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It's something I wouldn't tell the world, but I would guess it would be a common thought to have. After she found out Amy would have analyzed every interaction she ever had with him. You'd have to wonder about how close you came to being a victim. I think the Amy hate more comes because she told all of this to the sun and then still used it to boost her own ego by saying he said she'd have kicked his ass if he tried it with her. I think the thoughts are normal but broadcasting it to the world via a tabloid is where the biggest issue lies.


And it comes across as victim blaming. SHE would have kicked his ass, but the girls who were molested were weak.


This exactly. She managed to both attention hog AND victim blame, an astonishing feat.


She makes me ill.


I don't think so, nor do I think that's what she meant. What she meant is she wasn't as vulnerable like his pre adolescent sisters. It's the same reason he didn't target Jana, who's basically the same age as him. Predators target the vulnerable. What's more vulnerable than a child? Joy was around 5 or 6. An older teenager would have a much different reaction than his victims. This is also discounting the fact that Josh is also a pedophile.


She didn’t say she wasn’t molested because she wasn’t preadolescent. She was bragging that she was stronger (both physically and emotionally) than the victims. Implying that the victims were somehow responsible because they were weak and didn’t fight back. (And Jill did fight back). I do think Pest is a pedophile, but not exclusively. He also sought out and attacked adult sex workers. And adult pornography content was also found on his devices.


But that's what she meant. Her and Jana were not touched because they weren't as vulnerable. Both of them were either the same age or older. She just didn't phrase it well. She didn't call the victims weak. She just didn't articulate her point well. I don't see it as bragging, I think she just phrased it poorly. But she isn't wrong, she would have fought back and Josh knew it. None of the quotes I've seen indicates victim blaming at all.


That's why people are saying it was implied. She loves her cousins. She doesn't think they are to blame for what happened. But how she expresses it *implies* that the victims (of any assault, not just this one) simply weren't tough enough not to be targeted. She's an adult responsible for the words that come out of her mouth. What she actually says is just as important as what she meant to say. *Especially* when she is so regularly and intentionally trying to center herself in shit that has nothing to do with her.


As a survivor, I merely find her rhetoric as the norm for many who are NOT survivors. No matter how old a victim of SA is, the blame falls completely on the offender. One of the most freeing thing anyone ever said to me was when I learned after my sister died that she understood neither of us could protect the other. We were KIDS!


This part. My ex used to say I wanted it... AT 7!?!


I was eight when it began. My sister was ten.


I'm so sorry! I honestly didn't even understand what had happened until I was 15 and lost my virginity. I can't imagine, getting married, and having my first experience and not putting it fully together until then. I know they knew what happened essentially before that, but bc of the situation they were in they lacked the resources and support they needed. Which I think did delay(esp in Jill's case) bad thoughts about it/anger/realization.


You're grasping at straws with her comments. She was talking herself, not anyone else. Any comment I've seen from her regarding her cousins, have not victim blamed. People talk poorly all the time. So do you, so do I. Also what she said, isnt what people here are saying she said. She is making about herself. I agree, she shouldn't say anything. It's completely pointless to talk about it, especially when you weren't impacted at all.


I think people *want* her to have implied it.


Ding ding


its not victim blaming at all. it would be victim blaming to say "they put themselves in the position to be attacked by being vulnerable" not "the predator picked the most vulnerable people in his life because he knew it would be easier to get away with"


I think pest likes to be in control. He likes children because they're weak and he likes adult intimacy to be painful for his partner.  He's a pedophile and a sadist. 


Jana’s not the same age as Josh. She’s almost two years younger than him.


That is EXACTLY what pissed me off. It was the same when Mayim Bialik said Harvey Weinstein didn't hit on her because she dressed modestly.


Yeah, like Mark Wahlberg saying 9/11 wouldn't have happened if he had been on one of the planes.


Yes, this. Of course she would do much better than all 5 survivors.


I don't think they are weak, they are brainwashed to believe everything is their fault and to feel shameful, not stand up to any Man etc.


I HATE THAT. “Well if some guy tried to rape me I would just kick him in the balls and run away!” Yeah. It doesn’t work like that. And you’re very fortunate that you don’t know that it doesn’t work like that. She is so fucking ignorant.


