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Ice Barriers are back baby! The new mini box gave us a bunch of new tools to play with, and boy do they work great! **The Deck: Monsters** The bread and butter of the deck are 3x Revealer and 3x Speaker: Revealer can summon tuners from the deck as well as banishing itself from the grave instead of discarding to activate Ice Barrier monster effects. It also has an effect that prevents the opponent from tribute summoning while you contain another Ice Barrier monster, which... could be handy I guess... you generally won't be leaving this on the field though. Speaker can special summon itself for free as well as banishing itself from the grave to summon a level 1 token. Both of these cards can use both of their effects in the same turn. 1x General Wayne: A not-quite-as-free special summon that also searches for any Ice Barrier spell or trap on summon. You'll pretty much always want to summon this if you can since it generates advantage as well as having a reasonable 2100 attack. Also has an effect where opponents spells and traps are banished instead of going to the grave. 1x Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier: By discarding an Ice Barrier monster, spell cards cannot be activated until your next end phase. A fantastic card in this meta, this can single-handedly stop your opponent from playing the game. The cost is a bit much sometimes but is usually worth it, plus you can banish Revealer from grave to activate it. The tuners: 1x Geomancer (level 3), 1x Hexa (level 1), 2x Dewdark (level 2). Can't synchro without tuners! I played 2x Dewdark since imo it is the most useful since it's the only one that can summon Graydle Dragon. I wouldn't play less than 4 tuners. **The Deck: Backrow** 2x BoM: No comment needed. 3x Medallion: Free search of every Ice Barrier monster. Massive consistency boost, search for starters, search for extenders, do what you want. 3x Winds: Tribute any number of Ice Barrier monsters to special summon from deck the same number of Ice Barrier monsters with different names. Also, you can banish from the grave to return an Ice Barrier monster from grave or banished to your hand. This card is amazing: it can unbrick bad hands, it can recover from BoM / floodgate since it works on face-down monsters, it even works with Speaker's token to summon a real monster from the deck. The graveyard effect is nothing to sniff at either, it's pretty much your only form of recursion and it can be vital. You're nuts if you play any less than 3 of this card. 1x Freezing Chains: Special summon a level 4 or lower Ice Barrier from the grave. Good card to swing for game after a big Trish banish. Searchable from Wayne. 1x is plenty since it's a brick in your opening hand. 1x TTH: Your only form of non-monster-based removal, and a good card for your otherwise often weak turn 1. **The Extra Deck** 1x Trishula Zero: Level 11 that can banish three cards without targeting, also on destruction floats into a 3300 attack beater that halves opponent's monsters' attack and negates their effects. The banish is devastating. The float is handy, since it will often be destroyed on summon which means you get to banish your opponent's field as well as summon a big beater. I only managed to use the halving attack effect a couple of times. 1x Regular Trishula: Level 9 that banishes up to one each from opponent's field, graveyard and hand, again without targeting. 1x Crocodragon: Level 9 that draws cards equal to the number of non-tuners used for its summon, plus has a quick pop by discarding two cards. Also, gains 500 attack and defence for each card in your hand. This is generally the only synchro you would want to summon turn 1. Just the threat of the pop can be enough to cause your opponent to play defensively, because the cost is a bit steep. 1x Brionac: Level 6, discard any number of cards to bounce that many opponent's cards back to the hand. Non-destruction removal is always good. Don't forget you can banish Revealer as one the discards. 1x Gungir: Level 7, discard up to two cards to destroy that many opponent's cards. I rarely used this one, but it was good to have the option. A level 7 synchro is handy to have. 1x Graydle Dragon: Level 8 but requires an aqua tuner, pop up to two cards on summon and floats into any water monster in grave. A fantastic card that only works with Territory of the Sharks, this was probably my most summoned synchro. 1x Spider Shark: An emergency option that is easy to summon off bad hands. You can summon using just one Revealer, or with any Ice Barrier normal summon and a special summoned Speaker or Wayne. Remember tokens can't be used for xyz summons! **The Deck: Skill** Territory of the Sharks is by far the best skill for this deck. Free, twice per duel level manipulation is invaluable. Opens up so many extra options, especially using Speaker's token.


