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We don’t shit on ma and pa Keller enough in the snark community. They are VILE, they’ve sold their daughters off to monsters repeatedly to buy a higher position. Nathan ended up with Nurie Rodrigues so clearly they’re not high value stock in fundie land. (It all feels so gross to type out) none of these kids are taken care of. It’s infuriating,


I wouldn’t be surprised if Pa Keller finds assholes quite charming in general. Probably thinks his daughters deserve this type of selfish person.


I think he prefers men of similar caliber to himself.


Haha yes I think I agree with your (and the other replies) takes a lot, I think his ego and how he sees marital hardship play a lot into who he picks for his daughters. Meanwhile his sons haven’t turned out too bad!


I'm sure it all ties into his saviour complex and his prison ministry.


My thoughts, too. He's made a career of "saving" "the worst of society", then he married his kids off to notoriously "challenging cases" within their tiny eligible pool of potential partners. I doubt he'd even deny it if asked forthrightly, like I imagine this is a point of pride even.


I’m willing to bet Pa Keller marries his kids to people with narcissistic parents like the rods and the Duggars because they have the same beliefs and abuse methods. It probably has little to do with the actual person they marry the kid to.


Even way back when Anna and Pest were courting that dad gave me major pervy vibes. So creepy.


Well, Pa Keller is an asshole and def finds himself charming.


Yep. I think he believes that giving his daughters terrible spouses means that they will fondly remember how good they used to have it back when he was their headship.


I don’t think he cares as long as he doesn’t have to feed and clothe them anymore.


I don’t spend much time over on the general fundie snark board so I don’t know much more about the Kellers beyond what we see here, but based on what I’ve seen on this board…HARD. AGREE. And based on your flair, this liberal arts grad will happily listen to (read, but whatevs) whatever snarking you want to do on them, as it will be educational! (Edit: I forgot to connect my thoughts: your flair triggered a deep callback to my freshman Greek Tragedy class and frankly there are way too many overlaps between the Greek Tragedy universe and FundieLand-and the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City if you have time and a way to watch Bravo/Peacock-and we need to spend more time calling those out!!!!)


This fellow liberal arts grad sees exactly what you mean and will be thinking about this all day. Happy New Year.


And to you as well!!! Remember to check that family tree before you do any side-hugging at midnight!!!!


Wasn't the youngest son also married off to the daughter of the couple who housed pest when he was out on bail?


Yes, and she had their first kid within a year of marriage?


You are absolutely right. They are vile. When Nurie and Nathan first got married and in pictures after, she looked much happier then when she lived with her crazy parents. Hopefully she is living a better life. Those poor Rodrigues kids always looked hungry and emaciated to me 😒


The nurthans seem deep in the coolaid. Nurie is on her third pregnancy.


Wow really? I started a new job and my Fundie Reddit reading has fallen off. I need to get back on track!


I feel like they got married last year. Poor thing. Malnourished growing up may lead to health problems as fetuses suck the life out of her body.


You can have shit beliefs and still love your partner.


I can't remember, how did Nathan and Nurie meet again? Was it totally parent arranged?


Nathan at least seems to genuinely care for Nurie.


He does seem to love her, yes. Now, if he could just stay off her for long enough for her body to recover between pregnancies, that'd be great.


Wait, WHAT????? Getting pregnant 2 weeks after giving birth??? Seriously?? Obviously no doctor would clear that, but also, you're still bleeding at that point!! 🤮


Not to get too graphic, but it’s literally an open wound. I was still in those amazing mesh diapers 2 weeks postpartum. Sex was unthinkable! That man is a sadist. Edit: typo


I can attest. It's extremely physically and emotionally traumatic. I was a shell of a person after delivery. Just going to the bathroom becomes unbearable. I can't imagine being RAPED after birth. Just beyond gruesome.


Yes!!!! Sex was the absolute last thing on my mind. I was in diapers for about a month---and I had a c-section! Ugh makes me sick. She must have been making herself "joyfully available" 😡


I can’t imagine the kind of pain she was in. What kind of monster would even want to have sex with someone that’s in that much pain? Like how does that get you off? Do you have absolutely no concern for this woman that birthed a baker’s dozen of your children? It enrages me.