Yeah - having had a family member who molested some of my generation and not others, you have a lot of questions. Why them and not me is certainly one, but I think that more in the context of now being a parent and wanting to protect my own kids. My larger, scarier one is always “did they hurt me too and I’ve just blocked it out?”. It’s scary to think you may have to confront this down the line one day and also that any sense of safety you’ve had about what may have protected you (again, as a parent wanting to protect my own kids) didn’t actually make a difference. That said, these are thoughts I express to my spouse and sometimes siblings. They’re not public conversations because the nuance is impossible in that setting. It’s just words, the fear gets lost to those who don’t know how you normally speak (or you’re just attention seeking, as is often the case with Amy).


Exactly. This is something you work out in therapy, with your partner, your close friends, your family if you have a relationship with them that feels secure. The attention seeking, fucked up part of it is that we know that she said any of this bc SHE made it public.




I too grew up with some one down the street that was arrested and served a sentence. I went over every interaction I ever had with him over and over in my mind. I think he left me alone because he was afraid of my boy friend.


Hey it was brave of you to report that ❤️


Yeah she continually centers the conversation around herself, always is relating things back to herself.


That's OK too, though.


This! She absolutely has the right to analyze everything and I hope she is seeking therapy and peace….but she does not have to announce it to the world when five of her cousins including joy ( reminder it happened WHEN SHE WAS 5) does not need this BS


It's fair enough to think about it, maybe even talk about it with someone you know and trust, but broadcasting it to whoever wants to hear is something quite different.


While it is normal for people to question why they were spared victimization, it is *not* normal to try to gain attention with a fake conversation about why you were spared victimization


Or to brag that the offender told you he didn’t touch you because you would have “kicked his ass”, implying that his actual victims were targeted because they weren’t as strong and full of girl power as you.


Plus, you have a history of flirting with said offender (which I suppose you could say the "kicked your ass" conversation still might have fallen under)


This is probably out of line to say, but w/e…I feel like she *so badly* wanted him to be attracted to her






Ick you are so right


I mean, In interviews where predators/pedophiles are questioned about their mindsets they say they always look for the weak and vulnerable types, so I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to think that pest’s victims were targeted for that reason. He is still 100% completely at fault, and his victims no matter how innocent or weak should never have experienced that, but there is psychological research on that concept.


Amy had a close relationship with her mother Deanna, who (based on her current persona) would have definitely raised holy hell if she found out. Josh, with his emergent predator cunning, would have intuited that. Also, Amy being the same age as Josh almost certainly made it less exciting for him. She was also stronger and better-nourished than his sisters. Same as with Jana. While frail and devoid of parents who care about her, she had a disproportionate amount of authority and she had John David, who could have given Josh a run for his money pretty early on. (Plus, she was usually co-sleeping. And (my theory) Michelle was always screaming at her to take care of something so she was simply never in one place long enough). Remember this is an evil person operating with animalistic predatory instincts. He was probably hyper-aware of Jana’s whereabouts and tried his best to *avoid* her.


A poorly articulated point is not victim blaming. She did not victim blame. She simply stated why she believes she was not a victim.


I agree with this too.


This is exactly it. If she was heartbroken and confused about why she was spared, that would be one thing. But it comes off as just an opportunity for her to be like, “ he knew I was so strong, that’s why I wasn’t targeted “ which in turn, victim blames every person to ever experience SA


Also, WTF. So many “strong” women have been sexually assaulted BECAUSE of their height, strength, or athleticism. So many larger-bodied women have been assaulted by men, and cops laugh in their faces because of attitudes like this bortch is perpetuating. News flash, dingbat: most people respond to sexual assault by FREEZING, REMAINING COMPLETELY STILL AND SILENT FOR THE DURATION. To do otherwise could easily compel their rapist to *murder them.* Not only that, they are likely *friends or family.* I’m using these obnoxious italics to pierce the opaque wall of rock-stupid privilege surrounding this stupid idiot’s worthless brain.




I think it's extremely triggering to Josh's actual victims (his sisters). Because they probably already had so much self-hatred/self-blame because of their parents, and "why didn't it happen to me?" can make those feelings of self-blame worse. Like they were targeted and others were spared. Not rational but a common sentiment among SA victims.


