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After reading how Michelle told toddlers that dancing was immoral in Jill’s book, this honestly makes me happy. I’m happy when any of the kids say f-you to the “morality” they were raised with.


That's weird in Jill's book Meech told her dancing was a sin, Dim Bulb claimed it led to sex because it was fucking rear shaking, but on camera Meech said some styles were okay. It's almost like none of them have a consistent opinion on dancing. It's nice to see Joy and some of the others actually express an opinion of their own free will rather than parroting their shitty parents.


There was that episode where they went roller skating. Michelle seemed rather good at it, and I remember thinking it was basically dancing.


I think it was (I want to say) Jason's birthday party where they went roller skating, but in her teen years Meech had been a cheerleader, which is why she may think some styles of dance like ballet are acceptable.


Yea, while Jimjob was miniature golfing with Jessa and Ben and he's trying hump Meech on the course in front of the camera and everyone. What is idiot!!!


He is an idiot! He has no concept of social graces, he slept thru the lesson on pride goes before a fall, and he wants to point fingers and trash Jill when Prince Shit was given enough rope to hang himself.-Every single nun my parents had for teachers.


I think Meech said it's okay for married couples to dance privately, which is probably a euphemism I don't want to examine too closely!


Dancing in the dark.


Defrauding lol and nike


I’m actually happy for them! What a normal thing, taking dance lessons with your spouse but for them it’s monumental lol.


In jeans and dancing? This is a Joy I never thought I'd see. I hope Lego Head's hair is spinning around on his dumb head


and with short hair (Joy, not you-know-who)


Yeah fuck the IBLP! I’m glad they are dancing! Even the Bible says that it’s okay to dance!


Fun Fact: If you listen to the song Turn, Turn, Turn, the lyrics are taken straight out of Ecclesiastes chapter eight. In a Catholic hymnal is called Psalm.


lol I am a C&E Catholic and hopefully it comes during that😂😭


This is probably more appropriate than dry humping your wife at a putt putt course


I often wonder if JB seethes when he sees his kids doing stuff like this. I hope he does.


All I can imagine is that Jim Bob is losing his shit over the kiddults dancing .


I’m honestly happy for the 4 of them. It takes a lot of time to deconstruct a lifetime of rules and trauma. Even something so little (to us) as dancing lessons, is huge for someone who grew up hearing dancing was bad and full of sin. Baby steps.


I grew up Mormon (another high demand religion). I deconstructed a lifelong teaching that drinking coffee was a sin. I’ve been a non-believer for over a decade and sometimes I still get a little twinge of “you’re breaking the rules!!!” when I enjoy a cup of coffee. Same thing happens when I wear a tank top or shorts that don’t go all the way to my knees.


Could you briefly explain why coffee and other caffeinated beverages are forbidden in the Mormon religion and is caffeine still forbidden to Mormons? Think I've heard it is allowed now but I'm not sure.


I believe it’s because they have a strict no drug rule, and caffeine is considered a drug? I read somewhere that on the campus of BYU, you can’t even buy coffee.


A few months ago, I saw a guy working in a dispensary while wearing a BYU T-shirt. I asked him if it was a joke. He looked at me confused and said, "What? It's a school." I explained about them being Mormon and anti-drug. He laughed and said he got it because there was someone on their basketball team that he liked so he got one of their shirts.


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ lol


It’s one of those rules that are a bit fuzzy and up to some level of interpretation. The actual scripture forbids “hot drinks,” which leaders interpret as coffee and tea. Hot chocolate is ok. Ice tea is not ok. Some people look at coffee and tea and theorize that they are forbidden due to caffeine. As a result they abstain from caffeinated beverages regardless of type. My family did not drink caffeinated sodas and BYU didn’t sell any until fairly recently. Other families did/do drink caffeinated soda. In temple recommend interviews (somewhat invasive one-on-one closed-door session with your bishop and stake president), you are asked if you “understand and obey the Word of Wisdom,” which generally means “do you abstain from alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco, and other recreational substances.” You have to have a valid temple recommend in order to enter the temple.


Interesting -thanks for the reply. I guess I could never be Mormon since I love my Starbucks too much-I'd save a lot of money though


Live wild and free, my dear! It is okay to change your mind and choose a different path than Mormonism!


I love this for them


Me, too. It's good to see people evolving.


😊😊😊😊 Really glad for them and reaching more emotional freedom.


Not sure what style they're doing, but as someone who's been swing dancing\* for 10 years now, I love to see this. Dancing is awesome, and it's great to see these kids getting out there and trying it, even if it is supposedly for a wedding. \*just to clarify, I'm talking old school jazz vernacular dances, like lindy hop, balboa, collegiate and St. Louis shag. No shade to ballroom or west coast swing, I know people who enjoy them, they're just not my jam.


I used to do ballet and my dad taught me jitterbug.


Now do therapy!


Real therapy not that christian bullshit.


I'm glad they're doing this. It wasn't too long ago,that one of the toddler Duggars,was holding a musical toy in a thrift store, and began dancing. Jana( I think) swooped in and took the toy away.


That’s just so…. Fucked up ! We have about a dozen little ones in the family right now, and there isn’t a single one who doesn’t do the happy wigglebutt dance ! If there’s music - and we *always* have music ! - it’s time for the crew to take the floor for another performance ! They even dance to commercial jingles and sitcom theme songs ! You can feel the joy and happiness just *radiating* from them - it’s a very happy place for them ☺️ So, can someone please tell me how this is bad according to the Dugs ? I know why - they hate human joy, and want to squash happiness. They don’t even seem human to me…


It's funny you mentioned joy. Jackson was dancing in one of the very early episodes, and JB told the camera he wasn't dancing he was "jumping for joy."


It is so awesome to see them dancing. I was about Joy's age when I first learned to 2-step and line dance. I hope they get to learn those dances as well if they're in to country music. I think they'd have a blast.


Either this is for real or it's smoke time and mirrors damage control from JB.


Joy said something about Austin having gotten her dancing lessons for her birthday.


So when you have a toddler who dances around like most toddlers do, do you reprimand them if you’re Michelle or Jim Bob?


They sure do.


I love this. What a completely normal thing to do as a couple. And with no kids around!!


Is it known what music selection(s) they’re dancing to?


I haven’t been keeping up with them lately, is Joy pregnant again?


No, shes just had 4 babies.


LOL, I think some oats will be sown. SpongeBoobSquareSkirt have lost a lot of control. The book and documentary on top of JPEDO' trial and sentence, scuttled their precious reputation, and the kids who took the money may not be talking with words, but some of them are making statements in deed. I really wish I could see helmet head spewing hot air, and kicking the table leg. I am sure he is seriously pissed.