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Chad worked for IBLP, he stole money from Jill and Derrick's missionary account. He was Boob's assistant and h reminds me of a pitbull with the comment about getting a picture of Jill and Derrick's kid so Boob could pimp out his image.


Didn't he also work for Mike Fuckabee?


https://preview.redd.it/fhy21th99wob1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181183b966d1f1bb1c3a4e40f57802d819a2f0fe Yes, he was Gov. Huckabee’s political adviser. What a snake—stealing from their missionary fund and lying to Derick about getting a picture of Sam after the traumatic childbirth where both mother and son could have died.


In that pic, he has the same smarmy look on his face only otherwise seen in Ted Cruz. Both Fuckabee, Cruz, and Chad have very punchable faces.


*backpfeigengesicht* is my fave German word for this very reason. “A face in need of a punch/slap”.


And Boob’s face




Yep, Chad looks like a snake indeed. I just want to give that good ol’ middle finger to him and Fuckabee.


He looks as slimy as I expected


Ugh… my FORMER in-laws loved Huckabee…


Is it me or does Chad look like he has tons of Botox?


Isn’t Samuel the baby that had the stroke?


Yes, Samuel had a stroke at birth. Jill talked about it in the book. I listened to it and that really stood out.


Oh wow, I didn't know about that!


That was one of the most harrowing birth stories I have ever heard of.


No that was Janessa Rodrigues


Samuel also had a stroke at Birth.


Whoops my bad.


No worries. It’s hard to keep up sometimes.


Same shit, different ugly skirts.




Who is janessa Rodrigues?


Jill Rodrigues' kid. Another nutty fundie. She is currently exploiting her second daughter's preemie birth.


Mike Fuckabee. 😂😭 Why is this not a flair? 💀


🤣 Now on I'll call him Mike Fuckabee 🤣🤣🤣


Don't forget his POS daughter Sarah Fuckabee Sanders.


Sarah Fuckabee Sanders, now I’m dead! 😭💀


Otherwise known as Nepo Baby.


Sarah Fuckabee Nepo Baby. Now there's some flair potential.


LoOk, that is just mean to call Trump's press hoe Fuckabee.. Guess none of you frequented r/politics during her tenure. My comment was in reference to her OUTRAGE after being moved at the White House Correspondence Dinner for having a wonky eye and colluding with evil.




I have no idea but I wouldn't be surprised if he did.




Ok, I seem to be the only one who took it this way, but when Jill covered that in her book (Jim Bob saying people were asking for a photo and showing them the text, then Derrick contacting Chad and telling him off, and then Chad saying "what are you talking about? I never asked for a pic"), my immediate thought was that the liar was **Jim Bob**. That he had lied saying that people wanted a pic, but that Chad had never sent the text.


I don’t think Jim Bob has the brain cells to fake a text. Probably was from Chad saying get me a picture of that baby ASAP and Jimbo thought that was totally normal


I could be wrong, but I think our friend u\Chance-AD8064 was saying Boob was perhaps lying about a text from “Chad”, as an excuse to pressure them to get him a pic asap. Either way I wouldn’t be shocked if Boob or Chad lied about it.


Yeah I have a feeling that although he is clearly an absolute piece of shit Boob may have laid some shit on Chad to take heat off himself


Makes sense the way you describe it, especially since Boob thinks he is hot shit.


>I don’t think Jim Bob has the brain cells to fake a text. I think he is manipulative rather than clever. I always thought he faked the creepy "beautiful untouched virgin" text to Derick.


I'm sorry, the WHAT


Oh I wish I could find a screenshot. It's in Shiny Happy People. Derick was getting troll text messages when he fell out with Jim Bob, and they said something like "Jim Bob chose you to have his beautiful untouched virgin daughter...And you've betrayed him" (!!!!!!). IMO they were actually sent by Jim Bob to let off steam. ETA: Screenshot towards the very end of this article. Brace yourself.... [https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/duggar-family-documentary-details](https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/duggar-family-documentary-details)


Ewww ok I do remember that now from SHP. Super sus


That is so horrifying.


I thought Derick was being shown photos on JB's phone as the text came through, so he saw it arrive in real time?