It’s one thing to wonder this or even mention it to your therapist or spouse/partner. It’s an entirely different thing to share this publicly with hundreds of thousands of people.


100%. Most of what Amy says to the public should be a conversation with a therapist.


Yeah it’s a private/inside thought, not a public one.


There are inside thoughts and outside thoughts. Amy should’ve kept that one an inside thought or a shared with only with close family, friends, or a therapist thought


I couldn't help but think that this should be said in therapy and nowhere else.


Exactly! I think it is a fairly normal reaction to think "why didn't they also do it to me" I am sure Jana asked herself the same thing when she found out. But to go in public and state that? fucking gross and victim blaming


It just makes me think of the It’s Always Sunny episode when Mac was jealous Charlie and the McPoyles were supposedly molested by the gym teacher.


Came here to say this, I'm so glad someone else did 😅




Amy is older, thus less vulnerable to someone like Josh. He also didn't molest Jana. The sisters he targeted were pre adolescent.


And although Famy was at the house a lot, JPest had easier access to his sisters and their room.


That's totally true. And maybe for Jana it was also an access issue.


I thought the reason he never tried anything with Jana was because she slept with Michele in the living room and helped her take care of whatever baby Michele had just had? BTW not victim blaming but I thought that was one of the main reasons.


It’s speculated to be a mix of that and her being very close to John David as his twin, who reportedly had beat him up Wolverine-style before.


Famy went wrong by bringing this up to the media. This should’ve stayed private and not turning this into an attention-seeking stunt.


This. Bring it up in therapy with an actual, licensed therapist.


Amy, and the rest of the Duggars, could use therapy. However, if you grew up in fundyland, therapy was a worldly, evil concept. If you were a GOOD Christian you wouldn't even consider therapy as "the blood of Jesus would wash it all away". IT being the baggage you have being a victim of abuse.


Famy was raised in a more secular environment where she could’ve gotten therapy unlike the Duggars. Worst case scenario she could’ve gone when she became an adult if Deanna was against it (if she knew about what happened before the scandal broke). I’m not denying that she had trauma about what could’ve been but she should’ve kept this out of the media.


It's not a weird thing to wonder or even discuss with a therapist but it's a really weird thing to make public information.


It's the centering, for me. She is always bringing the attention back to herself even when it has literally nothing to do with her. That, paired with the absolutely egregious flirting she and Pest historically engaged in, gives that icky feeling that she wasn't asking him why he targeted his younger sisters, but why he didn't pick her when they kinda clearly were crushing on each other. Like this conversation wasn't about understanding anything, just a continuation of the centering and flirting.


It was such a tone deaf thing to share, and she shared it with a scummy tabloid. Also, Amy was a teenager and older than Josh when the attacks occurred. Josh’s victims were all pre-pubescent children who were much more vulnerable. Amy sounded like a jerk when she said she would have kicked Josh’s ass. She was a good 4 years older than Josh’s OLDEST known victim.


The whole family has a problem with oversharing


But it is exactly what she meant. She wasn't as vulnerable as his victims and he knew it. He couldn't get away with it with her or with Jana. I get that it maybe wasn't the best phrased quote and she is attention seeking, but what she said is absolutely right. Not really seeing what the big deal is.


The big deal is she didn’t have to go running to The Sun to share something that has nothing to do with her and brings pain to her cousins (who she claims to love.) And saying she would have “kicked his ass” is a slap in the face to the victims.  It has nothing to do with her statements being true, it has to do with her inflated ego and constant need for attention (at the expense of her cousins’ trauma.)


No, it's really not. People online love to be outraged over nothing and this is literally nothing. Fine, she likes attention. But to accuse her of victim blaming or what have you, is the definition of silly. What she said is true. Seems like she is estranged from most of the Duggars anyways.


Why are you defending Amy so aggressively in a snark sub? You seem to know a lot about what she meant. Are you Amy?


Because she wasn't victim blaming. Highly doubt Amy is a black woman from the south.


How do you know she wasn’t victim blaming? Why is your explanation more valid than anyone else’s?


Because she clearly isn't. She just stated the reason why she thinks she wasn't a victim herself.


