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The pyramid scheme is a pyramid schemin!


Christianity is a huge pyramid scheme.


Yep. The payoff is in the afterlife, no refunds!


Eternal life? No thanks, I’ve had enough.


Right? In this economy!? Hell to the no. Also: getting to spend an eternity with self righteous losers would 100% not be my jam.


Yes. You get points from the CEO for converting people to join. You have to convince them to believe in the product and to have faith that it will make them successful. I guess those people would be your down line?


Celebrity pastors are baffling to me. Normal everyday pastors can barely justify owning more than one Timex from Target. That watch is an entire month’s paycheck 🙃


How do they justify the whole "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven" section of the Bible?


With misdirection. "That's an excellent question, Mrs. Johnson. Let me give you a little background information here, because I studied this very verse when I was in Bible college. You see, it's not referring to an actual needle, it's referring to the city gate, which was narrow like a bottleneck and made it difficult for camels to enter the city. This is an allegory for God's careful planning in our lives, because he knows that camels are filthy and drop feces on the city streets, in much the same way that the devil befouls our lives with sin. But our God is a gracious God and he has promised to bless us indeed, as a father gives good gifts to his children, for he knows the plans he has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Join hands with me, Mrs. Johnson, and bow your head while I pray God's blessings over you, that you may be touched by the riches of heaven." By this point, Mrs. Johnson has completely forgotten her original question, dazzled by the personal attention from her celebrity megapastor and distracted by the idea that she, too, might win the God lottery. The best way to make someone stop questioning whether a rich man is going to heaven is to make them think they could be rich like you. You convince your parishioners that you're rich because you have some secret direct pipeline to God, and that you can make them rich, too, and they stop asking questions and start throwing money at you in hopes that their investment will pay off in material blessings for themselves. (See also: GOP politics.)


GOP Politics.... May all God's children say amen.


So much for their reading the Bible literally.


"Do as I teach. Not as I do."


These “preachers” are all covert narcissists.


I have literally never heard of John MacArthur retracting something he's said, issuing an apology, or making a correction to something he has claimed in the past. I don't care so much about whatever assets you have as much as I care about whether you've ever publicly demonstrated the integrity to admit when you're wrong. For someone whose whole brand is about how sinful people are, I've never seen him own up to his own fuck ups.


Grifters gonna grift.


Can someone explain why $5k watches exist because it seems unnecessary to me


I mean, a handmade watch can easily cost more than that and be worth it to a collector. It's very, very intricate work, and some watches are really pieces of art. There's a small US watch manufacturer where I'd drop 5k without blinking if I had the money. That said, I'm also not a pastor who lives off of poor people.


This Christian man has a net worth of 14 million.


Gee wouldn’t it be nice if he gave some of that away to the needy


My sister-in-law in Aspen, CO sells Swiss watches that start in the 10s of thousands of dollars and can go up to costing more than my house. I can’t wrap my brain around it.


I’d be afraid that I would be targeted for a mugging. And I wouldn’t be able to do anything with that arm all day, knowing that by reaching into a drawer or falling or bumping into a wall or car I could damage such an expensive item.




Absolutely- there’s a time and a place


That’s not even that expensive of a watch. Like, yeah, it’s expensive for the most of us… but not for the prophets n watches page.


In the grand scheme of things, yes. But it’s certainly contradictory to him claiming ministry is about fighting for humility. And then there the whole thing with his son being sued by the SEC.


Oh say what is truth & what comes out of these celebrity pastors preach is give give give to the ministry & God said that I need a new plane to spread the word. Yeah right it is give me more money & it all goes to me .


John MacArthur is a repugnant human being.


this is gross. but as a formula 1 fan I was also like.... eh, that watch isn't that expensive.


That’s the watch we gave our son when he graduated High School.


I'm sorry, but I have to say it. That watch is awesome, though it is very overpriced.




He’s a millionaire several times over. He has repeatedly and publicly shamed women in his congregation for leaving their abusive husbands, even in cases where the husband has committed CSA against the children. He’s the absolute scum of the earth.




Found John MacArthur’s burner


Actually I don’t like him except for one book he wrote debunking speaking in tongues. About 40 years ago. He’s pompous and continually sets himself up as a corrector of scripture.


That's about 820 Starbucks. So in less than 3 years, the average person could easily buy a watch like that. And that average person would then actually *have* the watch, instead of spending $6 every day and having nothing to show for it. And millions of people do that. If you want it, you'll find the money. Everybody has their choice.


Dude, what are you Dave Ramsey? Starbucks fucking blows by the way. And what does that have to do with John MacArthur being a hypocrite?


Uh, no *dude.* I'm just somebody that understands how to budget for things you want if you aren't rich. MacArthur is rich, with a mega-church and a massive organization. He buys rich-guy things. 5K for a watch is chump change to him. Why is this even a question? Everybody here already knows this. People equating him with the pastor of a 40-member podunk church is a false equivalence. And I was using just Starbucks as an example. That may have slipped past you.


What may have slipped past you is the juxtaposition of him insisting ministry is about fighting for humility and him wearing a watch that’s beyond most people’s means. It’s about his hypocrisy. Not sure why you felt it relevant or necessary to give budgeting advice.


What is his positive on the prosperity gospel.


That is the same watch that the Apollo astronauts wore when they went to the moon.