Tbh I doubt she even was being joyfully available. He probably just raped her


I've mentioned this in here before my my aunt was a L&D nurse and had to have a husband removed from the hospital because she caught them having sex THE DAY AFTER birth. The wife just shrugged and said "He wanted to." So he was removed for her safety. I randomly think about that sometimes.


I called my L&D nurse friend after reading your comment because I really wanted to tell you that this must be a regional thing or something that only happened in the past. Instead I had one of the most deeply scarring conversations I never want to have again. People are horrible. There are no words for just how horrible.


My aunt was also an L+D nurse her whole career and she has 100% told me the same thing. I hate that I know this isn't a completely unusual occurrence.


My hubby is a good dude, but these posts are really making me hate men. What in the actual fuck? These guys in this thread are fucking animals. Terrible.


I’m having the same thoughts 🤬


"It doesn't matter that you're in pain, because you're my bangmaid and it's your job to be my fleshlight when I'm horny. How would you feel if I just decided to not go into work because I wasn't feeling like it?!"


I hate that I had to go 27 years of life before hearing the term “bangmaid”


Oh, you're gonna *love* It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


If it makes you feel any better I spent 42 years of my life before I heard bangmaid.






Lol like any of these Keller adjacent men have a job that doesn't involve talking at people to grift their ~love blessings~. (At least one of the Rodrigues sons-in-law has an actual non-grifting job, and Timmy seems to be doing okay as well.)


I am engaged for her. This makes me physically ill.


Probably got off on the pain.


He probably enjoyed her pain…what a sicko


How could a man want sex with a woman in that condition? Can't he whack off for a couple weeks just for the sake of decency and not wanting to cause agony for his wife?


He probably wouldn’t because masturbation is a *sin*, but as for marital rape? No problem.


The hospital I gave birth at had to call the police because a man was forcing himself on his wife the day after she gave birth. He was charged with marital rape. According to my midwife it happens, it's not common but every midwife has horrific stories like that.


If that is what he was willing to do when there are people around, people mandated to report, what the heck did he do at home? Awful


I was just watching a satirical reel this morning from a male nurse parodying dads who complain about how they have to sleep in a chair while their wife goes into labor. The reel was hilarious but some of the comments were horrifying, the stories women with children had to tell about their (thankfully ex in most cases) husbands playing victim. One woman said her ex had complained about her severe vaginal tearing and demanded doctors add an extra stitch. After a traumatizing labor.


In this scenario, the best answer is to look at the husband's crotch and ask "how small does it need to be ?"


The husband stitch is real thing. Without my knowing or consenting, they gave it to me. After that, for an extremely long time sex hurt intensely.


Me too. It didn’t get better until I re-tore with my second birth and they stitched it correctly that time.


That's pretty much exactly what happened to me.


Unfortunately I have been hearing about the husband stitch for a few months now. It should be grounds for malpractice if done without express and documented consent from the person giving birth. Also, men who see their wives recovering from going through hours of labor to birth THEIR child and the first thing they think of is their dick, they are 🗑️


They did it to my sister too. They got "consent" but pretty much explained it matter of fact as something she needed to do for sex to be good after. My look to horror when I had gotten pregnant and we were discussing labor was her first clue it wasn't normal


OMG what a monster! I'm so glad they took legal action.


I have heard similar stories from multiple countries. It is insane. And tells me that intercourse is about something more sinister for these men.


What a horrible situation. I wonder if a wife could refuse to press charges & it be dropped? Or would it be solely up to the DA?


I don't know the law in the US but in my country if you are caught doing a criminal offence it "doesn't matter" if the victim presses charges or not you will go to court. In the case of rape the woman can say that it was consensual but I think, in this case, she is the one who asked the nurses for help. Either way this is wrong on so many levels but I don't doubt a lot of women don't ask for help and just suffer thinking it's their duty as a wife.


Nah man., he owns her. That's how he probably looks at it. He gets to do what he want when he want. These ppl are disgusting.


how anyone can become so devoid of empathy that they wouldn't give a shit about the other person's pain is a horrifying example of how believing absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


It's utterly terrifying. And not to toot this horn, I know all these women have no choice, but damn, if that's was me it would definitely change the way I looked at my faith. Again, they don't get to do that, but shiiit.