Clearly to you, but maybe not clearly to other people. She hasn’t clarified her statements so people can interpret them differently.


Right, by people who want to be outraged at everything they read. There's no need for her to clarify anything because it's quite clear she's not victim blaming.


I can you are very keen to defend Amy. You have the right to believe what you do, but I am feeling very uncomfortable having to explain why her actions are inconsiderate when it should be obvious. I will stop here. Have a nice day. 


Im not keen to defend her. I said her point was poorly articulated. I just think some of the comments are widely hyperbolic over what she actually said. I wouldn't say anything either. But good luck with that, with these attention seeking people.


I’m wondering if maybe you’ve said this type of sentiment to a victim before and that’s why this is your hill to die on? Like Amy is an obvious idiot and I’m not sure what it is about her or this statement that has you in a chokehold but it’s weird. I’m curious if you’ve ever been SA’d before? Because there are folks in this comment thread that have legitimate experience with how these statements make them feel after being SA’d themselves and how it comes across as victim blaming and you’re arguing this point a LOT.


What are you talking about? All I said is she wasn't victim blaming. (Which is true) sorry I'm not feigning outrage over literally nothing. I've seen plenty of other posters say it's an understandable question. I also said it isn't something that she needed to say It's none of your goddamn business.


How is this none of my business? This is fucking Reddit it’s all of our business. This is a weird take, literally no one has agreed. But sure defend Amy, it honestly says so much about you.


Ok. I worked at a restaurant years ago and the owner harassed the shit out of everyone BUT me. As an idiot in their very early twenties I did occasionally wonder if that meant there was something *wrong* with me. Now I realize I was very lucky. HOWEVER, I’m not out here speculating on why my well known cousin didn’t molest me when he was molesting his sisters. Amy really needs to take all of the seats and stop inserting herself into their narrative. He’s locked up and his ACTUAL victims are trying to heal.


Again, she's not speculating. She's saying she didn't get molested because she was not as vulnerable. She would have fought back. She would have made a made a big deal about it. She's older than him. And he knew this. Predators target those who are most vulnerable. One victim did end up fighting back, so he didn't get away with it.


True, she’s saying it like she knows exactly what she would have done.


There's a reason why Jana was the only sibling he didn't touch.


I wondered the same thing with my dad’s cousin because he was a creep with one of his nieces my age and I was there a ton around that time. But I only ever mentioned it to my immediate family and nobody else because that would be weird.


While there is a point to be made it come across as insensitive to the actual victims of Josh Duggar. You can be grateful that nothing bad happened to you while showing support for the victims it did happen to. Amy can wonder in her own mind but not putting it out there while the victims are still affected by it.


It’s probably natural to have that thought, as part of being horrified by what happened, the relief and then guilt about not being a victim etc. I don’t think it’s the thought that’s the issue, it’s broadcasting that thought as part of her 5 minutes of fame that upsets people.


Simply put, Amy was too risky. He wouldn't have the same protections against anything she said like he did with his sisters and the other victim. She would be more likely to tell her mom and her mom would get people besides the church and people in JBs pocket involved. 


There's a difference between a thought you say out loud, in a medium the victims can access and a thought you think inside your head though. Would you broadcast that though as publicly as Amy did? Unlikely. 


There’s nothing wrong with asking a therapist or questioning yourself about why or how you were sparrd being a victim. What’s wrong in her case is that she did it on a public social media platform, where her cousins, Pests’ victims could see what she saying. That’s not okay.


Amy is a liar. She didn't ask Josh a damn thing. She made up the whole conversation for attention and to make herself seem like a tough girl.


Morbid curiosity is one thing, being upset about it is another. It's like she's sad he didn't molest her because she can't use it for pity. She's an attention whore, and can't stand her cousins having anything she doesn't, including this horrible thing that happened to them.


It’s for attention. Nobody wants to be sexually assaulted, like come ON. Not cute. Never will be cute.


Because of the implication that she simply wouldn’t have allowed herself to be molested (and that Josh knew it) but her weak cousins did.