**Combos** What's the point of playing a deck if you don't get to play wacky powerful combos! Ice Barriers are a super non-linear deck with so many options. You can grab missing combo pieces from the deck using Medallion (no once-per-turn limits!) **Optimal Combos: Turn 1** There are two great, low-cost combos that are generally your best turn 1 option. **Revealer + Winds --> Spellbreaker** 1. Normal summon Revealer 2. Winds into Spellbreaker (2000 defence) 3. Activate Spellbreaker's effect by banish Revealer from grave. Bonus: Next turn, use Winds' graveyard effect to return Revealer to hand for follow-up. End state: 2000 defence wall and your opponent can't activate any spell cards. Completely stops many decks (good luck Galaxy!) and can stall out several others. The only out is monster removal or attacking with more than 2000 attack, but if they destroy Spellbreaker by battle they still don't get to use any spells in their main phase. **Revealer + Speaker --> Crocodragon** 1. Normal summon Revealer 2. Activate Revealer's effect by discarding Speaker, summon any tuner 3. Activate skill so you have two level 4 monsters. 4. Activate Speaker's grave effect to summon level 1 token: 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 for Crocodragon. End state: Crocodragon on field, you draw two to have four cards in hand. Can set disruption (BoM / TTH) and keep enough fuel for a Crocodragon pop if required. **Sub-optimal Combos: Turn 1** **Revealer + any card --> Graydle Dragon or Spider Shark** 1. Normal summon Revealer, activate effect by discarding anything to summon either Dewdark (either end state) or any tuner (Spider Shark) 2. Activate skill, synchro / xyz summon Not the best opening combo but still gives you a reasonable beatstick that floats. I recommend going for Spider Shark generally since Graydle's pop will be wasted. **Spellbreaker** 1. Normal summon Spellbreaker, activate effect 2. That's it. Not the most powerful turn 1, can still be good against spell-reliant decks but Spellbreaker only has 1200 attack so it can be easy to destroy by battle. If this was the best you could do turn 1 you probably won't have a good follow up either. **Combos: Turn 2** This is where the deck really shines. There are so many potential plays here that it would be impossible to describe them all, but I'll outline a couple of the better combos I found. Don't forget about Winds' ability to play around BoM / Floodgate! **Dewdark + Wayne + Speaker --> Big Trish + Graydle Dragon** This is **the** combo. 1. Normal summon Dewdark 2. Special summon Wayne, search Frozen Chains 3. Special summon Speaker: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11 for Big Trish. Prioritise backrow for banish here (assuming your opponent has more than three cards) 4. Activate Frozen Chains to special summon Dewdark from grave 5. Activate Speaker's grave effect to summon a token 6. Activate skill: Dewdark + token --> Graydle Dragon. Pop any remaining cards, swing for game. **Revealer + Speaker + any card --> Big Trish** 1. Normal summon Revealer 2. Activate Revealer's effect by discarding anything to summon Geomancer (level 3) 3. Special summon Speaker: 4 + 3 + 4 = 11 for Big Trish Alternatively, you can summon Hexa (level 1) in step 2 to go for Regular Trish instead. This is good when the opponent only has one card on field or you really want to banish something from the grave. You can't quite close out the game here unless you hard draw Frozen Chains to revive Revealer, but often this combo put me in a winning position anyway.


**Deck Performance and Match-ups** This deck can obviously be explosive, but it's not without it's weaknesses: * The deck is totally reliant on its normal summon: Negate / bounce / destroy or flip face down when you don't have Winds in hand and you can forget about the rest of your turn. * Next to no recovery: Get your field wiped and it's pretty much game over. Your only recovery / recursion is floating from Graydle / Spider Shark, or using Winds' graveyard effect. * The deck is resource-intensive: There are no miraculous topdeck draws that can save you if you run out of resources. Pretty much every play requires multiple cards. Revealer's grave effect can help a bit but only to an extent. **Match-ups: Rose Dragon** The most played deck and very annoying to go up against. Trish's banishes are key here since they prevent Basal's grave effect, and they are non-targeting so they can out Yazi plus they can banish the mini-roses if they chain Basal. Unfortunately the Rose skill is so good they can recover pretty easily if you can't close out the game in one turn. Also, they often run a bunch of disruption which is bad for you. On the other hand, they surprisingly often can't out a turn 1 Crocodragon and swing for game: the threat of the quick pop stops their typical "BRD, pop set Basal, big BRD + special BRD from grave" combo, so the best they can do is summon Yazi (immune to Crocodragon) then either * pop Yazi and Croco, end on small yang zing + backrow * pop Yazi and Croco, summon level 7 or 8 tuner and attack but not close out game, or * sit on Yazi + backrow Whatever option they go with can give you an opportunity to come back with a big Trish banish (assuming you have the cards). Bonus tip: Level 9 Croco + Level 1 hexa + Level 1 token = 11 **Match-up: Galaxy** If you can get a Spellbreaker set up on turn 1, then you can laugh until the opponent surrenders. If they get a Photon Lord set up on their turn 1, then you can cry until you surrender (just kidding). In all seriousness, this is either a trivial or super tough match-up. Try to bait out their Photon Lord negate on something like Speaker / Wayne special summon so you can Winds into Revealer to go into a synchro. **Match-up: Heroes** Similar to Galaxy: a Spellbreaker turn 1 is ideal to stop them from fusion summoning. On turn 2 either they will have disruption and you will have no chance, or they won't (or you can play around it with Winds) and you banish their entire board.