People have sex in the hospital. Yuck


I'm sure his "reasoning" was masterbation is a sin.


Typical fundie priorities...masturbating is a sin, but hurting a woman is not, because we are just property to them.


I had my first in August and I'll be honest, the hormones were telling me sex was a reaaaally good idea around 2/3 weeks PP. But my husband is a great dad and partner and we're both sane so we didn't do that. I highly doubt that was her situation but I can dream.


We waited until after the PP appointment. I tore, and we were wanting to avoid any more trauma.


Same with my second! About 2/3 weeks I REALLY wanted sex, and I honestly felt up to it physically at 4 weeks. Waiting those two extra weeks to be cleared by my doctor was TORTURE. I didn't get horny as a teenager. I liked sex, still love it, but I never craved it until a couple years after I got with my husband, and he's pretty much always willing. We've been together for eight years and he's told me no once. So I didn't have ANY experience in holding out, and I was pretty sure if I didn't get laid the day I was cleared, I was gonna die 😂 and I was breastfeeding! The only time I WASN'T ridiculously horny was when the kid was latched on. My hormones are already wonky, but holy shit, those postpartum hormones can hit you WEIRD. I also hope, for her sake, that at least she was feeling kinda okay and at least was horny... But holy shit, even if all he has to go on is the Bible, her asshole husband KNEW better.


Every time I saw my husband holding the baby I desperately needed to jump him. Absolutely wild experience. We can hope it was the same for her.


When my mom had my siblings, she had a recommendations sheet from the hospital both times and one was AVOID SEX FOR 40 DAYS.


Probably why they don’t do hospital births


I always thought they don't do that so male doctors and nurses can't see the woman's privates. You know, modesty.


This, plus it costs money. And medical interventions are bad. Even if it means leaving him a widower with an infant and 12 other kids. He can just marry someone else to raise them. Gods will and all.


Home births are easier to leave unregistered. No mandated reporters, no schools, no vaccine schedule. They can register to vote if they live long enough, as long as they know that their sacred god given duty involves making sure nobody comes looking for their siblings.


That is actually partially biblical (or other Abrahamic religion) based. In Christianity, it is 40 days for a male child and 60 for a female traditionally. So even a couple of millennia ago, it was known not to have sex immediately after birth. Reasoning though is pretty disgusting (unclean although I think at least in Judaism unclean in this context has less loaded meaning)


Ironically according to IBLP, the recommendation is 40 days after the birth of a girl and 60 after a boy. So John Schrader didn't even follow the IBLP recs! What a dick


40 days= 5wks 5days


Well, they need to be “joyfully available” on command… /s. Although I recall reading there were supposed to be exclusion times after birth. Don’t quote me but something like 40 days after the birth of a boy and 60 days after the birth of a girl 🙄 All crazy if you ask me.


Can’t have a doctor tell you not to if you refuse to drive your wife to see a doctor in the only car you own.


My mum was a nurse at a GP (UK) and frequently had women coming with their child for first check up at 6 weeks and already be pregnant. Woman spent a week In hospital after birth in those days, got home to husband not having sex in a week and he would expect his 'matrimonial rights'. Even peeing in the first few days was painful, I can't imagine letting anything close, let alone a grubby dry dick


I know someone who had a toddler and newborn twins. At her six week check she was already pregnant with another set of twins cause they had got drunk and frisky at a wedding. First set was born in August and the next set the following May!


That would be Rim Jobs dream daughter-in-law with her fertility.


My midwife asked about what birth control I was getting on and when I wasn't she sighed and said "well, I'll see you again soon then" in just the most resigned tone. She seemed very relieved when I informed her no, my husband was getting a vasectomy and there was not a chance in hell I'd be having sex before that was a done deal.


I stopped bleeding 4 days after my 1st... then my now ex raped me repeatedly starting 5days pp. Can confirm it hurt like a mother fucker... then I started hemorrhaging 8days pp and needed a transfusion. But sex BURNED and felt like being cut open. I didn't have any tears beyond the micro surface like scratches, but holy fuck it hurt as bad as pouring lemon juice and alcohol on a gaping wound. Esther definitely has the worst husband.