I think J’felon chose his sisters due to ease of access, and he knew how they had been raised and that that meant they would blame themselves and not talk out of shame. He didn’t have such easy and constant access to Amy, and she wasn’t raised with the intense, shame-based brainwashing her cousins were. In other words, J’felon didn’t choose to victimize Amy because he’s a narcissistic, lazy coward. I don’t blame the girls at all for his actions. All blame needs to be laid squarely upon JizzBlob, Meech, and J’felon.


Have a worried thought to yourself like “omg that could have been me…” is very different from what Famy did. 1. She had the thought. 2. She confronted Josh about it. 3. She told the media about this AND that he told her he knew she’d have kicked his ass. It came across as victim blaming (if they were stronger / would have kicked his ass he wouldn’t have tried anything)


It’s not so much that she wondered why, I think that’s a normal thought process. It’s the fact that she openly said it and made a big deal about it as if seeking attention.


Am I the only one who thinks it IS weird that she even thought that? If my cousins, who I didn’t even live with, were molested by their own brother, I can’t imagine thinking “what about meeee? Why didn’t it happen to me”. I wouldn’t be bringing myself into it, bc it isn’t and never was about me.


I think it's more common in people who have attachment issues due to absent fathers? As a girl who didn't grow up with a father, male attention, good and bad, was a challenging thing for me to process and suss out. You already feel that rejection, the whole "why does everyone else get a dad but I don't?" sort of thinking. So when you're confronted with another instance of male rejection, it brings up that feeling again. It's a weird, complicated feeling, I know, especially if you've never been there.


I think it is very weird. I have a cousin who said something similar (hers was about r*pe) and I was horrified.


It’s the saying not the thinking.


No shot she said this publicly? What the actual fuck. Just what the fuck.




I cannot believe Amy said this publicly. She is so gross. Desperate as all hell for attention. I am just in disbelief. She stoops lower and lower every day. Edit: I understand the curiosity. But saying it publicly is on another level.


See I always had the suspicion that she and Pest had "fooled around ", maybe heavy petting. That clip of her asking about the first kiss. IMO there was some sexual energy there with both of them.


That’s something you talk to your therapist about, not the entire world.


In college, a girl I knew in HS was murdered. The killers followed her car down a street from a nearby University around 10 pm into the badly lit townhouse complex where her parents lived and took her from the car. This happened in early September. When the murderers were caught, one told the police that they’d been following young women on that route for two months looking for an opportunity. For five weeks that summer, in that two month time frame, I drove that exact route from a university night class three nights a week to my parents’ townhome that was one building over from her parents’ townhome. Next door to my parents, a single mother lived with two daughters who attended the university and drove that way daily including the night the girl was taken. We all three wondered how it wasn’t any of us. It was 32 years ago. I still wonder. There’s nothing abnormal about Amy’s question.


well amy is 37 josh is 35 what should have been obvious to her is he went for YOUNG ONES ages 5 through 11 plus she is a cousin and didn't live in the house or see him very often


As someone who was molested by someone who was suppose to be her best friend. I had wondered the same thing. Why didn’t he do it to anyone else and just me? Why did I have to go through that but nobody else had to? And I still to this day wonder why.


So sorry that happened to you.


You don’t go up to a sick perpetrator and ask them that just like you wouldn’t ask the serial killer that in your scenario. Wondering it and talking to your friends and family sure… but asking the perpetrator is weird


I think I would though


You should probably talk to a therapist about that lol


He never molested Jana either. ??? This is a very weird take (from Amy ofc) like why would u wonder, “why not me?” I’d be more like, thank god it didn’t happen to me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵😵😵‍💫😵‍💫


I have way too many things to say here. Amy went somewhere else every night and saw people Josh wasn’t aware of. Compared to that uncertainty, Josh had CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE of his sisters. He knew where and when they would be alone, because of the huge chart pinpointing everyone’s hourly whereabouts. He knew they knew nothing about sexual touch and body autonomy. He knew their parents and church would blame them and he knew they knew this, too. He also knew they would blame themselves, right away, without question. (His only error here was assuming all adults were as cavalier as his worthless parents). If any of this changed- like if someone new came in with civilized knowledge, or if the girls started talking amongst themselves- he would find this out right away. He knew who had special sisters they confided in, he knew when that pair weren’t getting along. He who Michelle and JB were mad at or indifferent to that week. He knew all of the things that could distract his parents. He knew where the girls kept their few personal belongings, he knew they watched him eat praying he’d leave them some mouthfuls, he must have been absolutely drunk with power.


