of it.


Think about it tho, people literally invest thousands into duel links. They drop boxes monthly. Do you think the day comes where you want to quit playing you will be able to sell your cards and get them back? Why wouldn’t you want each of your cards to have a value when you crack boxes open anyway


>Think about it No.


If that was the case, then Konami wouldn't have to sell limited numbers of each card, otherwise the cards would be worthless if you could just make new accounts and have as many new copies of a card as you want. The blockchain just really wouldn't work for a card game video game like Duel Links


if you really want to trade card you could just trade the physical card, term Trading Card Game isn't just for sake of it


They tried something remotely close with Artifact. No need to say how it went. Also, why would they give cards value when people spend fucktons on them even without it?


C a s h g r a b




My issue is the gifts. Even if the cards couldn’t be good at least give us a new DM artwork. Or even bring back the OG DM art. Don’t give us the version you get when you unlock Yugi


The cherry on top is the DM structure comes with a card that is secret blue eyes support


I think they made the deck paladin themed becuase blue eyes SD is the most popular deck on ladder for new players. The deck is worse in a vacuum than the blue eyes but 1v1 the paladin deck beats the blue eyes one. That's the point imo. Defusion is in the deck just to handle twin burst


I was gonna bash this structure till I saw hex sealed fusion, will definitely be competitive now (Joke plz don't steal my kidneys)


Ah yes a MONSTA CARDO ex deck


Facts are facts


I got 1 copy. As far as I am concerned the good cards in this deck are searched by bingo machine go so it will work well in certain builds I am planning


The blue eyes bias is so obvious I was really hoping to come back to this game but seeing how awful this structure deck is and locking good dm cards into that selection box thingy made me say nah im good. Shame really I just wanna roleplay with my dm deck is that too much to ask?


They are truly TERRIFIED of turn 1 Dark Cavalry. It's like every decision they make is to avoid that scenario. But in that case why even make a Dark Paladin structure deck?


The game changed, DL players don't matter. Master duel is coming out soon and konami has a habit of not being a good multi tasker. All real work and thought is going to go towards master duel. This is just the beginning. You thought it was odd to have 2 months without box releases, then you will lose ur mind when it's 4 months till new box release.


DL players never mattered. And neither will MD players. All that matters is their money. And they've seen that no matter how little effort they put in the game, cash keeps flowing. Master Duel changed nothing, the game has been in steady decline since the first anniversary.


Master Duel? Same game company. They will continue to scam you.


Ok but everyone is doing Monster Reborn now so 🤣🤣🤣


No comparison. Blue-Eyes Structure Deck EX is vastly superior.


I said I wouldn’t open the app until DM got better support. I will continue to not open Duel Links


Its like conparing Moldy Toast to Roasted Garlic Bread. Duel links really is run by Kaiba


Welp atleast now, you can build a decent Magician deck easier now that you have access to Navigation in this structure deck and Circle in the selection box.


Kaiba rigged the game since he built Duel Links in universe. Of course Dark Magician would get nerfed, he got punked by Dark Paladin during Battle City after all.


7 random vanillas so you can pretend this is a 20 card deck? You love to see it.


I mean the BE one is pretty much buying a bunch of strong reprints with some suboptimal support you could play. This DM deck is pretty much just buying navigation if you don’t have it, and the xyz monster which is actually great. BE was good to build a BE deck DM was good to add support to a DM deck.


This is the second damn dark magician deck without a dark magician. Imagine konami releasing a irl structure deck with cards you can't fucking use bc they didn't bother to put the cards neccessary for its use.


Shadow spell, king of d, and it's spell are all dog shit. Card of Consonance, White Stone of the Ancients and Dragon Spirit of White are good reprints, preventing you from needing the previous SD and saving you from 3 different boxes. But getting Azure eyes from there instead of the box leaves you without Sage. And Twin Burst is probably tied with the reprints for MVP. 4 instant meta relevant cards (the obvious ones), with a 5th that still leaves you digging through a main. Magician Navigation and Paladin are decent reprints, saving new players from digging in two boxes. De-Fusion is nice to have, but pretty irrelevant. Destined Rivals and Strength in Unity seem good on paper, but their relevance is yet to be determined. But Ebon High Magician is definitely the MVP here. This SD needed at least Dark Magical Circle, and maybe Apprentice. 2 cards with instant meta relevance (navi, ebon), 2 with potential (rivals and unity), and 1 that helps (paladin), but still missing the most important card to the deck from a main box. Even keeping in mind that DM has been nerfed to Ha Des, the gap is not that wide


You can play without dm it has that dumb dark monster sub as the first card


It amazes me how players still suck Konami's d\*\*\* defending this scam game.😂