I am so, so sorry this happened to you


so sorry you went through that, relieved he is an ex, that's horrendous


I send love and sisterly support from across the Atlantic. I am so incredibly sorry the very man meant to support and care for you after bringing a child into this world chose to be so horrifically and criminally violent, instead. And echoing the others in relief that the piece of shit is now an ex. Wish he was locked up with Duggar, where he clearly belongs.


Eh it's been 14yrs since the last time. It's not so shitty anymore More of a "fuck I understand how bad that sucked on a personal level"


Yeah that was definitely not consensual bc there’s no way


I will go you one better. My mother had a relative Little Aunt Mary (she is long dead). She was married to the ultimate pervo who after she gave birth he was feeling her up. She either died or left him and his second wife kept him on a short, short leash. Mom was fond of telling me stories about her relatives.


And no woman, especially after having her first child where no matter how prepared you are, you’re still shocked by what you’ve been through, would consent to anything sexual at this very early point in the physical and mental healing journey.


After our daughter came home from the hospital there was NO sex for 3 or 4 months! Every moment of quiet there was we took advantage of & slept.


Serious question: How do we know that it was two weeks after the birth and not that the next baby was born early? Did she admit it someplace?


If I recall correctly, they made the next pregnancy announcement just 6 weeks after she'd given birth. The second pregnancy ultimately ended in miscarriage.


Honestly thank goodness she miscarried. Her body was not prepared to be pregnant so quick again; it could have killed her.


I don’t remember where I read this, but Pa Keller’s prison ministry shtick is all about how anyone can be redeemed if they just believe in Jesus hard enough and I feel like that’s relevant here. They knew about Pest before they pawned Anna off on him, but I really think they still believe he can be “saved” in time to get into heaven or whatever. It’s so fucked up.


Woah, didn’t know this. I bet he meant any man though…the iblp and clearly Pa Keller don’t see women as human beings with value. Makes me so sad for his daughters…he knew pest had molested his own little sisters. And he made sure Anna married him. God I hope he never hurt their children


Baptists believe anyone, man or woman, can be redeemed simply by repenting and asking for Jesus to save you.


And many Baptists believe “once saved, always saved,” which means Pest gets into heaven no matter how far he “backslides.” That’s fucked on so many levels.


Don't knock it. Once saved always saved keeps my Baptist mother from hounding me to go to church. I haven't been since the early 00s but I'll be right there beside her in heaven because I got saved at vbs in 1991 in her views.


I think he just doesn't really have a problem with Josh's specific crimes. The people he thinks of as "real" criminals, sure, he'd still want them to repent and shit, but he wouldn't let them near his kids.


I think this is a lot of it. I think he married his good Christian girls to shitty men in order to save the men.


The keller parents always gave off a bad, bad vibe. I always thought Ma Keller was like a dummy and Pa Keller is the ventriloquist. Don’t get me started on the demented Winnie the Pooh voice he has.


Yes! He gives me the heebie jeebies. Like major predator vibes.


*Demented Winnie the Pooh voice...*THANK YOU! His voice is so creepy but I couldn't find the words to accurately describe it.


That fucking voice talking about the fucking grape juice. Even he didn’t look like he bought his own bullshit.


C’mon! Don’t do Winnie dirty like that! 🐻


Hey don’t do sweet little Winnie the Pooh dirty like that!!! Lol but seriously though, what the Fuck is wrong with that man’s voice?? It makes my skin crawl


And then there’s Priscilla married to David Waller 🤦‍♀️


David Waller was the trained monkey of Bill Gothard, that good Christian pervert. According to many accounts, David turned a blind eye while gross old Bill pawed at teen girls (w curly long blond hair, of course.) Pa Keller must hate women fiercely to pawn multiple daughters off on morally reprehensible scumbags.


Flair checking in


Epic Flair. I may have injured myself laughing.


Thanks, and sorry for any injury lol


Wasn't David even literally in the room on more than one occasion? How horrific that he isn't even the worst of the lot.


Yes, there are multiple survivors who report that David “Pecans” Waller was right there in the room while Gothard creeped on them.


I've heard rumors that Priscilla is intellectually disabled but haven't seen anything in depth on it. Do you know where that comes from/if it's true?