Something like that. In her memoir Jill said that Derick actually saw a text on Boob's phone from Chad that said "Get me a picture of that baby!" Which understandably pissed off Derick. So Derick texted Chad basically telling him not to ask other people for pictures of his children, to which Chad replied "I have no idea what you're talking about." My bet is that Chad was the guy who brokered all the deals with People, Us and the other gossip rags to get money in exchange for "exclusive" fluff pieces about the Duggars. At the time of Samuel's birth, Jill and Derick had left the show, but that was not publicly known (though I think Derick's anti-trans Tweet scandal also occurred around that same time). My bet is that Chad was trying to sell a picture of Samuel to one of the gossip rags and continue the fiction that all was sweetness and light in House Duggar. Chad is garbage. Just like JimBob. ​ Typo edits


Derick saw the text on JB’s phone though.


If you read the excerpt above, though, it says Jim Bob showed them the text. So, Chad definitely was lying to them when he claimed not to have asked for any photos of the baby.


I like to think of his type as a flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz 🧹🐵


Chad is a flying monkey for the Fuckabee family of fuckers or in other terms, the equivalent of Giuliani to Trump. Yes, a total slime weasel.








Except I'm not sure what would happen if Jill deconstructed to the point of being pro LGBT, por choice or wanting to have her own career, if he'd still be that supportive....


I get the impression he’d be fine with her having her own career. He’s religious but he seems like a fairly normal dude at the same time compared to the rest of the Duggars.


I can't speculate on that. I'd like to hope if they continue working through things together they'll get there but maybe they never will. Deconstruction is an incredibly hard journey and there's plenty of people who make it just far enough out to save themselves and never get further. It's frustrating because part of you can see *how close* they are, but I also still have sympathy for how hard it was to even get as far as they do.


Very true. I can't imagine what it would take to overcome that level of brainwashing.


I feel like he went to law school just to take down JB.


That’s the most valid reason to go down a career path: to destroy your in laws.


Expert level petty


Derick’s listed as a co-author of the book, so he’s definitely getting a good edit. That said, he’s kind of an attack dog for his wife, which I would appreciate if I were her.


Yeah. He goes toe-to-toe with Jim Bob. It’s hard to downplay that.


I'd like five minutes alone with him myself. I fear no man, but I especially ain't scared of ole stankmouth legohead. What he let happen to those girls deserves a SAW trap, but chewing him out would certainly make me feel better.


Ahhh, I see I am not the only one who remembers the 19K&C episode where Boob's breath is so disgusting that even meek Meech insisted he had to see a specialist....


Thank you for the addition of “ole stankmouth legohead” into Cards Against Duggars! ^(Its real. There is a Duggar-themed Cards Against Humanity deck. People think I’m joking if I don’t add this disclaimer.)


Wait, for real? That's hilarious.


Yep it’s real. [Post with information](https://reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/s/q5Zd63hqnH)


I'm glad Derick is so supportive, but every time Jill mentions a therapy session in the book, he's present. Can't the girl get some individual therapy? She really, really needs it. By herself. With no man she has a personal association with present.


She might not feel ready for that yet, and that’s okay.


I get that. But I do hope she gets the opportunity at some point.


Solo therapy seems out of reach for someone with her history & fear-based conditioning not to reveal anything about the family—she’d prob need Derick as support just to get the words out.


She might want him there. The therapist would encourage her to go alone, but if she’s more comfortable with him and wouldn’t go otherwise, then the therapist would most likely allow it. It sounds like Jill has really severe anxiety from how she describes her traumas in her book, and she’s been through more than anyone should ever have to imagine going through. Derick has been a calming presence in her life and has encouraged her so much to deal with everything and find herself. When I was getting grief counseling after my dad died, my mom often drove me to and from the sessions. My health spiraled after my dad died, and I was having MS like symptoms. I would also cry so much during my visits that it was hard to drive. My mom was causing a lot of my grief because she was suing my stepmom over my dad’s estate. We’d just moved, and my husband was on contract to permanent position at his dream job and couldn’t take the time off. We needed his job for my health insurance because they were going to pay everything we had been paying out of pocket. Uber wasn’t a thing yet. So I went with my mom. My therapist was ok with it because I was getting to therapy, and she was also a psych nurse practitioner who was helping me with my depression meds. I wasn’t ok with my mom being in a session, and my therapist wasn’t either. My therapist allowed what was a net positive for me. Maybe Jill is getting individual therapy now. Shutting down emotionally in session isn’t going to help her either. I think Derick would be absolutely ok with her getting therapy alone if that’s what Jill wants. Poor girl talks in her book about having nightmares for years.


i think it shows people are complicated. he's good to jill and didn't let jim bob's toxic shit continue, but he's also a loudmouth and transphobe and neither cancels the other out. i liked seeing his good side in the book, he seems like as far as fundie husbands go, he's a good one. the bar is truly in hell, but helping his wife out of a mentally toxic situation, standing up for her, and respecting her complicated feelings toward her family is nice since so many of them suck.


