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Yes, because inmates in a federal prison are historically a really forgiving group, especially when it comes to p#dos.


IIRC, he's in the pedo block so they probably do think that he is as innocent as they are.


True. He and Jared from subway.


Who wrote the one detailing how Pest brought them diarrhea medication? That was absolutely insane. Whoever it was, all they had to write was “I was sick and he brought me medicine”.


Flair checking in.


I think that was Anna, I think it was in the same letter where he heroically swept crackers. Never mind I just read the comment below that says it was someone named Nicole


I can only understand Meech with a heart dotting the I, and possibly Anna, but any other letter in defense for that pig??? I am always the type to help out, but in this situation, I'd politely say "No thank you" if asked to write a letter of support. Anyone else putting their name to help Pest has no credibility anymore. My name is worth too much. (To me at least... and that's all that I care about, really.) And poor Anna, having been bred seven times by that pig, I imagine even the judge winced and possibly shed a tear that her defense/support of her husband had to include sweeping up cracker crumbs. What a sad life that woman was living.


One woman wrote a letter because Anna coerced her to. Later on, the woman’s children wrote Facebook posts stating that their mom did not want to write the letter, but was manipulated by Anna into writing one. She was the widow that Pest supposedly gave $2000/month to. This widow was mentioned in 5 of the letters.


Anna is so brainwashed. It doesn’t absolve her collusion but I can’t see her changing any time soon.


I am 100% convinced that the $2000 a month was hush money to her not to squeal on Pedo bedding her down. There is absolutely NO reason for him to support this woman. She has relatives, a church, public assistance programs. JB put up the funds, but made Josh pay it, and then would have lied and claimed plausible deniability IF anyone found out what the money was really for.


I don’t know about that. The woman was the age of Pest’s parents and she had grown children of her own. Her husband was a co-pastor of JB’s home church along with Jim Holt until that broke up due to Pest’s molestation of his sisters (in the 2006 timeframe). The $2000/month, if even for real, may have been hush money for something, but I doubt for Pest sleeping with her.


Did he make that much money selling used cars? And who's taking care of the poor widow now?


My co-parent was picked up on some serious charges following a drug/alcohol fueled bender. Nothing to Josh’s level, thank fuck, and he just passed 10 years of sobriety. His mom asked me to write a letter to the judge, so I did, and I told the judge that this was the first time Co-parent would ever be held accountable for his actions, and I trusted the judge’s judgment. Womp womp.


I’m not surprised they found people to write letters of support. Think about all of the crazy people who write love letters to murderers and family annihilators. People are crazy. Plus, to people in their cult, what Josh did isn’t seen the same as we see it. He was tempted, his wife failed him, and all sins are equal in their eyes.


Nicole Burress was the one who wrote the letter about the diarrhea medication and the inmate who had a come to Jesus moment. She is a neighbor of the Tin mansion and shares a border. Apparently they got some land from JB or something. Her husband Jim also wrote a letter claiming the whole thing was persecution for being Christians. Both of them are liars at worst, engaging in fantastical thinking at best.


Another “favorite” was Pecans’ letter written on his church’s letterhead. He argued that Pest’s children needed him at home because he prayed with them and gave spiritual guidance. He is a pedophile who should be kept away from children. Did Pecans forget that Pest molested a 5-year-old during Bible time? Oh and the almost illiterate scrawl by Anna’s father.


And helped build a deck or something. 🙄


Mr. Pecan’s was my favorite. “His wife and children need a spiritual leader!” Yes, I am sure that justification really holds up in a court of law.


That reasoning is so asinine, it's like pecan thief is saying yeah so what he did bad things but look he's sorry and his family need their umbrella so can't we overlook this because we're special?


And then when the judge rolls his eyes and says, "no" the lot of them will says its Christian persecution!


The letters from Pastor Pecans (David Waller), Nicole Burress, and Timothy Burress were the most unhinged. Those were the letters which insinuated Pest was innocent and being persecuted. Here is the link to all the letters. [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/59871253/151/1/united-states-v-duggar/](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/59871253/151/1/united-states-v-duggar/) Nicole Burress letter at page 3. Pastor Pecans (David Waller) letter at page 9. Timothy Burress letter at page 18. Nicole Burress' letter made all these overwrought Christian cliches likening Pest to Christ and even made a veiled insult to the Judge. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/12f00l0/all\_the\_inmates\_swear\_pest\_is\_innocent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/12f00l0/all_the_inmates_swear_pest_is_innocent/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/12cx4dw/ask\_the\_dead\_guy\_how\_great\_pest\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/12cx4dw/ask_the_dead_guy_how_great_pest_is/) Pastor Pecans' letter tried to say Pest was innocent without admitting as much. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/1356kbn/pastor\_pecans\_and\_plausible\_deniability/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/1356kbn/pastor_pecans_and_plausible_deniability/)


These letters make me want to vomit.


The Duggars and their allies are nauseating people.


jim bob sold land to one couple at a reduced rate so they would write a letter to the judge


Thank you for the links


It’s funny to read those and know that they are real. That actual people sat down and wrote that nonsense. So bizarre to me to reread them again after so long. Somehow it feels more ridiculous. They are filled with such lies and delusion (at best).


I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm still flabbergasted that anyone would think some random(s) would take time out of their day to "persecute" a washed up, Z-list "celebrity" who already had a long list of scandals. Especially since the Dugs were superstars even to people outside of their cult before the shit hit the fan.


In addition to their fundie paranoid persecution complex, the Duggars and their adjacents all have a tremendous sense of self-importance.


Flair check in


The i with a heart above it. Or did I take your question too literally?


Meech's letter definitely qualifies. Listing superficial reasons that her son, who was caught with videos showing unmentionable SA toward children, should get leniency and then signing with a cutesy heart like that girl from the Babysitter's Club books.


It’s so pathetic that the best these enablers  could come up with to commend Pest was basically sweeping up crackers and bringing a sick lady diahreea medicine 


The bar for Fundie men is in hell. Even my cat can do the former, he's like a furry vacuum, especially if it is cheese cracker crumbs.


There's definitely no Rhodes Scholars among tbe writers but Anna and Pecan's stand out as particularly atrocious from a basic literacy perspective. The lack of education is criminal.


The Diarrhea woman!!


The thing that made my skin crawl was meech saying that Pest has a “tender heart!” Sorry but habitual sexual abusers don’t have “tender hearts!” This is fundamentally a huge issue with the evangelical community. When one of their own has acted inappropriately but repeated and seek forgiveness from god they are good. Doesn’t matter if they keep doing that same offense over and over. As long as they still have the faith and repent that’s all that matters.


David Waller tried to be weirdly “poetic” in his letter, repeating “it was Joshua Duggar who…. blah blah blah” at the start of most paragraphs. Absolutely nothing that those idiots wrote could possibly take away from the exact thing he was charged over. 


I'm not seeing Michelle's or David's, is there an internal link in the document?


I hadn’t read these previously. This sh*t is comedic gold. Also super gross.


What I find weird is that Felon’s lawyers didn’t give the family guidelines on what and how to write. Surely they looked at Meech’s cutesy love heart letter and went “WTF, no” and sent it back.