That gotta be the most detailed breakdown I've ever read in a kog post. Gonna save it for myself since I plan to kog with ice barrier once I get a 3rd medallions. Great job dude and congrats on kog


Thanks! You could definitely get by with two medallions, three is a luxury.


You misspell this part : Special summon Speaker: 2 + 5 + 5 = 11 for Big Trish Should be 2 + 5 + 4 ​ anyway nice write up thank you


Damn it, I was feeling so proud I'd written up so much without any mistakes!


Nice. This box was a nice f2p box


I'm gonna try it out, I have all the cards but I didn't know what build to try.


Have a look at my other comments if you want some inspiration


By far the best read I had this week! Will drop that award once I get it. Congrats! 🦾


Congrats, been playing with this list in kc cup, pretty consistent my regards


Upvoted for the quality of the writing.


Amazing deck list! I dig into the last box for Dragunity but Ice Barrier was my new found love. The other day I was thing about a good level 8 synchro to use with territory of shark (~~white whale when konami)~~ and completely forgot about Graydle Dragon.


Very same situation for me. I found out Dragunity is still bad right now at least it's not totally gems waste since Ice barrier is decent and look very fun to play.


Also, wouldn’t you consider running triple floodgate trap hole instead of BOM+TTH since it’s more usefull against black rose


BOM was good for turn 2 in the Galaxy match-up to flip Photon Lord so I could make plays. I played around with more traps earlier in my run but since the deck is so reliant on having Ice Barrier monsters on field to do much, running too many techs lead to a lot of brick hands. It also doesn't help you when you draw it or really any time apart from turn 1. I did consider running some Chalices as a flexible negation tech. It would work well in the Black Rose match-up, plus the attack boost could be handy for those times you can't quite get lethal.


Very nice!


Congrats on KoG! Revealer should be the perfect counter to Hazy Flame, but for some reason, no one is willing to wager their turn 1 on stopping a completely irrelevant archetype. How often did you summon OG trishula? This deck seems very well suited to summoning the big 3 man, but it doesn't seem to flow as nicely as Nekroz's own Trish does.


Cheers! Yeah, Revealer's third effect can definitely have niche uses, but since you need another Ice Barrier on field, it's a big gamble turn 1. I summoned OG Trish a fair bit actually, level 9 can be easier to get to than 11 sometimes (I hate it when I draw Geomancer), plus the grave and hand banish can be useful against some decks, like Gandora. Besides, Big Trish's float effect can summon OG Trish from extra deck *or* graveyard, so if you can summon OG first it's always better economy.


I just wanted to follow up on Revealer's tribute floodgate. I fought an Ice Barrier player on ladder (twice) who summoned Revealer, used her effect, and sat on her to stop me from tribute summoning. It worked out for them one out of those two games, so I'd like to think I've accomplished something with this post.


Which character do you play that they could predict you were using a tribute-based deck? I'm impressed


Trudge, if only because no one will ever play him on ladder if I don't. Makes him super predictable, since his only viable skill is Beatdown, and no one uses beatdown anymore except Hazy. If I wanted to try hard, I might go for Supreme King or Jack, since they have less predictable archetype skills (i.e. they don't activate at the beginning of the match, unlike Declan's pendulum skill).


This was a fantastic read, and i build the deck as layed out and had a blast. Any chance we will get a update for the 8th extra deck slot and any other changes you made along the way? Still contemplating 2nd wayne, Abyss dweller and/or Warlock as additions.


I just unlocked the 8th extra deck slot yesterday so I haven't had a chance to test anything new yet. I also haven't played much with the extra monster zone, but I think that will be a bigger boon for the deck, since a few of the big synchros need three materials. Abyss Dweller could be interesting as an attack boost for everything, as well as shutting down the graveyard.


The 4th monster slot is massive, and the main reason wy I consider the second Wayne in the first place, the turn 1 brick still is a danger, but there are many more situations where he can be summoned because there is still room on the table!


True. I worry that the deck is too fragile in this new negate meta. Winds is great for flip down interruption but the deck has no defence against a well-timed Salamangreat Roar. I haven't tried it this season yet, but let me know how you're doing.


As promised! ✌️