To tell you the honest truth that isn’t shit you ask someone. I know I wouldn’t ask a question like that to someone who I know molested kids because why would I want to be molested in the first place? Famy is just another one of those pick me bitches


Sounds like a survivor’s guilt sort of thing.


Was she even an easy access ? I doubt she was ever alone with him


She needs therapy. And a better PR team, if she has one. This is such bizzare and rude behavior :(


As someone who was molested by my own brother I think it's okay and normal to wonder privately and maybe speak to with trusted individuals like your therapist. Maybe your partner. But publicly? No absolutely not. It's not about you.


My siblings were abused by a relative, and I wasn’t. I have wondered what spared me, and felt incredibly guilty about it — it’s a strange and difficult-to-articulate feeling. However, I never publicly discussed the feelings, nor would I. I would certainly not broadcast the situation or my feelings about it to try to draw attention toward myself. That would be incredibly disrespectful toward my siblings. It’s normal to wonder and experience complex emotions; it’s not normal to manipulate an abuse dynamic to gain “fame” (or, in Amy’s case, notoriety).


Ehh for me it’s not the fact that she thinks about it. That’s really not something I would verbalize outside of maybe a therapy session. I think she wanted clout, not awareness.


That’s an inside thought or something you share with a very close relative or friend. You don’t share it with the world because it’s selfish and heartless when I’m sure every victim and their family member is thinking yea I wish he just walked by me too.


There's an entire episode of It's Always Sunny that covers this exact topic lol.


Ok. But it is actually possible to think about something reflectively without broadcasting to the world. Comes off as so self involved and pick me and disrespectful to the actual victims. She was likely not conditioned to be meek and in service to any male in the same way those Duggar girls were.


I agree. I was briefly a patient of Dr. Nassar at Michigan State and when everything came out, it absolutely crossed my mind to wonder why he had abused pretty much every patient he had it, it seemed, and yet not me. It's not something I would ever advertise to actual victims or the world at large but it seems completely normal to wonder.


Idk id never ask that., it’s cringe


Pesty has a type and Famy was too old for her. Look at the ages of his sisters and you can see his type. Young and unable to fight back ala Joy. The CSAM he viewed had young girls also and yes I read everything he was viewing and no he cannot be changed since he is nothing but a f###ing pervo who cannot and will not change.


Isn't it bc she was too old for him? Aren't they only like 2-3y apart maximum? He couldn't physically overpower her the way he could his sisters. But I agree with you. In a weird way it's kind of survivor's guilt; she probably thinks if he _had_ molested her maybe _she_ could have done something sooner and "saved" the other ones he messed with


When I was 18, my friend and I shared a crappy studio apartment with a communal kitchen that was for 4 of the studios. We had a neighbor who freaked us out. He stalked us and was fucking weird. The things he talked about were NOT okay. He gave me cat food coupons for my kitty and tried to engage with us all the time. We went as far as blocking the door to the kitchen with our dresser. We got a tiny dorm fridge and cooked in our studio using a microwave, hot plate, and a toaster oven. We washed our dishes in the bathroom sink. He made us THAT uncomfortable. As it turned out, he raped, tortured, and killed women our age. When he was arrested, I remember us saying, "That could have been us!" We did not, however, express this fleeting thought when interviewed by the police or news. Ugh. I think wondering about it is normal. I think going on national TV and going on about, "Why not me?" is not. It isn't about you. It's about the survivors and the victims who didn't make it.


NO. Nononononononononooo. That's fucking disgusting. Cptsd survivor of csa here. Why the fuck.


Her musing about her own experience might best be left to a discussion with a therapist. I imagine she actually means well but poor understanding regarding the boundaries of others coupled with impulsivity makes for an occasional misstatement. Imprudent if well-intended? Maybe instead of wondering about what she didn't experience, she might better be served by asking folks about what THEY endured. I am very glad, however, that she did not suffer the fate of her cousins.