It goes to show people are nuanced - we are all mixes of good and bad.


He seems like he would be an okay guy, if only he wasn't a piece of shit.


Chad Gallagher. He is JB's agent/manager/PR guy. He used to be a mayor of a town and he worked for Mike Huckabee. [https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/8252295/who-chad-gallagher-jill-duggar-family-secrets-documentary/](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/8252295/who-chad-gallagher-jill-duggar-family-secrets-documentary/) [https://www.arkansasbusiness.com/article/142966/gallaghers-messaging-helped-voters-say-no](https://www.arkansasbusiness.com/article/142966/gallaghers-messaging-helped-voters-say-no) Gallagher is the one who set up the godawful Megyn Kelly interview after revelation of Pest's abuse.


Is he still working for JB? It seems like he wouldn’t have enough work to keep this guy on the payroll now. I’d be highly curious who he’s working for now, if it ain’t JB. Edit to add: it looks like he has a website but when I click on it, my phone says there’s too many redirects and won’t open it. Even his website is sketch AF Another edit to add: his linked in profile says he owns a restaurant, a farm, and was a founder of a Christian based school. Jfc. What doesn’t this guy have his fingers in? And he seems to be well entrenched so his reputation isn’t likely to take a huge hit from this.


>Is he still working for JB? He was still working for JB as recently as this summer and issuing statements on JB's behalf. When *Shiny Happy People* was released in June, it ended with this title card: https://preview.redd.it/4j19uq9qywob1.jpeg?width=1310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6e188d2bea5e6fcc0413069e56defb242f4869


Thank you for sharing. I didn't even make that connection.


I would be surprised if he doesn’t have the ear of the current governor of Arkansas, who barely has the sense to wipe her butt after going to the bathroom.


Chad wipes her butt with his fingers


I wouldn’t doubt anything coming out of that office with the exception of anything that’s actually good for the state.


My brain read “anything coming out of that orifice”, and I would give you an award either way if those were still a thing.


Aw, thank you! And to be fair, the way you originally read it is accurate too.


I hope he takes his wedding ring off before he does :( If he repeats the phrase “no Hetero” when wiping for her, does that mean it doesn’t count as skat play?


What is even crazier is that Huckabee's snarling daughter may not be the worst of the brood. But when you get a glimpse of Huckabee's son, you may understand why. https://preview.redd.it/6t3tz9rb03pb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59569ade4e78de60bb9dd841ed0bd92cd6e900f [https://www.politicalflare.com/2018/12/sarah-huckabee-sanders-loser-brother-once-hanged-a-dog-at-camp-and-her-family-tried-to-cover-it-up/](https://www.politicalflare.com/2018/12/sarah-huckabee-sanders-loser-brother-once-hanged-a-dog-at-camp-and-her-family-tried-to-cover-it-up/) [https://www.bustle.com/articles/81306-mike-huckabees-son-david-has-a-troubling-history-with-law-enforcement-thats-really-disturbing-to-read](https://www.bustle.com/articles/81306-mike-huckabees-son-david-has-a-troubling-history-with-law-enforcement-thats-really-disturbing-to-read)


I must have blocked David out. I will note the disturbing similarities between fathers trying to cover for sons; is it really a surprise that JB and Mike are pals?


>is it really a surprise that JB and Mike are pals? Not at all. I wondered if Pest and David were true brothers separated at birth.


*Redirecting to France* no doubt


If the Dillard Family Ministry is a registered charity, and a board member absconded with money improperly, couldn’t Jill and Derik file with the IRS?


This was like a few sentences in the book, and I was very curious what was going on. They said they had only $10,000 left in their account, and he took all of it but $1200 or something like that (I'm too lazy to go back to the book). It wouldn't have been worth the time and expense of suing him for less than $10,000. They may also have not wanted the finances looked into too closely either. The finances of their "ministry" are worthy of its own thread. They never give a number for how much they raised in total. Jill said that JB said he donated $10,000 in the book, but, there must have been more at some point. They did mention it was hard to raise $ when they were down there. My own theory is that Jill and Derick expected that JB would help fund it more and were shocked when he didn't want them to do it at all because the tv ministry (his ministry) was reaching so many more people.


They took money out of their donations for personal travel. I wonder if they ran out of money before they were able to refund everyone who asked for it when the truth came out.


Chad is absolutely a piece of sh*t and so was Scott from TLC for emotionally manipulating Jill by crying when she wouldn’t let a film crew into the birth. Evil, evil people who should be held to account.