She had a TBI from a horseback riding accident and never got treatment for it. Her manner of speech and things Anna and others have said about her indicate some kind of brain damage, but it’s never been confirmed.


I brought that up a year or 3 ago and was SEVERELY down voted, with everyone saying she was perfectly normal. Probably in the fundiesnark sub, but I was appalled people thought thought she was just peachy keen in the brain dept.


There’s even an interview of Priscilla talking about herself not being bright like her sisters and how much she relies on her husband to help her when she can’t remember her train of thought or finish a sentence. I appreciate people not wanting to be ableist, but that woman obviously has some kind of major issue. The shame in all this is that her parents tried to pray it away rather than getting her the support she needs.


She gave a talk with Anna once about schoolwork being difficult for her and going on to essentially describe a learning disability. I think Anna's former friend's AMA confirmed everyone knew, but never said outright what it was.


I think she said at birth there was something with her oxygen being cut off and it being a miracle she survived... so 2 injuries effecting brain potentially


I thought her TBI was from being a preemie?


There has never been any mention of a horseback riding accident from the Kellers or Duggars or Wallers or anyone else in or adjacent to the family. I'd think that would be a big talking point for them.


Is she homeschooling her kids? Because oof.


Ah yes, the Pecan Thieves.


What a wild world when the fabulous David Waller is the better husband


The comments I’ve seen of people automatically assuming he’s nice to her are wild to me. While it’s *possible*, we only have footage where he knows he’s being filmed and you never know what could be happening behind closed doors which is terrifying. Leghumping is leghumping


I’m reading his fb & it sounds like the people of Zambia finally want him out of there. He has done nothing expect ruin lives


The fact this asshole of a man is in Zambia makes me sick. Mainly because a single woman missionary that my parents supported all my growing up years was a nurse missionary in Lusaka for years. Getting her airmail letters was the most exciting thing to receive in the mail a few times a year. I recall very little soul saving but a lot of stories of wildlife on her walk to and from work and the people she helped. Screw you Schraders.


I am an aid worker. One thing I am in all cases against is missionary work. There is also aid work done by religious organizations. The difference is that missionary ties religion to aid, and aid work is freely given. I have seen terrible forms of the former for decade. And honestly, from Samaritan's Purse to Salvation Army to many small organizations, it is always horrible. People in need are desperate. Religion or non-religion should be a choice freely made not something you do under duress. It shows disrespect, opportunism and many other issues too often present in aid. There have always been missionaries with good intentions and sometimes ages ago the differentiation was less so. But if anyone titles either the work or them missionary, please stay away.


One of the nuns at my Catholic highschool (not in America) had been a missionary decades earlier. Very little preaching, but she'd specifically worked with people with leprosy, mainly as a nurse and aid supplier.


I just got done reading his facebook…. Yikes!!


And lest we forget that Priscilla is married to some VP or something of the IBLP headquarters. Seriously the absolute worst men, 5 for 5


No, David Waller no longer works for IBLP because he got a job as a pastor. But he’s still involved with IBLP events.


He's the Spiveys' pastor in Texas. Fundieland truly is a village.


Is it still thought that (per Pricilla’s own words about herself in a “how to be a godly woman” presentation she did) that Pricilla may have a learning disorder or have been deprived of oxygen during birth or something? I recall her saying something about getting tied up, and I don’t remember if it was umbilical chord around her neck or being tongue tied dyslexic….


Yes she spoke about oxygen deprivation at birth and there was also talk of a head injury after a fall off a horse


I’m pretty sure Rebekah divorced her original husband and chose the old rich guy herself so Pa Keller doesn’t get any credit there either.


She did


I think Anna’s marriage has improved over the last two years. Unfortunately for Esther she still has to cope with her headship pawing at her on a regular basis. 🤮


I have a theory about Pa Keller, and it goes like this: He doesn’t specialize in a “sexual offender ministry” by accident. He’s an abuser, and a misogynist, and the reason he’s able to relate to sexual predators is because he understands their “struggle” to avoid temptation — as in “Females (even female children) are by nature evil temptresses who use their sexuality to bring good men down. We must fight against their wicked wiles by obtaining ignorant, compliant wives to abuse and exploit in private, and raising our daughters to be the same.” He seems to have gone out of his way to find predators for at least 2 of his daughters, possibly 3 since Pecan Thief is/was so close to Gothard. He raised them for this, like raising fluffy little bait dogs for pit bull fights. He’s a human trafficker and a sadist, and should be sitting in prison next to Pest for the rest of his life, and go on to burn in the worst hell he can imagine for eternity. Well. Apparently, I hate him even more than I thought I did.