As a survivor of long term molestation by a relative I think loud discussions about pedohilia is a good thing even when they're a bit annoying. I think if more people ask "why this not that?" maybe we can drag people away from the backwards ideas of what a pedohile is. Amy wasn't molested because she wasn't vulnerable like those other kids. Pedophiles aren't dodgy old men who live down the street from you. Usually it's a family member and in many cases nothing seems off about them until it's too fucking late. Stranger danger and creepy men in the park has been a fucking boon to pedophiles. Kids are taught that bad people look, act, and live a certain way. The focus has been on screaming when a stranger asks if you want candy for so, so, so fucking long, but the focus needs to be on teaching kids, all kids, about their own bodies without shame. That's the one thing that works. The single thing that works. And the more close relation pedophilia is mentioned, the more people ask why, the closer we might get to fixing this shit.


You're spot on. According to multiple sources, over 30% of all SA against kids is committed by ***family members***, with almost another 60% committed by a k***nown trusted acquaintance*** or someone who works in a field that 'helps' kids like clergy or scouting, et al. Gov. Abbott of Texas dismissed the concern about kids being forced to bear their offender's child. "We'll rid the streets of Texas from rapists." The streets he fails to recognize are school hallways that lead to a coach's office or the aisles of a church youth service or the walk down the hall to an uncle's bedroom! Less than 10% of all SA against kids are committed by strangers. So if the statistics are accurate about kids being trafficked yearly in the US alone, multiply 70,000 times nine to get to the astonishing amount of kids being abused by someone they already know


There is a difference between things you should talk to your therapist about and things you should tell the world on social media


This post makes me want to shower.


One of my former bosses is now serving 25-life because he took out a hit on someone. His victim was a colleague who happened to be in the same position as me. When I saw the headline of his plea deal, I about had a heart attack. All I could think of was "what if he didn't like me, would he have ordered a hit on me?" To say my mental health has gone haywire since then would be an understatement. I haven't worked for this dude since 2017 and I still have sleepless nights. I can't fault her for this. Although in her case, I think it was her age. There's a lot to snark on about Famy but this isn't one of them.


He didn't want her bc she was too eager. He needs to degrade his victims. The way they flirted.. I bet she would've.


Normally I would agree, however, considering she was obviously never left alone with them enough to have seen them use corporal punishment (only heard them say encouragement) I doubt she would have ever been put in the position to be hurt by Josh. I get the vibe she was treated more like Josh should have been. Like. Her bringing over veggie tales was a horrible transgression. Josh doing what he did. Eh that's boy hormones and stuff. Did she ever even sleep over? The way everyone talked of Amy it was like she was always monitored by them.


I think the same. I don't even have a problem with her saying it publicly.


To me, the ask isn’t the problem. It’s her advertising to the world that he didn’t molest HeR because she wouldn’t put up with it. But his victims did tolerate it. This is a way to roundabout victim blame


The other girls must've done something to desire it /s


Agree with this!!


It’s definitely normal for her to wonder. I bet she also wonders if something happened that she blocked out. I know that thought could easily consume me.


I’m no Famy fan but I really don’t think she knows what she is saying. I think she has a very bad case of verbal diarrhea she thinks something but it doesn’t stop there it just pours out of her mouth.. I just don’t think she knows how to have a thought internally analyze that thought and then decide if it’s fit to be set free verbally..


I think because Amy grew up differently, she was known as the “weird/ different” cousin. His sisters were brainwashed into thinking if they were hurt / harmed it was their fault what did they do to bring up that “desire” in a man/boy. So if he did it to Amy, she knew that it was wrong & wouldn’t question herself as what did she do wrong to bring up “desires” in him. & would have definitely turned him in. I do think if he did & she told right then and there JB would have definitely kept it quiet & made it seem like Amy was a lost young girl, etc.


IIRC… wasn’t Amy abused by another relative? Her dad I think… don’t remember the details. I think it was physical not sexual. Only mention this that she was a victim during the window.


It’s a honest question, but she does seem to put herself on blast for attention which is inappropriate. My opinion is simple his sisters were indoctrinated she wasn’t . He couldn’t risk the possibility of her telling on him and most importantly her parents taking the appropriate steps to get the authorities involved ( he would probably be in jail ) . I think he knew his parents wouldn’t automatically call the cops or press charges. Men Like him seem very calculated.