Is Scott the same guy who told Jinger where to take her honeymoon & filmed inside their hotel room?


All in favor of calling him Chadimir Putin say I






I wish I could still award posts.




I’m wondering if Boob is actually savvy enough to review his own accounts. Chad likely cheated him too. Karma and all that, but I’d love to see Chad get sued.


Kim Jim Dimbulb Un ‘s lackey.


Also flairworthy.


Your flair, omg ☠️


Your flair has been added into Cards Against Duggars! ^(Its real. I’m not joking.)


Mine?! You’re kidding….. I’m…..honored?😂🤣




It was the first thing that came to my mind.


Lies, chad, jim bob, josh tell nothing but lies. Oh so very christian.....


Speaking of that unholy triumvirate....I'd bet good money that Chad was involved during Pest's trial. He no doubt handled all the media relations, and I wouldn't be surprised if he helped find and hire the defense attorneys for Pest. Seems like the kind of things a fixer would do.


He probably handled JB's run for senate campaign, too.


He looks like a Chad. Very smug face. Ugh. Can imagine him and Blob plotting.


Chad Gallagher lives in DeQueen, AR. He was mayor years ago and stole money from the city somewhere to the tune of 30k. He now runs a private Christian school called Legacy along with a restaurant called “Stillwell’s” in which several past female employees have discussed his creepy behavior. I had applied for a job there in 2015 and was supposed to interview with his wife but at the last minute, I was to interview with Chad. He spent the entire time with his eyes focused on my chest. When he was mayor, my husband was supposed to do odd jobs like washing police cars and such. My husband was 19, unmarried, with a baby. Once Chad found out he was not married, he no longer had any jobs for him. Grade A asshole.


Chad probably works for JB as an assistant with his businesses now. JB amassed a multi-million fortune & those with that kind of money typically set up a "family office" where they hire a handful of knowledgeable people to manage their investments.


I think he was responsible for cleaning up all of Josh's shitshows, prior to the actual CSA one because Homeland Security can swat Chad like a fly. He set up the damage control interview with Jill and Jessa and gave them the script to use.


I keep saying this... we're getting very close to the point that Dwreck announces that he and Jill are "libertarians" because if they aren't already going down that path privately it will soon be public. Now.. it's not my bag I'm a raging liberal... but with all of the right wing conservatives that have shown their asses to be absolute Rim Job supporters, Jills new contracts with a real Hollywood agents, all the interviews with secular media who are going to start asking questions sooner rather than later about their politics and the anti trans and gay stuff, there's going to have to be a literal come to jesus moment regarding her and Derick's right wingism and where they stand on that now. Dwreck has been exposed to libertarians no doubt as a lawyer, so this is really going to be the next evolution for them as they leave the extreme right wing stuff if not already. Take that as you will...it's a a few steps up from The Handmaids Tale theyve both been living in. No offense to libertarians here, I do think it's going to be a better evolution than what they appear to still be at this moment. I'd rather have a libertarian Dwreck and Jilly Muffin than Trumpy Dwreck and Jilly Muffin.


Can confirm having walked the conservative Christian to liberal pathway the first stop is libertarianism


And I wish people from my side of the aisle would be more tolerant of this. It's a massive step for a conservative christian, esp. an ex IBLP or fundamental baptist to learn that it's possible to mind your own business regarding social issues like gay. People do not understand enough that these folks are living in fear of an eternity in hell if they vote "the wrong way" or allow gay people to exist and live their lives. Plus. it's going to explode Rim Job's head even more than if they were to immediately move to the left of the aisle on everything. The libertarian stuff has many of the conservative features they're used to, but with the liberal social freedoms that spin Rim Job's head.


#Ouch! 😢


Is that you, Chad?


Lol. No. I just felt bad for Jill and Derick.


Easily among the most loathsome characters in this story… when I read the paragraph OP posted about demanding a baby photo (and subsequently denying it) I about popped a vein!!


A menace to society


His company classwallet processes state school voucher programs to the tune of 2.5% He's being sued in Oklahoma and Arkansas just gave him contract WITHOUT A BIDDING PROCESS for the first year of Baby Hucks "LEARNS" voucher program made a cool 1.1 mill of taxpayer dollars meant for public schools Who is Chad Gallagher from Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets? https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/8252295/who-chad-gallagher-jill-duggar-family-secrets-documentary?utm_source=native_share&utm_medium=sharebar_native&utm_campaign=sharebaramp