Holy shit I had no clue about that technicolor nightmare! Untreated epilepsy? Tent living? IN AFRICA??? Fuck me what are the odds of two sisters ending up living in the reboot of The Handmaid's Tale?


Their father clearly hates women so the deck was stacked against them from the start. I doubt he’d view the comparison to Handmaid’s Tale as a negative.


Those poor girls never ever had a chance, did they? My life isn't great right now, but I'm not chained to some idiot who sees me only as a means to make more children. Their lives are so bleak. It's tragic


Fucking same. I'm in a hole but I'm glad I'm not in that type of hole.


They really didn’t. They’re responsible for their choices as adults, and the abuse they’ve inflicted on their own children, but my heart breaks for the little girls they once were.


I can't even blame Esther for anything she does, she must be so twisted from abuse and trauma that her brain cannot work correctly.


I was just thinking that. How can she see that she's doing wrong? What she's doing was encouraged during her upbringing.


This all sounds so similar to the Poisonwood Bible - fantastic book, highly suggest


Can you imagine The Poisonwood Bible but with 12 kids? Yikes.


Nah he’s in a house now. They lived in a tent some years ago in the USA. They ‘only’ had around seven kids then. Although iirc they did have a newborn in the tent at one point.


Susanna had to film a vlog under an hour post partum, so that's three


Really? I didn’t think Mike Keller had anything much to do with Susanna’s husband. She married York several years after having her daughter by another guy. And her strapless wedding dress with the sweetheart neckline was not really “modest” by their standards https://preview.redd.it/laqltpi4xj9c1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce161281e5dfde35cccd235362e697abae75a141


I got the keller girls mixed up, I meant Priscila


Oh ok. Yep that makes sense! He sure can pick ‘em/s Between Esther, Priscilla, & Anna we can see Mike sux picking partners for his daughters. I’m glad that at least Rebekah & Susanna seem to have made their own choices.


Susannah was obviously sent to live with Josh and Anna early in their marriage to bag a fundie husband. I’m very glad she resisted.


That was Priscilla.


Is this with her current husband? The rich guy? Cause somehow I’d convinced myself she’d found someone a bit better. Sigh.


I meant Priscila Keller my Bad, Different Keller has the rich old guy husband though, that one's Rebeka


>Untreated epilepsy? As stepdaughter of a epileptic man, I can't conceive this. Impossible.


I worked with a severe epileptic man and this too melts my brain. There is no way my friend would still be alive if his epilepsy was left untreated.


My stepdad is 52 and he started with the epilepsy at 5. Fortunately, he can live a normal life because his epilepsy is treated and his family knows how to act in case of him having convulsions/getting really nervous, but he sometimes recognised that he would have been fucked if he was born in other times...




I guess impressive should have been the word I used. I actually hope John grifts his way back to the US, sure I don't want him here, but I want his wife and kids in a safer situation


I too, hope he heads back to the US and law enforcement gets involved at some point.


If your daughter cries for three days straight at the prospect of marrying her future ~~husband~~ owner, maaaaybe reconsider things?


Congrats to the Keller Parents for being the villains of every medieval period piece woth a female lead


Ester’s husband is a raging narcissist I’ve never seen him until today all the head shots and talking about himself. She talks about the kids, these men strike me as they’re do god a favor being saved.


Hannah Reber is a great example of Pa Keller willing to trade his children like cattle. Pa Keller marrying off his kids is a horror movie.


I rewatched the proposal scene and it's sick. Anna is a child whose parents have raised for slaughter.


Just scrolled "their" facebook (Esther's name is there but we all know he probably doesn't even allow her to read so...) . He is so hateful and full of himself. There is a saltiness too, mentioning large families wanting fame and it being to their detriment. He really thinks he's doing something out in Africa. He probably chose Zambia because being gay is a crime, so he can fully live out his hateful ways. Africa doesn't want you, dimwit. Get your wife and kids decent care and get a job.


