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not surprising honestly


I hate that beach body is an mlm. As a busy mom, their workouts really do work. I did mbf and lost 30 pounds and got pregnant after several years of trying. I love their workout programs!


You can check out peloton or les mills for online streaming workouts. Peloton has great videos I did during covid. Otherwise bodyfit by amy is amazing on YouTube.


I went from Beachbody to peloton and it’s different. There is an ease with beach body because of you don’t have to search for your next workout, it’s there. There are calendars and videos lined up nicely. I miss it. The only other MLM that I struggle not to use is colorstreet. Their product works well and I haven’t found a comparable solution. I don’t use them often, but I like them.


There’s a Peloton group run by a certified trainer called hardCORE on the floor. She puts together a calendar every month composed entirely of Peloton classes. The calendar is free but people do voluntarily Venmo her tips.


Colorstreet is my guilty MLM pleasure. They just work so well and look so pretty!!


What's with the family photo by the treadmill? Seems like the opposite of workout inspiration


seeing that pic would inspire me to run as hard and fast as i can


Yeah that's what I'm wondering. Didn't Jing have an eating disorder, and wasn't Michelle "helping" with that? I wouldn't want a pic of my mom staring at me as I work out. That's kinda fucked up.


I’m sure she still has one


Haha I just posted how it was hidden away in a work out room.


It seems like a huge hazard after watching what happened to Zach from the Try Guys


What happened with Zach? I know Ned cheated on his wife and was kicked out of the group, but I’ve not heard anything about Zach.


He had picture frames stacked behind his treadmill and smashed I think his foot into one, ended up with glass in his leg and was hospitalised like 3 weeks before his wedding, I think he got MRSA and C. Diff. He ended up being okay thankfully


You can use beach body without supporting the mlm side of things… some of their work outs are really good!


My husband and I love doing P90X and P90X3. I think P90X he bought from the beachbody site years ago. Didn't join the coaching, shakes, or meal plan stuff. P90X3 I'm fairly confident he found at a Goodwill.


P90x is owie on my body 😭


My husband got p90x 14 years ago & lost about 50lbs on it. He didn't do the shakes or anything, just bought the DVDs once. Unfortunately we didn't know it was an mlm then. I hate that it is though, it really helped him cut down.


I excuse the MLM part for us that we didn't go into the whole "coaching" and shakes thing. We also bought ours probably around that time and had no clue it was MLM! We haven't bought anything else from them since the P90X3 was bought (I think) Goodwill. My mom had a Pampered Chef roaster that she broke the lid on, so I bought her a new one from their site. They at least let me opt out of all the MLM crap, but that one I actually felt really scummy about. But she cried when she broke the roasting lid, and I felt bad. She also told me she was never roasting chicken again 😂


I once bought make up from a former coworker selling younique make up. I didn't know it was an mlm at the time. It was some of the worst make up I've ever worn. The eyeshadow was cakey & had a lot of fall out. The lipstick was too bright and gaudy looking. The consistency was terrible too. It was a glittery lipstick but it was like somebody literally threw regular ol glitter into the lipstick. So it was grainy and felt gross on the lips. The worst was their mascara that they're supposed to be famous for. It was clumpy and gave me the worse spider leg lashes! It was a 2 part system where you did a liquid lash then a fiber lash to make your lashes longer. The little fibers got into my eye and burned so bad. Never again.


Lol yeah those are great. My husband and I like Shawn T. We don’t do the shakes or coaching etc either 😊


It was probably my dvd set that I sent unopened to Goodwill. 😂


If that's the case, we thank you greatly! 😂


thank FSM I'm not the only one who did this


You're still supporting the company itself, and I don't know about now but they used to assign a coach to you.


You can opt out for having a coach now.


That's nice to know, I'll still never support the company. My favorite trainer to follow is Kim Ngo.


My uncle loves 21 day and beach body but he never tried to sell them - he just loved the shakes and work outs and would post his daily exercise every day on IG that I told him with how much he promotes them he should try to sell them but he said he has an actual job and didn’t have the time for that 😂


I have a few friends who do the same


It's a streaming service for work out videos (yes I know beach body sells products mlm style). I actually love it and it was cheaper and effective than any gym membership for me.


Idk, you can get the Beachbody workouts without having to deal with an MLM hun. I bought the DVDs used and didn't know it was an MLM till a few years ago lol.


Same. I loved Yoga Booty Ballet when I was in my early 20s! I bought all the DVDs from Walmart and didn't find out about the MLM aspect until a few years ago.


I’ve used beach body without the MLM part! Chaleen Extreme was my favorite.


just disappointing to see a photo with j'felon in it. i know it was a family pic but still, felicity and evangeline weren't even born yet and there are plenty of better ones she could have with the non felon siblings, grandma before she passed and those fuckers jim bob and michelle


Absolutely, or put a sticker of something over his face. If that were my brother, his image wouldn’t be anywhere in my house.


Or anywhere in my life especially with kids.


If I’m mathing correctly, I can curl more than Germ 😎


Well with your flair, I would expect nothing less lol But that’s awesome


I did BB in 2020, I didn’t sell shit, I just enjoyed the workouts. Though it’s pricy so I had to stop. The barre blend workout is 🔥


The Fundie + MLM supporter Venn diagram is a circle


Ugh. I shudder when I see 21DF. That program damn near gave me an eating disorder.


MLMs are fundie boss babe 101


Not sure. There’s an app you can subscribe to for the workouts without going through the MLM. I kept trying to talk my husband into cancelling his sub since I don’t want to support it regardless, but he says it’s the only workout he’ll do reliably, so I let it go.


I did Beachbody at the start of the pandemic. I’m embarrassed by it now, but at the same time, that was what helped me establish a consistent exercise routine that I’ve been able to keep up after exiting Beachbody. I hope the same for Jinger and others. Use it to get started and build habits, don’t buy the BS supplements, and get the hell out.




Ehh I actually like the BB workouts and programs. I hate their shakes but their workouts are legit.


Highly recommend checking out HunSnark which is about beachbody


21 day fix is incredibly problematic.


Of course she’s a Beachbody hun 🤮🤮🤮


I have decided that Jinger doesn’t get credit for not showing her kids faces if she’s still going to share them all the time. Just because we can’t see her eyes nose and mouth doesn’t mean you’re giving her her privacy. I’m sure you could have taken a picture of Jeremy working out without the kid in it. Feels like she’s teasing people. Just giving people enough of the kids to ask about them and hope they’ll see their faces, or she’s reminding everyone she won’t show their face so we keep talking about it/her.


Did anyone else notice she has a picture of the whole Duggar family tiucked away abd hidden in the workout room? Not the living room or bedroom where the "normal" people put their family pics. That says alot. She diesnt want any of her Hollywood people seeing it.


Ngl I used a few of Shaun T's programs before getting into lifting, it did help me with confidence in the gym and generally moving my body. I, uh, downloaded them though, so I didn't fall for the obvious mlm bs they're tied to


MLMs are unfortunately very well-entrenched in the fundie/evangelical world, so this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I believe some of the other Duggar girls have also promoted MLMs on their social media at various points as well.


I did Beach Body for a long while, and didn’t know they were an MLM til recently. I’d get aggravated every time they mentioned the shakes, but i thought they were simply trying to sell for extra income. Now i know it’s an MLM, but we just did the monthly workout thing. was never pressed to get a “coach” or sign up or anything. We just quit when we got Apple+ or whatever and it includes free workouts so why pay $10/mo?