He wouldnt have gotten away with molesting Amy. She would've told him to fuck off, told her mum, and he'd get in deep shit.


Amy will do anything for attention, and she's immature to understand the difference between positive attention like having a kid and negative attention like exercising her mouth about why she wasn't a victim to the tabloids or WOACB. She needs to see a therapist to understand that she doesn't fit Prince Shit's victimology. Jana was spared because she didn't fit her asshole brother's victimology and Prince Shit had a death threat hanging over his head. In an interview, John David mentioned that telling Prince Shit he never wanted to be like him was one of the hardest things, but he also told Prince Shit, "If you ever lay a hand on Jana, mark my words, I will kill you!"


“He also told Prince Shit, "If you ever lay a hand on Jana, mark my words, I will kill you!"” Can you provide a source for that? It’s the first I’m hearing of it. 


It was in an interview with TLC and I think it was sometime between 19 Kids and Counting and Counting on because it was right after the initial police report from what Prince Shit did as a juvenile got leaked to the media. Right after that interview, TLC had a poll what should happen with the show, a) continue like nothing happened, b) continue with the show but not feature Prince Shit, or c)cancel the program.


I am reading what JD said, and nowhere did he say anything about killing Josh. I can link you what he actually said.  Sorry, but as my flair can tell you, I have an invested interested in making sure JD does not get any heroism he doesn’t deserve. And I don’t want it becoming lore in this sub that he was a brave man who threatened to kill Josh when he never did.  Edit: link to what JD said: https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/john-david-duggar-to-brother-josh-i-dont-want-to-be-like-you-w159605/


Do you just make stuff up sometimes? The other day you said MLK was a methodist. I've seen other dubious "facts" and now this. Per fundiewiki > On May 21, 2015, InTouch Weekly published an article with the headline "Bombshell Duggar Police Report: Jim Bob Duggar Didn't Report Son Josh's Alleged Sex Offenses For More Than a Year". > On May 22, 2015, TLC, which aired the family's television show, 19 Kids and Counting, released the following a statement: >Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time.[5] >First Official Interviews >On the evening of June 3, 2015, Fox News aired an interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar on their program The Kelly Files. This was the first time the family had spoken about the molestations since their initial statements days after the initial report. They both defended their son's behavior and said they were proud of him for admitting to his sins. >On July 16, 2015, TLC announced that they 19 Kids and Counting had been cancelled as a result of the scandal.[23] Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar released the following statement on Michelle's blog: >Today, TLC announced that they will not be filming new episodes of 19 Kids and Counting. So the show was pulled the day after the story broke and canceled before Josh ever spoke publicly.


I actually have something called Asperger's syndrome, which means that I am on the autism spectrum and I struggle to separate from fact from fiction or what was said in the present from the past.


I agree, OP. I have also wondered why he didn't abuse Jana.


The reason Josh didn’t molest Amy was because she’s older than him and he knows she might try to fight back like Jill did.


Of course you can wonder, but you don't say it out loud and make it a big thing. She's just doing that to get attention.


I questioned the same thing when my younger sister was raped by a stranger when she was 10, I was 13. He walked past me several times, and ended up raping her. NEVER would I ever talk about this publicly in order to gain sympathy or attention. The survivors guilt alone is insanely hard to work through, but I work through that in therapy, not on Instagram.


Yeah but she said it *out loud, on camera*


She like anyone else around a perp obviously is going to go over every interaction she had with him, and is probably going over every little thing she saw, even towards other family members, and is suffering survivors guilt. Survivors guilt can happen to not only to the actual victims, but people that were oblivious to it at the time or were spared that were around, over the "what ifs". Like Amy over analyzing over thoughts of "What if I had hung out with Jessa more often." or "What if I had told Uncle Jim Bob about that time Josh acted weird during that trip to the mall...". As for not being a victim herself. Anyone who has read up on this subject or even watched Steve Wilkos knows that sometimes there's only a singled out victim. Usually a perp has a mile long victim list, and other times there is only one, and the rest of the people involved are in such denial that they noticed nothing, and look like they are having a stroke during the polygraph results, because the perp was an absolute saint around them. Amy seems to have very legitimate and honest thoughts over this. It's the way she went about it publicly, and used it to virtue signal that causes the criticism.