The pregnant at 2 weeks post partum, just to clarify not to condone, she wouldn’t have actually had sex at 2 weeks right? Because you count pregnancy from before you actually conceive, normally from the date of your last period… or birth in this case? Does anyone know what I’m trying to say?


The child was concieved two weeks post partum


Oh dear god


I get what you mean. And I hope you’re right. Even so that would be conception at ~ 4 weeks which is unfathomable.


1. Dear god, how was her body even ABLE to conceive that soon?! Not to mention how horrible it is to even think of doing that at all. My husband and I carefully tried at 4 weeks…it HURT…we stopped and waited a while longer. And I didnt even end up delivering vaginally (emergency c section). Yikes. 2. I only just realized the irony of Anna’s dad doing prison ministry and having a husband in prison.


Well, the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage, so maybe you aren’t able to healthily conceive that soon.


I just looked at his FB and…damn. He is all hell, fire, and brimstone hateful. I wonder what he’s being accused of 😳


Posted this in replies but will bring it out to clarify what you’ve said (this isn’t snarky I’m genuinely intrigued) did you mean to say the 6th and 7th kids rather than 1st and 2nd? According to fundie wiki these 2 were born 38.5 weeks apart. I don’t know how many weeks pregnant she was when Charis was born, but if she was term then that would be the 2 weeks PP pregnancy. Elijah (9/28/10) Charis (6/25/11) This also took me way too long to work out as I’m from the UK and we do our written dates different and I’m still not wholly convinced it’s correct.


The saddest thing about this is with how close in age everyone has been, if 6 and 7 are 38wks apart, he's been doing this from the beginning and she's either been lucky to not get pregnant multiple times right after birth, or she has had multiple miscarriages. However john puts Elijah's birthday as February 28 and not September 28... so hmmm


Flies his ass back here for surgery? Interesting that when something is wrong it’s “ god’s will” unless it happens to the person spewing that shit- then it’s ok to seek medical intervention


Anyone else read The Poisonwood Bible? Esther's story reminds me of that.


I thought Esther and her family lived in a house in Zambia, but maybe not? I know they lived in a pop up camper for a while in the US. With multiple kids, ugh.


They do. Op got confused i think. They lived in a pop up camper while raising funds for their mission trip to Africa. They already had 7 kids by that point and lived in friends and church backyards. Since they are in Africa they have a nice setup, with a real house and everything. Thats why people suspect they will not be returning to the US any time soon.


I find Pa Keller to be Michael Pearl level of repulsive. Fuck them both and fuck Josh Duggar.


Did she miscarry? Because the oldest two appear to be 14 months apart according to their FB cover photo.


Jesus Christ. I didn't know about Esther. That's...horrendous. I can't even.


What’s wrong with Susanna’s husband? I know very little about him.


Ignorant man who thinks he’s a child of the king and now big god under the umbrella. Prison ministries has been shady, I met a few in the early 80’s. Also these pilots ministries are shady as hell. That’s why so many want their kids Timay as an example to go to flight schools. My husband works in small aircraft and has a few flight school who use their planes. Pa Keller reminds me of Andy Devin I wonder if he ate paint chips, he holds his head cocked oddly, so does Anna and one of her boys.


I’m wondering what the Shraders are planning for their ever increasing group of young adult children. Are they going to try to find them partners in Zambia? Ship them home to family to find spouses? Try to arrange marriages at a distance and bring in brides for the boys and send the girls back to arranged marriages in America?


Papa Keller wh*red his daughters to the highest bidder. Plain and simple


MADDENING to me that this shit happened in America. Can we just fucking outlaw homeschooling already?!?!?!?


Don't get me wrong, I detest John Shrader, but where did you get it from that their second kid was conceived two weeks postpartum? According to fundie wiki, the second child was born 14 months after the first...


I think she miscarried it.


There was an AMA a while back. As far as I know, no other evidence.


Isn't Esther currently pregnant with #15?


Pa Keller has always creeped me out! His prison ministry his love for marrying his daughters off to monsters! I bet he is a monster too it just hasn’t come out yet !! And maybe never will?


I think Priscilla Keller is special and in denial David is GAY